pas.plugins.ldap on Plone 5.0.6
A completely fresh 5.0.6 UnifiedInstaller installation under OpenSuse 13.2.
Starting without pas.plugins.ldap:
zeoserver: .
daemon process started, pid=23291
client1: .
daemon process started, pid=23298
client2: .
daemon process started, pid=23309
Works great.
Adding pas.plugins.ldap to buildout.cfg, running builout, can't fully start due to errors:
sudo -u plone_daemon /arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/bin/zeoserver start
daemon process started, pid=23694
cat var/zeoserver/zeoserver.log
2016-11-24T11:51:31 daemonizing the process
2016-11-24T11:51:31 set current directory: '/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/parts/zeoserver'
2016-11-24T11:51:31 daemon manager started
2016-11-24T11:51:31 spawned process pid=23694
2016-11-24T11:51:32 (23694) created PID file '/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/var/zeoserver/'
2016-11-24T11:51:32 (23694) opening storage '1' using FileStorage
2016-11-24T11:51:32 StorageServer created RW with storages: 1:RW:/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/var/filestorage/Data.fs
2016-11-24T11:51:32 (23694) listening on ('', 5100)
sudo -u plone_daemon /arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/bin/client1 fg
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/bin/client1", line 272, in <module>
import plone.recipe.zope2instance.ctl
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/plone.recipe.zope2instance-4.2.21-py2.7.egg/plone/", line 1, in <module>
File "/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pkg_resources/", line 3017, in <module>
File "/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pkg_resources/", line 3003, in _call_aside
f(*args, **kwargs)
File "/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pkg_resources/", line 3045, in _initialize_master_working_set
File "/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pkg_resources/", line 2575, in activate
for pkg in self._get_metadata('namespace_packages.txt'):
File "/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pkg_resources/", line 2565, in _get_metadata
for line in self.get_metadata_lines(name):
File "/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pkg_resources/", line 1471, in get_metadata_lines
return yield_lines(self.get_metadata(name))
File "/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pkg_resources/", line 1467, in get_metadata
value = self._get(self._fn(self.egg_info, name))
File "/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pkg_resources/", line 1576, in _get
with open(path, 'rb') as stream:
IOError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/odict-1.5.1-py2.7.egg/EGG-INFO/namespace_packages.txt'
sudo -u plone_daemon /arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/bin/plonectl start
zeoserver: .
daemon process started, pid=23484
client1: Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/bin/client1", line 272, in <module>
import plone.recipe.zope2instance.ctl
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/plone.recipe.zope2instance-4.2.21-py2.7.egg/plone/", line 1, in <module>
File "/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pkg_resources/", line 3017, in <module>
File "/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pkg_resources/", line 3003, in _call_aside
f(*args, **kwargs)
File "/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pkg_resources/", line 3045, in _initialize_master_working_set
File "/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pkg_resources/", line 2575, in activate
for pkg in self._get_metadata('namespace_packages.txt'):
File "/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pkg_resources/", line 2565, in _get_metadata
for line in self.get_metadata_lines(name):
File "/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pkg_resources/", line 1471, in get_metadata_lines
return yield_lines(self.get_metadata(name))
File "/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pkg_resources/", line 1467, in get_metadata
value = self._get(self._fn(self.egg_info, name))
File "/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pkg_resources/", line 1576, in _get
with open(path, 'rb') as stream:
IOError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/odict-1.5.1-py2.7.egg/EGG-INFO/namespace_packages.txt'
Server starts, but not clients
# cat var/zeoserver/zeoserver.log
2016-11-24T11:42:01 daemonizing the process
2016-11-24T11:42:01 set current directory: '/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/parts/zeoserver'
2016-11-24T11:42:01 daemon manager started
2016-11-24T11:42:01 spawned process pid=23484
2016-11-24T11:42:01 (23484) created PID file '/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/var/zeoserver/'
2016-11-24T11:42:01 (23484) opening storage '1' using FileStorage
2016-11-24T11:42:01 StorageServer created RW with storages: 1:RW:/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/var/filestorage/Data.fs
2016-11-24T11:42:01 (23484) listening on ('', 5100)
# cat var/client1/event.log
Nothing happens.
# ps -ef | grep /5
plone_d+ 23482 1 0 11:42 ? 00:00:00 /arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/bin/python2.7 /arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/bin/zeoserver -S /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/ZODB3-3.10.5-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/ZEO/zeoctl.xml -C /arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/parts/zeoserver/etc/zeo.conf /arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/parts/zeoserver/bin/runzeo
plone_d+ 23484 23482 0 11:42 ? 00:00:00 /arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/bin/python2.7 /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/ZODB3-3.10.5-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/ZEO/ -C /arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/parts/zeoserver/etc/zeo.conf
root 23529 22470 0 11:44 pts/0 00:00:00 grep --color=auto /5
cat buildout.cfg
# Buildout Configuration File for Plone
# -------------------------------------
# ALWAYS back up all Plone/Zope data and components
# before changing configuration.
# Running "bin/buildout" will update your installation,
# installing missing components as necessary.
# This will update the add-on products you've added in the eggs= lines.
# This will not, however, upgrade Plone itself (or anything else you've
# pinned with a version specification). To upgrade Plone itself, see the
# comments in "Plone Component Versions".
# Tutorial instructions for using zc.buildout for
# configuration management are available at:
# Full details at
# Plone Component Versions
# ------------------------
# This version of the Unified Installer has the components of Plone 5
# preloaded so that it can install without an Internet connection.
# If you want to update, uncomment the "http://..." line below,
# edit it to point to the current version URL, comment out the
# "versions.cfg" line and run "bin/buildout" while attached to the
# Internet. Generally, you only want to do that as part of a planned migration.
# Note that if you are updating components, you should also check the versions
# section at the end of this file, since recipes or components other than
# those of Zope and Plone may need updating at the same time.
extends =
# If you change your Plone version, you'll also need to update
# the repository link below.
find-links +=
# If you try to start Zope as root, it will change user id to run as
# the effective user specified here. This user id must own the var directory
# of your buildout.
effective-user = plone_daemon
# This user will own the rest of the installation, and should be used to
# run buildout.
buildout-user = plone_buildout
# A flag to tell the Unified Installer whether or not to document sudo use.
need-sudo = yes
# Eggs
# ----
# Add an indented line to the eggs section for any Python
# eggs or packages you wish to include in your Plone instance.
# Note that versions may be specified here or in the [versions]
# section below. You should always specify versions that you know
# are compatible with the Plone release and at an acceptable
# development level.
# If you update to a later version of Plone, remove the hotfix.
eggs =
# ZCML Slugs
# ----------
# Some eggs need ZCML slugs to tell Zope to
# use them. This is increasingly rare.
zcml =
# plone.reload
# Development Eggs
# ----------------
# You can use paster to create "development eggs" to
# develop new products/themes. Put these in the src/
# directory.
# You will also need to add the egg names in the
# eggs section above, and may also need to add them
# to the zcml section.
# Provide the *paths* to the eggs you are developing here:
develop =
# src/my.package
# var Directory
# -------------
# Sets the target directory for the "var" components of the install such as
# database and log files.
# Backup Directory
# ----------------
# Sets the target directory for the bin/backup and bin/snapshotbackup
# commands. Default is inside this project's var directory, but ideally
# this should be on a separate volume or backup server.
# Initial User
# ------------
# This is the user id and password that will be used to create the initial
# user id that will allow you to log in and create a Plone site. This only
# sets the initial password; it will not allow you to change an already
# existing password. If you change the admin password via the web interface,
# the one below will no longer be valid.
# If you find yourself locked out of your Zope/Python installation, you may
# add an emergency user via "bin/plonectl adduser".
# Debug Options
# -------------
# Start Zope/Plone instances in "fg" mode to turn on debug mode;
# this will dramatically slow Plone.
# Add-on developers should turn deprecation warnings on
deprecation-warnings = off
# change verbose-security to "on" for useful security errors while developing
verbose-security = off
# Parts Specification
# Specifies the components that should be included in the buildout.
# Most are defined in the base.cfg extension; you may add your
# own if you need them at the end of this file.
parts =
# Major Parts
# ----------------------
# These common parts make use of sane base settings from
# base.cfg. To customize a part, just add whatever options
# you need. Read base.cfg for common settings.
<= zeoserver_base
recipe = plone.recipe.zeoserver
zeo-address =
<= client_base
recipe = plone.recipe.zope2instance
zeo-address = ${zeoserver:zeo-address}
http-address =
<= client_base
recipe = plone.recipe.zope2instance
zeo-address = ${zeoserver:zeo-address}
http-address =
# Versions Specification
# ----------------------
# Version information supplied here will "pin" Python packages to a particular
# version number, even when you use the "newest" flag running buildout.
# Specifying versions for all packages is a good idea and can prevent
# accidental changes when you add new packages to your buildout.
# Note that versions specified here will override those specified earlier
# in the configuration, including those from the Plone and Zope version
# config files.
# Use the setuptools and zc.buildout versions that are
# available in our Python environment.
setuptools =
zc.buildout =
Products.PloneHotfix20160830 = 1.3
Pillow = 3.3.1
# installer dependencyies
buildout.sanitycheck = 1.0.2
collective.recipe.backup = 3.0.0
plone.recipe.unifiedinstaller = 4.3.2
# develop.cfg dependencies
args = 0.1.0
bobtemplates.plone = 1.0.4
clint = 0.5.1
collective.checkdocs = 0.2
colorama = 0.3.7
MarkupSafe = 0.23
mr.bob = 0.1.2
pkginfo = 1.3.2
Products.DocFinderTab = 1.0.5
requests-toolbelt = 0.7.0
twine = 1.8.1
zest.pocompile = 1.4
zest.releaser = 6.6.5
sudo -u plone_buildout bin/buildout -v
d2d203:/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster # ./
Installing 'buildout.sanitycheck'.
We have the distribution that satisfies 'buildout.sanitycheck==1.0.2'.
Installing 'plone.recipe.zeoserver'.
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.recipe.zeoserver==1.2.9'.
Getting required 'ZopeUndo==2.12.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'ZopeUndo==2.12.0'.
Getting required 'ZODB3==3.10.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'ZODB3==3.10.5'.
Getting required 'zope.mkzeoinstance==3.9.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.mkzeoinstance==3.9.5'.
Getting required 'zc.recipe.egg==2.0.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zc.recipe.egg==2.0.3'.
Getting required 'zope.interface==3.6.7'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.interface==3.6.7'.
Getting required 'zope.event==3.5.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.event==3.5.2'.
Getting required 'zdaemon==2.0.7'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zdaemon==2.0.7'.
Getting required 'ZConfig==2.9.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'ZConfig==2.9.3'.
Getting required 'zc.lockfile==1.0.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zc.lockfile==1.0.2'.
Getting required 'transaction==1.1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'transaction==1.1.1'.
Installing 'plone.recipe.zope2instance'.
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.recipe.zope2instance==4.2.21'.
Getting required 'Zope2==2.13.24'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Zope2==2.13.24'.
Getting required 'mailinglogger==3.8.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'mailinglogger==3.8.0'.
Getting required 'Products.StandardCacheManagers==2.13.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.StandardCacheManagers==2.13.1'.
Getting required 'Products.PythonScripts==2.13.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.PythonScripts==2.13.2'.
Getting required 'Products.MIMETools==2.13.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.MIMETools==2.13.0'.
Getting required 'Products.MailHost==2.13.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.MailHost==2.13.2'.
Getting required 'Products.ExternalMethod==2.13.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.ExternalMethod==2.13.1'.
Getting required 'Products.BTreeFolder2==2.14.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.BTreeFolder2==2.14.0'.
Getting required 'zope.viewlet==3.7.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.viewlet==3.7.2'.
Getting required 'zope.traversing==3.13.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.traversing==3.13.2'.
Getting required 'zope.testing==3.9.7'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.testing==3.9.7'.
Getting required 'zope.testbrowser==3.11.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.testbrowser==3.11.1'.
Getting required 'zope.tales==3.5.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.tales==3.5.3'.
Getting required 'zope.tal==3.5.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.tal==3.5.2'.
Getting required 'zope.structuredtext==3.5.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.structuredtext==3.5.1'.
Getting required 'zope.size==3.4.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.size==3.4.1'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'zope.sequencesort==3.4.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.sequencesort==3.4.0'.
Getting required 'zope.sendmail==3.7.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.sendmail==3.7.5'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'zope.schema==4.4.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.schema==4.4.2'.
Getting required 'zope.publisher==3.12.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.publisher==3.12.6'.
Getting required 'zope.ptresource==3.9.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.ptresource==3.9.0'.
Getting required 'zope.proxy==3.6.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.proxy==3.6.1'.
Getting required 'zope.processlifetime==1.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.processlifetime==1.0'.
Getting required 'zope.pagetemplate==3.6.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.pagetemplate==3.6.3'.
Getting required 'zope.location==3.9.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.location==3.9.1'.
Getting required 'zope.lifecycleevent==3.6.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.lifecycleevent==3.6.2'.
Getting required 'zope.i18nmessageid==3.5.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.i18nmessageid==3.5.3'.
Getting required 'zope.i18n[zcml]==3.7.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.i18n[zcml]==3.7.4'.
Getting required 'zope.exceptions==3.6.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.exceptions==3.6.2'.
Getting required 'zope.deferredimport==3.5.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.deferredimport==3.5.3'.
Getting required 'zope.contenttype==3.5.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.contenttype==3.5.5'.
Getting required 'zope.contentprovider==3.7.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.contentprovider==3.7.2'.
Getting required 'zope.container==3.11.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.container==3.11.2'.
Getting required 'zope.configuration==3.7.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.configuration==3.7.4'.
Getting required 'zope.component==3.9.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.component==3.9.5'.
Getting required 'zope.browserresource==3.10.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.browserresource==3.10.3'.
Getting required 'zope.browserpage==3.12.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.browserpage==3.12.2'.
Getting required 'zope.browsermenu==3.9.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.browsermenu==3.9.1'.
Getting required 'zope.browser==1.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.browser==1.3'.
Getting required 'zLOG==2.11.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zLOG==2.11.2'.
Getting required 'zExceptions==2.13.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zExceptions==2.13.0'.
Getting required 'tempstorage==2.12.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'tempstorage==2.12.2'.
Getting required 'pytz==2015.7'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'pytz==2015.7'.
Getting required 'initgroups==2.13.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'initgroups==2.13.0'.
Getting required 'docutils==0.12'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'docutils==0.12'.
Getting required 'RestrictedPython==3.6.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'RestrictedPython==3.6.0'.
Getting required 'Record==2.13.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Record==2.13.0'.
Getting required 'Products.ZCTextIndex==2.13.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.ZCTextIndex==2.13.5'.
Getting required 'Products.ZCatalog==3.0.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.ZCatalog==3.0.2'.
Getting required 'Products.OFSP==2.13.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.OFSP==2.13.2'.
Getting required 'Persistence==2.13.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Persistence==2.13.2'.
Getting required 'MultiMapping==2.13.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'MultiMapping==2.13.0'.
Getting required 'Missing==2.13.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Missing==2.13.1'.
Getting required 'ExtensionClass==4.1.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'ExtensionClass==4.1.2'.
Getting required 'DocumentTemplate==2.13.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'DocumentTemplate==2.13.2'.
Getting required 'DateTime==4.0.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'DateTime==4.0.1'.
Getting required 'Acquisition==4.2.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Acquisition==4.2.2'.
Getting required 'AccessControl==3.0.12'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'AccessControl==3.0.12'.
Getting required 'mechanize==0.2.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'mechanize==0.2.5'.
Getting required 'zope.annotation==3.5.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.annotation==3.5.0'.
Getting required 'zope.broken==3.6.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.broken==3.6.0'.
Getting required 'zope.filerepresentation==3.6.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.filerepresentation==3.6.1'.
Getting required 'zope.dottedname==3.4.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.dottedname==3.4.6'.
Installing 'collective.recipe.backup'.
We have the distribution that satisfies 'collective.recipe.backup==3.0.0'.
Installing 'plone.recipe.unifiedinstaller'.
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.recipe.unifiedinstaller==4.3.2'.
Adding find link '' from plone.recipe.unifiedinstaller 4.3.2
Installing 'plone.recipe.precompiler'.
Adding find link '' from plone.recipe.precompiler 0.6
Picked: plone.recipe.precompiler = 0.6
Getting required 'python-gettext==3.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'python-gettext==3.0'.
Installing 'plone.recipe.command'.
Picked: plone.recipe.command = 1.1
Uninstalling client2.
Uninstalling client1.
Updating zeoserver.
Installing 'plone.recipe.zeoserver'.
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.recipe.zeoserver==1.2.9'.
Getting required 'ZopeUndo==2.12.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'ZopeUndo==2.12.0'.
Getting required 'ZODB3==3.10.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'ZODB3==3.10.5'.
Getting required 'zope.mkzeoinstance==3.9.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.mkzeoinstance==3.9.5'.
Getting required 'zc.recipe.egg==2.0.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zc.recipe.egg==2.0.3'.
Getting required 'setuptools'
required by plone.recipe.zeoserver 1.2.9.
required by zc.recipe.egg 2.0.3.
required by zope.mkzeoinstance 3.9.5.
We have a develop egg: setuptools 28.8.0
Adding find link '' from setuptools 28.8.0
Adding find link '' from setuptools 28.8.0
Getting required 'zc.buildout'
required by plone.recipe.zeoserver 1.2.9.
We have a develop egg: zc.buildout 2.5.3
Getting required 'zope.interface==3.6.7'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.interface==3.6.7'.
Getting required 'zope.event==3.5.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.event==3.5.2'.
Getting required 'zdaemon==2.0.7'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zdaemon==2.0.7'.
Getting required 'ZConfig==2.9.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'ZConfig==2.9.3'.
Getting required 'zc.lockfile==1.0.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zc.lockfile==1.0.2'.
Getting required 'transaction==1.1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'transaction==1.1.1'.
Installing client1.
/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pkg_resources/ RuntimeWarning: You have iterated over the result of pkg_resources.parse_version. This is a legacy behavior which is inconsistent with the new version class introduced in setuptools 8.0. In most cases, conversion to a tuple is unnecessary. For comparison of versions, sort the Version instances directly. If you have another use case requiring the tuple, please file a bug with the setuptools project describing that need.
Installing 'Plone', 'Pillow', 'plone.recipe.zope2instance'.
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Plone==5.0.6'.
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Pillow==3.3.1'.
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.recipe.zope2instance==4.2.21'.
Getting required 'ZODB3==3.10.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'ZODB3==3.10.5'.
Getting required 'Zope2==2.13.24'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Zope2==2.13.24'.
Getting required 'zc.recipe.egg==2.0.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zc.recipe.egg==2.0.3'.
Getting required 'mailinglogger==3.8.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'mailinglogger==3.8.0'.
Getting required 'setuptools'
required by zc.recipe.egg 2.0.3.
required by Zope2 2.13.24.
required by plone.recipe.zope2instance 4.2.21.
required by Plone 5.0.6.
We have a develop egg: setuptools 28.8.0
Adding find link '' from setuptools 28.8.0
Adding find link '' from setuptools 28.8.0
Getting required 'zc.buildout'
required by plone.recipe.zope2instance 4.2.21.
We have a develop egg: zc.buildout 2.5.3
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'Products.CMFPlone==5.0.6rc1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.CMFPlone==5.0.6rc1'.
Getting required 'Products.CMFPlacefulWorkflow==1.6.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.CMFPlacefulWorkflow==1.6.5'.
Getting required 'Products.ATContentTypes==2.2.13'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.ATContentTypes==2.2.13'.
Getting required 'Products.Archetypes==1.10.15'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.Archetypes==1.10.15'.
Getting required 'zope.interface==3.6.7'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.interface==3.6.7'.
Getting required 'zope.event==3.5.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.event==3.5.2'.
Getting required 'zdaemon==2.0.7'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zdaemon==2.0.7'.
Getting required 'ZConfig==2.9.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'ZConfig==2.9.3'.
Getting required 'zc.lockfile==1.0.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zc.lockfile==1.0.2'.
Getting required 'transaction==1.1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'transaction==1.1.1'.
Getting required 'Products.StandardCacheManagers==2.13.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.StandardCacheManagers==2.13.1'.
Getting required 'Products.PythonScripts==2.13.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.PythonScripts==2.13.2'.
Getting required 'Products.MIMETools==2.13.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.MIMETools==2.13.0'.
Getting required 'Products.MailHost==2.13.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.MailHost==2.13.2'.
Getting required 'Products.ExternalMethod==2.13.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.ExternalMethod==2.13.1'.
Getting required 'Products.BTreeFolder2==2.14.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.BTreeFolder2==2.14.0'.
Getting required 'zope.viewlet==3.7.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.viewlet==3.7.2'.
Getting required 'zope.traversing==3.13.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.traversing==3.13.2'.
Getting required 'zope.testing==3.9.7'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.testing==3.9.7'.
Getting required 'zope.testbrowser==3.11.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.testbrowser==3.11.1'.
Getting required 'zope.tales==3.5.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.tales==3.5.3'.
Getting required 'zope.tal==3.5.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.tal==3.5.2'.
Getting required 'zope.structuredtext==3.5.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.structuredtext==3.5.1'.
Getting required 'zope.size==3.4.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.size==3.4.1'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'zope.sequencesort==3.4.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.sequencesort==3.4.0'.
Getting required 'zope.sendmail==3.7.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.sendmail==3.7.5'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'zope.schema==4.4.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.schema==4.4.2'.
Getting required 'zope.publisher==3.12.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.publisher==3.12.6'.
Getting required 'zope.ptresource==3.9.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.ptresource==3.9.0'.
Getting required 'zope.proxy==3.6.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.proxy==3.6.1'.
Getting required 'zope.processlifetime==1.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.processlifetime==1.0'.
Getting required 'zope.pagetemplate==3.6.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.pagetemplate==3.6.3'.
Getting required 'zope.location==3.9.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.location==3.9.1'.
Getting required 'zope.lifecycleevent==3.6.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.lifecycleevent==3.6.2'.
Getting required 'zope.i18nmessageid==3.5.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.i18nmessageid==3.5.3'.
Getting required 'zope.i18n[zcml]==3.7.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.i18n[zcml]==3.7.4'.
Getting required 'zope.exceptions==3.6.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.exceptions==3.6.2'.
Getting required 'zope.deferredimport==3.5.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.deferredimport==3.5.3'.
Getting required 'zope.contenttype==3.5.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.contenttype==3.5.5'.
Getting required 'zope.contentprovider==3.7.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.contentprovider==3.7.2'.
Getting required 'zope.container==3.11.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.container==3.11.2'.
Getting required 'zope.configuration==3.7.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.configuration==3.7.4'.
Getting required 'zope.component==3.9.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.component==3.9.5'.
Getting required 'zope.browserresource==3.10.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.browserresource==3.10.3'.
Getting required 'zope.browserpage==3.12.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.browserpage==3.12.2'.
Getting required 'zope.browsermenu==3.9.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.browsermenu==3.9.1'.
Getting required 'zope.browser==1.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.browser==1.3'.
Getting required 'zLOG==2.11.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zLOG==2.11.2'.
Getting required 'zExceptions==2.13.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zExceptions==2.13.0'.
Getting required 'tempstorage==2.12.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'tempstorage==2.12.2'.
Getting required 'pytz==2015.7'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'pytz==2015.7'.
Getting required 'initgroups==2.13.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'initgroups==2.13.0'.
Getting required 'docutils==0.12'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'docutils==0.12'.
Getting required 'ZopeUndo==2.12.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'ZopeUndo==2.12.0'.
Getting required 'RestrictedPython==3.6.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'RestrictedPython==3.6.0'.
Getting required 'Record==2.13.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Record==2.13.0'.
Getting required 'Products.ZCTextIndex==2.13.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.ZCTextIndex==2.13.5'.
Getting required 'Products.ZCatalog==3.0.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.ZCatalog==3.0.2'.
Getting required 'Products.OFSP==2.13.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.OFSP==2.13.2'.
Getting required 'Persistence==2.13.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Persistence==2.13.2'.
Getting required 'MultiMapping==2.13.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'MultiMapping==2.13.0'.
Getting required 'Missing==2.13.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Missing==2.13.1'.
Getting required 'ExtensionClass==4.1.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'ExtensionClass==4.1.2'.
Getting required 'DocumentTemplate==2.13.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'DocumentTemplate==2.13.2'.
Getting required 'DateTime==4.0.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'DateTime==4.0.1'.
Getting required 'Acquisition==4.2.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Acquisition==4.2.2'.
Getting required 'AccessControl==3.0.12'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'AccessControl==3.0.12'.
Getting required 'Products.SecureMailHost==1.1.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.SecureMailHost==1.1.2'.
Getting required 'Products.ResourceRegistries==3.0.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.ResourceRegistries==3.0.4'.
Getting required 'Products.PortalTransforms==2.2.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.PortalTransforms==2.2.1'.
Getting required 'Products.PluggableAuthService==1.11.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.PluggableAuthService==1.11.0'.
Getting required 'Products.PlonePAS==5.0.11'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.PlonePAS==5.0.11'.
Getting required 'Products.MimetypesRegistry==2.0.10'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.MimetypesRegistry==2.0.10'.
Getting required 'Products.GenericSetup==1.8.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.GenericSetup==1.8.3'.
Getting required 'Products.DCWorkflow==2.2.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.DCWorkflow==2.2.5'.
Getting required 'Products.CMFUid==2.2.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.CMFUid==2.2.1'.
Getting required 'Products.CMFQuickInstallerTool==3.0.13'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.CMFQuickInstallerTool==3.0.13'.
Getting required 'Products.CMFFormController==3.0.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.CMFFormController==3.0.6'.
Getting required 'Products.CMFEditions==2.2.21'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.CMFEditions==2.2.21'.
Getting required 'Products.CMFDiffTool==3.1.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.CMFDiffTool==3.1.2'.
Getting required 'Products.CMFCore==2.2.10'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.CMFCore==2.2.10'.
Getting required 'Products.contentmigration==2.1.13'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.contentmigration==2.1.13'.
Getting required 'zope.ramcache==1.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.ramcache==1.0'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'plone.session==3.6.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.session==3.6.0'.
Getting required 'plone.portlets==2.2.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.portlets==2.2.3'.
Getting required 'five.localsitemanager==2.0.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'five.localsitemanager==2.0.5'.
Getting required 'borg.localrole==3.1.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'borg.localrole==3.1.2'.
Getting required 'plone.openid==2.0.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.openid==2.0.4'.
Getting required 'Products.statusmessages==4.1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.statusmessages==4.1.1'.
Getting required 'zope.annotation==3.5.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.annotation==3.5.0'.
Getting required 'plone.memoize==1.2.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.memoize==1.2.0'.
Getting required 'plone.locking==2.1.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.locking==2.1.2'.
Getting required 'z3c.form==3.2.9'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'z3c.form==3.2.9'.
Getting required 'zope.deprecation==3.4.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.deprecation==3.4.1'.
Getting required 'plone.z3cform==0.8.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.z3cform==0.8.1'.
Getting required 'plone.supermodel==1.3.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.supermodel==1.3.0'.
Getting required 'plone.contentrules==2.0.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.contentrules==2.0.6'.
Getting required 'plone.autoform==1.6.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.autoform==1.6.2'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'lxml==3.5.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'lxml==3.5.0'.
Getting required 'plone.schemaeditor==2.0.11'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.schemaeditor==2.0.11'.
Getting required 'plone.rfc822==1.1.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.rfc822==1.1.3'.
Getting required 'plone.namedfile[scales]==3.0.9'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.namedfile[scales]==3.0.9'.
Getting required 'plone.formwidget.namedfile==1.0.15'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.formwidget.namedfile==1.0.15'.
Getting required 'plone.dexterity==2.4.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.dexterity==2.4.3'.
Getting required 'plone.behavior==1.1.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.behavior==1.1.2'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'z3c.zcmlhook==1.0b1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'z3c.zcmlhook==1.0b1'.
Getting required 'Products.CMFDynamicViewFTI==4.1.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.CMFDynamicViewFTI==4.1.4'.
Getting required 'plone.registry==1.0.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.registry==1.0.4'.
Getting required 'plone.protect==3.0.19'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.protect==3.0.19'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'plone.cachepurging==1.0.12'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.cachepurging==1.0.12'.
Getting required 'plone.caching==1.1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.caching==1.1.1'.
Getting required 'python-dateutil==2.4.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'python-dateutil==2.4.2'.
Getting required 'zope.dottedname==3.4.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.dottedname==3.4.6'.
Getting required 'zope.cachedescriptors==3.5.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.cachedescriptors==3.5.1'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'z3c.autoinclude==0.3.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'z3c.autoinclude==0.3.6'.
Getting required 'slimit==0.8.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'slimit==0.8.1'.
Getting required 'plonetheme.barceloneta==1.6.21'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plonetheme.barceloneta==1.6.21'.
Getting required 'plone.theme==3.0.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.theme==3.0.0'.
Getting required 'plone.schema==1.0.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.schema==1.0.0'.
Getting required 'plone.portlet.static==3.0.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.portlet.static==3.0.2'.
Getting required 'plone.portlet.collection==3.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.portlet.collection==3.1'.
Getting required 'plone.outputfilters==2.1.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.outputfilters==2.1.5'.
Getting required 'plone.intelligenttext==2.1.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.intelligenttext==2.1.0'.
Getting required 'plone.indexer==1.0.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.indexer==1.0.4'.
Getting required 'plone.i18n==3.0.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.i18n==3.0.5'.
Getting required 'plone.browserlayer==2.1.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.browserlayer==2.1.6'.
Getting required 'plone.batching==1.1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.batching==1.1.1'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'plone.api==1.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.api==1.5'.
Getting required 'mockup==2.1.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'mockup==2.1.5'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'five.customerize==1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'five.customerize==1.1'.
Getting required 'cssmin==0.2.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'cssmin==0.2.0'.
Getting required 'Products.PluginRegistry==1.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.PluginRegistry==1.4'.
Getting required 'Products.PlacelessTranslationService==2.0.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.PlacelessTranslationService==2.0.6'.
Getting required 'Products.PasswordResetTool==2.2.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.PasswordResetTool==2.2.3'.
Getting required 'Products.ExternalEditor==1.1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.ExternalEditor==1.1.1'.
Getting required 'Products.ExtendedPathIndex==3.1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.ExtendedPathIndex==3.1.1'.
Getting required 'Products.validation==2.0.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.validation==2.0.2'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'plone.uuid==1.0.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.uuid==1.0.4'.
Getting required 'plone.folder==1.0.9'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.folder==1.0.9'.
Getting required 'Products.ZSQLMethods==2.13.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.ZSQLMethods==2.13.4'.
Getting required 'zope.datetime==3.4.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.datetime==3.4.1'.
Getting required 'mechanize==0.2.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'mechanize==0.2.5'.
Getting required 'zope.broken==3.6.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.broken==3.6.0'.
Getting required 'zope.filerepresentation==3.6.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.filerepresentation==3.6.1'.
Getting required 'Markdown==2.6.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Markdown==2.6.6'.
Getting required 'zope.formlib==4.0.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.formlib==4.0.6'.
Getting required 'Products.ZopeVersionControl==1.1.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.ZopeVersionControl==1.1.3'.
Getting required 'zope.copy==3.5.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.copy==3.5.0'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'feedparser==5.2.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'feedparser==5.2.1'.
Getting required 'plone.keyring==3.0.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.keyring==3.0.1'.
Getting required 'python-openid==2.2.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'python-openid==2.2.5'.
Getting required 'six==1.10.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'six==1.10.0'.
Getting required 'zope.componentvocabulary==1.0.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.componentvocabulary==1.0.1'.
Getting required 'zope.globalrequest==1.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.globalrequest==1.2'.
Getting required 'z3c.formwidget.query==0.12'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'z3c.formwidget.query==0.12'.
Getting required 'plone.scale[storage]==1.4.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.scale[storage]==1.4.1'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'plone.synchronize==1.0.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.synchronize==1.0.1'.
Getting required 'plone.alterego==1.0.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.alterego==1.0.1'.
Getting required 'collective.monkeypatcher==1.1.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'collective.monkeypatcher==1.1.2'.
