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Cent OS 8 Linux on Dell XPS 2-in-1
Recently "upgraded" from Cent OS 7 on my Dell XPS 2 in 1 to Cent OS 8. This has a slew of challenges and differences from similar efforts with other distros. This page will be a capture of my notes.
centos decrypt luks "feature only available with HAL" trinity
Trouble decrypting LUKS encrypted device in Cent OS 7 using Trinity Desktop Environment (TDE). Quick notes to address.
Linux and TDE on Dell XPS 9575 15 inch 2-in-1
Here is information on the challenges of trying to get Linux (and BSD) to run on a Dell 2-in-1 15 in. 9575 XPS laptop / tablet.
Q4os Linux on Dell 2 in 1 XPS
Since Cent OS 7 was never able to fully support my hardware, and Cent OS 8 doesn't support any of the software I need (see the previous postings), I had to drop CentOS from laptop use. After some research I'm trying out Q4os to see if it can address both the hardware and software requirements. Here are notes on the process...