Recent Items Portlet viewable by anonymous users Plone 4
his simple hack makes the Recent Items portlet viewable for non-logged in users rather then the default of only being viewable to logged in, non-anonymous users.
Change registration validation expiration duration for Plone 4
Just a quick note where to find the form to change the default expiration from 168 hours (1 week) to custom number of hours...
Plone 5.2 on Debian 11 with Python 3.8
Debian 11 currently comes with Python 3.9. Plone 5.2(.9) is not supported with Python 3.9. This information covers the Linux Unified Installer tarball on this platform and added Python 3.8.
An Alternative to Plone?
Plone has been having a rash of severe, critical, security compromises to all versions the past seveal months, and even their hotfixes and newer releases have ended up regressing back into newer versions. The multiple exploits this year have been severe, and impacting all versions of Plone since at least 2.5.
Wordpress Versus Plone 5
You may have seen my various postings about the decline of Plone sine 5.x. A recent solicitation email prompted a revival of our disappointment and real issues and challenges we're dealing with as we try to find a platform to migrate to from Plone 5.x.