Getting required 'five.globalrequest==1.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'five.globalrequest==1.0'.
Getting required 'repoze.xmliter==0.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'repoze.xmliter==0.6'.
Getting required 'plone.transformchain==1.2.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.transformchain==1.2.0'.
Getting required 'z3c.caching==2.0a1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'z3c.caching==2.0a1'.
Getting required 'ply==3.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'ply==3.4'.
Getting required 'Unidecode==0.04.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Unidecode==0.04.1'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'roman==1.4.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'roman==1.4.0'.
Getting required 'plone.subrequest==1.7.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.subrequest==1.7.0'.
Getting required 'plone.resourceeditor==2.0.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.resourceeditor==2.0.5'.
Getting required 'plone.resource==1.0.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.resource==1.0.6'.
Getting required 'diazo==1.2.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'diazo==1.2.3'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'z3c.relationfield==0.7'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'z3c.relationfield==0.7'.
Getting required 'archetypes.multilingual==3.0.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'archetypes.multilingual==3.0.3'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'plone.stringinterp==1.1.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.stringinterp==1.1.4'.
Getting required 'decorator==4.0.10'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'decorator==4.0.10'.
Getting required 'Chameleon==2.24'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Chameleon==2.24'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'sourcecodegen==0.6.14'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'sourcecodegen==0.6.14'.
Getting required 'python-gettext==3.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'python-gettext==3.0'.
Getting required 'archetypes.schemaextender==2.1.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'archetypes.schemaextender==2.1.6'.
Getting required 'zope.error==3.7.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.error==3.7.4'.
Getting required 'zope.authentication==3.7.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.authentication==3.7.1'.
Getting required 'zope.dublincore==3.7.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.dublincore==3.7.0'.
Getting required 'future==0.15.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'future==0.15.2'.
Getting required 'cssselect==0.9.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'cssselect==0.9.2'.
Getting required 'five.intid==1.1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'five.intid==1.1.1'.
Getting required 'zope.intid==3.7.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.intid==3.7.2'.
Getting required 'zc.relation==1.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zc.relation==1.0'.
Getting required 'z3c.objpath==1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'z3c.objpath==1.1'.
Getting required 'plone.formwidget.recurrence[z3cform]==2.1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.formwidget.recurrence[z3cform]==2.1.1'.
Getting required 'plone.event==1.3.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.event==1.3.1'.
Getting required 'icalendar==3.10'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'icalendar==3.10'.
Getting required 'collective.elephantvocabulary==0.2.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'collective.elephantvocabulary==0.2.5'.
Getting required 'Products.DateRecurringIndex==2.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.DateRecurringIndex==2.1'.
Getting required 'zope.keyreference==3.6.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.keyreference==3.6.4'.
Generated script '/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/bin/client1'.
Generated interpreter '/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/parts/client1/bin/interpreter'.
Installing 'Plone', 'Pillow'.
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Plone==5.0.6'.
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Pillow==3.3.1'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'Products.CMFPlone==5.0.6rc1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.CMFPlone==5.0.6rc1'.
Getting required 'Products.CMFPlacefulWorkflow==1.6.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.CMFPlacefulWorkflow==1.6.5'.
Getting required 'Products.ATContentTypes==2.2.13'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.ATContentTypes==2.2.13'.
Getting required 'Products.Archetypes==1.10.15'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.Archetypes==1.10.15'.
Getting required 'setuptools'
required by 1.2.11.
required by 1.3.27.
required by Products.CMFPlacefulWorkflow 1.6.5.
required by Products.Archetypes 1.10.15.
required by 2.1.1.
required by Products.ATContentTypes 2.2.13.
required by 2.3.2.
required by 3.2.1.
required by Products.CMFPlone 5.0.6rc1.
required by Plone 5.0.6.
We have a develop egg: setuptools 28.8.0
Adding find link '' from setuptools 28.8.0
Adding find link '' from setuptools 28.8.0
Getting required 'Zope2==2.13.24'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Zope2==2.13.24'.
Getting required 'Products.ZCatalog==3.0.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.ZCatalog==3.0.2'.
Getting required 'Products.SecureMailHost==1.1.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.SecureMailHost==1.1.2'.
Getting required 'Products.ResourceRegistries==3.0.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.ResourceRegistries==3.0.4'.
Getting required 'Products.PortalTransforms==2.2.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.PortalTransforms==2.2.1'.
Getting required 'Products.PluggableAuthService==1.11.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.PluggableAuthService==1.11.0'.
Getting required 'Products.PlonePAS==5.0.11'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.PlonePAS==5.0.11'.
Getting required 'Products.MimetypesRegistry==2.0.10'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.MimetypesRegistry==2.0.10'.
Getting required 'Products.GenericSetup==1.8.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.GenericSetup==1.8.3'.
Getting required 'Products.DCWorkflow==2.2.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.DCWorkflow==2.2.5'.
Getting required 'Products.CMFUid==2.2.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.CMFUid==2.2.1'.
Getting required 'Products.CMFQuickInstallerTool==3.0.13'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.CMFQuickInstallerTool==3.0.13'.
Getting required 'Products.CMFFormController==3.0.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.CMFFormController==3.0.6'.
Getting required 'Products.CMFEditions==2.2.21'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.CMFEditions==2.2.21'.
Getting required 'Products.CMFDiffTool==3.1.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.CMFDiffTool==3.1.2'.
Getting required 'Products.CMFCore==2.2.10'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.CMFCore==2.2.10'.
Getting required 'Products.contentmigration==2.1.13'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.contentmigration==2.1.13'.
Getting required 'Acquisition==4.2.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Acquisition==4.2.2'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'zope.ramcache==1.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.ramcache==1.0'.
Getting required 'zope.location==3.9.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.location==3.9.1'.
Getting required 'zope.interface==3.6.7'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.interface==3.6.7'.
Getting required 'zope.component==3.9.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.component==3.9.5'.
Getting required 'transaction==1.1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'transaction==1.1.1'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'plone.session==3.6.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.session==3.6.0'.
Getting required 'plone.portlets==2.2.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.portlets==2.2.3'.
Getting required 'five.localsitemanager==2.0.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'five.localsitemanager==2.0.5'.
Getting required 'borg.localrole==3.1.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'borg.localrole==3.1.2'.
Getting required 'zope.i18nmessageid==3.5.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.i18nmessageid==3.5.3'.
Getting required 'plone.openid==2.0.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.openid==2.0.4'.
Getting required 'ZODB3==3.10.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'ZODB3==3.10.5'.
Getting required 'Products.statusmessages==4.1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.statusmessages==4.1.1'.
Getting required 'DateTime==4.0.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'DateTime==4.0.1'.
Getting required 'zope.viewlet==3.7.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.viewlet==3.7.2'.
Getting required 'zope.schema==4.4.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.schema==4.4.2'.
Getting required 'zope.lifecycleevent==3.6.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.lifecycleevent==3.6.2'.
Getting required 'zope.event==3.5.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.event==3.5.2'.
Getting required 'zope.annotation==3.5.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.annotation==3.5.0'.
Getting required 'plone.memoize==1.2.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.memoize==1.2.0'.
Getting required 'plone.locking==2.1.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.locking==2.1.2'.
Getting required 'z3c.form==3.2.9'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'z3c.form==3.2.9'.
Getting required 'zope.publisher==3.12.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.publisher==3.12.6'.
Getting required 'zope.deprecation==3.4.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.deprecation==3.4.1'.
Getting required 'zope.browserpage==3.12.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.browserpage==3.12.2'.
Getting required 'plone.z3cform==0.8.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.z3cform==0.8.1'.
Getting required 'plone.supermodel==1.3.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.supermodel==1.3.0'.
Getting required 'plone.contentrules==2.0.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.contentrules==2.0.6'.
Getting required 'plone.autoform==1.6.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.autoform==1.6.2'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'lxml==3.5.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'lxml==3.5.0'.
Getting required 'plone.schemaeditor==2.0.11'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.schemaeditor==2.0.11'.
Getting required 'plone.rfc822==1.1.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.rfc822==1.1.3'.
Getting required 'plone.namedfile[scales]==3.0.9'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.namedfile[scales]==3.0.9'.
Getting required 'plone.formwidget.namedfile==1.0.15'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.formwidget.namedfile==1.0.15'.
Getting required 'plone.dexterity==2.4.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.dexterity==2.4.3'.
Getting required 'plone.behavior==1.1.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.behavior==1.1.2'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'z3c.zcmlhook==1.0b1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'z3c.zcmlhook==1.0b1'.
Getting required 'Products.CMFDynamicViewFTI==4.1.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.CMFDynamicViewFTI==4.1.4'.
Getting required 'plone.registry==1.0.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.registry==1.0.4'.
Getting required 'plone.protect==3.0.19'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.protect==3.0.19'.
Getting required 'zope.pagetemplate==3.6.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.pagetemplate==3.6.3'.
Getting required 'zope.browserresource==3.10.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.browserresource==3.10.3'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'plone.cachepurging==1.0.12'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.cachepurging==1.0.12'.
Getting required 'plone.caching==1.1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.caching==1.1.1'.
Getting required 'python-dateutil==2.4.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'python-dateutil==2.4.2'.
Getting required 'zope.traversing==3.13.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.traversing==3.13.2'.
Getting required 'zope.tales==3.5.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.tales==3.5.3'.
Getting required 'zope.tal==3.5.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.tal==3.5.2'.
Getting required 'zope.structuredtext==3.5.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.structuredtext==3.5.1'.
Getting required 'zope.i18n==3.7.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.i18n==3.7.4'.
Getting required 'zope.dottedname==3.4.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.dottedname==3.4.6'.
Getting required 'zope.deferredimport==3.5.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.deferredimport==3.5.3'.
Getting required 'zope.container==3.11.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.container==3.11.2'.
Getting required 'zope.cachedescriptors==3.5.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.cachedescriptors==3.5.1'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'z3c.autoinclude==0.3.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'z3c.autoinclude==0.3.6'.
Getting required 'slimit==0.8.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'slimit==0.8.1'.
Getting required 'plonetheme.barceloneta==1.6.21'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plonetheme.barceloneta==1.6.21'.
Getting required 'plone.theme==3.0.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.theme==3.0.0'.
Getting required 'plone.schema==1.0.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.schema==1.0.0'.
Getting required 'plone.portlet.static==3.0.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.portlet.static==3.0.2'.
Getting required 'plone.portlet.collection==3.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.portlet.collection==3.1'.
Getting required 'plone.outputfilters==2.1.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.outputfilters==2.1.5'.
Getting required 'plone.intelligenttext==2.1.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.intelligenttext==2.1.0'.
Getting required 'plone.indexer==1.0.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.indexer==1.0.4'.
Getting required 'plone.i18n==3.0.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.i18n==3.0.5'.
Getting required 'plone.browserlayer==2.1.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.browserlayer==2.1.6'.
Getting required 'plone.batching==1.1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.batching==1.1.1'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'plone.api==1.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.api==1.5'.
Getting required 'mockup==2.1.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'mockup==2.1.5'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'five.customerize==1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'five.customerize==1.1'.
Getting required 'cssmin==0.2.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'cssmin==0.2.0'.
Getting required 'Products.PluginRegistry==1.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.PluginRegistry==1.4'.
Getting required 'Products.PlacelessTranslationService==2.0.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.PlacelessTranslationService==2.0.6'.
Getting required 'Products.PasswordResetTool==2.2.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.PasswordResetTool==2.2.3'.
Getting required 'Products.ExternalEditor==1.1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.ExternalEditor==1.1.1'.
Getting required 'Products.ExtendedPathIndex==3.1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.ExtendedPathIndex==3.1.1'.
Getting required 'ExtensionClass==4.1.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'ExtensionClass==4.1.2'.
Getting required 'ZConfig==2.9.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'ZConfig==2.9.3'.
Getting required 'Products.validation==2.0.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.validation==2.0.2'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'plone.uuid==1.0.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.uuid==1.0.4'.
Getting required 'plone.folder==1.0.9'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.folder==1.0.9'.
Getting required 'Products.ZSQLMethods==2.13.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.ZSQLMethods==2.13.4'.
Getting required 'zope.datetime==3.4.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.datetime==3.4.1'.
Getting required 'zope.contenttype==3.5.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.contenttype==3.5.5'.
Getting required 'Products.StandardCacheManagers==2.13.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.StandardCacheManagers==2.13.1'.
Getting required 'Products.PythonScripts==2.13.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.PythonScripts==2.13.2'.
Getting required 'Products.MIMETools==2.13.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.MIMETools==2.13.0'.
Getting required 'Products.MailHost==2.13.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.MailHost==2.13.2'.
Getting required 'Products.ExternalMethod==2.13.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.ExternalMethod==2.13.1'.
Getting required 'Products.BTreeFolder2==2.14.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.BTreeFolder2==2.14.0'.
Getting required 'zope.testing==3.9.7'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.testing==3.9.7'.
Getting required 'zope.testbrowser==3.11.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.testbrowser==3.11.1'.
Getting required 'zope.size==3.4.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.size==3.4.1'.
Getting required 'zope.sequencesort==3.4.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.sequencesort==3.4.0'.
Getting required 'zope.sendmail==3.7.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.sendmail==3.7.5'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'zope.ptresource==3.9.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.ptresource==3.9.0'.
Getting required 'zope.proxy==3.6.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.proxy==3.6.1'.
Getting required 'zope.processlifetime==1.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.processlifetime==1.0'.
Getting required 'zope.exceptions==3.6.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.exceptions==3.6.2'.
Getting required 'zope.contentprovider==3.7.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.contentprovider==3.7.2'.
Getting required 'zope.configuration==3.7.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.configuration==3.7.4'.
Getting required 'zope.browsermenu==3.9.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.browsermenu==3.9.1'.
Getting required 'zope.browser==1.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.browser==1.3'.
Getting required 'zLOG==2.11.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zLOG==2.11.2'.
Getting required 'zExceptions==2.13.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zExceptions==2.13.0'.
Getting required 'zdaemon==2.0.7'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zdaemon==2.0.7'.
Getting required 'tempstorage==2.12.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'tempstorage==2.12.2'.
Getting required 'pytz==2015.7'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'pytz==2015.7'.
Getting required 'initgroups==2.13.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'initgroups==2.13.0'.
Getting required 'docutils==0.12'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'docutils==0.12'.
Getting required 'ZopeUndo==2.12.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'ZopeUndo==2.12.0'.
Getting required 'RestrictedPython==3.6.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'RestrictedPython==3.6.0'.
Getting required 'Record==2.13.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Record==2.13.0'.
Getting required 'Products.ZCTextIndex==2.13.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.ZCTextIndex==2.13.5'.
Getting required 'Products.OFSP==2.13.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.OFSP==2.13.2'.
Getting required 'Persistence==2.13.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Persistence==2.13.2'.
Getting required 'MultiMapping==2.13.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'MultiMapping==2.13.0'.
Getting required 'Missing==2.13.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Missing==2.13.1'.
Getting required 'DocumentTemplate==2.13.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'DocumentTemplate==2.13.2'.
Getting required 'AccessControl==3.0.12'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'AccessControl==3.0.12'.
Getting required 'Markdown==2.6.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Markdown==2.6.6'.
Getting required 'zope.formlib==4.0.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.formlib==4.0.6'.
Getting required 'Products.ZopeVersionControl==1.1.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.ZopeVersionControl==1.1.3'.
Getting required 'zope.copy==3.5.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.copy==3.5.0'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'feedparser==5.2.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'feedparser==5.2.1'.
Getting required 'plone.keyring==3.0.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.keyring==3.0.1'.
Getting required 'python-openid==2.2.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'python-openid==2.2.5'.
Getting required 'zc.lockfile==1.0.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zc.lockfile==1.0.2'.
Getting required 'six==1.10.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'six==1.10.0'.
Getting required 'zope.componentvocabulary==1.0.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.componentvocabulary==1.0.1'.
Getting required 'zope.globalrequest==1.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.globalrequest==1.2'.
Getting required 'z3c.formwidget.query==0.12'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'z3c.formwidget.query==0.12'.
Getting required 'plone.scale[storage]==1.4.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.scale[storage]==1.4.1'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'zope.filerepresentation==3.6.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.filerepresentation==3.6.1'.
Getting required 'plone.synchronize==1.0.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.synchronize==1.0.1'.
Getting required 'plone.alterego==1.0.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.alterego==1.0.1'.
Getting required 'collective.monkeypatcher==1.1.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'collective.monkeypatcher==1.1.2'.
Getting required 'five.globalrequest==1.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'five.globalrequest==1.0'.
Getting required 'repoze.xmliter==0.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'repoze.xmliter==0.6'.
Getting required 'plone.transformchain==1.2.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.transformchain==1.2.0'.
Getting required 'z3c.caching==2.0a1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'z3c.caching==2.0a1'.
Getting required 'zope.broken==3.6.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.broken==3.6.0'.
Getting required 'zc.buildout'
required by z3c.autoinclude 0.3.6.
We have a develop egg: zc.buildout 2.5.3
Getting required 'ply==3.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'ply==3.4'.
Getting required 'Unidecode==0.04.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Unidecode==0.04.1'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'roman==1.4.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'roman==1.4.0'.
Getting required 'plone.subrequest==1.7.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.subrequest==1.7.0'.
Getting required 'plone.resourceeditor==2.0.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.resourceeditor==2.0.5'.
Getting required 'plone.resource==1.0.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.resource==1.0.6'.
Getting required 'diazo==1.2.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'diazo==1.2.3'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'z3c.relationfield==0.7'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'z3c.relationfield==0.7'.
Getting required 'archetypes.multilingual==3.0.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'archetypes.multilingual==3.0.3'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'plone.stringinterp==1.1.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.stringinterp==1.1.4'.
Getting required 'decorator==4.0.10'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'decorator==4.0.10'.
Getting required 'Chameleon==2.24'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Chameleon==2.24'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'sourcecodegen==0.6.14'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'sourcecodegen==0.6.14'.
Getting required 'python-gettext==3.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'python-gettext==3.0'.
Getting required 'archetypes.schemaextender==2.1.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'archetypes.schemaextender==2.1.6'.
Getting required 'mechanize==0.2.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'mechanize==0.2.5'.
Getting required 'zope.error==3.7.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.error==3.7.4'.
Getting required 'zope.authentication==3.7.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.authentication==3.7.1'.
Getting required 'zope.dublincore==3.7.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.dublincore==3.7.0'.
Getting required 'future==0.15.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'future==0.15.2'.
Getting required 'cssselect==0.9.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'cssselect==0.9.2'.
Getting required 'five.intid==1.1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'five.intid==1.1.1'.
Getting required 'zope.intid==3.7.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.intid==3.7.2'.
Getting required 'zc.relation==1.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zc.relation==1.0'.
Getting required 'z3c.objpath==1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'z3c.objpath==1.1'.
Getting required 'plone.formwidget.recurrence[z3cform]==2.1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.formwidget.recurrence[z3cform]==2.1.1'.
Getting required 'plone.event==1.3.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.event==1.3.1'.
Getting required 'icalendar==3.10'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'icalendar==3.10'.
Getting required 'collective.elephantvocabulary==0.2.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'collective.elephantvocabulary==0.2.5'.
Getting required 'Products.DateRecurringIndex==2.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.DateRecurringIndex==2.1'.
Getting required 'zope.keyreference==3.6.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.keyreference==3.6.4'.
Generated script '/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/bin/createfontdatachunk.pyc'.
Generated script '/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/bin/pilfile.pyc'.
Generated script '/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/bin/'.
Generated script '/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/bin/'.
Generated script '/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/bin/pilconvert.pyc'.
Generated script '/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/bin/'.
Generated script '/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/bin/'.
Generated script '/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/bin/gifmaker.pyc'.
Generated script '/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/bin/'.
Generated script '/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/bin/'.
Generated script '/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/bin/pildriver.pyc'.
Generated script '/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/bin/pilprint.pyc'.
Generated script '/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/bin/player.pyc'.
Generated script '/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/bin/'.
Generated script '/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/bin/'.
Generated script '/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/bin/explode.pyc'.
Generated script '/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/bin/viewer.pyc'.
Generated script '/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/bin/'.
Generated script '/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/bin/'.
Generated script '/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/bin/enhancer.pyc'.
Generated script '/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/bin/painter.pyc'.
Generated script '/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/bin/'.
Generated script '/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/bin/'.
Generated script '/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/bin/'.
Generated script '/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/bin/pilfont.pyc'.
Generated script '/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/bin/thresholder.pyc'.
Installing client2.
Installing 'Plone', 'Pillow', 'plone.recipe.zope2instance'.
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Plone==5.0.6'.
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Pillow==3.3.1'.
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.recipe.zope2instance==4.2.21'.
Getting required 'ZODB3==3.10.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'ZODB3==3.10.5'.
Getting required 'Zope2==2.13.24'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Zope2==2.13.24'.
Getting required 'zc.recipe.egg==2.0.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zc.recipe.egg==2.0.3'.
Getting required 'mailinglogger==3.8.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'mailinglogger==3.8.0'.
Getting required 'setuptools'
required by zc.recipe.egg 2.0.3.
required by Zope2 2.13.24.
required by plone.recipe.zope2instance 4.2.21.
required by Plone 5.0.6.
We have a develop egg: setuptools 28.8.0
Adding find link '' from setuptools 28.8.0
Adding find link '' from setuptools 28.8.0
Getting required 'zc.buildout'
required by plone.recipe.zope2instance 4.2.21.
We have a develop egg: zc.buildout 2.5.3
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'Products.CMFPlone==5.0.6rc1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.CMFPlone==5.0.6rc1'.
Getting required 'Products.CMFPlacefulWorkflow==1.6.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.CMFPlacefulWorkflow==1.6.5'.
Getting required 'Products.ATContentTypes==2.2.13'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.ATContentTypes==2.2.13'.
Getting required 'Products.Archetypes==1.10.15'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.Archetypes==1.10.15'.
Getting required 'zope.interface==3.6.7'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.interface==3.6.7'.
Getting required 'zope.event==3.5.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.event==3.5.2'.
Getting required 'zdaemon==2.0.7'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zdaemon==2.0.7'.
Getting required 'ZConfig==2.9.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'ZConfig==2.9.3'.
Getting required 'zc.lockfile==1.0.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zc.lockfile==1.0.2'.
Getting required 'transaction==1.1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'transaction==1.1.1'.
Getting required 'Products.StandardCacheManagers==2.13.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.StandardCacheManagers==2.13.1'.
Getting required 'Products.PythonScripts==2.13.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.PythonScripts==2.13.2'.
Getting required 'Products.MIMETools==2.13.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.MIMETools==2.13.0'.
Getting required 'Products.MailHost==2.13.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.MailHost==2.13.2'.
Getting required 'Products.ExternalMethod==2.13.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.ExternalMethod==2.13.1'.
Getting required 'Products.BTreeFolder2==2.14.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.BTreeFolder2==2.14.0'.
Getting required 'zope.viewlet==3.7.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.viewlet==3.7.2'.
Getting required 'zope.traversing==3.13.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.traversing==3.13.2'.
Getting required 'zope.testing==3.9.7'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.testing==3.9.7'.
Getting required 'zope.testbrowser==3.11.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.testbrowser==3.11.1'.
Getting required 'zope.tales==3.5.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.tales==3.5.3'.
Getting required 'zope.tal==3.5.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.tal==3.5.2'.
Getting required 'zope.structuredtext==3.5.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.structuredtext==3.5.1'.
Getting required 'zope.size==3.4.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.size==3.4.1'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'zope.sequencesort==3.4.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.sequencesort==3.4.0'.
Getting required 'zope.sendmail==3.7.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.sendmail==3.7.5'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'zope.schema==4.4.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.schema==4.4.2'.
Getting required 'zope.publisher==3.12.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.publisher==3.12.6'.
Getting required 'zope.ptresource==3.9.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.ptresource==3.9.0'.
Getting required 'zope.proxy==3.6.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.proxy==3.6.1'.
Getting required 'zope.processlifetime==1.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.processlifetime==1.0'.
Getting required 'zope.pagetemplate==3.6.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.pagetemplate==3.6.3'.
Getting required 'zope.location==3.9.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.location==3.9.1'.
Getting required 'zope.lifecycleevent==3.6.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.lifecycleevent==3.6.2'.
Getting required 'zope.i18nmessageid==3.5.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.i18nmessageid==3.5.3'.
Getting required 'zope.i18n[zcml]==3.7.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.i18n[zcml]==3.7.4'.
Getting required 'zope.exceptions==3.6.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.exceptions==3.6.2'.
Getting required 'zope.deferredimport==3.5.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.deferredimport==3.5.3'.
Getting required 'zope.contenttype==3.5.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.contenttype==3.5.5'.
Getting required 'zope.contentprovider==3.7.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.contentprovider==3.7.2'.
Getting required 'zope.container==3.11.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.container==3.11.2'.
Getting required 'zope.configuration==3.7.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.configuration==3.7.4'.
Getting required 'zope.component==3.9.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.component==3.9.5'.
Getting required 'zope.browserresource==3.10.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.browserresource==3.10.3'.
Getting required 'zope.browserpage==3.12.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.browserpage==3.12.2'.
Getting required 'zope.browsermenu==3.9.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.browsermenu==3.9.1'.
Getting required 'zope.browser==1.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.browser==1.3'.
Getting required 'zLOG==2.11.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zLOG==2.11.2'.
Getting required 'zExceptions==2.13.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zExceptions==2.13.0'.
Getting required 'tempstorage==2.12.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'tempstorage==2.12.2'.
Getting required 'pytz==2015.7'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'pytz==2015.7'.
Getting required 'initgroups==2.13.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'initgroups==2.13.0'.
Getting required 'docutils==0.12'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'docutils==0.12'.
Getting required 'ZopeUndo==2.12.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'ZopeUndo==2.12.0'.
Getting required 'RestrictedPython==3.6.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'RestrictedPython==3.6.0'.
Getting required 'Record==2.13.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Record==2.13.0'.
Getting required 'Products.ZCTextIndex==2.13.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.ZCTextIndex==2.13.5'.
Getting required 'Products.ZCatalog==3.0.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.ZCatalog==3.0.2'.
Getting required 'Products.OFSP==2.13.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.OFSP==2.13.2'.
Getting required 'Persistence==2.13.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Persistence==2.13.2'.
Getting required 'MultiMapping==2.13.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'MultiMapping==2.13.0'.
Getting required 'Missing==2.13.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Missing==2.13.1'.
Getting required 'ExtensionClass==4.1.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'ExtensionClass==4.1.2'.
Getting required 'DocumentTemplate==2.13.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'DocumentTemplate==2.13.2'.
Getting required 'DateTime==4.0.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'DateTime==4.0.1'.
Getting required 'Acquisition==4.2.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Acquisition==4.2.2'.
Getting required 'AccessControl==3.0.12'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'AccessControl==3.0.12'.
Getting required 'Products.SecureMailHost==1.1.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.SecureMailHost==1.1.2'.
Getting required 'Products.ResourceRegistries==3.0.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.ResourceRegistries==3.0.4'.
Getting required 'Products.PortalTransforms==2.2.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.PortalTransforms==2.2.1'.
Getting required 'Products.PluggableAuthService==1.11.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.PluggableAuthService==1.11.0'.
Getting required 'Products.PlonePAS==5.0.11'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.PlonePAS==5.0.11'.
Getting required 'Products.MimetypesRegistry==2.0.10'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.MimetypesRegistry==2.0.10'.
Getting required 'Products.GenericSetup==1.8.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.GenericSetup==1.8.3'.
Getting required 'Products.DCWorkflow==2.2.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.DCWorkflow==2.2.5'.
Getting required 'Products.CMFUid==2.2.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.CMFUid==2.2.1'.
Getting required 'Products.CMFQuickInstallerTool==3.0.13'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.CMFQuickInstallerTool==3.0.13'.
Getting required 'Products.CMFFormController==3.0.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.CMFFormController==3.0.6'.
Getting required 'Products.CMFEditions==2.2.21'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.CMFEditions==2.2.21'.
Getting required 'Products.CMFDiffTool==3.1.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.CMFDiffTool==3.1.2'.
Getting required 'Products.CMFCore==2.2.10'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.CMFCore==2.2.10'.
Getting required 'Products.contentmigration==2.1.13'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.contentmigration==2.1.13'.
Getting required 'zope.ramcache==1.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.ramcache==1.0'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'plone.session==3.6.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.session==3.6.0'.
Getting required 'plone.portlets==2.2.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.portlets==2.2.3'.
Getting required 'five.localsitemanager==2.0.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'five.localsitemanager==2.0.5'.
Getting required 'borg.localrole==3.1.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'borg.localrole==3.1.2'.
Getting required 'plone.openid==2.0.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.openid==2.0.4'.
Getting required 'Products.statusmessages==4.1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.statusmessages==4.1.1'.
Getting required 'zope.annotation==3.5.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.annotation==3.5.0'.
Getting required 'plone.memoize==1.2.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.memoize==1.2.0'.
Getting required 'plone.locking==2.1.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.locking==2.1.2'.
Getting required 'z3c.form==3.2.9'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'z3c.form==3.2.9'.
Getting required 'zope.deprecation==3.4.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.deprecation==3.4.1'.
Getting required 'plone.z3cform==0.8.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.z3cform==0.8.1'.
Getting required 'plone.supermodel==1.3.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.supermodel==1.3.0'.
Getting required 'plone.contentrules==2.0.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.contentrules==2.0.6'.
Getting required 'plone.autoform==1.6.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.autoform==1.6.2'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'lxml==3.5.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'lxml==3.5.0'.
Getting required 'plone.schemaeditor==2.0.11'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.schemaeditor==2.0.11'.
Getting required 'plone.rfc822==1.1.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.rfc822==1.1.3'.
Getting required 'plone.namedfile[scales]==3.0.9'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.namedfile[scales]==3.0.9'.
Getting required 'plone.formwidget.namedfile==1.0.15'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.formwidget.namedfile==1.0.15'.
Getting required 'plone.dexterity==2.4.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.dexterity==2.4.3'.
Getting required 'plone.behavior==1.1.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.behavior==1.1.2'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'z3c.zcmlhook==1.0b1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'z3c.zcmlhook==1.0b1'.
Getting required 'Products.CMFDynamicViewFTI==4.1.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.CMFDynamicViewFTI==4.1.4'.
Getting required 'plone.registry==1.0.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.registry==1.0.4'.
Getting required 'plone.protect==3.0.19'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.protect==3.0.19'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'plone.cachepurging==1.0.12'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.cachepurging==1.0.12'.
Getting required 'plone.caching==1.1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.caching==1.1.1'.
Getting required 'python-dateutil==2.4.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'python-dateutil==2.4.2'.
Getting required 'zope.dottedname==3.4.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.dottedname==3.4.6'.
Getting required 'zope.cachedescriptors==3.5.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.cachedescriptors==3.5.1'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'z3c.autoinclude==0.3.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'z3c.autoinclude==0.3.6'.
Getting required 'slimit==0.8.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'slimit==0.8.1'.
Getting required 'plonetheme.barceloneta==1.6.21'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plonetheme.barceloneta==1.6.21'.
Getting required 'plone.theme==3.0.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.theme==3.0.0'.
Getting required 'plone.schema==1.0.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.schema==1.0.0'.
Getting required 'plone.portlet.static==3.0.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.portlet.static==3.0.2'.
Getting required 'plone.portlet.collection==3.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.portlet.collection==3.1'.
Getting required 'plone.outputfilters==2.1.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.outputfilters==2.1.5'.
Getting required 'plone.intelligenttext==2.1.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.intelligenttext==2.1.0'.
Getting required 'plone.indexer==1.0.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.indexer==1.0.4'.
Getting required 'plone.i18n==3.0.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.i18n==3.0.5'.
Getting required 'plone.browserlayer==2.1.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.browserlayer==2.1.6'.
Getting required 'plone.batching==1.1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.batching==1.1.1'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'plone.api==1.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.api==1.5'.
Getting required 'mockup==2.1.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'mockup==2.1.5'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'five.customerize==1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'five.customerize==1.1'.
Getting required 'cssmin==0.2.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'cssmin==0.2.0'.
