An Alternative to Plone?
Plone has been having a rash of severe, critical, security compromises to all versions the past seveal months, and even their hotfixes and newer releases have ended up regressing back into newer versions. The multiple exploits this year have been severe, and impacting all versions of Plone since at least 2.5.
Change Plone Logo link from Home to External URL
I didn't get any useful responses from the Plone IRC channel this unfortunately, but after a while of digging, and a lot of trial and error, I finally figured out how to make this change easily.
Change registration validation expiration duration for Plone 4
Just a quick note where to find the form to change the default expiration from 168 hours (1 week) to custom number of hours...
Important Plone Hotfix 20150910
Important to apply Plone Hotfix 20150910 for registration spam and other security issues.
Making Ploneboard 2.2 run with Plone 4.1
Ploneboard 2.2 now installs on Plone 4.1 using buildout, but then the cluster won't start, causing plenty of disconnects/connects errors in client1, client2, and zeoserver log files. However, this simple hack to one line of the Ploneboard eggs code will get it working....
Open Source, like Plone, becoming too mercenary?
It seems in recent years a number of the "open source" communities have become exponentially mercenary, scaling down the core of products to try to force paid development or add ons. Plone is just one of many examples of this unfortunate trend in the open source community (which I have been a part of since the 1980s)...
pas.plugins.ldap on Plone 5.0.6
Having trouble getting this to work. Since pastie.org and and others limit the size, posting here so can see full process and logs in detail. Critical to get LDAP support working for Plone. Hopefully someone can help figure out what is wrong. Thanks!
Plone 5 Cookie Session Timeout
Quick note reminder on how to set the session duration from the very short default of only around 20 minutes, to something more useful...
Plone 5, Apache, and SSL with Lets Encrypt
Walkthrough setting up SSL using Let's Encrypt by EFF, for a setup using Apache web server front end relaying to Plone 5.
Plone 5.2 on Debian 11 with Python 3.8
Debian 11 currently comes with Python 3.9. Plone 5.2(.9) is not supported with Python 3.9. This information covers the Linux Unified Installer tarball on this platform and added Python 3.8.