Getting required 'Products.PluginRegistry==1.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.PluginRegistry==1.4'.
Getting required 'Products.PlacelessTranslationService==2.0.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.PlacelessTranslationService==2.0.6'.
Getting required 'Products.PasswordResetTool==2.2.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.PasswordResetTool==2.2.3'.
Getting required 'Products.ExternalEditor==1.1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.ExternalEditor==1.1.1'.
Getting required 'Products.ExtendedPathIndex==3.1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.ExtendedPathIndex==3.1.1'.
Getting required 'Products.validation==2.0.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.validation==2.0.2'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'plone.uuid==1.0.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.uuid==1.0.4'.
Getting required 'plone.folder==1.0.9'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.folder==1.0.9'.
Getting required 'Products.ZSQLMethods==2.13.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.ZSQLMethods==2.13.4'.
Getting required 'zope.datetime==3.4.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.datetime==3.4.1'.
Getting required 'mechanize==0.2.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'mechanize==0.2.5'.
Getting required 'zope.broken==3.6.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.broken==3.6.0'.
Getting required 'zope.filerepresentation==3.6.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.filerepresentation==3.6.1'.
Getting required 'Markdown==2.6.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Markdown==2.6.6'.
Getting required 'zope.formlib==4.0.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.formlib==4.0.6'.
Getting required 'Products.ZopeVersionControl==1.1.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.ZopeVersionControl==1.1.3'.
Getting required 'zope.copy==3.5.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.copy==3.5.0'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'feedparser==5.2.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'feedparser==5.2.1'.
Getting required 'plone.keyring==3.0.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.keyring==3.0.1'.
Getting required 'python-openid==2.2.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'python-openid==2.2.5'.
Getting required 'six==1.10.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'six==1.10.0'.
Getting required 'zope.componentvocabulary==1.0.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.componentvocabulary==1.0.1'.
Getting required 'zope.globalrequest==1.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.globalrequest==1.2'.
Getting required 'z3c.formwidget.query==0.12'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'z3c.formwidget.query==0.12'.
Getting required 'plone.scale[storage]==1.4.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.scale[storage]==1.4.1'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'plone.synchronize==1.0.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.synchronize==1.0.1'.
Getting required 'plone.alterego==1.0.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.alterego==1.0.1'.
Getting required 'collective.monkeypatcher==1.1.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'collective.monkeypatcher==1.1.2'.
Getting required 'five.globalrequest==1.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'five.globalrequest==1.0'.
Getting required 'repoze.xmliter==0.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'repoze.xmliter==0.6'.
Getting required 'plone.transformchain==1.2.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.transformchain==1.2.0'.
Getting required 'z3c.caching==2.0a1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'z3c.caching==2.0a1'.
Getting required 'ply==3.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'ply==3.4'.
Getting required 'Unidecode==0.04.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Unidecode==0.04.1'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'roman==1.4.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'roman==1.4.0'.
Getting required 'plone.subrequest==1.7.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.subrequest==1.7.0'.
Getting required 'plone.resourceeditor==2.0.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.resourceeditor==2.0.5'.
Getting required 'plone.resource==1.0.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.resource==1.0.6'.
Getting required 'diazo==1.2.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'diazo==1.2.3'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'z3c.relationfield==0.7'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'z3c.relationfield==0.7'.
Getting required 'archetypes.multilingual==3.0.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'archetypes.multilingual==3.0.3'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'plone.stringinterp==1.1.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.stringinterp==1.1.4'.
Getting required 'decorator==4.0.10'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'decorator==4.0.10'.
Getting required 'Chameleon==2.24'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Chameleon==2.24'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'sourcecodegen==0.6.14'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'sourcecodegen==0.6.14'.
Getting required 'python-gettext==3.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'python-gettext==3.0'.
Getting required 'archetypes.schemaextender==2.1.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'archetypes.schemaextender==2.1.6'.
Getting required 'zope.error==3.7.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.error==3.7.4'.
Getting required 'zope.authentication==3.7.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.authentication==3.7.1'.
Getting required 'zope.dublincore==3.7.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.dublincore==3.7.0'.
Getting required 'future==0.15.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'future==0.15.2'.
Getting required 'cssselect==0.9.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'cssselect==0.9.2'.
Getting required 'five.intid==1.1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'five.intid==1.1.1'.
Getting required 'zope.intid==3.7.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.intid==3.7.2'.
Getting required 'zc.relation==1.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zc.relation==1.0'.
Getting required 'z3c.objpath==1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'z3c.objpath==1.1'.
Getting required 'plone.formwidget.recurrence[z3cform]==2.1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.formwidget.recurrence[z3cform]==2.1.1'.
Getting required 'plone.event==1.3.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.event==1.3.1'.
Getting required 'icalendar==3.10'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'icalendar==3.10'.
Getting required 'collective.elephantvocabulary==0.2.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'collective.elephantvocabulary==0.2.5'.
Getting required 'Products.DateRecurringIndex==2.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.DateRecurringIndex==2.1'.
Getting required 'zope.keyreference==3.6.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.keyreference==3.6.4'.
Generated script '/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/bin/client2'.
Generated interpreter '/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/parts/client2/bin/interpreter'.
Installing 'Plone', 'Pillow'.
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Plone==5.0.6'.
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Pillow==3.3.1'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'Products.CMFPlone==5.0.6rc1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.CMFPlone==5.0.6rc1'.
Getting required 'Products.CMFPlacefulWorkflow==1.6.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.CMFPlacefulWorkflow==1.6.5'.
Getting required 'Products.ATContentTypes==2.2.13'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.ATContentTypes==2.2.13'.
Getting required 'Products.Archetypes==1.10.15'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.Archetypes==1.10.15'.
Getting required 'setuptools'
required by 1.2.11.
required by 1.3.27.
required by Products.CMFPlacefulWorkflow 1.6.5.
required by Products.Archetypes 1.10.15.
required by 2.1.1.
required by Products.ATContentTypes 2.2.13.
required by 2.3.2.
required by 3.2.1.
required by Products.CMFPlone 5.0.6rc1.
required by Plone 5.0.6.
We have a develop egg: setuptools 28.8.0
Adding find link '' from setuptools 28.8.0
Adding find link '' from setuptools 28.8.0
Getting required 'Zope2==2.13.24'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Zope2==2.13.24'.
Getting required 'Products.ZCatalog==3.0.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.ZCatalog==3.0.2'.
Getting required 'Products.SecureMailHost==1.1.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.SecureMailHost==1.1.2'.
Getting required 'Products.ResourceRegistries==3.0.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.ResourceRegistries==3.0.4'.
Getting required 'Products.PortalTransforms==2.2.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.PortalTransforms==2.2.1'.
Getting required 'Products.PluggableAuthService==1.11.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.PluggableAuthService==1.11.0'.
Getting required 'Products.PlonePAS==5.0.11'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.PlonePAS==5.0.11'.
Getting required 'Products.MimetypesRegistry==2.0.10'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.MimetypesRegistry==2.0.10'.
Getting required 'Products.GenericSetup==1.8.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.GenericSetup==1.8.3'.
Getting required 'Products.DCWorkflow==2.2.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.DCWorkflow==2.2.5'.
Getting required 'Products.CMFUid==2.2.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.CMFUid==2.2.1'.
Getting required 'Products.CMFQuickInstallerTool==3.0.13'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.CMFQuickInstallerTool==3.0.13'.
Getting required 'Products.CMFFormController==3.0.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.CMFFormController==3.0.6'.
Getting required 'Products.CMFEditions==2.2.21'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.CMFEditions==2.2.21'.
Getting required 'Products.CMFDiffTool==3.1.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.CMFDiffTool==3.1.2'.
Getting required 'Products.CMFCore==2.2.10'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.CMFCore==2.2.10'.
Getting required 'Products.contentmigration==2.1.13'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.contentmigration==2.1.13'.
Getting required 'Acquisition==4.2.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Acquisition==4.2.2'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'zope.ramcache==1.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.ramcache==1.0'.
Getting required 'zope.location==3.9.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.location==3.9.1'.
Getting required 'zope.interface==3.6.7'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.interface==3.6.7'.
Getting required 'zope.component==3.9.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.component==3.9.5'.
Getting required 'transaction==1.1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'transaction==1.1.1'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'plone.session==3.6.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.session==3.6.0'.
Getting required 'plone.portlets==2.2.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.portlets==2.2.3'.
Getting required 'five.localsitemanager==2.0.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'five.localsitemanager==2.0.5'.
Getting required 'borg.localrole==3.1.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'borg.localrole==3.1.2'.
Getting required 'zope.i18nmessageid==3.5.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.i18nmessageid==3.5.3'.
Getting required 'plone.openid==2.0.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.openid==2.0.4'.
Getting required 'ZODB3==3.10.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'ZODB3==3.10.5'.
Getting required 'Products.statusmessages==4.1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.statusmessages==4.1.1'.
Getting required 'DateTime==4.0.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'DateTime==4.0.1'.
Getting required 'zope.viewlet==3.7.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.viewlet==3.7.2'.
Getting required 'zope.schema==4.4.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.schema==4.4.2'.
Getting required 'zope.lifecycleevent==3.6.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.lifecycleevent==3.6.2'.
Getting required 'zope.event==3.5.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.event==3.5.2'.
Getting required 'zope.annotation==3.5.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.annotation==3.5.0'.
Getting required 'plone.memoize==1.2.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.memoize==1.2.0'.
Getting required 'plone.locking==2.1.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.locking==2.1.2'.
Getting required 'z3c.form==3.2.9'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'z3c.form==3.2.9'.
Getting required 'zope.publisher==3.12.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.publisher==3.12.6'.
Getting required 'zope.deprecation==3.4.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.deprecation==3.4.1'.
Getting required 'zope.browserpage==3.12.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.browserpage==3.12.2'.
Getting required 'plone.z3cform==0.8.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.z3cform==0.8.1'.
Getting required 'plone.supermodel==1.3.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.supermodel==1.3.0'.
Getting required 'plone.contentrules==2.0.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.contentrules==2.0.6'.
Getting required 'plone.autoform==1.6.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.autoform==1.6.2'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'lxml==3.5.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'lxml==3.5.0'.
Getting required 'plone.schemaeditor==2.0.11'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.schemaeditor==2.0.11'.
Getting required 'plone.rfc822==1.1.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.rfc822==1.1.3'.
Getting required 'plone.namedfile[scales]==3.0.9'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.namedfile[scales]==3.0.9'.
Getting required 'plone.formwidget.namedfile==1.0.15'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.formwidget.namedfile==1.0.15'.
Getting required 'plone.dexterity==2.4.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.dexterity==2.4.3'.
Getting required 'plone.behavior==1.1.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.behavior==1.1.2'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'z3c.zcmlhook==1.0b1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'z3c.zcmlhook==1.0b1'.
Getting required 'Products.CMFDynamicViewFTI==4.1.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.CMFDynamicViewFTI==4.1.4'.
Getting required 'plone.registry==1.0.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.registry==1.0.4'.
Getting required 'plone.protect==3.0.19'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.protect==3.0.19'.
Getting required 'zope.pagetemplate==3.6.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.pagetemplate==3.6.3'.
Getting required 'zope.browserresource==3.10.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.browserresource==3.10.3'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'plone.cachepurging==1.0.12'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.cachepurging==1.0.12'.
Getting required 'plone.caching==1.1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.caching==1.1.1'.
Getting required 'python-dateutil==2.4.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'python-dateutil==2.4.2'.
Getting required 'zope.traversing==3.13.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.traversing==3.13.2'.
Getting required 'zope.tales==3.5.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.tales==3.5.3'.
Getting required 'zope.tal==3.5.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.tal==3.5.2'.
Getting required 'zope.structuredtext==3.5.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.structuredtext==3.5.1'.
Getting required 'zope.i18n==3.7.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.i18n==3.7.4'.
Getting required 'zope.dottedname==3.4.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.dottedname==3.4.6'.
Getting required 'zope.deferredimport==3.5.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.deferredimport==3.5.3'.
Getting required 'zope.container==3.11.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.container==3.11.2'.
Getting required 'zope.cachedescriptors==3.5.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.cachedescriptors==3.5.1'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'z3c.autoinclude==0.3.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'z3c.autoinclude==0.3.6'.
Getting required 'slimit==0.8.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'slimit==0.8.1'.
Getting required 'plonetheme.barceloneta==1.6.21'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plonetheme.barceloneta==1.6.21'.
Getting required 'plone.theme==3.0.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.theme==3.0.0'.
Getting required 'plone.schema==1.0.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.schema==1.0.0'.
Getting required 'plone.portlet.static==3.0.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.portlet.static==3.0.2'.
Getting required 'plone.portlet.collection==3.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.portlet.collection==3.1'.
Getting required 'plone.outputfilters==2.1.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.outputfilters==2.1.5'.
Getting required 'plone.intelligenttext==2.1.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.intelligenttext==2.1.0'.
Getting required 'plone.indexer==1.0.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.indexer==1.0.4'.
Getting required 'plone.i18n==3.0.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.i18n==3.0.5'.
Getting required 'plone.browserlayer==2.1.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.browserlayer==2.1.6'.
Getting required 'plone.batching==1.1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.batching==1.1.1'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'plone.api==1.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.api==1.5'.
Getting required 'mockup==2.1.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'mockup==2.1.5'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'five.customerize==1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'five.customerize==1.1'.
Getting required 'cssmin==0.2.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'cssmin==0.2.0'.
Getting required 'Products.PluginRegistry==1.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.PluginRegistry==1.4'.
Getting required 'Products.PlacelessTranslationService==2.0.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.PlacelessTranslationService==2.0.6'.
Getting required 'Products.PasswordResetTool==2.2.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.PasswordResetTool==2.2.3'.
Getting required 'Products.ExternalEditor==1.1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.ExternalEditor==1.1.1'.
Getting required 'Products.ExtendedPathIndex==3.1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.ExtendedPathIndex==3.1.1'.
Getting required 'ExtensionClass==4.1.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'ExtensionClass==4.1.2'.
Getting required 'ZConfig==2.9.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'ZConfig==2.9.3'.
Getting required 'Products.validation==2.0.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.validation==2.0.2'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'plone.uuid==1.0.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.uuid==1.0.4'.
Getting required 'plone.folder==1.0.9'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.folder==1.0.9'.
Getting required 'Products.ZSQLMethods==2.13.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.ZSQLMethods==2.13.4'.
Getting required 'zope.datetime==3.4.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.datetime==3.4.1'.
Getting required 'zope.contenttype==3.5.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.contenttype==3.5.5'.
Getting required 'Products.StandardCacheManagers==2.13.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.StandardCacheManagers==2.13.1'.
Getting required 'Products.PythonScripts==2.13.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.PythonScripts==2.13.2'.
Getting required 'Products.MIMETools==2.13.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.MIMETools==2.13.0'.
Getting required 'Products.MailHost==2.13.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.MailHost==2.13.2'.
Getting required 'Products.ExternalMethod==2.13.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.ExternalMethod==2.13.1'.
Getting required 'Products.BTreeFolder2==2.14.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.BTreeFolder2==2.14.0'.
Getting required 'zope.testing==3.9.7'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.testing==3.9.7'.
Getting required 'zope.testbrowser==3.11.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.testbrowser==3.11.1'.
Getting required 'zope.size==3.4.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.size==3.4.1'.
Getting required 'zope.sequencesort==3.4.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.sequencesort==3.4.0'.
Getting required 'zope.sendmail==3.7.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.sendmail==3.7.5'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'zope.ptresource==3.9.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.ptresource==3.9.0'.
Getting required 'zope.proxy==3.6.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.proxy==3.6.1'.
Getting required 'zope.processlifetime==1.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.processlifetime==1.0'.
Getting required 'zope.exceptions==3.6.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.exceptions==3.6.2'.
Getting required 'zope.contentprovider==3.7.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.contentprovider==3.7.2'.
Getting required 'zope.configuration==3.7.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.configuration==3.7.4'.
Getting required 'zope.browsermenu==3.9.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.browsermenu==3.9.1'.
Getting required 'zope.browser==1.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.browser==1.3'.
Getting required 'zLOG==2.11.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zLOG==2.11.2'.
Getting required 'zExceptions==2.13.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zExceptions==2.13.0'.
Getting required 'zdaemon==2.0.7'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zdaemon==2.0.7'.
Getting required 'tempstorage==2.12.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'tempstorage==2.12.2'.
Getting required 'pytz==2015.7'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'pytz==2015.7'.
Getting required 'initgroups==2.13.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'initgroups==2.13.0'.
Getting required 'docutils==0.12'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'docutils==0.12'.
Getting required 'ZopeUndo==2.12.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'ZopeUndo==2.12.0'.
Getting required 'RestrictedPython==3.6.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'RestrictedPython==3.6.0'.
Getting required 'Record==2.13.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Record==2.13.0'.
Getting required 'Products.ZCTextIndex==2.13.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.ZCTextIndex==2.13.5'.
Getting required 'Products.OFSP==2.13.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.OFSP==2.13.2'.
Getting required 'Persistence==2.13.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Persistence==2.13.2'.
Getting required 'MultiMapping==2.13.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'MultiMapping==2.13.0'.
Getting required 'Missing==2.13.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Missing==2.13.1'.
Getting required 'DocumentTemplate==2.13.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'DocumentTemplate==2.13.2'.
Getting required 'AccessControl==3.0.12'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'AccessControl==3.0.12'.
Getting required 'Markdown==2.6.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Markdown==2.6.6'.
Getting required 'zope.formlib==4.0.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.formlib==4.0.6'.
Getting required 'Products.ZopeVersionControl==1.1.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.ZopeVersionControl==1.1.3'.
Getting required 'zope.copy==3.5.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.copy==3.5.0'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'feedparser==5.2.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'feedparser==5.2.1'.
Getting required 'plone.keyring==3.0.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.keyring==3.0.1'.
Getting required 'python-openid==2.2.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'python-openid==2.2.5'.
Getting required 'zc.lockfile==1.0.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zc.lockfile==1.0.2'.
Getting required 'six==1.10.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'six==1.10.0'.
Getting required 'zope.componentvocabulary==1.0.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.componentvocabulary==1.0.1'.
Getting required 'zope.globalrequest==1.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.globalrequest==1.2'.
Getting required 'z3c.formwidget.query==0.12'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'z3c.formwidget.query==0.12'.
Getting required 'plone.scale[storage]==1.4.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.scale[storage]==1.4.1'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'zope.filerepresentation==3.6.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.filerepresentation==3.6.1'.
Getting required 'plone.synchronize==1.0.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.synchronize==1.0.1'.
Getting required 'plone.alterego==1.0.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.alterego==1.0.1'.
Getting required 'collective.monkeypatcher==1.1.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'collective.monkeypatcher==1.1.2'.
Getting required 'five.globalrequest==1.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'five.globalrequest==1.0'.
Getting required 'repoze.xmliter==0.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'repoze.xmliter==0.6'.
Getting required 'plone.transformchain==1.2.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.transformchain==1.2.0'.
Getting required 'z3c.caching==2.0a1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'z3c.caching==2.0a1'.
Getting required 'zope.broken==3.6.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.broken==3.6.0'.
Getting required 'zc.buildout'
required by z3c.autoinclude 0.3.6.
We have a develop egg: zc.buildout 2.5.3
Getting required 'ply==3.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'ply==3.4'.
Getting required 'Unidecode==0.04.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Unidecode==0.04.1'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'roman==1.4.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'roman==1.4.0'.
Getting required 'plone.subrequest==1.7.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.subrequest==1.7.0'.
Getting required 'plone.resourceeditor==2.0.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.resourceeditor==2.0.5'.
Getting required 'plone.resource==1.0.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.resource==1.0.6'.
Getting required 'diazo==1.2.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'diazo==1.2.3'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'z3c.relationfield==0.7'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'z3c.relationfield==0.7'.
Getting required 'archetypes.multilingual==3.0.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'archetypes.multilingual==3.0.3'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'plone.stringinterp==1.1.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.stringinterp==1.1.4'.
Getting required 'decorator==4.0.10'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'decorator==4.0.10'.
Getting required 'Chameleon==2.24'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Chameleon==2.24'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'sourcecodegen==0.6.14'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'sourcecodegen==0.6.14'.
Getting required 'python-gettext==3.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'python-gettext==3.0'.
Getting required 'archetypes.schemaextender==2.1.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'archetypes.schemaextender==2.1.6'.
Getting required 'mechanize==0.2.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'mechanize==0.2.5'.
Getting required 'zope.error==3.7.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.error==3.7.4'.
Getting required 'zope.authentication==3.7.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.authentication==3.7.1'.
Getting required 'zope.dublincore==3.7.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.dublincore==3.7.0'.
Getting required 'future==0.15.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'future==0.15.2'.
Getting required 'cssselect==0.9.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'cssselect==0.9.2'.
Getting required 'five.intid==1.1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'five.intid==1.1.1'.
Getting required 'zope.intid==3.7.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.intid==3.7.2'.
Getting required 'zc.relation==1.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zc.relation==1.0'.
Getting required 'z3c.objpath==1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'z3c.objpath==1.1'.
Getting required 'plone.formwidget.recurrence[z3cform]==2.1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.formwidget.recurrence[z3cform]==2.1.1'.
Getting required 'plone.event==1.3.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.event==1.3.1'.
Getting required 'icalendar==3.10'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'icalendar==3.10'.
Getting required 'collective.elephantvocabulary==0.2.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'collective.elephantvocabulary==0.2.5'.
Getting required 'Products.DateRecurringIndex==2.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.DateRecurringIndex==2.1'.
Getting required 'zope.keyreference==3.6.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.keyreference==3.6.4'.
Updating backup.
Installing 'collective.recipe.backup', 'collective.recipe.backup', 'zc.buildout', 'zc.recipe.egg'.
We have the distribution that satisfies 'collective.recipe.backup==3.0.0'.
We have the distribution that satisfies 'collective.recipe.backup==3.0.0'.
We have a develop egg: zc.buildout 2.5.3
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zc.recipe.egg==2.0.3'.
Updating zopepy.
Installing 'Plone', 'Pillow'.
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Plone==5.0.6'.
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Pillow==3.3.1'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'Products.CMFPlone==5.0.6rc1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.CMFPlone==5.0.6rc1'.
Getting required 'Products.CMFPlacefulWorkflow==1.6.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.CMFPlacefulWorkflow==1.6.5'.
Getting required 'Products.ATContentTypes==2.2.13'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.ATContentTypes==2.2.13'.
Getting required 'Products.Archetypes==1.10.15'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.Archetypes==1.10.15'.
Getting required 'setuptools'
required by 1.2.11.
required by 1.3.27.
required by Products.CMFPlacefulWorkflow 1.6.5.
required by Products.Archetypes 1.10.15.
required by 2.1.1.
required by Products.ATContentTypes 2.2.13.
required by 2.3.2.
required by 3.2.1.
required by Products.CMFPlone 5.0.6rc1.
required by Plone 5.0.6.
We have a develop egg: setuptools 28.8.0
Adding find link '' from setuptools 28.8.0
Adding find link '' from setuptools 28.8.0
Getting required 'Zope2==2.13.24'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Zope2==2.13.24'.
Getting required 'Products.ZCatalog==3.0.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.ZCatalog==3.0.2'.
Getting required 'Products.SecureMailHost==1.1.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.SecureMailHost==1.1.2'.
Getting required 'Products.ResourceRegistries==3.0.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.ResourceRegistries==3.0.4'.
Getting required 'Products.PortalTransforms==2.2.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.PortalTransforms==2.2.1'.
Getting required 'Products.PluggableAuthService==1.11.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.PluggableAuthService==1.11.0'.
Getting required 'Products.PlonePAS==5.0.11'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.PlonePAS==5.0.11'.
Getting required 'Products.MimetypesRegistry==2.0.10'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.MimetypesRegistry==2.0.10'.
Getting required 'Products.GenericSetup==1.8.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.GenericSetup==1.8.3'.
Getting required 'Products.DCWorkflow==2.2.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.DCWorkflow==2.2.5'.
Getting required 'Products.CMFUid==2.2.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.CMFUid==2.2.1'.
Getting required 'Products.CMFQuickInstallerTool==3.0.13'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.CMFQuickInstallerTool==3.0.13'.
Getting required 'Products.CMFFormController==3.0.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.CMFFormController==3.0.6'.
Getting required 'Products.CMFEditions==2.2.21'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.CMFEditions==2.2.21'.
Getting required 'Products.CMFDiffTool==3.1.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.CMFDiffTool==3.1.2'.
Getting required 'Products.CMFCore==2.2.10'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.CMFCore==2.2.10'.
Getting required 'Products.contentmigration==2.1.13'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.contentmigration==2.1.13'.
Getting required 'Acquisition==4.2.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Acquisition==4.2.2'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'zope.ramcache==1.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.ramcache==1.0'.
Getting required 'zope.location==3.9.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.location==3.9.1'.
Getting required 'zope.interface==3.6.7'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.interface==3.6.7'.
Getting required 'zope.component==3.9.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.component==3.9.5'.
Getting required 'transaction==1.1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'transaction==1.1.1'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'plone.session==3.6.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.session==3.6.0'.
Getting required 'plone.portlets==2.2.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.portlets==2.2.3'.
Getting required 'five.localsitemanager==2.0.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'five.localsitemanager==2.0.5'.
Getting required 'borg.localrole==3.1.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'borg.localrole==3.1.2'.
Getting required 'zope.i18nmessageid==3.5.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.i18nmessageid==3.5.3'.
Getting required 'plone.openid==2.0.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.openid==2.0.4'.
Getting required 'ZODB3==3.10.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'ZODB3==3.10.5'.
Getting required 'Products.statusmessages==4.1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.statusmessages==4.1.1'.
Getting required 'DateTime==4.0.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'DateTime==4.0.1'.
Getting required 'zope.viewlet==3.7.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.viewlet==3.7.2'.
Getting required 'zope.schema==4.4.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.schema==4.4.2'.
Getting required 'zope.lifecycleevent==3.6.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.lifecycleevent==3.6.2'.
Getting required 'zope.event==3.5.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.event==3.5.2'.
Getting required 'zope.annotation==3.5.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.annotation==3.5.0'.
Getting required 'plone.memoize==1.2.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.memoize==1.2.0'.
Getting required 'plone.locking==2.1.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.locking==2.1.2'.
Getting required 'z3c.form==3.2.9'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'z3c.form==3.2.9'.
Getting required 'zope.publisher==3.12.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.publisher==3.12.6'.
Getting required 'zope.deprecation==3.4.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.deprecation==3.4.1'.
Getting required 'zope.browserpage==3.12.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.browserpage==3.12.2'.
Getting required 'plone.z3cform==0.8.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.z3cform==0.8.1'.
Getting required 'plone.supermodel==1.3.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.supermodel==1.3.0'.
Getting required 'plone.contentrules==2.0.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.contentrules==2.0.6'.
Getting required 'plone.autoform==1.6.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.autoform==1.6.2'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'lxml==3.5.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'lxml==3.5.0'.
Getting required 'plone.schemaeditor==2.0.11'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.schemaeditor==2.0.11'.
Getting required 'plone.rfc822==1.1.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.rfc822==1.1.3'.
Getting required 'plone.namedfile[scales]==3.0.9'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.namedfile[scales]==3.0.9'.
Getting required 'plone.formwidget.namedfile==1.0.15'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.formwidget.namedfile==1.0.15'.
Getting required 'plone.dexterity==2.4.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.dexterity==2.4.3'.
Getting required 'plone.behavior==1.1.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.behavior==1.1.2'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'z3c.zcmlhook==1.0b1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'z3c.zcmlhook==1.0b1'.
Getting required 'Products.CMFDynamicViewFTI==4.1.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.CMFDynamicViewFTI==4.1.4'.
Getting required 'plone.registry==1.0.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.registry==1.0.4'.
Getting required 'plone.protect==3.0.19'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.protect==3.0.19'.
Getting required 'zope.pagetemplate==3.6.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.pagetemplate==3.6.3'.
Getting required 'zope.browserresource==3.10.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.browserresource==3.10.3'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'plone.cachepurging==1.0.12'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.cachepurging==1.0.12'.
Getting required 'plone.caching==1.1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.caching==1.1.1'.
Getting required 'python-dateutil==2.4.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'python-dateutil==2.4.2'.
Getting required 'zope.traversing==3.13.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.traversing==3.13.2'.
Getting required 'zope.tales==3.5.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.tales==3.5.3'.
Getting required 'zope.tal==3.5.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.tal==3.5.2'.
Getting required 'zope.structuredtext==3.5.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.structuredtext==3.5.1'.
Getting required 'zope.i18n==3.7.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.i18n==3.7.4'.
Getting required 'zope.dottedname==3.4.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.dottedname==3.4.6'.
Getting required 'zope.deferredimport==3.5.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.deferredimport==3.5.3'.
Getting required 'zope.container==3.11.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.container==3.11.2'.
Getting required 'zope.cachedescriptors==3.5.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.cachedescriptors==3.5.1'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'z3c.autoinclude==0.3.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'z3c.autoinclude==0.3.6'.
Getting required 'slimit==0.8.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'slimit==0.8.1'.
Getting required 'plonetheme.barceloneta==1.6.21'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plonetheme.barceloneta==1.6.21'.
Getting required 'plone.theme==3.0.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.theme==3.0.0'.
Getting required 'plone.schema==1.0.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.schema==1.0.0'.
Getting required 'plone.portlet.static==3.0.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.portlet.static==3.0.2'.
Getting required 'plone.portlet.collection==3.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.portlet.collection==3.1'.
Getting required 'plone.outputfilters==2.1.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.outputfilters==2.1.5'.
Getting required 'plone.intelligenttext==2.1.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.intelligenttext==2.1.0'.
Getting required 'plone.indexer==1.0.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.indexer==1.0.4'.
Getting required 'plone.i18n==3.0.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.i18n==3.0.5'.
Getting required 'plone.browserlayer==2.1.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.browserlayer==2.1.6'.
Getting required 'plone.batching==1.1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.batching==1.1.1'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'plone.api==1.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.api==1.5'.
Getting required 'mockup==2.1.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'mockup==2.1.5'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'five.customerize==1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'five.customerize==1.1'.
Getting required 'cssmin==0.2.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'cssmin==0.2.0'.
Getting required 'Products.PluginRegistry==1.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.PluginRegistry==1.4'.
Getting required 'Products.PlacelessTranslationService==2.0.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.PlacelessTranslationService==2.0.6'.
Getting required 'Products.PasswordResetTool==2.2.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.PasswordResetTool==2.2.3'.
Getting required 'Products.ExternalEditor==1.1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.ExternalEditor==1.1.1'.
Getting required 'Products.ExtendedPathIndex==3.1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.ExtendedPathIndex==3.1.1'.
Getting required 'ExtensionClass==4.1.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'ExtensionClass==4.1.2'.
Getting required 'ZConfig==2.9.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'ZConfig==2.9.3'.
Getting required 'Products.validation==2.0.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.validation==2.0.2'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'plone.uuid==1.0.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.uuid==1.0.4'.
Getting required 'plone.folder==1.0.9'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.folder==1.0.9'.
Getting required 'Products.ZSQLMethods==2.13.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.ZSQLMethods==2.13.4'.
Getting required 'zope.datetime==3.4.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.datetime==3.4.1'.
Getting required 'zope.contenttype==3.5.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.contenttype==3.5.5'.
Getting required 'Products.StandardCacheManagers==2.13.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.StandardCacheManagers==2.13.1'.
Getting required 'Products.PythonScripts==2.13.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.PythonScripts==2.13.2'.
Getting required 'Products.MIMETools==2.13.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.MIMETools==2.13.0'.
Getting required 'Products.MailHost==2.13.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.MailHost==2.13.2'.
Getting required 'Products.ExternalMethod==2.13.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.ExternalMethod==2.13.1'.
Getting required 'Products.BTreeFolder2==2.14.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.BTreeFolder2==2.14.0'.
Getting required 'zope.testing==3.9.7'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.testing==3.9.7'.
Getting required 'zope.testbrowser==3.11.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.testbrowser==3.11.1'.
Getting required 'zope.size==3.4.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.size==3.4.1'.
Getting required 'zope.sequencesort==3.4.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.sequencesort==3.4.0'.
Getting required 'zope.sendmail==3.7.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.sendmail==3.7.5'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'zope.ptresource==3.9.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.ptresource==3.9.0'.
Getting required 'zope.proxy==3.6.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.proxy==3.6.1'.
Getting required 'zope.processlifetime==1.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.processlifetime==1.0'.
Getting required 'zope.exceptions==3.6.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.exceptions==3.6.2'.
Getting required 'zope.contentprovider==3.7.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.contentprovider==3.7.2'.
Getting required 'zope.configuration==3.7.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.configuration==3.7.4'.
Getting required 'zope.browsermenu==3.9.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.browsermenu==3.9.1'.
Getting required 'zope.browser==1.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.browser==1.3'.
Getting required 'zLOG==2.11.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zLOG==2.11.2'.
Getting required 'zExceptions==2.13.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zExceptions==2.13.0'.
Getting required 'zdaemon==2.0.7'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zdaemon==2.0.7'.
Getting required 'tempstorage==2.12.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'tempstorage==2.12.2'.
Getting required 'pytz==2015.7'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'pytz==2015.7'.
Getting required 'initgroups==2.13.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'initgroups==2.13.0'.
Getting required 'docutils==0.12'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'docutils==0.12'.
Getting required 'ZopeUndo==2.12.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'ZopeUndo==2.12.0'.
Getting required 'RestrictedPython==3.6.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'RestrictedPython==3.6.0'.
Getting required 'Record==2.13.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Record==2.13.0'.
Getting required 'Products.ZCTextIndex==2.13.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.ZCTextIndex==2.13.5'.
Getting required 'Products.OFSP==2.13.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.OFSP==2.13.2'.
Getting required 'Persistence==2.13.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Persistence==2.13.2'.
Getting required 'MultiMapping==2.13.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'MultiMapping==2.13.0'.
Getting required 'Missing==2.13.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Missing==2.13.1'.
Getting required 'DocumentTemplate==2.13.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'DocumentTemplate==2.13.2'.
Getting required 'AccessControl==3.0.12'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'AccessControl==3.0.12'.
Getting required 'Markdown==2.6.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Markdown==2.6.6'.
Getting required 'zope.formlib==4.0.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.formlib==4.0.6'.
Getting required 'Products.ZopeVersionControl==1.1.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.ZopeVersionControl==1.1.3'.
Getting required 'zope.copy==3.5.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.copy==3.5.0'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'feedparser==5.2.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'feedparser==5.2.1'.
Getting required 'plone.keyring==3.0.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.keyring==3.0.1'.
Getting required 'python-openid==2.2.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'python-openid==2.2.5'.
Getting required 'zc.lockfile==1.0.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zc.lockfile==1.0.2'.
Getting required 'six==1.10.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'six==1.10.0'.
Getting required 'zope.componentvocabulary==1.0.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.componentvocabulary==1.0.1'.
Getting required 'zope.globalrequest==1.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.globalrequest==1.2'.
Getting required 'z3c.formwidget.query==0.12'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'z3c.formwidget.query==0.12'.
Getting required 'plone.scale[storage]==1.4.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.scale[storage]==1.4.1'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'zope.filerepresentation==3.6.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.filerepresentation==3.6.1'.
Getting required 'plone.synchronize==1.0.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.synchronize==1.0.1'.
Getting required 'plone.alterego==1.0.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.alterego==1.0.1'.
Getting required 'collective.monkeypatcher==1.1.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'collective.monkeypatcher==1.1.2'.
Getting required 'five.globalrequest==1.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'five.globalrequest==1.0'.
Getting required 'repoze.xmliter==0.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'repoze.xmliter==0.6'.
Getting required 'plone.transformchain==1.2.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.transformchain==1.2.0'.
Getting required 'z3c.caching==2.0a1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'z3c.caching==2.0a1'.
Getting required 'zope.broken==3.6.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.broken==3.6.0'.
Getting required 'zc.buildout'
required by z3c.autoinclude 0.3.6.
We have a develop egg: zc.buildout 2.5.3
Getting required 'ply==3.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'ply==3.4'.
Getting required 'Unidecode==0.04.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Unidecode==0.04.1'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'roman==1.4.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'roman==1.4.0'.
Getting required 'plone.subrequest==1.7.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.subrequest==1.7.0'.
Getting required 'plone.resourceeditor==2.0.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.resourceeditor==2.0.5'.
Getting required 'plone.resource==1.0.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.resource==1.0.6'.
Getting required 'diazo==1.2.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'diazo==1.2.3'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'z3c.relationfield==0.7'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'z3c.relationfield==0.7'.
Getting required 'archetypes.multilingual==3.0.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'archetypes.multilingual==3.0.3'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'plone.stringinterp==1.1.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.stringinterp==1.1.4'.
Getting required 'decorator==4.0.10'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'decorator==4.0.10'.
Getting required 'Chameleon==2.24'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Chameleon==2.24'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'sourcecodegen==0.6.14'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'sourcecodegen==0.6.14'.
Getting required 'python-gettext==3.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'python-gettext==3.0'.
Getting required 'archetypes.schemaextender==2.1.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'archetypes.schemaextender==2.1.6'.
Getting required 'mechanize==0.2.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'mechanize==0.2.5'.
Getting required 'zope.error==3.7.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.error==3.7.4'.
Getting required 'zope.authentication==3.7.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.authentication==3.7.1'.
Getting required 'zope.dublincore==3.7.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.dublincore==3.7.0'.
Getting required 'future==0.15.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'future==0.15.2'.
Getting required 'cssselect==0.9.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'cssselect==0.9.2'.
Getting required 'five.intid==1.1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'five.intid==1.1.1'.
Getting required 'zope.intid==3.7.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.intid==3.7.2'.
Getting required 'zc.relation==1.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zc.relation==1.0'.
Getting required 'z3c.objpath==1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'z3c.objpath==1.1'.
Getting required 'plone.formwidget.recurrence[z3cform]==2.1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.formwidget.recurrence[z3cform]==2.1.1'.
Getting required 'plone.event==1.3.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.event==1.3.1'.
Getting required 'icalendar==3.10'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'icalendar==3.10'.
Getting required 'collective.elephantvocabulary==0.2.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'collective.elephantvocabulary==0.2.5'.
Getting required 'Products.DateRecurringIndex==2.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.DateRecurringIndex==2.1'.
Getting required 'zope.keyreference==3.6.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.keyreference==3.6.4'.
Updating unifiedinstaller.
Installing 'plone.recipe.unifiedinstaller', 'plone.recipe.unifiedinstaller'.
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.recipe.unifiedinstaller==4.3.2'.
Adding find link '' from plone.recipe.unifiedinstaller 4.3.2
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.recipe.unifiedinstaller==4.3.2'.
Getting required 'zc.recipe.egg==2.0.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zc.recipe.egg==2.0.3'.
Getting required 'zc.buildout'
required by plone.recipe.unifiedinstaller 4.3.2.
We have a develop egg: zc.buildout 2.5.3
Getting required 'setuptools'
required by zc.recipe.egg 2.0.3.
required by plone.recipe.unifiedinstaller 4.3.2.
We have a develop egg: setuptools 28.8.0
Adding find link '' from setuptools 28.8.0
Adding find link '' from setuptools 28.8.0
Updating precompiler.
Compiling Python files.
Installing 'Plone', 'Pillow'.
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Plone==5.0.6'.
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Pillow==3.3.1'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'Products.CMFPlone==5.0.6rc1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.CMFPlone==5.0.6rc1'.
Getting required 'Products.CMFPlacefulWorkflow==1.6.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.CMFPlacefulWorkflow==1.6.5'.
Getting required 'Products.ATContentTypes==2.2.13'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.ATContentTypes==2.2.13'.
Getting required 'Products.Archetypes==1.10.15'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.Archetypes==1.10.15'.
Getting required 'setuptools'
required by 1.2.11.
required by 1.3.27.
required by Products.CMFPlacefulWorkflow 1.6.5.
required by Products.Archetypes 1.10.15.
required by 2.1.1.
required by Products.ATContentTypes 2.2.13.
required by 2.3.2.
required by 3.2.1.
required by Products.CMFPlone 5.0.6rc1.
required by Plone 5.0.6.
We have a develop egg: setuptools 28.8.0
Adding find link '' from setuptools 28.8.0
Adding find link '' from setuptools 28.8.0
Getting required 'Zope2==2.13.24'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Zope2==2.13.24'.
Getting required 'Products.ZCatalog==3.0.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.ZCatalog==3.0.2'.
Getting required 'Products.SecureMailHost==1.1.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.SecureMailHost==1.1.2'.
Getting required 'Products.ResourceRegistries==3.0.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.ResourceRegistries==3.0.4'.
Getting required 'Products.PortalTransforms==2.2.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.PortalTransforms==2.2.1'.
Getting required 'Products.PluggableAuthService==1.11.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.PluggableAuthService==1.11.0'.
Getting required 'Products.PlonePAS==5.0.11'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.PlonePAS==5.0.11'.
Getting required 'Products.MimetypesRegistry==2.0.10'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.MimetypesRegistry==2.0.10'.
Getting required 'Products.GenericSetup==1.8.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.GenericSetup==1.8.3'.
Getting required 'Products.DCWorkflow==2.2.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.DCWorkflow==2.2.5'.
Getting required 'Products.CMFUid==2.2.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.CMFUid==2.2.1'.
Getting required 'Products.CMFQuickInstallerTool==3.0.13'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.CMFQuickInstallerTool==3.0.13'.
Getting required 'Products.CMFFormController==3.0.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.CMFFormController==3.0.6'.
Getting required 'Products.CMFEditions==2.2.21'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.CMFEditions==2.2.21'.
Getting required 'Products.CMFDiffTool==3.1.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.CMFDiffTool==3.1.2'.
Getting required 'Products.CMFCore==2.2.10'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.CMFCore==2.2.10'.
Getting required 'Products.contentmigration==2.1.13'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.contentmigration==2.1.13'.
Getting required 'Acquisition==4.2.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Acquisition==4.2.2'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'zope.ramcache==1.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.ramcache==1.0'.
Getting required 'zope.location==3.9.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.location==3.9.1'.
Getting required 'zope.interface==3.6.7'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.interface==3.6.7'.
Getting required 'zope.component==3.9.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.component==3.9.5'.
Getting required 'transaction==1.1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'transaction==1.1.1'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'plone.session==3.6.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.session==3.6.0'.
Getting required 'plone.portlets==2.2.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.portlets==2.2.3'.
Getting required 'five.localsitemanager==2.0.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'five.localsitemanager==2.0.5'.
Getting required 'borg.localrole==3.1.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'borg.localrole==3.1.2'.
Getting required 'zope.i18nmessageid==3.5.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.i18nmessageid==3.5.3'.
Getting required 'plone.openid==2.0.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.openid==2.0.4'.
Getting required 'ZODB3==3.10.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'ZODB3==3.10.5'.
Getting required 'Products.statusmessages==4.1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.statusmessages==4.1.1'.
Getting required 'DateTime==4.0.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'DateTime==4.0.1'.
Getting required 'zope.viewlet==3.7.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.viewlet==3.7.2'.
Getting required 'zope.schema==4.4.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.schema==4.4.2'.
Getting required 'zope.lifecycleevent==3.6.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.lifecycleevent==3.6.2'.
Getting required 'zope.event==3.5.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.event==3.5.2'.
Getting required 'zope.annotation==3.5.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.annotation==3.5.0'.
Getting required 'plone.memoize==1.2.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.memoize==1.2.0'.
Getting required 'plone.locking==2.1.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.locking==2.1.2'.
Getting required 'z3c.form==3.2.9'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'z3c.form==3.2.9'.
Getting required 'zope.publisher==3.12.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.publisher==3.12.6'.
Getting required 'zope.deprecation==3.4.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.deprecation==3.4.1'.
Getting required 'zope.browserpage==3.12.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.browserpage==3.12.2'.
Getting required 'plone.z3cform==0.8.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.z3cform==0.8.1'.
Getting required 'plone.supermodel==1.3.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.supermodel==1.3.0'.
Getting required 'plone.contentrules==2.0.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.contentrules==2.0.6'.
Getting required 'plone.autoform==1.6.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.autoform==1.6.2'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'lxml==3.5.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'lxml==3.5.0'.
Getting required 'plone.schemaeditor==2.0.11'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.schemaeditor==2.0.11'.
Getting required 'plone.rfc822==1.1.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.rfc822==1.1.3'.
Getting required 'plone.namedfile[scales]==3.0.9'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.namedfile[scales]==3.0.9'.
Getting required 'plone.formwidget.namedfile==1.0.15'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.formwidget.namedfile==1.0.15'.
Getting required 'plone.dexterity==2.4.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.dexterity==2.4.3'.
Getting required 'plone.behavior==1.1.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.behavior==1.1.2'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'z3c.zcmlhook==1.0b1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'z3c.zcmlhook==1.0b1'.
Getting required 'Products.CMFDynamicViewFTI==4.1.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.CMFDynamicViewFTI==4.1.4'.
Getting required 'plone.registry==1.0.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.registry==1.0.4'.
Getting required 'plone.protect==3.0.19'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.protect==3.0.19'.
Getting required 'zope.pagetemplate==3.6.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.pagetemplate==3.6.3'.
Getting required 'zope.browserresource==3.10.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.browserresource==3.10.3'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'plone.cachepurging==1.0.12'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.cachepurging==1.0.12'.
Getting required 'plone.caching==1.1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.caching==1.1.1'.
Getting required 'python-dateutil==2.4.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'python-dateutil==2.4.2'.
Getting required 'zope.traversing==3.13.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.traversing==3.13.2'.
Getting required 'zope.tales==3.5.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.tales==3.5.3'.
Getting required 'zope.tal==3.5.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.tal==3.5.2'.
Getting required 'zope.structuredtext==3.5.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.structuredtext==3.5.1'.
Getting required 'zope.i18n==3.7.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.i18n==3.7.4'.
Getting required 'zope.dottedname==3.4.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.dottedname==3.4.6'.
Getting required 'zope.deferredimport==3.5.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.deferredimport==3.5.3'.
Getting required 'zope.container==3.11.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.container==3.11.2'.
Getting required 'zope.cachedescriptors==3.5.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.cachedescriptors==3.5.1'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'z3c.autoinclude==0.3.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'z3c.autoinclude==0.3.6'.
Getting required 'slimit==0.8.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'slimit==0.8.1'.
Getting required 'plonetheme.barceloneta==1.6.21'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plonetheme.barceloneta==1.6.21'.
Getting required 'plone.theme==3.0.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.theme==3.0.0'.
Getting required 'plone.schema==1.0.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.schema==1.0.0'.
Getting required 'plone.portlet.static==3.0.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.portlet.static==3.0.2'.
Getting required 'plone.portlet.collection==3.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.portlet.collection==3.1'.
Getting required 'plone.outputfilters==2.1.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.outputfilters==2.1.5'.
Getting required 'plone.intelligenttext==2.1.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.intelligenttext==2.1.0'.
Getting required 'plone.indexer==1.0.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.indexer==1.0.4'.
Getting required 'plone.i18n==3.0.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.i18n==3.0.5'.
Getting required 'plone.browserlayer==2.1.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.browserlayer==2.1.6'.
Getting required 'plone.batching==1.1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.batching==1.1.1'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'plone.api==1.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.api==1.5'.
Getting required 'mockup==2.1.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'mockup==2.1.5'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'five.customerize==1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'five.customerize==1.1'.
Getting required 'cssmin==0.2.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'cssmin==0.2.0'.
Getting required 'Products.PluginRegistry==1.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.PluginRegistry==1.4'.
Getting required 'Products.PlacelessTranslationService==2.0.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.PlacelessTranslationService==2.0.6'.
Getting required 'Products.PasswordResetTool==2.2.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.PasswordResetTool==2.2.3'.
Getting required 'Products.ExternalEditor==1.1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.ExternalEditor==1.1.1'.
Getting required 'Products.ExtendedPathIndex==3.1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.ExtendedPathIndex==3.1.1'.
Getting required 'ExtensionClass==4.1.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'ExtensionClass==4.1.2'.
Getting required 'ZConfig==2.9.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'ZConfig==2.9.3'.
Getting required 'Products.validation==2.0.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.validation==2.0.2'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'plone.uuid==1.0.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.uuid==1.0.4'.
Getting required 'plone.folder==1.0.9'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.folder==1.0.9'.
Getting required 'Products.ZSQLMethods==2.13.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.ZSQLMethods==2.13.4'.
Getting required 'zope.datetime==3.4.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.datetime==3.4.1'.
Getting required 'zope.contenttype==3.5.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.contenttype==3.5.5'.
Getting required 'Products.StandardCacheManagers==2.13.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.StandardCacheManagers==2.13.1'.
Getting required 'Products.PythonScripts==2.13.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.PythonScripts==2.13.2'.
Getting required 'Products.MIMETools==2.13.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.MIMETools==2.13.0'.
Getting required 'Products.MailHost==2.13.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.MailHost==2.13.2'.
Getting required 'Products.ExternalMethod==2.13.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.ExternalMethod==2.13.1'.
Getting required 'Products.BTreeFolder2==2.14.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.BTreeFolder2==2.14.0'.
Getting required 'zope.testing==3.9.7'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.testing==3.9.7'.
Getting required 'zope.testbrowser==3.11.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.testbrowser==3.11.1'.
Getting required 'zope.size==3.4.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.size==3.4.1'.
Getting required 'zope.sequencesort==3.4.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.sequencesort==3.4.0'.
Getting required 'zope.sendmail==3.7.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.sendmail==3.7.5'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'zope.ptresource==3.9.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.ptresource==3.9.0'.
Getting required 'zope.proxy==3.6.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.proxy==3.6.1'.
Getting required 'zope.processlifetime==1.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.processlifetime==1.0'.
Getting required 'zope.exceptions==3.6.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.exceptions==3.6.2'.
Getting required 'zope.contentprovider==3.7.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.contentprovider==3.7.2'.
Getting required 'zope.configuration==3.7.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.configuration==3.7.4'.
Getting required 'zope.browsermenu==3.9.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.browsermenu==3.9.1'.
Getting required 'zope.browser==1.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.browser==1.3'.
Getting required 'zLOG==2.11.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zLOG==2.11.2'.
Getting required 'zExceptions==2.13.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zExceptions==2.13.0'.
Getting required 'zdaemon==2.0.7'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zdaemon==2.0.7'.
Getting required 'tempstorage==2.12.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'tempstorage==2.12.2'.
Getting required 'pytz==2015.7'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'pytz==2015.7'.
Getting required 'initgroups==2.13.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'initgroups==2.13.0'.
Getting required 'docutils==0.12'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'docutils==0.12'.
Getting required 'ZopeUndo==2.12.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'ZopeUndo==2.12.0'.
Getting required 'RestrictedPython==3.6.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'RestrictedPython==3.6.0'.
Getting required 'Record==2.13.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Record==2.13.0'.
Getting required 'Products.ZCTextIndex==2.13.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.ZCTextIndex==2.13.5'.
Getting required 'Products.OFSP==2.13.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.OFSP==2.13.2'.
Getting required 'Persistence==2.13.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Persistence==2.13.2'.
Getting required 'MultiMapping==2.13.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'MultiMapping==2.13.0'.
Getting required 'Missing==2.13.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Missing==2.13.1'.
Getting required 'DocumentTemplate==2.13.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'DocumentTemplate==2.13.2'.
Getting required 'AccessControl==3.0.12'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'AccessControl==3.0.12'.
Getting required 'Markdown==2.6.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Markdown==2.6.6'.
Getting required 'zope.formlib==4.0.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.formlib==4.0.6'.
Getting required 'Products.ZopeVersionControl==1.1.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.ZopeVersionControl==1.1.3'.
Getting required 'zope.copy==3.5.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.copy==3.5.0'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'feedparser==5.2.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'feedparser==5.2.1'.
Getting required 'plone.keyring==3.0.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.keyring==3.0.1'.
Getting required 'python-openid==2.2.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'python-openid==2.2.5'.
Getting required 'zc.lockfile==1.0.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zc.lockfile==1.0.2'.
Getting required 'six==1.10.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'six==1.10.0'.
Getting required 'zope.componentvocabulary==1.0.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.componentvocabulary==1.0.1'.
Getting required 'zope.globalrequest==1.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.globalrequest==1.2'.
Getting required 'z3c.formwidget.query==0.12'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'z3c.formwidget.query==0.12'.
Getting required 'plone.scale[storage]==1.4.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.scale[storage]==1.4.1'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'zope.filerepresentation==3.6.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.filerepresentation==3.6.1'.
Getting required 'plone.synchronize==1.0.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.synchronize==1.0.1'.
Getting required 'plone.alterego==1.0.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.alterego==1.0.1'.
Getting required 'collective.monkeypatcher==1.1.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'collective.monkeypatcher==1.1.2'.
Getting required 'five.globalrequest==1.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'five.globalrequest==1.0'.
Getting required 'repoze.xmliter==0.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'repoze.xmliter==0.6'.
Getting required 'plone.transformchain==1.2.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.transformchain==1.2.0'.
Getting required 'z3c.caching==2.0a1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'z3c.caching==2.0a1'.
Getting required 'zope.broken==3.6.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.broken==3.6.0'.
Getting required 'zc.buildout'
required by z3c.autoinclude 0.3.6.
We have a develop egg: zc.buildout 2.5.3
Getting required 'ply==3.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'ply==3.4'.
Getting required 'Unidecode==0.04.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Unidecode==0.04.1'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'roman==1.4.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'roman==1.4.0'.
Getting required 'plone.subrequest==1.7.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.subrequest==1.7.0'.
Getting required 'plone.resourceeditor==2.0.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.resourceeditor==2.0.5'.
Getting required 'plone.resource==1.0.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.resource==1.0.6'.
Getting required 'diazo==1.2.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'diazo==1.2.3'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'z3c.relationfield==0.7'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'z3c.relationfield==0.7'.
Getting required 'archetypes.multilingual==3.0.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'archetypes.multilingual==3.0.3'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'plone.stringinterp==1.1.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.stringinterp==1.1.4'.
Getting required 'decorator==4.0.10'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'decorator==4.0.10'.
Getting required 'Chameleon==2.24'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Chameleon==2.24'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'sourcecodegen==0.6.14'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'sourcecodegen==0.6.14'.
Getting required 'python-gettext==3.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'python-gettext==3.0'.
Getting required 'archetypes.schemaextender==2.1.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'archetypes.schemaextender==2.1.6'.
Getting required 'mechanize==0.2.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'mechanize==0.2.5'.
Getting required 'zope.error==3.7.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.error==3.7.4'.
Getting required 'zope.authentication==3.7.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.authentication==3.7.1'.
Getting required 'zope.dublincore==3.7.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.dublincore==3.7.0'.
Getting required 'future==0.15.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'future==0.15.2'.
Getting required 'cssselect==0.9.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'cssselect==0.9.2'.
Getting required 'five.intid==1.1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'five.intid==1.1.1'.
Getting required 'zope.intid==3.7.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.intid==3.7.2'.
Getting required 'zc.relation==1.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zc.relation==1.0'.
Getting required 'z3c.objpath==1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'z3c.objpath==1.1'.
Getting required 'plone.formwidget.recurrence[z3cform]==2.1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.formwidget.recurrence[z3cform]==2.1.1'.
Getting required 'plone.event==1.3.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.event==1.3.1'.
Getting required 'icalendar==3.10'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'icalendar==3.10'.
Getting required 'collective.elephantvocabulary==0.2.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'collective.elephantvocabulary==0.2.5'.
Getting required 'Products.DateRecurringIndex==2.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.DateRecurringIndex==2.1'.
Getting required 'zope.keyreference==3.6.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.keyreference==3.6.4'.
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_prefs/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_prefs/", line 15
return request.RESPONSE.redirect(context.absolute_url() + '/prefs_error_log_form')
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_prefs/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_prefs/", line 17
return request.RESPONSE.redirect(
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_login/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_login/", line 17
return context.restrictedTraverse('external_login_return')()
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_login/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_login/", line 19
return portal.restrictedTraverse(login)()
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_form_scripts/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_form_scripts/", line 16
return context.REQUEST.RESPONSE.redirect(
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_templates/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_templates/", line 32
return '{{"error_type": "{0:s}"}}'.format(error_type)
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/", line 27
return 'Successfully configured system to use External Editor.'
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/", line 10
return [r for r in context.portal_membership.getPortalRoles() if r != 'Owner']
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/", line 18
return myList
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/", line 12
return None
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/", line 11
return context.plone_utils.browserDefault(context)
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/", line 4
return []
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/", line 57
return result
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/", line 21
return [x[1] for x in aux]
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/", line 15
return context.REQUEST['RESPONSE'].redirect(
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/", line 12
return sorted
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/", line 11
return None
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/", line 51
return None
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/", line 34
return []
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/", line 14
return putils.pretty_title_or_id(context, default)
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/", line 36
return new
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/", line 52
return _(u'Please enter a name.')
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/", line 128
return results
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/", line 163
return {'years': years, 'months': months, 'days': days,
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/", line 25
return batch
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/", line 15
return '<!-- compression status: disabled -->'
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/", line 13
return [ctype for ctype in types if ctype.getId() not in filterOut]
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/", line 36
return '0 %s' % smaller
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/", line 52
return final_lists
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/", line 16
return None
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/", line 17
return request.RESPONSE.redirect(target_url)
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/", line 27
return rows
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/", line 13
return context.restrictedTraverse('@@plone').toLocalizedTime(
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/", line 26
return response
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/", line 16
return False
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/", line 23
return prefix + time + rand + suffix
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/", line 12
return not (context.portal_factory.isTemporary(context)
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/", line 16
return None
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/", line 54
return batch
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/", line 48
return results
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/", line 15
return isExpired(content)
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/", line 12
return ()
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/", line 9
return r"""
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/", line 24
return printed
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/", line 15
return installed_types
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/", line 17
return False
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/", line 17
return False
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/", line 13
return True
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlacefulWorkflow-1.6.5-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlacefulWorkflow/skins/CMFPlacefulWorkflow/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlacefulWorkflow-1.6.5-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlacefulWorkflow/skins/CMFPlacefulWorkflow/", line 20
return request
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.ATContentTypes-2.2.13-py2.7.egg/Products/ATContentTypes/skins/ATContentTypes/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.ATContentTypes-2.2.13-py2.7.egg/Products/ATContentTypes/skins/ATContentTypes/", line 10
return "%s,%s,%s,%s" % (context.title_or_id(), context.aq_parent.title_or_id(),\
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.ATContentTypes-2.2.13-py2.7.egg/Products/ATContentTypes/skins/ATContentTypes/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.ATContentTypes-2.2.13-py2.7.egg/Products/ATContentTypes/skins/ATContentTypes/", line 55
return result
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.ATContentTypes-2.2.13-py2.7.egg/Products/ATContentTypes/skins/ATContentTypes/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.ATContentTypes-2.2.13-py2.7.egg/Products/ATContentTypes/skins/ATContentTypes/", line 26
return "<div>%s</div>" % result_string.encode('utf-8')
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.ATContentTypes-2.2.13-py2.7.egg/Products/ATContentTypes/skins/ATContentTypes/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.ATContentTypes-2.2.13-py2.7.egg/Products/ATContentTypes/skins/ATContentTypes/", line 28
return context.REQUEST.RESPONSE.redirect(
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.ATContentTypes-2.2.13-py2.7.egg/Products/ATContentTypes/skins/ATContentTypes/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.ATContentTypes-2.2.13-py2.7.egg/Products/ATContentTypes/skins/ATContentTypes/", line 10
return context.allowedCriteriaForField(index, display_list=True)
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.ATContentTypes-2.2.13-py2.7.egg/Products/ATContentTypes/skins/ATContentTypes/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.ATContentTypes-2.2.13-py2.7.egg/Products/ATContentTypes/skins/ATContentTypes/", line 15
return ''
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.ATContentTypes-2.2.13-py2.7.egg/Products/ATContentTypes/skins/ATContentTypes/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.ATContentTypes-2.2.13-py2.7.egg/Products/ATContentTypes/skins/ATContentTypes/", line 24
return printed
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.Archetypes-1.10.15-py2.7.egg/Products/Archetypes/skins/archetypes/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.Archetypes-1.10.15-py2.7.egg/Products/Archetypes/skins/archetypes/", line 9
return 'utf-8'
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.Archetypes-1.10.15-py2.7.egg/Products/Archetypes/skins/archetypes/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.Archetypes-1.10.15-py2.7.egg/Products/Archetypes/skins/archetypes/", line 11
return 0
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.Archetypes-1.10.15-py2.7.egg/Products/Archetypes/skins/archetypes/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.Archetypes-1.10.15-py2.7.egg/Products/Archetypes/skins/archetypes/", line 31
return result
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.Archetypes-1.10.15-py2.7.egg/Products/Archetypes/skins/archetypes/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.Archetypes-1.10.15-py2.7.egg/Products/Archetypes/skins/archetypes/", line 22
return order
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.Archetypes-1.10.15-py2.7.egg/Products/Archetypes/skins/archetypes/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.Archetypes-1.10.15-py2.7.egg/Products/Archetypes/skins/archetypes/", line 16
return encoded
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.Archetypes-1.10.15-py2.7.egg/Products/Archetypes/skins/archetypes/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.Archetypes-1.10.15-py2.7.egg/Products/Archetypes/skins/archetypes/", line 11
return t(vocab, value, widget)
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.Archetypes-1.10.15-py2.7.egg/Products/Archetypes/skins/archetypes/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.Archetypes-1.10.15-py2.7.egg/Products/Archetypes/skins/archetypes/", line 14
return context.getIcon()
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.Archetypes-1.10.15-py2.7.egg/Products/Archetypes/skins/archetypes/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.Archetypes-1.10.15-py2.7.egg/Products/Archetypes/skins/archetypes/", line 29
return 1
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.Archetypes-1.10.15-py2.7.egg/Products/Archetypes/skins/archetypes/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.Archetypes-1.10.15-py2.7.egg/Products/Archetypes/skins/archetypes/", line 10
return context.getWrappedField(fieldName).tag(context, scale)
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.Archetypes-1.10.15-py2.7.egg/Products/Archetypes/skins/archetypes/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.Archetypes-1.10.15-py2.7.egg/Products/Archetypes/skins/archetypes/", line 20
return RESPONSE.redirect(url)
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.Archetypes-1.10.15-py2.7.egg/Products/Archetypes/skins/archetypes/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.Archetypes-1.10.15-py2.7.egg/Products/Archetypes/skins/archetypes/", line 11
return default
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.Archetypes-1.10.15-py2.7.egg/Products/Archetypes/skins/archetypes/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.Archetypes-1.10.15-py2.7.egg/Products/Archetypes/skins/archetypes/", line 19
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.Archetypes-1.10.15-py2.7.egg/Products/Archetypes/skins/archetypes/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.Archetypes-1.10.15-py2.7.egg/Products/Archetypes/skins/archetypes/", line 53
return state.set(status='next_schemata',
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.Archetypes-1.10.15-py2.7.egg/Products/Archetypes/skins/archetypes/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.Archetypes-1.10.15-py2.7.egg/Products/Archetypes/skins/archetypes/", line 19
return mimetypes[0].name()
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFEditions-2.2.21-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFEditions/skins/CMFEditions/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFEditions-2.2.21-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFEditions/skins/CMFEditions/", line 33
return {
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFEditions-2.2.21-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFEditions/skins/CMFEditions/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFEditions-2.2.21-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFEditions/skins/CMFEditions/", line 30
return suite
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFEditions-2.2.21-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFEditions/skins/CMFEditions/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFEditions-2.2.21-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFEditions/skins/CMFEditions/", line 47
return RESPONSE.redirect(view_url)
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFEditions-2.2.21-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFEditions/skins/CMFEditions/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFEditions-2.2.21-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFEditions/skins/CMFEditions/", line 15
return "finished creating test hierarchy"
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFEditions-2.2.21-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFEditions/skins/CMFEditions/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFEditions-2.2.21-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFEditions/skins/CMFEditions/", line 14
return "no storage migration necessary: nothing done"
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFEditions-2.2.21-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFEditions/skins/cmfeditions_views/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFEditions-2.2.21-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFEditions/skins/cmfeditions_views/", line 19
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFEditions-2.2.21-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFEditions/skins/cmfeditions_views/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFEditions-2.2.21-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFEditions/skins/cmfeditions_views/", line 18
return tag
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFCore-2.2.10-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFCore/tests/fake_skins/fake_skin/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFCore-2.2.10-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFCore/tests/fake_skins/fake_skin/", line 2
return 'unix'
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFCore-2.2.10-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFCore/tests/fake_skins/fake_skin/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFCore-2.2.10-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFCore/tests/fake_skins/fake_skin/", line 1
return 'test1'
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFCore-2.2.10-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFCore/tests/fake_skins/fake_skin/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFCore-2.2.10-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFCore/tests/fake_skins/fake_skin/", line 1
return 'test1'
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFCore-2.2.10-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFCore/tests/fake_skins/fake_skin/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFCore-2.2.10-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFCore/tests/fake_skins/fake_skin/", line 2
return 'dos'
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFCore-2.2.10-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFCore/tests/fake_skins/fake_skin/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFCore-2.2.10-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFCore/tests/fake_skins/fake_skin/", line 1
return 'test1'
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFCore-2.2.10-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFCore/tests/fake_skins/fake_skin/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFCore-2.2.10-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFCore/tests/fake_skins/fake_skin/", line 2
return 'mac'
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFCore-2.2.10-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFCore/tests/fake_skins/fake_skin/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFCore-2.2.10-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFCore/tests/fake_skins/fake_skin/", line 1
return 'test1'
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.PasswordResetTool-2.2.3-py2.7.egg/Products/PasswordResetTool/skins/PasswordReset/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.PasswordResetTool-2.2.3-py2.7.egg/Products/PasswordResetTool/skins/PasswordReset/", line 14
return "%s/passwordreset/%s" % (host, randomstring)
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling locale files.
Compiling po-file: /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/python_gettext-3.0-py2.7.egg/pythongettext/tests/test5.po
Error while compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/python_gettext-3.0-py2.7.egg/pythongettext/tests/test5.po
Compiling po-file: /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/python_gettext-3.0-py2.7.egg/pythongettext/tests/test_escape.po
Error while compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/python_gettext-3.0-py2.7.egg/pythongettext/tests/test_escape.po
Updating setpermissions.
setpermissions: Running # Dummy references to force this to execute after referenced parts
echo /arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/var/backups yes > /dev/null
chmod 600 .installed.cfg
# Make sure anything we've created in var is r/w by our group
find /arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/var -type d -exec chmod 770 {} \; 2> /dev/null
find /arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/var -type f -exec chmod 660 {} \; 2> /dev/null
find /arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/var -type d -exec chmod 770 {} \; 2> /dev/null
find /arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/var -type f -exec chmod 660 {} \; 2> /dev/null
chmod 754 /arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/bin/*
chmod: changing permissions of ‘/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/bin/buildout’: Operation not permitted
Versions had to be automatically picked.
The following part definition lists the versions picked:
plone.recipe.command = 1.1
plone.recipe.precompiler = 0.6
d2d203:/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster # systemctl restart apache2.service
d2d203:/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster # ./
zeoserver: .
daemon process started, pid=8292
client1: .
daemon process started, pid=8299
client2: .
daemon process started, pid=8308
d2d203:/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster # cd var/client1
d2d203:/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/var/client1 # tail -f event.log
2016-11-23T23:26:33 INFO ZEO.zrpc.Connection(C) ( received handshake 'Z3101'
2016-11-23T23:26:33 INFO ZEO.ClientStorage zeostorage Server authentication protocol None
2016-11-23T23:26:33 INFO ZEO.ClientStorage zeostorage Connected to storage: ('localhost', 5100)
2016-11-23T23:26:33 INFO ZEO.ClientStorage zeostorage No verification necessary -- empty cache
2016-11-23T23:26:38 INFO Plone OpenID system packages not installed, OpenID support not available
2016-11-23T23:26:41 INFO Zope Ready to handle requests
d2d203:/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/var/client1 # cd ../client2
d2d203:/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/var/client2 # ls
Z2.log client2.lock event.log import zopectlsock
d2d203:/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/var/client2 # cat event.log
2016-11-23T23:23:13 INFO ZServer HTTP server started at Wed Nov 23 23:23:13 2016
Port: 5081
2016-11-23T23:23:16 INFO ZEO.ClientStorage zeostorage ClientStorage (pid=8066) created RW/normal for storage: '1'
2016-11-23T23:23:16 INFO ZEO.cache created temporary cache file '<fdopen>'
2016-11-23T23:23:16 INFO ZEO.ClientStorage zeostorage Testing connection <ManagedClientConnection ('', 5100)>
2016-11-23T23:23:16 INFO ZEO.zrpc.Connection(C) ( received handshake 'Z3101'
2016-11-23T23:23:16 INFO ZEO.ClientStorage zeostorage Server authentication protocol None
2016-11-23T23:23:16 INFO ZEO.ClientStorage zeostorage Connected to storage: ('localhost', 5100)
2016-11-23T23:23:16 INFO ZEO.ClientStorage zeostorage No verification necessary -- empty cache
2016-11-23T23:23:21 INFO Plone OpenID system packages not installed, OpenID support not available
2016-11-23T23:23:24 INFO Zope Ready to handle requests
2016-11-23T23:24:15 INFO SignalHandler Caught signal SIGTERM
2016-11-23T23:24:15 INFO Z2 Shutting down fast
2016-11-23T23:24:15 INFO ZServer closing HTTP to new connections
2016-11-23T23:24:15 INFO ZEO.ClientStorage zeostorage Disconnected from storage: "('localhost', 5100)"
2016-11-23T23:26:33 INFO ZServer HTTP server started at Wed Nov 23 23:26:33 2016
Port: 5081
2016-11-23T23:26:37 INFO ZEO.ClientStorage zeostorage ClientStorage (pid=8308) created RW/normal for storage: '1'
2016-11-23T23:26:37 INFO ZEO.cache created temporary cache file '<fdopen>'
2016-11-23T23:26:37 INFO ZEO.ClientStorage zeostorage Testing connection <ManagedClientConnection ('', 5100)>
2016-11-23T23:26:37 INFO ZEO.zrpc.Connection(C) ( received handshake 'Z3101'
2016-11-23T23:26:37 INFO ZEO.ClientStorage zeostorage Server authentication protocol None
2016-11-23T23:26:37 INFO ZEO.ClientStorage zeostorage Connected to storage: ('localhost', 5100)
2016-11-23T23:26:37 INFO ZEO.ClientStorage zeostorage No verification necessary -- empty cache
2016-11-23T23:26:41 INFO Plone OpenID system packages not installed, OpenID support not available
2016-11-23T23:26:44 INFO Zope Ready to handle requests
d2d203:/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/var/client2 # cd ..
d2d203:/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/var # cd zeoserver/
d2d203:/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/var/zeoserver # ls
zeo.zdsock zeoserver.log
d2d203:/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/var/zeoserver # cat zeoserver.log
2016-11-23T23:23:05 daemonizing the process
2016-11-23T23:23:05 set current directory: '/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/parts/zeoserver'
2016-11-23T23:23:05 daemon manager started
2016-11-23T23:23:05 spawned process pid=8050
2016-11-23T23:23:05 (8050) created PID file '/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/var/zeoserver/'
2016-11-23T23:23:05 (8050) opening storage '1' using FileStorage
2016-11-23T23:23:05 (8050) Blob directory /arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/var/blobstorage does not exist. Selected `bushy` layout.
2016-11-23T23:23:05 (8050) Blob directory '/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/var/blobstorage/' does not exist. Created new directory.
2016-11-23T23:23:05 (8050) Blob temporary directory '/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/var/blobstorage/tmp' does not exist. Created new directory.
2016-11-23T23:23:05 StorageServer created RW with storages: 1:RW:/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/var/filestorage/Data.fs
2016-11-23T23:23:05 (8050) listening on ('', 5100)
2016-11-23T23:23:13 new connection ('', 53334): <ManagedServerConnection ('', 53334)>
2016-11-23T23:23:13 new connection ('', 53335): <ManagedServerConnection ('', 53335)>
2016-11-23T23:23:13 new connection ('', 53336): <ManagedServerConnection ('', 53336)>
2016-11-23T23:23:13 ( received handshake 'Z3101'
2016-11-23T23:23:13 (unconnected) disconnected
2016-11-23T23:23:13 (unconnected) disconnected
2016-11-23T23:23:16 new connection ('', 53337): <ManagedServerConnection ('', 53337)>
2016-11-23T23:23:16 new connection ('', 53338): <ManagedServerConnection ('', 53338)>
2016-11-23T23:23:16 new connection ('', 53339): <ManagedServerConnection ('', 53339)>
2016-11-23T23:23:16 ( received handshake 'Z3101'
2016-11-23T23:23:16 (unconnected) disconnected
2016-11-23T23:23:16 (unconnected) disconnected
2016-11-23T23:24:11 ( disconnected
2016-11-23T23:24:15 ( disconnected
2016-11-23T23:24:16 (8050) terminated by SIGTERM
2016-11-23T23:24:16 (8050) closing storage '1'
2016-11-23T23:24:16 (8050) removed PID file '/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/var/zeoserver/'
2016-11-23T23:24:16 pid 8050: exit status 0
2016-11-23T23:24:16 Exiting
2016-11-23T23:26:26 daemonizing the process
2016-11-23T23:26:26 set current directory: '/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/parts/zeoserver'
2016-11-23T23:26:26 daemon manager started
2016-11-23T23:26:26 spawned process pid=8292
2016-11-23T23:26:26 (8292) created PID file '/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/var/zeoserver/'
2016-11-23T23:26:26 (8292) opening storage '1' using FileStorage
2016-11-23T23:26:26 StorageServer created RW with storages: 1:RW:/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/var/filestorage/Data.fs
2016-11-23T23:26:26 (8292) listening on ('', 5100)
2016-11-23T23:26:33 new connection ('', 53390): <ManagedServerConnection ('', 53390)>
2016-11-23T23:26:33 new connection ('', 53391): <ManagedServerConnection ('', 53391)>
2016-11-23T23:26:33 new connection ('', 53392): <ManagedServerConnection ('', 53392)>
2016-11-23T23:26:33 ( received handshake 'Z3101'
2016-11-23T23:26:33 (unconnected) disconnected
2016-11-23T23:26:33 (unconnected) disconnected
2016-11-23T23:26:37 new connection ('', 53397): <ManagedServerConnection ('', 53397)>
2016-11-23T23:26:37 new connection ('', 53398): <ManagedServerConnection ('', 53398)>
2016-11-23T23:26:37 new connection ('', 53399): <ManagedServerConnection ('', 53399)>
2016-11-23T23:26:37 ( received handshake 'Z3101'
2016-11-23T23:26:37 (unconnected) disconnected
2016-11-23T23:26:37 (unconnected) disconnected
d2d203:/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/var/zeoserver # tail -f zeoserver.log
2016-11-23T23:26:33 new connection ('', 53392): <ManagedServerConnection ('', 53392)>
2016-11-23T23:26:33 ( received handshake 'Z3101'
2016-11-23T23:26:33 (unconnected) disconnected
2016-11-23T23:26:33 (unconnected) disconnected
2016-11-23T23:26:37 new connection ('', 53397): <ManagedServerConnection ('', 53397)>
2016-11-23T23:26:37 new connection ('', 53398): <ManagedServerConnection ('', 53398)>
2016-11-23T23:26:37 new connection ('', 53399): <ManagedServerConnection ('', 53399)>
2016-11-23T23:26:37 ( received handshake 'Z3101'
2016-11-23T23:26:37 (unconnected) disconnected
2016-11-23T23:26:37 (unconnected) disconnected
d2d203:/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster # ps -ef | grep Plone
plone_d+ 8290 1 0 23:26 ? 00:00:00 /arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/bin/python2.7 /arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/bin/zeoserver -S /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/ZODB3-3.10.5-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/ZEO/zeoctl.xml -C /arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/parts/zeoserver/etc/zeo.conf /arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/parts/zeoserver/bin/runzeo
plone_d+ 8292 8290 0 23:26 ? 00:00:00 /arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/bin/python2.7 /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/ZODB3-3.10.5-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/ZEO/ -C /arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/parts/zeoserver/etc/zeo.conf
plone_d+ 8297 1 0 23:26 ? 00:00:00 /arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/bin/python2.7 /arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/parts/client1/bin/interpreter /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/zdaemon-2.0.7-py2.7.egg/zdaemon/ -S /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Zope2-2.13.24-py2.7.egg/Zope2/Startup/zopeschema.xml -b 10 -d -s /arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/var/client1/zopectlsock -x 0,2 -z /arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/parts/client1 /arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/bin/python2.7 /arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/parts/client1/bin/interpreter /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Zope2-2.13.24-py2.7.egg/Zope2/Startup/ -C /arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/parts/client1/etc/zope.conf
plone_d+ 8299 8297 11 23:26 ? 00:00:11 /arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/bin/python2.7 /arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/parts/client1/bin/interpreter /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Zope2-2.13.24-py2.7.egg/Zope2/Startup/ -C /arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/parts/client1/etc/zope.conf
plone_d+ 8306 1 0 23:26 ? 00:00:00 /arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/bin/python2.7 /arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/parts/client2/bin/interpreter /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/zdaemon-2.0.7-py2.7.egg/zdaemon/ -S /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Zope2-2.13.24-py2.7.egg/Zope2/Startup/zopeschema.xml -b 10 -d -s /arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/var/client2/zopectlsock -x 0,2 -z /arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/parts/client2 /arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/bin/python2.7 /arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/parts/client2/bin/interpreter /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Zope2-2.13.24-py2.7.egg/Zope2/Startup/ -C /arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/parts/client2/etc/zope.conf
plone_d+ 8308 8306 12 23:26 ? 00:00:11 /arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/bin/python2.7 /arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/parts/client2/bin/interpreter /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Zope2-2.13.24-py2.7.egg/Zope2/Startup/ -C /arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/parts/client2/etc/zope.conf
d2d203:/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster # vi buildout.cfg
d2d203:/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster # ./
client1: .
daemon process stopped
client2: .
daemon process stopped
zeoserver: .
daemon process stopped
d2d203:/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster # ./
Installing 'buildout.sanitycheck'.
We have the distribution that satisfies 'buildout.sanitycheck==1.0.2'.
Installing 'plone.recipe.zeoserver'.
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.recipe.zeoserver==1.2.9'.
Getting required 'ZopeUndo==2.12.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'ZopeUndo==2.12.0'.
Getting required 'ZODB3==3.10.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'ZODB3==3.10.5'.
Getting required 'zope.mkzeoinstance==3.9.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.mkzeoinstance==3.9.5'.
Getting required 'zc.recipe.egg==2.0.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zc.recipe.egg==2.0.3'.
Getting required 'zope.interface==3.6.7'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.interface==3.6.7'.
Getting required 'zope.event==3.5.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.event==3.5.2'.
Getting required 'zdaemon==2.0.7'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zdaemon==2.0.7'.
Getting required 'ZConfig==2.9.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'ZConfig==2.9.3'.
Getting required 'zc.lockfile==1.0.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zc.lockfile==1.0.2'.
Getting required 'transaction==1.1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'transaction==1.1.1'.
Installing 'plone.recipe.zope2instance'.
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.recipe.zope2instance==4.2.21'.
Getting required 'Zope2==2.13.24'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Zope2==2.13.24'.
Getting required 'mailinglogger==3.8.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'mailinglogger==3.8.0'.
Getting required 'Products.StandardCacheManagers==2.13.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.StandardCacheManagers==2.13.1'.
Getting required 'Products.PythonScripts==2.13.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.PythonScripts==2.13.2'.
Getting required 'Products.MIMETools==2.13.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.MIMETools==2.13.0'.
Getting required 'Products.MailHost==2.13.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.MailHost==2.13.2'.
Getting required 'Products.ExternalMethod==2.13.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.ExternalMethod==2.13.1'.
Getting required 'Products.BTreeFolder2==2.14.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.BTreeFolder2==2.14.0'.
Getting required 'zope.viewlet==3.7.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.viewlet==3.7.2'.
Getting required 'zope.traversing==3.13.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.traversing==3.13.2'.
Getting required 'zope.testing==3.9.7'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.testing==3.9.7'.
Getting required 'zope.testbrowser==3.11.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.testbrowser==3.11.1'.
Getting required 'zope.tales==3.5.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.tales==3.5.3'.
Getting required 'zope.tal==3.5.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.tal==3.5.2'.
Getting required 'zope.structuredtext==3.5.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.structuredtext==3.5.1'.
Getting required 'zope.size==3.4.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.size==3.4.1'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'zope.sequencesort==3.4.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.sequencesort==3.4.0'.
Getting required 'zope.sendmail==3.7.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.sendmail==3.7.5'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'zope.schema==4.4.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.schema==4.4.2'.
Getting required 'zope.publisher==3.12.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.publisher==3.12.6'.
Getting required 'zope.ptresource==3.9.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.ptresource==3.9.0'.
Getting required 'zope.proxy==3.6.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.proxy==3.6.1'.
Getting required 'zope.processlifetime==1.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.processlifetime==1.0'.
Getting required 'zope.pagetemplate==3.6.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.pagetemplate==3.6.3'.
Getting required 'zope.location==3.9.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.location==3.9.1'.
Getting required 'zope.lifecycleevent==3.6.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.lifecycleevent==3.6.2'.
Getting required 'zope.i18nmessageid==3.5.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.i18nmessageid==3.5.3'.
Getting required 'zope.i18n[zcml]==3.7.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.i18n[zcml]==3.7.4'.
Getting required 'zope.exceptions==3.6.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.exceptions==3.6.2'.
Getting required 'zope.deferredimport==3.5.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.deferredimport==3.5.3'.
Getting required 'zope.contenttype==3.5.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.contenttype==3.5.5'.
Getting required 'zope.contentprovider==3.7.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.contentprovider==3.7.2'.
Getting required 'zope.container==3.11.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.container==3.11.2'.
Getting required 'zope.configuration==3.7.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.configuration==3.7.4'.
Getting required 'zope.component==3.9.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.component==3.9.5'.
Getting required 'zope.browserresource==3.10.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.browserresource==3.10.3'.
Getting required 'zope.browserpage==3.12.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.browserpage==3.12.2'.
Getting required 'zope.browsermenu==3.9.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.browsermenu==3.9.1'.
Getting required 'zope.browser==1.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.browser==1.3'.
Getting required 'zLOG==2.11.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zLOG==2.11.2'.
Getting required 'zExceptions==2.13.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zExceptions==2.13.0'.
Getting required 'tempstorage==2.12.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'tempstorage==2.12.2'.
Getting required 'pytz==2015.7'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'pytz==2015.7'.
Getting required 'initgroups==2.13.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'initgroups==2.13.0'.
Getting required 'docutils==0.12'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'docutils==0.12'.
Getting required 'RestrictedPython==3.6.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'RestrictedPython==3.6.0'.
Getting required 'Record==2.13.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Record==2.13.0'.
Getting required 'Products.ZCTextIndex==2.13.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.ZCTextIndex==2.13.5'.
Getting required 'Products.ZCatalog==3.0.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.ZCatalog==3.0.2'.
Getting required 'Products.OFSP==2.13.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.OFSP==2.13.2'.
Getting required 'Persistence==2.13.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Persistence==2.13.2'.
Getting required 'MultiMapping==2.13.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'MultiMapping==2.13.0'.
Getting required 'Missing==2.13.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Missing==2.13.1'.
Getting required 'ExtensionClass==4.1.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'ExtensionClass==4.1.2'.
Getting required 'DocumentTemplate==2.13.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'DocumentTemplate==2.13.2'.
Getting required 'DateTime==4.0.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'DateTime==4.0.1'.
Getting required 'Acquisition==4.2.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Acquisition==4.2.2'.
Getting required 'AccessControl==3.0.12'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'AccessControl==3.0.12'.
Getting required 'mechanize==0.2.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'mechanize==0.2.5'.
Getting required 'zope.annotation==3.5.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.annotation==3.5.0'.
Getting required 'zope.broken==3.6.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.broken==3.6.0'.
Getting required 'zope.filerepresentation==3.6.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.filerepresentation==3.6.1'.
Getting required 'zope.dottedname==3.4.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.dottedname==3.4.6'.
Installing 'collective.recipe.backup'.
We have the distribution that satisfies 'collective.recipe.backup==3.0.0'.
Installing 'plone.recipe.unifiedinstaller'.
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.recipe.unifiedinstaller==4.3.2'.
Adding find link '' from plone.recipe.unifiedinstaller 4.3.2
Installing 'plone.recipe.precompiler'.
Adding find link '' from plone.recipe.precompiler 0.6
Picked: plone.recipe.precompiler = 0.6
Getting required 'python-gettext==3.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'python-gettext==3.0'.
Installing 'plone.recipe.command'.
Picked: plone.recipe.command = 1.1
Uninstalling client2.
Uninstalling client1.
Updating zeoserver.
Installing 'plone.recipe.zeoserver'.
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.recipe.zeoserver==1.2.9'.
Getting required 'ZopeUndo==2.12.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'ZopeUndo==2.12.0'.
Getting required 'ZODB3==3.10.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'ZODB3==3.10.5'.
Getting required 'zope.mkzeoinstance==3.9.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.mkzeoinstance==3.9.5'.
Getting required 'zc.recipe.egg==2.0.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zc.recipe.egg==2.0.3'.
Getting required 'setuptools'
required by plone.recipe.zeoserver 1.2.9.
required by zc.recipe.egg 2.0.3.
required by zope.mkzeoinstance 3.9.5.
We have a develop egg: setuptools 28.8.0
Adding find link '' from setuptools 28.8.0
Adding find link '' from setuptools 28.8.0
Getting required 'zc.buildout'
required by plone.recipe.zeoserver 1.2.9.
We have a develop egg: zc.buildout 2.5.3
Getting required 'zope.interface==3.6.7'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.interface==3.6.7'.
Getting required 'zope.event==3.5.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.event==3.5.2'.
Getting required 'zdaemon==2.0.7'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zdaemon==2.0.7'.
Getting required 'ZConfig==2.9.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'ZConfig==2.9.3'.
Getting required 'zc.lockfile==1.0.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zc.lockfile==1.0.2'.
Getting required 'transaction==1.1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'transaction==1.1.1'.
Installing client1.
/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pkg_resources/ RuntimeWarning: You have iterated over the result of pkg_resources.parse_version. This is a legacy behavior which is inconsistent with the new version class introduced in setuptools 8.0. In most cases, conversion to a tuple is unnecessary. For comparison of versions, sort the Version instances directly. If you have another use case requiring the tuple, please file a bug with the setuptools project describing that need.
Installing 'Plone', 'Pillow', 'plone.recipe.zope2instance'.
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Plone==5.0.6'.
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Pillow==3.3.1'.
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.recipe.zope2instance==4.2.21'.
Getting required 'ZODB3==3.10.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'ZODB3==3.10.5'.
Getting required 'Zope2==2.13.24'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Zope2==2.13.24'.
Getting required 'zc.recipe.egg==2.0.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zc.recipe.egg==2.0.3'.
Getting required 'mailinglogger==3.8.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'mailinglogger==3.8.0'.
Getting required 'setuptools'
required by zc.recipe.egg 2.0.3.
required by Zope2 2.13.24.
required by plone.recipe.zope2instance 4.2.21.
required by Plone 5.0.6.
We have a develop egg: setuptools 28.8.0
Adding find link '' from setuptools 28.8.0
Adding find link '' from setuptools 28.8.0
Getting required 'zc.buildout'
required by plone.recipe.zope2instance 4.2.21.
We have a develop egg: zc.buildout 2.5.3
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'Products.CMFPlone==5.0.6rc1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.CMFPlone==5.0.6rc1'.
Getting required 'Products.CMFPlacefulWorkflow==1.6.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.CMFPlacefulWorkflow==1.6.5'.
Getting required 'Products.ATContentTypes==2.2.13'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.ATContentTypes==2.2.13'.
Getting required 'Products.Archetypes==1.10.15'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.Archetypes==1.10.15'.
Getting required 'zope.interface==3.6.7'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.interface==3.6.7'.
Getting required 'zope.event==3.5.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.event==3.5.2'.
Getting required 'zdaemon==2.0.7'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zdaemon==2.0.7'.
Getting required 'ZConfig==2.9.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'ZConfig==2.9.3'.
Getting required 'zc.lockfile==1.0.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zc.lockfile==1.0.2'.
Getting required 'transaction==1.1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'transaction==1.1.1'.
Getting required 'Products.StandardCacheManagers==2.13.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.StandardCacheManagers==2.13.1'.
Getting required 'Products.PythonScripts==2.13.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.PythonScripts==2.13.2'.
Getting required 'Products.MIMETools==2.13.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.MIMETools==2.13.0'.
Getting required 'Products.MailHost==2.13.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.MailHost==2.13.2'.
Getting required 'Products.ExternalMethod==2.13.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.ExternalMethod==2.13.1'.
Getting required 'Products.BTreeFolder2==2.14.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.BTreeFolder2==2.14.0'.
Getting required 'zope.viewlet==3.7.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.viewlet==3.7.2'.
Getting required 'zope.traversing==3.13.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.traversing==3.13.2'.
Getting required 'zope.testing==3.9.7'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.testing==3.9.7'.
Getting required 'zope.testbrowser==3.11.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.testbrowser==3.11.1'.
Getting required 'zope.tales==3.5.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.tales==3.5.3'.
Getting required 'zope.tal==3.5.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.tal==3.5.2'.
Getting required 'zope.structuredtext==3.5.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.structuredtext==3.5.1'.
Getting required 'zope.size==3.4.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.size==3.4.1'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'zope.sequencesort==3.4.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.sequencesort==3.4.0'.
Getting required 'zope.sendmail==3.7.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.sendmail==3.7.5'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'zope.schema==4.4.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.schema==4.4.2'.
Getting required 'zope.publisher==3.12.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.publisher==3.12.6'.
Getting required 'zope.ptresource==3.9.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.ptresource==3.9.0'.
Getting required 'zope.proxy==3.6.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.proxy==3.6.1'.
Getting required 'zope.processlifetime==1.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.processlifetime==1.0'.
Getting required 'zope.pagetemplate==3.6.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.pagetemplate==3.6.3'.
Getting required 'zope.location==3.9.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.location==3.9.1'.
Getting required 'zope.lifecycleevent==3.6.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.lifecycleevent==3.6.2'.
Getting required 'zope.i18nmessageid==3.5.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.i18nmessageid==3.5.3'.
Getting required 'zope.i18n[zcml]==3.7.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.i18n[zcml]==3.7.4'.
Getting required 'zope.exceptions==3.6.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.exceptions==3.6.2'.
Getting required 'zope.deferredimport==3.5.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.deferredimport==3.5.3'.
Getting required 'zope.contenttype==3.5.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.contenttype==3.5.5'.
Getting required 'zope.contentprovider==3.7.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.contentprovider==3.7.2'.
Getting required 'zope.container==3.11.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.container==3.11.2'.
Getting required 'zope.configuration==3.7.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.configuration==3.7.4'.
Getting required 'zope.component==3.9.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.component==3.9.5'.
Getting required 'zope.browserresource==3.10.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.browserresource==3.10.3'.
Getting required 'zope.browserpage==3.12.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.browserpage==3.12.2'.
Getting required 'zope.browsermenu==3.9.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.browsermenu==3.9.1'.
Getting required 'zope.browser==1.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.browser==1.3'.
Getting required 'zLOG==2.11.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zLOG==2.11.2'.
Getting required 'zExceptions==2.13.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zExceptions==2.13.0'.
Getting required 'tempstorage==2.12.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'tempstorage==2.12.2'.
Getting required 'pytz==2015.7'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'pytz==2015.7'.
Getting required 'initgroups==2.13.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'initgroups==2.13.0'.
Getting required 'docutils==0.12'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'docutils==0.12'.
Getting required 'ZopeUndo==2.12.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'ZopeUndo==2.12.0'.
Getting required 'RestrictedPython==3.6.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'RestrictedPython==3.6.0'.
Getting required 'Record==2.13.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Record==2.13.0'.
Getting required 'Products.ZCTextIndex==2.13.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.ZCTextIndex==2.13.5'.
Getting required 'Products.ZCatalog==3.0.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.ZCatalog==3.0.2'.
Getting required 'Products.OFSP==2.13.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.OFSP==2.13.2'.
Getting required 'Persistence==2.13.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Persistence==2.13.2'.
Getting required 'MultiMapping==2.13.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'MultiMapping==2.13.0'.
Getting required 'Missing==2.13.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Missing==2.13.1'.
Getting required 'ExtensionClass==4.1.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'ExtensionClass==4.1.2'.
Getting required 'DocumentTemplate==2.13.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'DocumentTemplate==2.13.2'.
Getting required 'DateTime==4.0.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'DateTime==4.0.1'.
Getting required 'Acquisition==4.2.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Acquisition==4.2.2'.
Getting required 'AccessControl==3.0.12'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'AccessControl==3.0.12'.
Getting required 'Products.SecureMailHost==1.1.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.SecureMailHost==1.1.2'.
Getting required 'Products.ResourceRegistries==3.0.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.ResourceRegistries==3.0.4'.
Getting required 'Products.PortalTransforms==2.2.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.PortalTransforms==2.2.1'.
Getting required 'Products.PluggableAuthService==1.11.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.PluggableAuthService==1.11.0'.
Getting required 'Products.PlonePAS==5.0.11'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.PlonePAS==5.0.11'.
Getting required 'Products.MimetypesRegistry==2.0.10'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.MimetypesRegistry==2.0.10'.
Getting required 'Products.GenericSetup==1.8.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.GenericSetup==1.8.3'.
Getting required 'Products.DCWorkflow==2.2.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.DCWorkflow==2.2.5'.
Getting required 'Products.CMFUid==2.2.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.CMFUid==2.2.1'.
Getting required 'Products.CMFQuickInstallerTool==3.0.13'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.CMFQuickInstallerTool==3.0.13'.
Getting required 'Products.CMFFormController==3.0.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.CMFFormController==3.0.6'.
Getting required 'Products.CMFEditions==2.2.21'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.CMFEditions==2.2.21'.
Getting required 'Products.CMFDiffTool==3.1.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.CMFDiffTool==3.1.2'.
Getting required 'Products.CMFCore==2.2.10'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.CMFCore==2.2.10'.
Getting required 'Products.contentmigration==2.1.13'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.contentmigration==2.1.13'.
Getting required 'zope.ramcache==1.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.ramcache==1.0'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'plone.session==3.6.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.session==3.6.0'.
Getting required 'plone.portlets==2.2.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.portlets==2.2.3'.
Getting required 'five.localsitemanager==2.0.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'five.localsitemanager==2.0.5'.
Getting required 'borg.localrole==3.1.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'borg.localrole==3.1.2'.
Getting required 'plone.openid==2.0.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.openid==2.0.4'.
Getting required 'Products.statusmessages==4.1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.statusmessages==4.1.1'.
Getting required 'zope.annotation==3.5.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.annotation==3.5.0'.
Getting required 'plone.memoize==1.2.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.memoize==1.2.0'.
Getting required 'plone.locking==2.1.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.locking==2.1.2'.
Getting required 'z3c.form==3.2.9'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'z3c.form==3.2.9'.
Getting required 'zope.deprecation==3.4.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.deprecation==3.4.1'.
Getting required 'plone.z3cform==0.8.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.z3cform==0.8.1'.
Getting required 'plone.supermodel==1.3.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.supermodel==1.3.0'.
Getting required 'plone.contentrules==2.0.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.contentrules==2.0.6'.
Getting required 'plone.autoform==1.6.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.autoform==1.6.2'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'lxml==3.5.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'lxml==3.5.0'.
Getting required 'plone.schemaeditor==2.0.11'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.schemaeditor==2.0.11'.
Getting required 'plone.rfc822==1.1.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.rfc822==1.1.3'.
Getting required 'plone.namedfile[scales]==3.0.9'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.namedfile[scales]==3.0.9'.
Getting required 'plone.formwidget.namedfile==1.0.15'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.formwidget.namedfile==1.0.15'.
Getting required 'plone.dexterity==2.4.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.dexterity==2.4.3'.
Getting required 'plone.behavior==1.1.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.behavior==1.1.2'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'z3c.zcmlhook==1.0b1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'z3c.zcmlhook==1.0b1'.
Getting required 'Products.CMFDynamicViewFTI==4.1.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.CMFDynamicViewFTI==4.1.4'.
Getting required 'plone.registry==1.0.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.registry==1.0.4'.
Getting required 'plone.protect==3.0.19'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.protect==3.0.19'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'plone.cachepurging==1.0.12'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.cachepurging==1.0.12'.
Getting required 'plone.caching==1.1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.caching==1.1.1'.
Getting required 'python-dateutil==2.4.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'python-dateutil==2.4.2'.
Getting required 'zope.dottedname==3.4.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.dottedname==3.4.6'.
Getting required 'zope.cachedescriptors==3.5.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.cachedescriptors==3.5.1'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'z3c.autoinclude==0.3.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'z3c.autoinclude==0.3.6'.
Getting required 'slimit==0.8.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'slimit==0.8.1'.
Getting required 'plonetheme.barceloneta==1.6.21'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plonetheme.barceloneta==1.6.21'.
Getting required 'plone.theme==3.0.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.theme==3.0.0'.
Getting required 'plone.schema==1.0.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.schema==1.0.0'.
Getting required 'plone.portlet.static==3.0.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.portlet.static==3.0.2'.
Getting required 'plone.portlet.collection==3.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.portlet.collection==3.1'.
Getting required 'plone.outputfilters==2.1.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.outputfilters==2.1.5'.
Getting required 'plone.intelligenttext==2.1.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.intelligenttext==2.1.0'.
Getting required 'plone.indexer==1.0.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.indexer==1.0.4'.
Getting required 'plone.i18n==3.0.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.i18n==3.0.5'.
Getting required 'plone.browserlayer==2.1.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.browserlayer==2.1.6'.
Getting required 'plone.batching==1.1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.batching==1.1.1'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'plone.api==1.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.api==1.5'.
Getting required 'mockup==2.1.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'mockup==2.1.5'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'five.customerize==1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'five.customerize==1.1'.
Getting required 'cssmin==0.2.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'cssmin==0.2.0'.
Getting required 'Products.PluginRegistry==1.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.PluginRegistry==1.4'.
Getting required 'Products.PlacelessTranslationService==2.0.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.PlacelessTranslationService==2.0.6'.
Getting required 'Products.PasswordResetTool==2.2.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.PasswordResetTool==2.2.3'.
Getting required 'Products.ExternalEditor==1.1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.ExternalEditor==1.1.1'.
Getting required 'Products.ExtendedPathIndex==3.1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.ExtendedPathIndex==3.1.1'.
Getting required 'Products.validation==2.0.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.validation==2.0.2'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'plone.uuid==1.0.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.uuid==1.0.4'.
Getting required 'plone.folder==1.0.9'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.folder==1.0.9'.
Getting required 'Products.ZSQLMethods==2.13.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.ZSQLMethods==2.13.4'.
Getting required 'zope.datetime==3.4.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.datetime==3.4.1'.
Getting required 'mechanize==0.2.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'mechanize==0.2.5'.
Getting required 'zope.broken==3.6.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.broken==3.6.0'.
Getting required 'zope.filerepresentation==3.6.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.filerepresentation==3.6.1'.
Getting required 'Markdown==2.6.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Markdown==2.6.6'.
Getting required 'zope.formlib==4.0.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.formlib==4.0.6'.
Getting required 'Products.ZopeVersionControl==1.1.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.ZopeVersionControl==1.1.3'.
Getting required 'zope.copy==3.5.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.copy==3.5.0'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'feedparser==5.2.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'feedparser==5.2.1'.
Getting required 'plone.keyring==3.0.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.keyring==3.0.1'.
Getting required 'python-openid==2.2.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'python-openid==2.2.5'.
Getting required 'six==1.10.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'six==1.10.0'.
Getting required 'zope.componentvocabulary==1.0.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.componentvocabulary==1.0.1'.
Getting required 'zope.globalrequest==1.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.globalrequest==1.2'.
Getting required 'z3c.formwidget.query==0.12'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'z3c.formwidget.query==0.12'.
Getting required 'plone.scale[storage]==1.4.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.scale[storage]==1.4.1'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'plone.synchronize==1.0.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.synchronize==1.0.1'.
Getting required 'plone.alterego==1.0.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.alterego==1.0.1'.
Getting required 'collective.monkeypatcher==1.1.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'collective.monkeypatcher==1.1.2'.
Getting required 'five.globalrequest==1.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'five.globalrequest==1.0'.
Getting required 'repoze.xmliter==0.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'repoze.xmliter==0.6'.
Getting required 'plone.transformchain==1.2.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.transformchain==1.2.0'.
Getting required 'z3c.caching==2.0a1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'z3c.caching==2.0a1'.
Getting required 'ply==3.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'ply==3.4'.
Getting required 'Unidecode==0.04.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Unidecode==0.04.1'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'roman==1.4.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'roman==1.4.0'.
Getting required 'plone.subrequest==1.7.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.subrequest==1.7.0'.
Getting required 'plone.resourceeditor==2.0.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.resourceeditor==2.0.5'.
Getting required 'plone.resource==1.0.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.resource==1.0.6'.
Getting required 'diazo==1.2.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'diazo==1.2.3'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'z3c.relationfield==0.7'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'z3c.relationfield==0.7'.
Getting required 'archetypes.multilingual==3.0.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'archetypes.multilingual==3.0.3'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'plone.stringinterp==1.1.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.stringinterp==1.1.4'.
Getting required 'decorator==4.0.10'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'decorator==4.0.10'.
Getting required 'Chameleon==2.24'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Chameleon==2.24'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'sourcecodegen==0.6.14'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'sourcecodegen==0.6.14'.
Getting required 'python-gettext==3.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'python-gettext==3.0'.
Getting required 'archetypes.schemaextender==2.1.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'archetypes.schemaextender==2.1.6'.
Getting required 'zope.error==3.7.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.error==3.7.4'.
Getting required 'zope.authentication==3.7.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.authentication==3.7.1'.
Getting required 'zope.dublincore==3.7.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.dublincore==3.7.0'.
Getting required 'future==0.15.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'future==0.15.2'.
Getting required 'cssselect==0.9.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'cssselect==0.9.2'.
Getting required 'five.intid==1.1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'five.intid==1.1.1'.
Getting required 'zope.intid==3.7.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.intid==3.7.2'.
Getting required 'zc.relation==1.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zc.relation==1.0'.
Getting required 'z3c.objpath==1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'z3c.objpath==1.1'.
Getting required 'plone.formwidget.recurrence[z3cform]==2.1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.formwidget.recurrence[z3cform]==2.1.1'.
Getting required 'plone.event==1.3.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.event==1.3.1'.
Getting required 'icalendar==3.10'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'icalendar==3.10'.
Getting required 'collective.elephantvocabulary==0.2.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'collective.elephantvocabulary==0.2.5'.
Getting required 'Products.DateRecurringIndex==2.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.DateRecurringIndex==2.1'.
Getting required 'zope.keyreference==3.6.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.keyreference==3.6.4'.
Generated script '/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/bin/client1'.
Generated interpreter '/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/parts/client1/bin/interpreter'.
Installing 'Plone', 'Pillow'.
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Plone==5.0.6'.
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Pillow==3.3.1'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'Products.CMFPlone==5.0.6rc1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.CMFPlone==5.0.6rc1'.
Getting required 'Products.CMFPlacefulWorkflow==1.6.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.CMFPlacefulWorkflow==1.6.5'.
Getting required 'Products.ATContentTypes==2.2.13'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.ATContentTypes==2.2.13'.
Getting required 'Products.Archetypes==1.10.15'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.Archetypes==1.10.15'.
Getting required 'setuptools'
required by 1.2.11.
required by 1.3.27.
required by Products.CMFPlacefulWorkflow 1.6.5.
required by Products.Archetypes 1.10.15.
required by 2.1.1.
required by Products.ATContentTypes 2.2.13.
required by 2.3.2.
required by 3.2.1.
required by Products.CMFPlone 5.0.6rc1.
required by Plone 5.0.6.
We have a develop egg: setuptools 28.8.0
Adding find link '' from setuptools 28.8.0
Adding find link '' from setuptools 28.8.0
Getting required 'Zope2==2.13.24'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Zope2==2.13.24'.
Getting required 'Products.ZCatalog==3.0.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.ZCatalog==3.0.2'.
Getting required 'Products.SecureMailHost==1.1.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.SecureMailHost==1.1.2'.
Getting required 'Products.ResourceRegistries==3.0.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.ResourceRegistries==3.0.4'.
Getting required 'Products.PortalTransforms==2.2.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.PortalTransforms==2.2.1'.
Getting required 'Products.PluggableAuthService==1.11.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.PluggableAuthService==1.11.0'.
Getting required 'Products.PlonePAS==5.0.11'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.PlonePAS==5.0.11'.
Getting required 'Products.MimetypesRegistry==2.0.10'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.MimetypesRegistry==2.0.10'.
Getting required 'Products.GenericSetup==1.8.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.GenericSetup==1.8.3'.
Getting required 'Products.DCWorkflow==2.2.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.DCWorkflow==2.2.5'.
Getting required 'Products.CMFUid==2.2.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.CMFUid==2.2.1'.
Getting required 'Products.CMFQuickInstallerTool==3.0.13'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.CMFQuickInstallerTool==3.0.13'.
Getting required 'Products.CMFFormController==3.0.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.CMFFormController==3.0.6'.
Getting required 'Products.CMFEditions==2.2.21'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.CMFEditions==2.2.21'.
Getting required 'Products.CMFDiffTool==3.1.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.CMFDiffTool==3.1.2'.
Getting required 'Products.CMFCore==2.2.10'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.CMFCore==2.2.10'.
Getting required 'Products.contentmigration==2.1.13'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.contentmigration==2.1.13'.
Getting required 'Acquisition==4.2.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Acquisition==4.2.2'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'zope.ramcache==1.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.ramcache==1.0'.
Getting required 'zope.location==3.9.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.location==3.9.1'.
Getting required 'zope.interface==3.6.7'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.interface==3.6.7'.
Getting required 'zope.component==3.9.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.component==3.9.5'.
Getting required 'transaction==1.1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'transaction==1.1.1'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'plone.session==3.6.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.session==3.6.0'.
Getting required 'plone.portlets==2.2.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.portlets==2.2.3'.
Getting required 'five.localsitemanager==2.0.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'five.localsitemanager==2.0.5'.
Getting required 'borg.localrole==3.1.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'borg.localrole==3.1.2'.
Getting required 'zope.i18nmessageid==3.5.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.i18nmessageid==3.5.3'.
Getting required 'plone.openid==2.0.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.openid==2.0.4'.
Getting required 'ZODB3==3.10.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'ZODB3==3.10.5'.
Getting required 'Products.statusmessages==4.1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.statusmessages==4.1.1'.
Getting required 'DateTime==4.0.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'DateTime==4.0.1'.
Getting required 'zope.viewlet==3.7.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.viewlet==3.7.2'.
Getting required 'zope.schema==4.4.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.schema==4.4.2'.
Getting required 'zope.lifecycleevent==3.6.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.lifecycleevent==3.6.2'.
Getting required 'zope.event==3.5.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.event==3.5.2'.
Getting required 'zope.annotation==3.5.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.annotation==3.5.0'.
Getting required 'plone.memoize==1.2.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.memoize==1.2.0'.
Getting required 'plone.locking==2.1.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.locking==2.1.2'.
Getting required 'z3c.form==3.2.9'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'z3c.form==3.2.9'.
Getting required 'zope.publisher==3.12.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.publisher==3.12.6'.
Getting required 'zope.deprecation==3.4.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.deprecation==3.4.1'.
Getting required 'zope.browserpage==3.12.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.browserpage==3.12.2'.
Getting required 'plone.z3cform==0.8.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.z3cform==0.8.1'.
Getting required 'plone.supermodel==1.3.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.supermodel==1.3.0'.
Getting required 'plone.contentrules==2.0.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.contentrules==2.0.6'.
Getting required 'plone.autoform==1.6.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.autoform==1.6.2'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'lxml==3.5.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'lxml==3.5.0'.
Getting required 'plone.schemaeditor==2.0.11'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.schemaeditor==2.0.11'.
Getting required 'plone.rfc822==1.1.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.rfc822==1.1.3'.
Getting required 'plone.namedfile[scales]==3.0.9'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.namedfile[scales]==3.0.9'.
Getting required 'plone.formwidget.namedfile==1.0.15'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.formwidget.namedfile==1.0.15'.
Getting required 'plone.dexterity==2.4.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.dexterity==2.4.3'.
Getting required 'plone.behavior==1.1.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.behavior==1.1.2'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'z3c.zcmlhook==1.0b1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'z3c.zcmlhook==1.0b1'.
Getting required 'Products.CMFDynamicViewFTI==4.1.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.CMFDynamicViewFTI==4.1.4'.
Getting required 'plone.registry==1.0.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.registry==1.0.4'.
Getting required 'plone.protect==3.0.19'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.protect==3.0.19'.
Getting required 'zope.pagetemplate==3.6.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.pagetemplate==3.6.3'.
Getting required 'zope.browserresource==3.10.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.browserresource==3.10.3'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'plone.cachepurging==1.0.12'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.cachepurging==1.0.12'.
Getting required 'plone.caching==1.1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.caching==1.1.1'.
Getting required 'python-dateutil==2.4.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'python-dateutil==2.4.2'.
Getting required 'zope.traversing==3.13.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.traversing==3.13.2'.
Getting required 'zope.tales==3.5.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.tales==3.5.3'.
Getting required 'zope.tal==3.5.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.tal==3.5.2'.
Getting required 'zope.structuredtext==3.5.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.structuredtext==3.5.1'.
Getting required 'zope.i18n==3.7.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.i18n==3.7.4'.
Getting required 'zope.dottedname==3.4.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.dottedname==3.4.6'.
Getting required 'zope.deferredimport==3.5.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.deferredimport==3.5.3'.
Getting required 'zope.container==3.11.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.container==3.11.2'.
Getting required 'zope.cachedescriptors==3.5.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.cachedescriptors==3.5.1'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'z3c.autoinclude==0.3.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'z3c.autoinclude==0.3.6'.
Getting required 'slimit==0.8.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'slimit==0.8.1'.
Getting required 'plonetheme.barceloneta==1.6.21'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plonetheme.barceloneta==1.6.21'.
Getting required 'plone.theme==3.0.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.theme==3.0.0'.
Getting required 'plone.schema==1.0.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.schema==1.0.0'.
Getting required 'plone.portlet.static==3.0.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.portlet.static==3.0.2'.
Getting required 'plone.portlet.collection==3.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.portlet.collection==3.1'.
Getting required 'plone.outputfilters==2.1.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.outputfilters==2.1.5'.
Getting required 'plone.intelligenttext==2.1.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.intelligenttext==2.1.0'.
Getting required 'plone.indexer==1.0.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.indexer==1.0.4'.
Getting required 'plone.i18n==3.0.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.i18n==3.0.5'.
Getting required 'plone.browserlayer==2.1.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.browserlayer==2.1.6'.
Getting required 'plone.batching==1.1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.batching==1.1.1'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'plone.api==1.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.api==1.5'.
Getting required 'mockup==2.1.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'mockup==2.1.5'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'five.customerize==1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'five.customerize==1.1'.
Getting required 'cssmin==0.2.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'cssmin==0.2.0'.
Getting required 'Products.PluginRegistry==1.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.PluginRegistry==1.4'.
Getting required 'Products.PlacelessTranslationService==2.0.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.PlacelessTranslationService==2.0.6'.
Getting required 'Products.PasswordResetTool==2.2.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.PasswordResetTool==2.2.3'.
Getting required 'Products.ExternalEditor==1.1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.ExternalEditor==1.1.1'.
Getting required 'Products.ExtendedPathIndex==3.1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.ExtendedPathIndex==3.1.1'.
Getting required 'ExtensionClass==4.1.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'ExtensionClass==4.1.2'.
Getting required 'ZConfig==2.9.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'ZConfig==2.9.3'.
Getting required 'Products.validation==2.0.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.validation==2.0.2'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'plone.uuid==1.0.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.uuid==1.0.4'.
Getting required 'plone.folder==1.0.9'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.folder==1.0.9'.
Getting required 'Products.ZSQLMethods==2.13.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.ZSQLMethods==2.13.4'.
Getting required 'zope.datetime==3.4.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.datetime==3.4.1'.
Getting required 'zope.contenttype==3.5.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.contenttype==3.5.5'.
Getting required 'Products.StandardCacheManagers==2.13.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.StandardCacheManagers==2.13.1'.
Getting required 'Products.PythonScripts==2.13.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.PythonScripts==2.13.2'.
Getting required 'Products.MIMETools==2.13.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.MIMETools==2.13.0'.
Getting required 'Products.MailHost==2.13.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.MailHost==2.13.2'.
Getting required 'Products.ExternalMethod==2.13.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.ExternalMethod==2.13.1'.
Getting required 'Products.BTreeFolder2==2.14.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.BTreeFolder2==2.14.0'.
Getting required 'zope.testing==3.9.7'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.testing==3.9.7'.
Getting required 'zope.testbrowser==3.11.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.testbrowser==3.11.1'.
Getting required 'zope.size==3.4.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.size==3.4.1'.
Getting required 'zope.sequencesort==3.4.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.sequencesort==3.4.0'.
Getting required 'zope.sendmail==3.7.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.sendmail==3.7.5'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'zope.ptresource==3.9.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.ptresource==3.9.0'.
Getting required 'zope.proxy==3.6.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.proxy==3.6.1'.
Getting required 'zope.processlifetime==1.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.processlifetime==1.0'.
Getting required 'zope.exceptions==3.6.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.exceptions==3.6.2'.
Getting required 'zope.contentprovider==3.7.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.contentprovider==3.7.2'.
Getting required 'zope.configuration==3.7.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.configuration==3.7.4'.
Getting required 'zope.browsermenu==3.9.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.browsermenu==3.9.1'.
Getting required 'zope.browser==1.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.browser==1.3'.
Getting required 'zLOG==2.11.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zLOG==2.11.2'.
Getting required 'zExceptions==2.13.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zExceptions==2.13.0'.
Getting required 'zdaemon==2.0.7'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zdaemon==2.0.7'.
Getting required 'tempstorage==2.12.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'tempstorage==2.12.2'.
Getting required 'pytz==2015.7'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'pytz==2015.7'.
Getting required 'initgroups==2.13.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'initgroups==2.13.0'.
Getting required 'docutils==0.12'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'docutils==0.12'.
Getting required 'ZopeUndo==2.12.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'ZopeUndo==2.12.0'.
Getting required 'RestrictedPython==3.6.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'RestrictedPython==3.6.0'.
Getting required 'Record==2.13.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Record==2.13.0'.
Getting required 'Products.ZCTextIndex==2.13.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.ZCTextIndex==2.13.5'.
Getting required 'Products.OFSP==2.13.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.OFSP==2.13.2'.
Getting required 'Persistence==2.13.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Persistence==2.13.2'.
Getting required 'MultiMapping==2.13.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'MultiMapping==2.13.0'.
Getting required 'Missing==2.13.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Missing==2.13.1'.
Getting required 'DocumentTemplate==2.13.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'DocumentTemplate==2.13.2'.
Getting required 'AccessControl==3.0.12'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'AccessControl==3.0.12'.
Getting required 'Markdown==2.6.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Markdown==2.6.6'.
Getting required 'zope.formlib==4.0.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.formlib==4.0.6'.
Getting required 'Products.ZopeVersionControl==1.1.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.ZopeVersionControl==1.1.3'.
Getting required 'zope.copy==3.5.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.copy==3.5.0'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'feedparser==5.2.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'feedparser==5.2.1'.
Getting required 'plone.keyring==3.0.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.keyring==3.0.1'.
Getting required 'python-openid==2.2.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'python-openid==2.2.5'.
Getting required 'zc.lockfile==1.0.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zc.lockfile==1.0.2'.
Getting required 'six==1.10.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'six==1.10.0'.
Getting required 'zope.componentvocabulary==1.0.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.componentvocabulary==1.0.1'.
Getting required 'zope.globalrequest==1.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.globalrequest==1.2'.
Getting required 'z3c.formwidget.query==0.12'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'z3c.formwidget.query==0.12'.
Getting required 'plone.scale[storage]==1.4.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.scale[storage]==1.4.1'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'zope.filerepresentation==3.6.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.filerepresentation==3.6.1'.
Getting required 'plone.synchronize==1.0.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.synchronize==1.0.1'.
Getting required 'plone.alterego==1.0.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.alterego==1.0.1'.
Getting required 'collective.monkeypatcher==1.1.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'collective.monkeypatcher==1.1.2'.
Getting required 'five.globalrequest==1.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'five.globalrequest==1.0'.
Getting required 'repoze.xmliter==0.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'repoze.xmliter==0.6'.
Getting required 'plone.transformchain==1.2.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.transformchain==1.2.0'.
Getting required 'z3c.caching==2.0a1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'z3c.caching==2.0a1'.
Getting required 'zope.broken==3.6.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.broken==3.6.0'.
Getting required 'zc.buildout'
required by z3c.autoinclude 0.3.6.
We have a develop egg: zc.buildout 2.5.3
Getting required 'ply==3.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'ply==3.4'.
Getting required 'Unidecode==0.04.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Unidecode==0.04.1'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'roman==1.4.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'roman==1.4.0'.
Getting required 'plone.subrequest==1.7.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.subrequest==1.7.0'.
Getting required 'plone.resourceeditor==2.0.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.resourceeditor==2.0.5'.
Getting required 'plone.resource==1.0.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.resource==1.0.6'.
Getting required 'diazo==1.2.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'diazo==1.2.3'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'z3c.relationfield==0.7'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'z3c.relationfield==0.7'.
Getting required 'archetypes.multilingual==3.0.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'archetypes.multilingual==3.0.3'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'plone.stringinterp==1.1.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.stringinterp==1.1.4'.
Getting required 'decorator==4.0.10'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'decorator==4.0.10'.
Getting required 'Chameleon==2.24'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Chameleon==2.24'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'sourcecodegen==0.6.14'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'sourcecodegen==0.6.14'.
Getting required 'python-gettext==3.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'python-gettext==3.0'.
Getting required 'archetypes.schemaextender==2.1.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'archetypes.schemaextender==2.1.6'.
Getting required 'mechanize==0.2.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'mechanize==0.2.5'.
Getting required 'zope.error==3.7.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.error==3.7.4'.
Getting required 'zope.authentication==3.7.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.authentication==3.7.1'.
Getting required 'zope.dublincore==3.7.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.dublincore==3.7.0'.
Getting required 'future==0.15.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'future==0.15.2'.
Getting required 'cssselect==0.9.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'cssselect==0.9.2'.
Getting required 'five.intid==1.1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'five.intid==1.1.1'.
Getting required 'zope.intid==3.7.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.intid==3.7.2'.
Getting required 'zc.relation==1.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zc.relation==1.0'.
Getting required 'z3c.objpath==1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'z3c.objpath==1.1'.
Getting required 'plone.formwidget.recurrence[z3cform]==2.1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.formwidget.recurrence[z3cform]==2.1.1'.
Getting required 'plone.event==1.3.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.event==1.3.1'.
Getting required 'icalendar==3.10'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'icalendar==3.10'.
Getting required 'collective.elephantvocabulary==0.2.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'collective.elephantvocabulary==0.2.5'.
Getting required 'Products.DateRecurringIndex==2.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.DateRecurringIndex==2.1'.
Getting required 'zope.keyreference==3.6.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.keyreference==3.6.4'.
Generated script '/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/bin/createfontdatachunk.pyc'.
Generated script '/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/bin/pilfile.pyc'.
Generated script '/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/bin/'.
Generated script '/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/bin/'.
Generated script '/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/bin/pilconvert.pyc'.
Generated script '/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/bin/'.
Generated script '/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/bin/'.
Generated script '/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/bin/gifmaker.pyc'.
Generated script '/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/bin/'.
Generated script '/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/bin/'.
Generated script '/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/bin/pildriver.pyc'.
Generated script '/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/bin/pilprint.pyc'.
Generated script '/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/bin/player.pyc'.
Generated script '/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/bin/'.
Generated script '/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/bin/'.
Generated script '/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/bin/explode.pyc'.
Generated script '/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/bin/viewer.pyc'.
Generated script '/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/bin/'.
Generated script '/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/bin/'.
Generated script '/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/bin/enhancer.pyc'.
Generated script '/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/bin/painter.pyc'.
Generated script '/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/bin/'.
Generated script '/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/bin/'.
Generated script '/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/bin/'.
Generated script '/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/bin/pilfont.pyc'.
Generated script '/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/bin/thresholder.pyc'.
Installing client2.
Installing 'Plone', 'Pillow', 'plone.recipe.zope2instance'.
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Plone==5.0.6'.
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Pillow==3.3.1'.
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.recipe.zope2instance==4.2.21'.
Getting required 'ZODB3==3.10.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'ZODB3==3.10.5'.
Getting required 'Zope2==2.13.24'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Zope2==2.13.24'.
Getting required 'zc.recipe.egg==2.0.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zc.recipe.egg==2.0.3'.
Getting required 'mailinglogger==3.8.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'mailinglogger==3.8.0'.
Getting required 'setuptools'
required by zc.recipe.egg 2.0.3.
required by Zope2 2.13.24.
required by plone.recipe.zope2instance 4.2.21.
required by Plone 5.0.6.
We have a develop egg: setuptools 28.8.0
Adding find link '' from setuptools 28.8.0
Adding find link '' from setuptools 28.8.0
Getting required 'zc.buildout'
required by plone.recipe.zope2instance 4.2.21.
We have a develop egg: zc.buildout 2.5.3
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'Products.CMFPlone==5.0.6rc1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.CMFPlone==5.0.6rc1'.
Getting required 'Products.CMFPlacefulWorkflow==1.6.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.CMFPlacefulWorkflow==1.6.5'.
Getting required 'Products.ATContentTypes==2.2.13'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.ATContentTypes==2.2.13'.
Getting required 'Products.Archetypes==1.10.15'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.Archetypes==1.10.15'.
Getting required 'zope.interface==3.6.7'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.interface==3.6.7'.
Getting required 'zope.event==3.5.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.event==3.5.2'.
Getting required 'zdaemon==2.0.7'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zdaemon==2.0.7'.
Getting required 'ZConfig==2.9.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'ZConfig==2.9.3'.
Getting required 'zc.lockfile==1.0.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zc.lockfile==1.0.2'.
Getting required 'transaction==1.1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'transaction==1.1.1'.
Getting required 'Products.StandardCacheManagers==2.13.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.StandardCacheManagers==2.13.1'.
Getting required 'Products.PythonScripts==2.13.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.PythonScripts==2.13.2'.
Getting required 'Products.MIMETools==2.13.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.MIMETools==2.13.0'.
Getting required 'Products.MailHost==2.13.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.MailHost==2.13.2'.
Getting required 'Products.ExternalMethod==2.13.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.ExternalMethod==2.13.1'.
Getting required 'Products.BTreeFolder2==2.14.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.BTreeFolder2==2.14.0'.
Getting required 'zope.viewlet==3.7.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.viewlet==3.7.2'.
Getting required 'zope.traversing==3.13.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.traversing==3.13.2'.
Getting required 'zope.testing==3.9.7'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.testing==3.9.7'.
Getting required 'zope.testbrowser==3.11.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.testbrowser==3.11.1'.
Getting required 'zope.tales==3.5.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.tales==3.5.3'.
Getting required 'zope.tal==3.5.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.tal==3.5.2'.
Getting required 'zope.structuredtext==3.5.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.structuredtext==3.5.1'.
Getting required 'zope.size==3.4.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.size==3.4.1'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'zope.sequencesort==3.4.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.sequencesort==3.4.0'.
Getting required 'zope.sendmail==3.7.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.sendmail==3.7.5'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'zope.schema==4.4.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.schema==4.4.2'.
Getting required 'zope.publisher==3.12.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.publisher==3.12.6'.
Getting required 'zope.ptresource==3.9.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.ptresource==3.9.0'.
Getting required 'zope.proxy==3.6.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.proxy==3.6.1'.
Getting required 'zope.processlifetime==1.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.processlifetime==1.0'.
Getting required 'zope.pagetemplate==3.6.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.pagetemplate==3.6.3'.
Getting required 'zope.location==3.9.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.location==3.9.1'.
Getting required 'zope.lifecycleevent==3.6.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.lifecycleevent==3.6.2'.
Getting required 'zope.i18nmessageid==3.5.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.i18nmessageid==3.5.3'.
Getting required 'zope.i18n[zcml]==3.7.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.i18n[zcml]==3.7.4'.
Getting required 'zope.exceptions==3.6.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.exceptions==3.6.2'.
Getting required 'zope.deferredimport==3.5.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.deferredimport==3.5.3'.
Getting required 'zope.contenttype==3.5.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.contenttype==3.5.5'.
Getting required 'zope.contentprovider==3.7.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.contentprovider==3.7.2'.
Getting required 'zope.container==3.11.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.container==3.11.2'.
Getting required 'zope.configuration==3.7.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.configuration==3.7.4'.
Getting required 'zope.component==3.9.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.component==3.9.5'.
Getting required 'zope.browserresource==3.10.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.browserresource==3.10.3'.
Getting required 'zope.browserpage==3.12.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.browserpage==3.12.2'.
Getting required 'zope.browsermenu==3.9.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.browsermenu==3.9.1'.
Getting required 'zope.browser==1.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.browser==1.3'.
Getting required 'zLOG==2.11.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zLOG==2.11.2'.
Getting required 'zExceptions==2.13.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zExceptions==2.13.0'.
Getting required 'tempstorage==2.12.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'tempstorage==2.12.2'.
Getting required 'pytz==2015.7'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'pytz==2015.7'.
Getting required 'initgroups==2.13.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'initgroups==2.13.0'.
Getting required 'docutils==0.12'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'docutils==0.12'.
Getting required 'ZopeUndo==2.12.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'ZopeUndo==2.12.0'.
Getting required 'RestrictedPython==3.6.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'RestrictedPython==3.6.0'.
Getting required 'Record==2.13.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Record==2.13.0'.
Getting required 'Products.ZCTextIndex==2.13.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.ZCTextIndex==2.13.5'.
Getting required 'Products.ZCatalog==3.0.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.ZCatalog==3.0.2'.
Getting required 'Products.OFSP==2.13.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.OFSP==2.13.2'.
Getting required 'Persistence==2.13.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Persistence==2.13.2'.
Getting required 'MultiMapping==2.13.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'MultiMapping==2.13.0'.
Getting required 'Missing==2.13.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Missing==2.13.1'.
Getting required 'ExtensionClass==4.1.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'ExtensionClass==4.1.2'.
Getting required 'DocumentTemplate==2.13.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'DocumentTemplate==2.13.2'.
Getting required 'DateTime==4.0.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'DateTime==4.0.1'.
Getting required 'Acquisition==4.2.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Acquisition==4.2.2'.
Getting required 'AccessControl==3.0.12'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'AccessControl==3.0.12'.
Getting required 'Products.SecureMailHost==1.1.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.SecureMailHost==1.1.2'.
Getting required 'Products.ResourceRegistries==3.0.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.ResourceRegistries==3.0.4'.
Getting required 'Products.PortalTransforms==2.2.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.PortalTransforms==2.2.1'.
Getting required 'Products.PluggableAuthService==1.11.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.PluggableAuthService==1.11.0'.
Getting required 'Products.PlonePAS==5.0.11'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.PlonePAS==5.0.11'.
Getting required 'Products.MimetypesRegistry==2.0.10'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.MimetypesRegistry==2.0.10'.
Getting required 'Products.GenericSetup==1.8.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.GenericSetup==1.8.3'.
Getting required 'Products.DCWorkflow==2.2.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.DCWorkflow==2.2.5'.
Getting required 'Products.CMFUid==2.2.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.CMFUid==2.2.1'.
Getting required 'Products.CMFQuickInstallerTool==3.0.13'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.CMFQuickInstallerTool==3.0.13'.
Getting required 'Products.CMFFormController==3.0.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.CMFFormController==3.0.6'.
Getting required 'Products.CMFEditions==2.2.21'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.CMFEditions==2.2.21'.
Getting required 'Products.CMFDiffTool==3.1.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.CMFDiffTool==3.1.2'.
Getting required 'Products.CMFCore==2.2.10'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.CMFCore==2.2.10'.
Getting required 'Products.contentmigration==2.1.13'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.contentmigration==2.1.13'.
Getting required 'zope.ramcache==1.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.ramcache==1.0'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'plone.session==3.6.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.session==3.6.0'.
Getting required 'plone.portlets==2.2.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.portlets==2.2.3'.
Getting required 'five.localsitemanager==2.0.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'five.localsitemanager==2.0.5'.
Getting required 'borg.localrole==3.1.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'borg.localrole==3.1.2'.
Getting required 'plone.openid==2.0.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.openid==2.0.4'.
Getting required 'Products.statusmessages==4.1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.statusmessages==4.1.1'.
Getting required 'zope.annotation==3.5.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.annotation==3.5.0'.
Getting required 'plone.memoize==1.2.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.memoize==1.2.0'.
Getting required 'plone.locking==2.1.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.locking==2.1.2'.
Getting required 'z3c.form==3.2.9'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'z3c.form==3.2.9'.
Getting required 'zope.deprecation==3.4.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.deprecation==3.4.1'.
Getting required 'plone.z3cform==0.8.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.z3cform==0.8.1'.
Getting required 'plone.supermodel==1.3.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.supermodel==1.3.0'.
Getting required 'plone.contentrules==2.0.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.contentrules==2.0.6'.
Getting required 'plone.autoform==1.6.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.autoform==1.6.2'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'lxml==3.5.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'lxml==3.5.0'.
Getting required 'plone.schemaeditor==2.0.11'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.schemaeditor==2.0.11'.
Getting required 'plone.rfc822==1.1.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.rfc822==1.1.3'.
Getting required 'plone.namedfile[scales]==3.0.9'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.namedfile[scales]==3.0.9'.
Getting required 'plone.formwidget.namedfile==1.0.15'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.formwidget.namedfile==1.0.15'.
Getting required 'plone.dexterity==2.4.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.dexterity==2.4.3'.
Getting required 'plone.behavior==1.1.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.behavior==1.1.2'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'z3c.zcmlhook==1.0b1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'z3c.zcmlhook==1.0b1'.
Getting required 'Products.CMFDynamicViewFTI==4.1.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.CMFDynamicViewFTI==4.1.4'.
Getting required 'plone.registry==1.0.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.registry==1.0.4'.
Getting required 'plone.protect==3.0.19'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.protect==3.0.19'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'plone.cachepurging==1.0.12'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.cachepurging==1.0.12'.
Getting required 'plone.caching==1.1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.caching==1.1.1'.
Getting required 'python-dateutil==2.4.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'python-dateutil==2.4.2'.
Getting required 'zope.dottedname==3.4.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.dottedname==3.4.6'.
Getting required 'zope.cachedescriptors==3.5.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.cachedescriptors==3.5.1'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'z3c.autoinclude==0.3.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'z3c.autoinclude==0.3.6'.
Getting required 'slimit==0.8.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'slimit==0.8.1'.
Getting required 'plonetheme.barceloneta==1.6.21'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plonetheme.barceloneta==1.6.21'.
Getting required 'plone.theme==3.0.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.theme==3.0.0'.
Getting required 'plone.schema==1.0.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.schema==1.0.0'.
Getting required 'plone.portlet.static==3.0.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.portlet.static==3.0.2'.
Getting required 'plone.portlet.collection==3.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.portlet.collection==3.1'.
Getting required 'plone.outputfilters==2.1.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.outputfilters==2.1.5'.
Getting required 'plone.intelligenttext==2.1.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.intelligenttext==2.1.0'.
Getting required 'plone.indexer==1.0.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.indexer==1.0.4'.
Getting required 'plone.i18n==3.0.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.i18n==3.0.5'.
Getting required 'plone.browserlayer==2.1.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.browserlayer==2.1.6'.
Getting required 'plone.batching==1.1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.batching==1.1.1'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'plone.api==1.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.api==1.5'.
Getting required 'mockup==2.1.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'mockup==2.1.5'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'five.customerize==1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'five.customerize==1.1'.
Getting required 'cssmin==0.2.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'cssmin==0.2.0'.
Getting required 'Products.PluginRegistry==1.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.PluginRegistry==1.4'.
Getting required 'Products.PlacelessTranslationService==2.0.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.PlacelessTranslationService==2.0.6'.
Getting required 'Products.PasswordResetTool==2.2.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.PasswordResetTool==2.2.3'.
Getting required 'Products.ExternalEditor==1.1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.ExternalEditor==1.1.1'.
Getting required 'Products.ExtendedPathIndex==3.1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.ExtendedPathIndex==3.1.1'.
Getting required 'Products.validation==2.0.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.validation==2.0.2'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'plone.uuid==1.0.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.uuid==1.0.4'.
Getting required 'plone.folder==1.0.9'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.folder==1.0.9'.
Getting required 'Products.ZSQLMethods==2.13.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.ZSQLMethods==2.13.4'.
Getting required 'zope.datetime==3.4.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.datetime==3.4.1'.
Getting required 'mechanize==0.2.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'mechanize==0.2.5'.
Getting required 'zope.broken==3.6.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.broken==3.6.0'.
Getting required 'zope.filerepresentation==3.6.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.filerepresentation==3.6.1'.
Getting required 'Markdown==2.6.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Markdown==2.6.6'.
Getting required 'zope.formlib==4.0.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.formlib==4.0.6'.
Getting required 'Products.ZopeVersionControl==1.1.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.ZopeVersionControl==1.1.3'.
Getting required 'zope.copy==3.5.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.copy==3.5.0'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'feedparser==5.2.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'feedparser==5.2.1'.
Getting required 'plone.keyring==3.0.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.keyring==3.0.1'.
Getting required 'python-openid==2.2.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'python-openid==2.2.5'.
Getting required 'six==1.10.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'six==1.10.0'.
Getting required 'zope.componentvocabulary==1.0.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.componentvocabulary==1.0.1'.
Getting required 'zope.globalrequest==1.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.globalrequest==1.2'.
Getting required 'z3c.formwidget.query==0.12'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'z3c.formwidget.query==0.12'.
Getting required 'plone.scale[storage]==1.4.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.scale[storage]==1.4.1'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'plone.synchronize==1.0.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.synchronize==1.0.1'.
Getting required 'plone.alterego==1.0.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.alterego==1.0.1'.
Getting required 'collective.monkeypatcher==1.1.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'collective.monkeypatcher==1.1.2'.
Getting required 'five.globalrequest==1.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'five.globalrequest==1.0'.
Getting required 'repoze.xmliter==0.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'repoze.xmliter==0.6'.
Getting required 'plone.transformchain==1.2.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.transformchain==1.2.0'.
Getting required 'z3c.caching==2.0a1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'z3c.caching==2.0a1'.
Getting required 'ply==3.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'ply==3.4'.
Getting required 'Unidecode==0.04.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Unidecode==0.04.1'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'roman==1.4.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'roman==1.4.0'.
Getting required 'plone.subrequest==1.7.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.subrequest==1.7.0'.
Getting required 'plone.resourceeditor==2.0.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.resourceeditor==2.0.5'.
Getting required 'plone.resource==1.0.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.resource==1.0.6'.
Getting required 'diazo==1.2.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'diazo==1.2.3'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'z3c.relationfield==0.7'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'z3c.relationfield==0.7'.
Getting required 'archetypes.multilingual==3.0.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'archetypes.multilingual==3.0.3'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'plone.stringinterp==1.1.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.stringinterp==1.1.4'.
Getting required 'decorator==4.0.10'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'decorator==4.0.10'.
Getting required 'Chameleon==2.24'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Chameleon==2.24'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'sourcecodegen==0.6.14'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'sourcecodegen==0.6.14'.
Getting required 'python-gettext==3.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'python-gettext==3.0'.
Getting required 'archetypes.schemaextender==2.1.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'archetypes.schemaextender==2.1.6'.
Getting required 'zope.error==3.7.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.error==3.7.4'.
Getting required 'zope.authentication==3.7.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.authentication==3.7.1'.
Getting required 'zope.dublincore==3.7.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.dublincore==3.7.0'.
Getting required 'future==0.15.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'future==0.15.2'.
Getting required 'cssselect==0.9.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'cssselect==0.9.2'.
Getting required 'five.intid==1.1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'five.intid==1.1.1'.
Getting required 'zope.intid==3.7.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.intid==3.7.2'.
Getting required 'zc.relation==1.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zc.relation==1.0'.
Getting required 'z3c.objpath==1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'z3c.objpath==1.1'.
Getting required 'plone.formwidget.recurrence[z3cform]==2.1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.formwidget.recurrence[z3cform]==2.1.1'.
Getting required 'plone.event==1.3.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.event==1.3.1'.
Getting required 'icalendar==3.10'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'icalendar==3.10'.
Getting required 'collective.elephantvocabulary==0.2.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'collective.elephantvocabulary==0.2.5'.
Getting required 'Products.DateRecurringIndex==2.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.DateRecurringIndex==2.1'.
Getting required 'zope.keyreference==3.6.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.keyreference==3.6.4'.
Generated script '/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/bin/client2'.
Generated interpreter '/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/parts/client2/bin/interpreter'.
Installing 'Plone', 'Pillow'.
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Plone==5.0.6'.
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Pillow==3.3.1'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'Products.CMFPlone==5.0.6rc1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.CMFPlone==5.0.6rc1'.
Getting required 'Products.CMFPlacefulWorkflow==1.6.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.CMFPlacefulWorkflow==1.6.5'.
Getting required 'Products.ATContentTypes==2.2.13'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.ATContentTypes==2.2.13'.
Getting required 'Products.Archetypes==1.10.15'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.Archetypes==1.10.15'.
Getting required 'setuptools'
required by 1.2.11.
required by 1.3.27.
required by Products.CMFPlacefulWorkflow 1.6.5.
required by Products.Archetypes 1.10.15.
required by 2.1.1.
required by Products.ATContentTypes 2.2.13.
required by 2.3.2.
required by 3.2.1.
required by Products.CMFPlone 5.0.6rc1.
required by Plone 5.0.6.
We have a develop egg: setuptools 28.8.0
Adding find link '' from setuptools 28.8.0
Adding find link '' from setuptools 28.8.0
Getting required 'Zope2==2.13.24'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Zope2==2.13.24'.
Getting required 'Products.ZCatalog==3.0.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.ZCatalog==3.0.2'.
Getting required 'Products.SecureMailHost==1.1.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.SecureMailHost==1.1.2'.
Getting required 'Products.ResourceRegistries==3.0.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.ResourceRegistries==3.0.4'.
Getting required 'Products.PortalTransforms==2.2.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.PortalTransforms==2.2.1'.
Getting required 'Products.PluggableAuthService==1.11.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.PluggableAuthService==1.11.0'.
Getting required 'Products.PlonePAS==5.0.11'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.PlonePAS==5.0.11'.
Getting required 'Products.MimetypesRegistry==2.0.10'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.MimetypesRegistry==2.0.10'.
Getting required 'Products.GenericSetup==1.8.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.GenericSetup==1.8.3'.
Getting required 'Products.DCWorkflow==2.2.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.DCWorkflow==2.2.5'.
Getting required 'Products.CMFUid==2.2.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.CMFUid==2.2.1'.
Getting required 'Products.CMFQuickInstallerTool==3.0.13'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.CMFQuickInstallerTool==3.0.13'.
Getting required 'Products.CMFFormController==3.0.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.CMFFormController==3.0.6'.
Getting required 'Products.CMFEditions==2.2.21'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.CMFEditions==2.2.21'.
Getting required 'Products.CMFDiffTool==3.1.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.CMFDiffTool==3.1.2'.
Getting required 'Products.CMFCore==2.2.10'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.CMFCore==2.2.10'.
Getting required 'Products.contentmigration==2.1.13'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.contentmigration==2.1.13'.
Getting required 'Acquisition==4.2.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Acquisition==4.2.2'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'zope.ramcache==1.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.ramcache==1.0'.
Getting required 'zope.location==3.9.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.location==3.9.1'.
Getting required 'zope.interface==3.6.7'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.interface==3.6.7'.
Getting required 'zope.component==3.9.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.component==3.9.5'.
Getting required 'transaction==1.1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'transaction==1.1.1'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'plone.session==3.6.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.session==3.6.0'.
Getting required 'plone.portlets==2.2.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.portlets==2.2.3'.
Getting required 'five.localsitemanager==2.0.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'five.localsitemanager==2.0.5'.
Getting required 'borg.localrole==3.1.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'borg.localrole==3.1.2'.
Getting required 'zope.i18nmessageid==3.5.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.i18nmessageid==3.5.3'.
Getting required 'plone.openid==2.0.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.openid==2.0.4'.
Getting required 'ZODB3==3.10.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'ZODB3==3.10.5'.
Getting required 'Products.statusmessages==4.1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.statusmessages==4.1.1'.
Getting required 'DateTime==4.0.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'DateTime==4.0.1'.
Getting required 'zope.viewlet==3.7.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.viewlet==3.7.2'.
Getting required 'zope.schema==4.4.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.schema==4.4.2'.
Getting required 'zope.lifecycleevent==3.6.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.lifecycleevent==3.6.2'.
Getting required 'zope.event==3.5.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.event==3.5.2'.
Getting required 'zope.annotation==3.5.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.annotation==3.5.0'.
Getting required 'plone.memoize==1.2.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.memoize==1.2.0'.
Getting required 'plone.locking==2.1.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.locking==2.1.2'.
Getting required 'z3c.form==3.2.9'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'z3c.form==3.2.9'.
Getting required 'zope.publisher==3.12.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.publisher==3.12.6'.
Getting required 'zope.deprecation==3.4.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.deprecation==3.4.1'.
Getting required 'zope.browserpage==3.12.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.browserpage==3.12.2'.
Getting required 'plone.z3cform==0.8.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.z3cform==0.8.1'.
Getting required 'plone.supermodel==1.3.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.supermodel==1.3.0'.
Getting required 'plone.contentrules==2.0.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.contentrules==2.0.6'.
Getting required 'plone.autoform==1.6.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.autoform==1.6.2'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'lxml==3.5.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'lxml==3.5.0'.
Getting required 'plone.schemaeditor==2.0.11'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.schemaeditor==2.0.11'.
Getting required 'plone.rfc822==1.1.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.rfc822==1.1.3'.
Getting required 'plone.namedfile[scales]==3.0.9'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.namedfile[scales]==3.0.9'.
Getting required 'plone.formwidget.namedfile==1.0.15'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.formwidget.namedfile==1.0.15'.
Getting required 'plone.dexterity==2.4.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.dexterity==2.4.3'.
Getting required 'plone.behavior==1.1.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.behavior==1.1.2'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'z3c.zcmlhook==1.0b1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'z3c.zcmlhook==1.0b1'.
Getting required 'Products.CMFDynamicViewFTI==4.1.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.CMFDynamicViewFTI==4.1.4'.
Getting required 'plone.registry==1.0.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.registry==1.0.4'.
Getting required 'plone.protect==3.0.19'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.protect==3.0.19'.
Getting required 'zope.pagetemplate==3.6.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.pagetemplate==3.6.3'.
Getting required 'zope.browserresource==3.10.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.browserresource==3.10.3'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'plone.cachepurging==1.0.12'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.cachepurging==1.0.12'.
Getting required 'plone.caching==1.1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.caching==1.1.1'.
Getting required 'python-dateutil==2.4.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'python-dateutil==2.4.2'.
Getting required 'zope.traversing==3.13.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.traversing==3.13.2'.
Getting required 'zope.tales==3.5.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.tales==3.5.3'.
Getting required 'zope.tal==3.5.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.tal==3.5.2'.
Getting required 'zope.structuredtext==3.5.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.structuredtext==3.5.1'.
Getting required 'zope.i18n==3.7.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.i18n==3.7.4'.
Getting required 'zope.dottedname==3.4.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.dottedname==3.4.6'.
Getting required 'zope.deferredimport==3.5.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.deferredimport==3.5.3'.
Getting required 'zope.container==3.11.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.container==3.11.2'.
Getting required 'zope.cachedescriptors==3.5.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.cachedescriptors==3.5.1'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'z3c.autoinclude==0.3.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'z3c.autoinclude==0.3.6'.
Getting required 'slimit==0.8.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'slimit==0.8.1'.
Getting required 'plonetheme.barceloneta==1.6.21'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plonetheme.barceloneta==1.6.21'.
Getting required 'plone.theme==3.0.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.theme==3.0.0'.
Getting required 'plone.schema==1.0.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.schema==1.0.0'.
Getting required 'plone.portlet.static==3.0.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.portlet.static==3.0.2'.
Getting required 'plone.portlet.collection==3.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.portlet.collection==3.1'.
Getting required 'plone.outputfilters==2.1.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.outputfilters==2.1.5'.
Getting required 'plone.intelligenttext==2.1.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.intelligenttext==2.1.0'.
Getting required 'plone.indexer==1.0.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.indexer==1.0.4'.
Getting required 'plone.i18n==3.0.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.i18n==3.0.5'.
Getting required 'plone.browserlayer==2.1.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.browserlayer==2.1.6'.
Getting required 'plone.batching==1.1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.batching==1.1.1'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'plone.api==1.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.api==1.5'.
Getting required 'mockup==2.1.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'mockup==2.1.5'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'five.customerize==1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'five.customerize==1.1'.
Getting required 'cssmin==0.2.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'cssmin==0.2.0'.
Getting required 'Products.PluginRegistry==1.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.PluginRegistry==1.4'.
Getting required 'Products.PlacelessTranslationService==2.0.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.PlacelessTranslationService==2.0.6'.
Getting required 'Products.PasswordResetTool==2.2.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.PasswordResetTool==2.2.3'.
Getting required 'Products.ExternalEditor==1.1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.ExternalEditor==1.1.1'.
Getting required 'Products.ExtendedPathIndex==3.1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.ExtendedPathIndex==3.1.1'.
Getting required 'ExtensionClass==4.1.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'ExtensionClass==4.1.2'.
Getting required 'ZConfig==2.9.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'ZConfig==2.9.3'.
Getting required 'Products.validation==2.0.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.validation==2.0.2'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'plone.uuid==1.0.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.uuid==1.0.4'.
Getting required 'plone.folder==1.0.9'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.folder==1.0.9'.
Getting required 'Products.ZSQLMethods==2.13.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.ZSQLMethods==2.13.4'.
Getting required 'zope.datetime==3.4.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.datetime==3.4.1'.
Getting required 'zope.contenttype==3.5.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.contenttype==3.5.5'.
Getting required 'Products.StandardCacheManagers==2.13.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.StandardCacheManagers==2.13.1'.
Getting required 'Products.PythonScripts==2.13.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.PythonScripts==2.13.2'.
Getting required 'Products.MIMETools==2.13.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.MIMETools==2.13.0'.
Getting required 'Products.MailHost==2.13.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.MailHost==2.13.2'.
Getting required 'Products.ExternalMethod==2.13.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.ExternalMethod==2.13.1'.
Getting required 'Products.BTreeFolder2==2.14.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.BTreeFolder2==2.14.0'.
Getting required 'zope.testing==3.9.7'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.testing==3.9.7'.
Getting required 'zope.testbrowser==3.11.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.testbrowser==3.11.1'.
Getting required 'zope.size==3.4.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.size==3.4.1'.
Getting required 'zope.sequencesort==3.4.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.sequencesort==3.4.0'.
Getting required 'zope.sendmail==3.7.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.sendmail==3.7.5'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'zope.ptresource==3.9.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.ptresource==3.9.0'.
Getting required 'zope.proxy==3.6.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.proxy==3.6.1'.
Getting required 'zope.processlifetime==1.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.processlifetime==1.0'.
Getting required 'zope.exceptions==3.6.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.exceptions==3.6.2'.
Getting required 'zope.contentprovider==3.7.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.contentprovider==3.7.2'.
Getting required 'zope.configuration==3.7.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.configuration==3.7.4'.
Getting required 'zope.browsermenu==3.9.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.browsermenu==3.9.1'.
Getting required 'zope.browser==1.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.browser==1.3'.
Getting required 'zLOG==2.11.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zLOG==2.11.2'.
Getting required 'zExceptions==2.13.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zExceptions==2.13.0'.
Getting required 'zdaemon==2.0.7'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zdaemon==2.0.7'.
Getting required 'tempstorage==2.12.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'tempstorage==2.12.2'.
Getting required 'pytz==2015.7'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'pytz==2015.7'.
Getting required 'initgroups==2.13.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'initgroups==2.13.0'.
Getting required 'docutils==0.12'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'docutils==0.12'.
Getting required 'ZopeUndo==2.12.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'ZopeUndo==2.12.0'.
Getting required 'RestrictedPython==3.6.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'RestrictedPython==3.6.0'.
Getting required 'Record==2.13.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Record==2.13.0'.
Getting required 'Products.ZCTextIndex==2.13.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.ZCTextIndex==2.13.5'.
Getting required 'Products.OFSP==2.13.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.OFSP==2.13.2'.
Getting required 'Persistence==2.13.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Persistence==2.13.2'.
Getting required 'MultiMapping==2.13.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'MultiMapping==2.13.0'.
Getting required 'Missing==2.13.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Missing==2.13.1'.
Getting required 'DocumentTemplate==2.13.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'DocumentTemplate==2.13.2'.
Getting required 'AccessControl==3.0.12'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'AccessControl==3.0.12'.
Getting required 'Markdown==2.6.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Markdown==2.6.6'.
Getting required 'zope.formlib==4.0.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.formlib==4.0.6'.
Getting required 'Products.ZopeVersionControl==1.1.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.ZopeVersionControl==1.1.3'.
Getting required 'zope.copy==3.5.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.copy==3.5.0'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'feedparser==5.2.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'feedparser==5.2.1'.
Getting required 'plone.keyring==3.0.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.keyring==3.0.1'.
Getting required 'python-openid==2.2.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'python-openid==2.2.5'.
Getting required 'zc.lockfile==1.0.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zc.lockfile==1.0.2'.
Getting required 'six==1.10.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'six==1.10.0'.
Getting required 'zope.componentvocabulary==1.0.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.componentvocabulary==1.0.1'.
Getting required 'zope.globalrequest==1.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.globalrequest==1.2'.
Getting required 'z3c.formwidget.query==0.12'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'z3c.formwidget.query==0.12'.
Getting required 'plone.scale[storage]==1.4.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.scale[storage]==1.4.1'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'zope.filerepresentation==3.6.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.filerepresentation==3.6.1'.
Getting required 'plone.synchronize==1.0.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.synchronize==1.0.1'.
Getting required 'plone.alterego==1.0.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.alterego==1.0.1'.
Getting required 'collective.monkeypatcher==1.1.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'collective.monkeypatcher==1.1.2'.
Getting required 'five.globalrequest==1.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'five.globalrequest==1.0'.
Getting required 'repoze.xmliter==0.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'repoze.xmliter==0.6'.
Getting required 'plone.transformchain==1.2.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.transformchain==1.2.0'.
Getting required 'z3c.caching==2.0a1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'z3c.caching==2.0a1'.
Getting required 'zope.broken==3.6.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.broken==3.6.0'.
Getting required 'zc.buildout'
required by z3c.autoinclude 0.3.6.
We have a develop egg: zc.buildout 2.5.3
Getting required 'ply==3.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'ply==3.4'.
Getting required 'Unidecode==0.04.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Unidecode==0.04.1'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'roman==1.4.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'roman==1.4.0'.
Getting required 'plone.subrequest==1.7.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.subrequest==1.7.0'.
Getting required 'plone.resourceeditor==2.0.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.resourceeditor==2.0.5'.
Getting required 'plone.resource==1.0.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.resource==1.0.6'.
Getting required 'diazo==1.2.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'diazo==1.2.3'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'z3c.relationfield==0.7'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'z3c.relationfield==0.7'.
Getting required 'archetypes.multilingual==3.0.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'archetypes.multilingual==3.0.3'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'plone.stringinterp==1.1.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.stringinterp==1.1.4'.
Getting required 'decorator==4.0.10'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'decorator==4.0.10'.
Getting required 'Chameleon==2.24'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Chameleon==2.24'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'sourcecodegen==0.6.14'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'sourcecodegen==0.6.14'.
Getting required 'python-gettext==3.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'python-gettext==3.0'.
Getting required 'archetypes.schemaextender==2.1.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'archetypes.schemaextender==2.1.6'.
Getting required 'mechanize==0.2.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'mechanize==0.2.5'.
Getting required 'zope.error==3.7.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.error==3.7.4'.
Getting required 'zope.authentication==3.7.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.authentication==3.7.1'.
Getting required 'zope.dublincore==3.7.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.dublincore==3.7.0'.
Getting required 'future==0.15.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'future==0.15.2'.
Getting required 'cssselect==0.9.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'cssselect==0.9.2'.
Getting required 'five.intid==1.1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'five.intid==1.1.1'.
Getting required 'zope.intid==3.7.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.intid==3.7.2'.
Getting required 'zc.relation==1.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zc.relation==1.0'.
Getting required 'z3c.objpath==1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'z3c.objpath==1.1'.
Getting required 'plone.formwidget.recurrence[z3cform]==2.1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.formwidget.recurrence[z3cform]==2.1.1'.
Getting required 'plone.event==1.3.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.event==1.3.1'.
Getting required 'icalendar==3.10'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'icalendar==3.10'.
Getting required 'collective.elephantvocabulary==0.2.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'collective.elephantvocabulary==0.2.5'.
Getting required 'Products.DateRecurringIndex==2.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.DateRecurringIndex==2.1'.
Getting required 'zope.keyreference==3.6.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.keyreference==3.6.4'.
Updating backup.
Installing 'collective.recipe.backup', 'collective.recipe.backup', 'zc.buildout', 'zc.recipe.egg'.
We have the distribution that satisfies 'collective.recipe.backup==3.0.0'.
We have the distribution that satisfies 'collective.recipe.backup==3.0.0'.
We have a develop egg: zc.buildout 2.5.3
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zc.recipe.egg==2.0.3'.
Updating zopepy.
Installing 'Plone', 'Pillow'.
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Plone==5.0.6'.
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Pillow==3.3.1'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'Products.CMFPlone==5.0.6rc1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.CMFPlone==5.0.6rc1'.
Getting required 'Products.CMFPlacefulWorkflow==1.6.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.CMFPlacefulWorkflow==1.6.5'.
Getting required 'Products.ATContentTypes==2.2.13'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.ATContentTypes==2.2.13'.
Getting required 'Products.Archetypes==1.10.15'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.Archetypes==1.10.15'.
Getting required 'setuptools'
required by 1.2.11.
required by 1.3.27.
required by Products.CMFPlacefulWorkflow 1.6.5.
required by Products.Archetypes 1.10.15.
required by 2.1.1.
required by Products.ATContentTypes 2.2.13.
required by 2.3.2.
required by 3.2.1.
required by Products.CMFPlone 5.0.6rc1.
required by Plone 5.0.6.
We have a develop egg: setuptools 28.8.0
Adding find link '' from setuptools 28.8.0
Adding find link '' from setuptools 28.8.0
Getting required 'Zope2==2.13.24'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Zope2==2.13.24'.
Getting required 'Products.ZCatalog==3.0.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.ZCatalog==3.0.2'.
Getting required 'Products.SecureMailHost==1.1.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.SecureMailHost==1.1.2'.
Getting required 'Products.ResourceRegistries==3.0.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.ResourceRegistries==3.0.4'.
Getting required 'Products.PortalTransforms==2.2.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.PortalTransforms==2.2.1'.
Getting required 'Products.PluggableAuthService==1.11.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.PluggableAuthService==1.11.0'.
Getting required 'Products.PlonePAS==5.0.11'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.PlonePAS==5.0.11'.
Getting required 'Products.MimetypesRegistry==2.0.10'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.MimetypesRegistry==2.0.10'.
Getting required 'Products.GenericSetup==1.8.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.GenericSetup==1.8.3'.
Getting required 'Products.DCWorkflow==2.2.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.DCWorkflow==2.2.5'.
Getting required 'Products.CMFUid==2.2.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.CMFUid==2.2.1'.
Getting required 'Products.CMFQuickInstallerTool==3.0.13'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.CMFQuickInstallerTool==3.0.13'.
Getting required 'Products.CMFFormController==3.0.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.CMFFormController==3.0.6'.
Getting required 'Products.CMFEditions==2.2.21'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.CMFEditions==2.2.21'.
Getting required 'Products.CMFDiffTool==3.1.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.CMFDiffTool==3.1.2'.
Getting required 'Products.CMFCore==2.2.10'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.CMFCore==2.2.10'.
Getting required 'Products.contentmigration==2.1.13'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.contentmigration==2.1.13'.
Getting required 'Acquisition==4.2.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Acquisition==4.2.2'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'zope.ramcache==1.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.ramcache==1.0'.
Getting required 'zope.location==3.9.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.location==3.9.1'.
Getting required 'zope.interface==3.6.7'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.interface==3.6.7'.
Getting required 'zope.component==3.9.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.component==3.9.5'.
Getting required 'transaction==1.1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'transaction==1.1.1'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'plone.session==3.6.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.session==3.6.0'.
Getting required 'plone.portlets==2.2.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.portlets==2.2.3'.
Getting required 'five.localsitemanager==2.0.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'five.localsitemanager==2.0.5'.
Getting required 'borg.localrole==3.1.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'borg.localrole==3.1.2'.
Getting required 'zope.i18nmessageid==3.5.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.i18nmessageid==3.5.3'.
Getting required 'plone.openid==2.0.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.openid==2.0.4'.
Getting required 'ZODB3==3.10.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'ZODB3==3.10.5'.
Getting required 'Products.statusmessages==4.1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.statusmessages==4.1.1'.
Getting required 'DateTime==4.0.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'DateTime==4.0.1'.
Getting required 'zope.viewlet==3.7.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.viewlet==3.7.2'.
Getting required 'zope.schema==4.4.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.schema==4.4.2'.
Getting required 'zope.lifecycleevent==3.6.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.lifecycleevent==3.6.2'.
Getting required 'zope.event==3.5.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.event==3.5.2'.
Getting required 'zope.annotation==3.5.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.annotation==3.5.0'.
Getting required 'plone.memoize==1.2.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.memoize==1.2.0'.
Getting required 'plone.locking==2.1.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.locking==2.1.2'.
Getting required 'z3c.form==3.2.9'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'z3c.form==3.2.9'.
Getting required 'zope.publisher==3.12.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.publisher==3.12.6'.
Getting required 'zope.deprecation==3.4.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.deprecation==3.4.1'.
Getting required 'zope.browserpage==3.12.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.browserpage==3.12.2'.
Getting required 'plone.z3cform==0.8.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.z3cform==0.8.1'.
Getting required 'plone.supermodel==1.3.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.supermodel==1.3.0'.
Getting required 'plone.contentrules==2.0.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.contentrules==2.0.6'.
Getting required 'plone.autoform==1.6.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.autoform==1.6.2'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'lxml==3.5.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'lxml==3.5.0'.
Getting required 'plone.schemaeditor==2.0.11'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.schemaeditor==2.0.11'.
Getting required 'plone.rfc822==1.1.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.rfc822==1.1.3'.
Getting required 'plone.namedfile[scales]==3.0.9'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.namedfile[scales]==3.0.9'.
Getting required 'plone.formwidget.namedfile==1.0.15'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.formwidget.namedfile==1.0.15'.
Getting required 'plone.dexterity==2.4.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.dexterity==2.4.3'.
Getting required 'plone.behavior==1.1.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.behavior==1.1.2'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'z3c.zcmlhook==1.0b1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'z3c.zcmlhook==1.0b1'.
Getting required 'Products.CMFDynamicViewFTI==4.1.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.CMFDynamicViewFTI==4.1.4'.
Getting required 'plone.registry==1.0.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.registry==1.0.4'.
Getting required 'plone.protect==3.0.19'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.protect==3.0.19'.
Getting required 'zope.pagetemplate==3.6.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.pagetemplate==3.6.3'.
Getting required 'zope.browserresource==3.10.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.browserresource==3.10.3'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'plone.cachepurging==1.0.12'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.cachepurging==1.0.12'.
Getting required 'plone.caching==1.1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.caching==1.1.1'.
Getting required 'python-dateutil==2.4.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'python-dateutil==2.4.2'.
Getting required 'zope.traversing==3.13.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.traversing==3.13.2'.
Getting required 'zope.tales==3.5.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.tales==3.5.3'.
Getting required 'zope.tal==3.5.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.tal==3.5.2'.
Getting required 'zope.structuredtext==3.5.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.structuredtext==3.5.1'.
Getting required 'zope.i18n==3.7.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.i18n==3.7.4'.
Getting required 'zope.dottedname==3.4.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.dottedname==3.4.6'.
Getting required 'zope.deferredimport==3.5.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.deferredimport==3.5.3'.
Getting required 'zope.container==3.11.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.container==3.11.2'.
Getting required 'zope.cachedescriptors==3.5.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.cachedescriptors==3.5.1'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'z3c.autoinclude==0.3.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'z3c.autoinclude==0.3.6'.
Getting required 'slimit==0.8.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'slimit==0.8.1'.
Getting required 'plonetheme.barceloneta==1.6.21'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plonetheme.barceloneta==1.6.21'.
Getting required 'plone.theme==3.0.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.theme==3.0.0'.
Getting required 'plone.schema==1.0.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.schema==1.0.0'.
Getting required 'plone.portlet.static==3.0.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.portlet.static==3.0.2'.
Getting required 'plone.portlet.collection==3.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.portlet.collection==3.1'.
Getting required 'plone.outputfilters==2.1.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.outputfilters==2.1.5'.
Getting required 'plone.intelligenttext==2.1.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.intelligenttext==2.1.0'.
Getting required 'plone.indexer==1.0.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.indexer==1.0.4'.
Getting required 'plone.i18n==3.0.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.i18n==3.0.5'.
Getting required 'plone.browserlayer==2.1.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.browserlayer==2.1.6'.
Getting required 'plone.batching==1.1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.batching==1.1.1'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'plone.api==1.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.api==1.5'.
Getting required 'mockup==2.1.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'mockup==2.1.5'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'five.customerize==1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'five.customerize==1.1'.
Getting required 'cssmin==0.2.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'cssmin==0.2.0'.
Getting required 'Products.PluginRegistry==1.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.PluginRegistry==1.4'.
Getting required 'Products.PlacelessTranslationService==2.0.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.PlacelessTranslationService==2.0.6'.
Getting required 'Products.PasswordResetTool==2.2.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.PasswordResetTool==2.2.3'.
Getting required 'Products.ExternalEditor==1.1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.ExternalEditor==1.1.1'.
Getting required 'Products.ExtendedPathIndex==3.1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.ExtendedPathIndex==3.1.1'.
Getting required 'ExtensionClass==4.1.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'ExtensionClass==4.1.2'.
Getting required 'ZConfig==2.9.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'ZConfig==2.9.3'.
Getting required 'Products.validation==2.0.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.validation==2.0.2'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'plone.uuid==1.0.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.uuid==1.0.4'.
Getting required 'plone.folder==1.0.9'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.folder==1.0.9'.
Getting required 'Products.ZSQLMethods==2.13.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.ZSQLMethods==2.13.4'.
Getting required 'zope.datetime==3.4.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.datetime==3.4.1'.
Getting required 'zope.contenttype==3.5.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.contenttype==3.5.5'.
Getting required 'Products.StandardCacheManagers==2.13.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.StandardCacheManagers==2.13.1'.
Getting required 'Products.PythonScripts==2.13.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.PythonScripts==2.13.2'.
Getting required 'Products.MIMETools==2.13.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.MIMETools==2.13.0'.
Getting required 'Products.MailHost==2.13.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.MailHost==2.13.2'.
Getting required 'Products.ExternalMethod==2.13.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.ExternalMethod==2.13.1'.
Getting required 'Products.BTreeFolder2==2.14.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.BTreeFolder2==2.14.0'.
Getting required 'zope.testing==3.9.7'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.testing==3.9.7'.
Getting required 'zope.testbrowser==3.11.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.testbrowser==3.11.1'.
Getting required 'zope.size==3.4.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.size==3.4.1'.
Getting required 'zope.sequencesort==3.4.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.sequencesort==3.4.0'.
Getting required 'zope.sendmail==3.7.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.sendmail==3.7.5'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'zope.ptresource==3.9.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.ptresource==3.9.0'.
Getting required 'zope.proxy==3.6.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.proxy==3.6.1'.
Getting required 'zope.processlifetime==1.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.processlifetime==1.0'.
Getting required 'zope.exceptions==3.6.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.exceptions==3.6.2'.
Getting required 'zope.contentprovider==3.7.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.contentprovider==3.7.2'.
Getting required 'zope.configuration==3.7.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.configuration==3.7.4'.
Getting required 'zope.browsermenu==3.9.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.browsermenu==3.9.1'.
Getting required 'zope.browser==1.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.browser==1.3'.
Getting required 'zLOG==2.11.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zLOG==2.11.2'.
Getting required 'zExceptions==2.13.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zExceptions==2.13.0'.
Getting required 'zdaemon==2.0.7'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zdaemon==2.0.7'.
Getting required 'tempstorage==2.12.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'tempstorage==2.12.2'.
Getting required 'pytz==2015.7'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'pytz==2015.7'.
Getting required 'initgroups==2.13.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'initgroups==2.13.0'.
Getting required 'docutils==0.12'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'docutils==0.12'.
Getting required 'ZopeUndo==2.12.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'ZopeUndo==2.12.0'.
Getting required 'RestrictedPython==3.6.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'RestrictedPython==3.6.0'.
Getting required 'Record==2.13.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Record==2.13.0'.
Getting required 'Products.ZCTextIndex==2.13.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.ZCTextIndex==2.13.5'.
Getting required 'Products.OFSP==2.13.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.OFSP==2.13.2'.
Getting required 'Persistence==2.13.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Persistence==2.13.2'.
Getting required 'MultiMapping==2.13.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'MultiMapping==2.13.0'.
Getting required 'Missing==2.13.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Missing==2.13.1'.
Getting required 'DocumentTemplate==2.13.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'DocumentTemplate==2.13.2'.
Getting required 'AccessControl==3.0.12'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'AccessControl==3.0.12'.
Getting required 'Markdown==2.6.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Markdown==2.6.6'.
Getting required 'zope.formlib==4.0.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.formlib==4.0.6'.
Getting required 'Products.ZopeVersionControl==1.1.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.ZopeVersionControl==1.1.3'.
Getting required 'zope.copy==3.5.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.copy==3.5.0'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'feedparser==5.2.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'feedparser==5.2.1'.
Getting required 'plone.keyring==3.0.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.keyring==3.0.1'.
Getting required 'python-openid==2.2.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'python-openid==2.2.5'.
Getting required 'zc.lockfile==1.0.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zc.lockfile==1.0.2'.
Getting required 'six==1.10.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'six==1.10.0'.
Getting required 'zope.componentvocabulary==1.0.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.componentvocabulary==1.0.1'.
Getting required 'zope.globalrequest==1.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.globalrequest==1.2'.
Getting required 'z3c.formwidget.query==0.12'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'z3c.formwidget.query==0.12'.
Getting required 'plone.scale[storage]==1.4.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.scale[storage]==1.4.1'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'zope.filerepresentation==3.6.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.filerepresentation==3.6.1'.
Getting required 'plone.synchronize==1.0.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.synchronize==1.0.1'.
Getting required 'plone.alterego==1.0.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.alterego==1.0.1'.
Getting required 'collective.monkeypatcher==1.1.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'collective.monkeypatcher==1.1.2'.
Getting required 'five.globalrequest==1.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'five.globalrequest==1.0'.
Getting required 'repoze.xmliter==0.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'repoze.xmliter==0.6'.
Getting required 'plone.transformchain==1.2.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.transformchain==1.2.0'.
Getting required 'z3c.caching==2.0a1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'z3c.caching==2.0a1'.
Getting required 'zope.broken==3.6.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.broken==3.6.0'.
Getting required 'zc.buildout'
required by z3c.autoinclude 0.3.6.
We have a develop egg: zc.buildout 2.5.3
Getting required 'ply==3.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'ply==3.4'.
Getting required 'Unidecode==0.04.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Unidecode==0.04.1'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'roman==1.4.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'roman==1.4.0'.
Getting required 'plone.subrequest==1.7.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.subrequest==1.7.0'.
Getting required 'plone.resourceeditor==2.0.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.resourceeditor==2.0.5'.
Getting required 'plone.resource==1.0.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.resource==1.0.6'.
Getting required 'diazo==1.2.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'diazo==1.2.3'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'z3c.relationfield==0.7'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'z3c.relationfield==0.7'.
Getting required 'archetypes.multilingual==3.0.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'archetypes.multilingual==3.0.3'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'plone.stringinterp==1.1.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.stringinterp==1.1.4'.
Getting required 'decorator==4.0.10'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'decorator==4.0.10'.
Getting required 'Chameleon==2.24'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Chameleon==2.24'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'sourcecodegen==0.6.14'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'sourcecodegen==0.6.14'.
Getting required 'python-gettext==3.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'python-gettext==3.0'.
Getting required 'archetypes.schemaextender==2.1.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'archetypes.schemaextender==2.1.6'.
Getting required 'mechanize==0.2.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'mechanize==0.2.5'.
Getting required 'zope.error==3.7.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.error==3.7.4'.
Getting required 'zope.authentication==3.7.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.authentication==3.7.1'.
Getting required 'zope.dublincore==3.7.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.dublincore==3.7.0'.
Getting required 'future==0.15.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'future==0.15.2'.
Getting required 'cssselect==0.9.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'cssselect==0.9.2'.
Getting required 'five.intid==1.1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'five.intid==1.1.1'.
Getting required 'zope.intid==3.7.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.intid==3.7.2'.
Getting required 'zc.relation==1.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zc.relation==1.0'.
Getting required 'z3c.objpath==1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'z3c.objpath==1.1'.
Getting required 'plone.formwidget.recurrence[z3cform]==2.1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.formwidget.recurrence[z3cform]==2.1.1'.
Getting required 'plone.event==1.3.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.event==1.3.1'.
Getting required 'icalendar==3.10'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'icalendar==3.10'.
Getting required 'collective.elephantvocabulary==0.2.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'collective.elephantvocabulary==0.2.5'.
Getting required 'Products.DateRecurringIndex==2.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.DateRecurringIndex==2.1'.
Getting required 'zope.keyreference==3.6.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.keyreference==3.6.4'.
Updating unifiedinstaller.
Installing 'plone.recipe.unifiedinstaller', 'plone.recipe.unifiedinstaller'.
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.recipe.unifiedinstaller==4.3.2'.
Adding find link '' from plone.recipe.unifiedinstaller 4.3.2
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.recipe.unifiedinstaller==4.3.2'.
Getting required 'zc.recipe.egg==2.0.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zc.recipe.egg==2.0.3'.
Getting required 'zc.buildout'
required by plone.recipe.unifiedinstaller 4.3.2.
We have a develop egg: zc.buildout 2.5.3
Getting required 'setuptools'
required by zc.recipe.egg 2.0.3.
required by plone.recipe.unifiedinstaller 4.3.2.
We have a develop egg: setuptools 28.8.0
Adding find link '' from setuptools 28.8.0
Adding find link '' from setuptools 28.8.0
Updating precompiler.
Compiling Python files.
Installing 'Plone', 'Pillow'.
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Plone==5.0.6'.
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Pillow==3.3.1'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'Products.CMFPlone==5.0.6rc1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.CMFPlone==5.0.6rc1'.
Getting required 'Products.CMFPlacefulWorkflow==1.6.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.CMFPlacefulWorkflow==1.6.5'.
Getting required 'Products.ATContentTypes==2.2.13'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.ATContentTypes==2.2.13'.
Getting required 'Products.Archetypes==1.10.15'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.Archetypes==1.10.15'.
Getting required 'setuptools'
required by 1.2.11.
required by 1.3.27.
required by Products.CMFPlacefulWorkflow 1.6.5.
required by Products.Archetypes 1.10.15.
required by 2.1.1.
required by Products.ATContentTypes 2.2.13.
required by 2.3.2.
required by 3.2.1.
required by Products.CMFPlone 5.0.6rc1.
required by Plone 5.0.6.
We have a develop egg: setuptools 28.8.0
Adding find link '' from setuptools 28.8.0
Adding find link '' from setuptools 28.8.0
Getting required 'Zope2==2.13.24'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Zope2==2.13.24'.
Getting required 'Products.ZCatalog==3.0.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.ZCatalog==3.0.2'.
Getting required 'Products.SecureMailHost==1.1.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.SecureMailHost==1.1.2'.
Getting required 'Products.ResourceRegistries==3.0.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.ResourceRegistries==3.0.4'.
Getting required 'Products.PortalTransforms==2.2.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.PortalTransforms==2.2.1'.
Getting required 'Products.PluggableAuthService==1.11.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.PluggableAuthService==1.11.0'.
Getting required 'Products.PlonePAS==5.0.11'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.PlonePAS==5.0.11'.
Getting required 'Products.MimetypesRegistry==2.0.10'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.MimetypesRegistry==2.0.10'.
Getting required 'Products.GenericSetup==1.8.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.GenericSetup==1.8.3'.
Getting required 'Products.DCWorkflow==2.2.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.DCWorkflow==2.2.5'.
Getting required 'Products.CMFUid==2.2.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.CMFUid==2.2.1'.
Getting required 'Products.CMFQuickInstallerTool==3.0.13'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.CMFQuickInstallerTool==3.0.13'.
Getting required 'Products.CMFFormController==3.0.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.CMFFormController==3.0.6'.
Getting required 'Products.CMFEditions==2.2.21'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.CMFEditions==2.2.21'.
Getting required 'Products.CMFDiffTool==3.1.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.CMFDiffTool==3.1.2'.
Getting required 'Products.CMFCore==2.2.10'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.CMFCore==2.2.10'.
Getting required 'Products.contentmigration==2.1.13'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.contentmigration==2.1.13'.
Getting required 'Acquisition==4.2.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Acquisition==4.2.2'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'zope.ramcache==1.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.ramcache==1.0'.
Getting required 'zope.location==3.9.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.location==3.9.1'.
Getting required 'zope.interface==3.6.7'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.interface==3.6.7'.
Getting required 'zope.component==3.9.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.component==3.9.5'.
Getting required 'transaction==1.1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'transaction==1.1.1'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'plone.session==3.6.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.session==3.6.0'.
Getting required 'plone.portlets==2.2.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.portlets==2.2.3'.
Getting required 'five.localsitemanager==2.0.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'five.localsitemanager==2.0.5'.
Getting required 'borg.localrole==3.1.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'borg.localrole==3.1.2'.
Getting required 'zope.i18nmessageid==3.5.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.i18nmessageid==3.5.3'.
Getting required 'plone.openid==2.0.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.openid==2.0.4'.
Getting required 'ZODB3==3.10.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'ZODB3==3.10.5'.
Getting required 'Products.statusmessages==4.1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.statusmessages==4.1.1'.
Getting required 'DateTime==4.0.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'DateTime==4.0.1'.
Getting required 'zope.viewlet==3.7.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.viewlet==3.7.2'.
Getting required 'zope.schema==4.4.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.schema==4.4.2'.
Getting required 'zope.lifecycleevent==3.6.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.lifecycleevent==3.6.2'.
Getting required 'zope.event==3.5.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.event==3.5.2'.
Getting required 'zope.annotation==3.5.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.annotation==3.5.0'.
Getting required 'plone.memoize==1.2.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.memoize==1.2.0'.
Getting required 'plone.locking==2.1.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.locking==2.1.2'.
Getting required 'z3c.form==3.2.9'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'z3c.form==3.2.9'.
Getting required 'zope.publisher==3.12.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.publisher==3.12.6'.
Getting required 'zope.deprecation==3.4.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.deprecation==3.4.1'.
Getting required 'zope.browserpage==3.12.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.browserpage==3.12.2'.
Getting required 'plone.z3cform==0.8.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.z3cform==0.8.1'.
Getting required 'plone.supermodel==1.3.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.supermodel==1.3.0'.
Getting required 'plone.contentrules==2.0.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.contentrules==2.0.6'.
Getting required 'plone.autoform==1.6.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.autoform==1.6.2'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'lxml==3.5.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'lxml==3.5.0'.
Getting required 'plone.schemaeditor==2.0.11'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.schemaeditor==2.0.11'.
Getting required 'plone.rfc822==1.1.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.rfc822==1.1.3'.
Getting required 'plone.namedfile[scales]==3.0.9'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.namedfile[scales]==3.0.9'.
Getting required 'plone.formwidget.namedfile==1.0.15'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.formwidget.namedfile==1.0.15'.
Getting required 'plone.dexterity==2.4.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.dexterity==2.4.3'.
Getting required 'plone.behavior==1.1.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.behavior==1.1.2'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'z3c.zcmlhook==1.0b1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'z3c.zcmlhook==1.0b1'.
Getting required 'Products.CMFDynamicViewFTI==4.1.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.CMFDynamicViewFTI==4.1.4'.
Getting required 'plone.registry==1.0.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.registry==1.0.4'.
Getting required 'plone.protect==3.0.19'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.protect==3.0.19'.
Getting required 'zope.pagetemplate==3.6.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.pagetemplate==3.6.3'.
Getting required 'zope.browserresource==3.10.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.browserresource==3.10.3'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'plone.cachepurging==1.0.12'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.cachepurging==1.0.12'.
Getting required 'plone.caching==1.1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.caching==1.1.1'.
Getting required 'python-dateutil==2.4.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'python-dateutil==2.4.2'.
Getting required 'zope.traversing==3.13.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.traversing==3.13.2'.
Getting required 'zope.tales==3.5.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.tales==3.5.3'.
Getting required 'zope.tal==3.5.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.tal==3.5.2'.
Getting required 'zope.structuredtext==3.5.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.structuredtext==3.5.1'.
Getting required 'zope.i18n==3.7.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.i18n==3.7.4'.
Getting required 'zope.dottedname==3.4.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.dottedname==3.4.6'.
Getting required 'zope.deferredimport==3.5.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.deferredimport==3.5.3'.
Getting required 'zope.container==3.11.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.container==3.11.2'.
Getting required 'zope.cachedescriptors==3.5.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.cachedescriptors==3.5.1'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'z3c.autoinclude==0.3.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'z3c.autoinclude==0.3.6'.
Getting required 'slimit==0.8.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'slimit==0.8.1'.
Getting required 'plonetheme.barceloneta==1.6.21'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plonetheme.barceloneta==1.6.21'.
Getting required 'plone.theme==3.0.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.theme==3.0.0'.
Getting required 'plone.schema==1.0.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.schema==1.0.0'.
Getting required 'plone.portlet.static==3.0.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.portlet.static==3.0.2'.
Getting required 'plone.portlet.collection==3.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.portlet.collection==3.1'.
Getting required 'plone.outputfilters==2.1.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.outputfilters==2.1.5'.
Getting required 'plone.intelligenttext==2.1.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.intelligenttext==2.1.0'.
Getting required 'plone.indexer==1.0.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.indexer==1.0.4'.
Getting required 'plone.i18n==3.0.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.i18n==3.0.5'.
Getting required 'plone.browserlayer==2.1.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.browserlayer==2.1.6'.
Getting required 'plone.batching==1.1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.batching==1.1.1'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'plone.api==1.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.api==1.5'.
Getting required 'mockup==2.1.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'mockup==2.1.5'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'five.customerize==1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'five.customerize==1.1'.
Getting required 'cssmin==0.2.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'cssmin==0.2.0'.
Getting required 'Products.PluginRegistry==1.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.PluginRegistry==1.4'.
Getting required 'Products.PlacelessTranslationService==2.0.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.PlacelessTranslationService==2.0.6'.
Getting required 'Products.PasswordResetTool==2.2.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.PasswordResetTool==2.2.3'.
Getting required 'Products.ExternalEditor==1.1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.ExternalEditor==1.1.1'.
Getting required 'Products.ExtendedPathIndex==3.1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.ExtendedPathIndex==3.1.1'.
Getting required 'ExtensionClass==4.1.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'ExtensionClass==4.1.2'.
Getting required 'ZConfig==2.9.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'ZConfig==2.9.3'.
Getting required 'Products.validation==2.0.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.validation==2.0.2'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'plone.uuid==1.0.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.uuid==1.0.4'.
Getting required 'plone.folder==1.0.9'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.folder==1.0.9'.
Getting required 'Products.ZSQLMethods==2.13.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.ZSQLMethods==2.13.4'.
Getting required 'zope.datetime==3.4.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.datetime==3.4.1'.
Getting required 'zope.contenttype==3.5.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.contenttype==3.5.5'.
Getting required 'Products.StandardCacheManagers==2.13.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.StandardCacheManagers==2.13.1'.
Getting required 'Products.PythonScripts==2.13.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.PythonScripts==2.13.2'.
Getting required 'Products.MIMETools==2.13.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.MIMETools==2.13.0'.
Getting required 'Products.MailHost==2.13.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.MailHost==2.13.2'.
Getting required 'Products.ExternalMethod==2.13.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.ExternalMethod==2.13.1'.
Getting required 'Products.BTreeFolder2==2.14.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.BTreeFolder2==2.14.0'.
Getting required 'zope.testing==3.9.7'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.testing==3.9.7'.
Getting required 'zope.testbrowser==3.11.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.testbrowser==3.11.1'.
Getting required 'zope.size==3.4.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.size==3.4.1'.
Getting required 'zope.sequencesort==3.4.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.sequencesort==3.4.0'.
Getting required 'zope.sendmail==3.7.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.sendmail==3.7.5'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'zope.ptresource==3.9.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.ptresource==3.9.0'.
Getting required 'zope.proxy==3.6.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.proxy==3.6.1'.
Getting required 'zope.processlifetime==1.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.processlifetime==1.0'.
Getting required 'zope.exceptions==3.6.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.exceptions==3.6.2'.
Getting required 'zope.contentprovider==3.7.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.contentprovider==3.7.2'.
Getting required 'zope.configuration==3.7.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.configuration==3.7.4'.
Getting required 'zope.browsermenu==3.9.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.browsermenu==3.9.1'.
Getting required 'zope.browser==1.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.browser==1.3'.
Getting required 'zLOG==2.11.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zLOG==2.11.2'.
Getting required 'zExceptions==2.13.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zExceptions==2.13.0'.
Getting required 'zdaemon==2.0.7'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zdaemon==2.0.7'.
Getting required 'tempstorage==2.12.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'tempstorage==2.12.2'.
Getting required 'pytz==2015.7'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'pytz==2015.7'.
Getting required 'initgroups==2.13.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'initgroups==2.13.0'.
Getting required 'docutils==0.12'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'docutils==0.12'.
Getting required 'ZopeUndo==2.12.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'ZopeUndo==2.12.0'.
Getting required 'RestrictedPython==3.6.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'RestrictedPython==3.6.0'.
Getting required 'Record==2.13.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Record==2.13.0'.
Getting required 'Products.ZCTextIndex==2.13.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.ZCTextIndex==2.13.5'.
Getting required 'Products.OFSP==2.13.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.OFSP==2.13.2'.
Getting required 'Persistence==2.13.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Persistence==2.13.2'.
Getting required 'MultiMapping==2.13.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'MultiMapping==2.13.0'.
Getting required 'Missing==2.13.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Missing==2.13.1'.
Getting required 'DocumentTemplate==2.13.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'DocumentTemplate==2.13.2'.
Getting required 'AccessControl==3.0.12'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'AccessControl==3.0.12'.
Getting required 'Markdown==2.6.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Markdown==2.6.6'.
Getting required 'zope.formlib==4.0.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.formlib==4.0.6'.
Getting required 'Products.ZopeVersionControl==1.1.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.ZopeVersionControl==1.1.3'.
Getting required 'zope.copy==3.5.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.copy==3.5.0'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'feedparser==5.2.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'feedparser==5.2.1'.
Getting required 'plone.keyring==3.0.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.keyring==3.0.1'.
Getting required 'python-openid==2.2.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'python-openid==2.2.5'.
Getting required 'zc.lockfile==1.0.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zc.lockfile==1.0.2'.
Getting required 'six==1.10.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'six==1.10.0'.
Getting required 'zope.componentvocabulary==1.0.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.componentvocabulary==1.0.1'.
Getting required 'zope.globalrequest==1.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.globalrequest==1.2'.
Getting required 'z3c.formwidget.query==0.12'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'z3c.formwidget.query==0.12'.
Getting required 'plone.scale[storage]==1.4.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.scale[storage]==1.4.1'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'zope.filerepresentation==3.6.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.filerepresentation==3.6.1'.
Getting required 'plone.synchronize==1.0.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.synchronize==1.0.1'.
Getting required 'plone.alterego==1.0.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.alterego==1.0.1'.
Getting required 'collective.monkeypatcher==1.1.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'collective.monkeypatcher==1.1.2'.
Getting required 'five.globalrequest==1.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'five.globalrequest==1.0'.
Getting required 'repoze.xmliter==0.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'repoze.xmliter==0.6'.
Getting required 'plone.transformchain==1.2.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.transformchain==1.2.0'.
Getting required 'z3c.caching==2.0a1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'z3c.caching==2.0a1'.
Getting required 'zope.broken==3.6.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.broken==3.6.0'.
Getting required 'zc.buildout'
required by z3c.autoinclude 0.3.6.
We have a develop egg: zc.buildout 2.5.3
Getting required 'ply==3.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'ply==3.4'.
Getting required 'Unidecode==0.04.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Unidecode==0.04.1'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'roman==1.4.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'roman==1.4.0'.
Getting required 'plone.subrequest==1.7.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.subrequest==1.7.0'.
Getting required 'plone.resourceeditor==2.0.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.resourceeditor==2.0.5'.
Getting required 'plone.resource==1.0.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.resource==1.0.6'.
Getting required 'diazo==1.2.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'diazo==1.2.3'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'z3c.relationfield==0.7'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'z3c.relationfield==0.7'.
Getting required 'archetypes.multilingual==3.0.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'archetypes.multilingual==3.0.3'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'plone.stringinterp==1.1.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.stringinterp==1.1.4'.
Getting required 'decorator==4.0.10'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'decorator==4.0.10'.
Getting required 'Chameleon==2.24'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Chameleon==2.24'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'sourcecodegen==0.6.14'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'sourcecodegen==0.6.14'.
Getting required 'python-gettext==3.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'python-gettext==3.0'.
Getting required 'archetypes.schemaextender==2.1.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'archetypes.schemaextender==2.1.6'.
Getting required 'mechanize==0.2.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'mechanize==0.2.5'.
Getting required 'zope.error==3.7.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.error==3.7.4'.
Getting required 'zope.authentication==3.7.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.authentication==3.7.1'.
Getting required 'zope.dublincore==3.7.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.dublincore==3.7.0'.
Getting required 'future==0.15.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'future==0.15.2'.
Getting required 'cssselect==0.9.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'cssselect==0.9.2'.
Getting required 'five.intid==1.1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'five.intid==1.1.1'.
Getting required 'zope.intid==3.7.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.intid==3.7.2'.
Getting required 'zc.relation==1.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zc.relation==1.0'.
Getting required 'z3c.objpath==1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'z3c.objpath==1.1'.
Getting required 'plone.formwidget.recurrence[z3cform]==2.1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.formwidget.recurrence[z3cform]==2.1.1'.
Getting required 'plone.event==1.3.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.event==1.3.1'.
Getting required 'icalendar==3.10'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'icalendar==3.10'.
Getting required 'collective.elephantvocabulary==0.2.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'collective.elephantvocabulary==0.2.5'.
Getting required 'Products.DateRecurringIndex==2.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.DateRecurringIndex==2.1'.
Getting required 'zope.keyreference==3.6.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.keyreference==3.6.4'.
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_prefs/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_prefs/", line 15
return request.RESPONSE.redirect(context.absolute_url() + '/prefs_error_log_form')
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_prefs/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_prefs/", line 17
return request.RESPONSE.redirect(
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_login/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_login/", line 17
return context.restrictedTraverse('external_login_return')()
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_login/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_login/", line 19
return portal.restrictedTraverse(login)()
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_form_scripts/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_form_scripts/", line 16
return context.REQUEST.RESPONSE.redirect(
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_templates/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_templates/", line 32
return '{{"error_type": "{0:s}"}}'.format(error_type)
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/", line 27
return 'Successfully configured system to use External Editor.'
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/", line 10
return [r for r in context.portal_membership.getPortalRoles() if r != 'Owner']
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/", line 18
return myList
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/", line 12
return None
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/", line 11
return context.plone_utils.browserDefault(context)
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/", line 4
return []
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/", line 57
return result
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/", line 21
return [x[1] for x in aux]
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/", line 15
return context.REQUEST['RESPONSE'].redirect(
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/", line 12
return sorted
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/", line 11
return None
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/", line 51
return None
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/", line 34
return []
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/", line 14
return putils.pretty_title_or_id(context, default)
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/", line 36
return new
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/", line 52
return _(u'Please enter a name.')
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/", line 128
return results
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/", line 163
return {'years': years, 'months': months, 'days': days,
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/", line 25
return batch
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/", line 15
return '<!-- compression status: disabled -->'
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/", line 13
return [ctype for ctype in types if ctype.getId() not in filterOut]
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/", line 36
return '0 %s' % smaller
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/", line 52
return final_lists
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/", line 16
return None
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/", line 17
return request.RESPONSE.redirect(target_url)
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/", line 27
return rows
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/", line 13
return context.restrictedTraverse('@@plone').toLocalizedTime(
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/", line 26
return response
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/", line 16
return False
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/", line 23
return prefix + time + rand + suffix
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/", line 12
return not (context.portal_factory.isTemporary(context)
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/", line 16
return None
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/", line 54
return batch
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/", line 48
return results
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/", line 15
return isExpired(content)
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/", line 12
return ()
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/", line 9
return r"""
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/", line 24
return printed
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/", line 15
return installed_types
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/", line 17
return False
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/", line 17
return False
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/", line 13
return True
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlacefulWorkflow-1.6.5-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlacefulWorkflow/skins/CMFPlacefulWorkflow/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlacefulWorkflow-1.6.5-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlacefulWorkflow/skins/CMFPlacefulWorkflow/", line 20
return request
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.ATContentTypes-2.2.13-py2.7.egg/Products/ATContentTypes/skins/ATContentTypes/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.ATContentTypes-2.2.13-py2.7.egg/Products/ATContentTypes/skins/ATContentTypes/", line 10
return "%s,%s,%s,%s" % (context.title_or_id(), context.aq_parent.title_or_id(),\
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.ATContentTypes-2.2.13-py2.7.egg/Products/ATContentTypes/skins/ATContentTypes/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.ATContentTypes-2.2.13-py2.7.egg/Products/ATContentTypes/skins/ATContentTypes/", line 55
return result
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.ATContentTypes-2.2.13-py2.7.egg/Products/ATContentTypes/skins/ATContentTypes/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.ATContentTypes-2.2.13-py2.7.egg/Products/ATContentTypes/skins/ATContentTypes/", line 26
return "<div>%s</div>" % result_string.encode('utf-8')
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.ATContentTypes-2.2.13-py2.7.egg/Products/ATContentTypes/skins/ATContentTypes/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.ATContentTypes-2.2.13-py2.7.egg/Products/ATContentTypes/skins/ATContentTypes/", line 28
return context.REQUEST.RESPONSE.redirect(
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.ATContentTypes-2.2.13-py2.7.egg/Products/ATContentTypes/skins/ATContentTypes/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.ATContentTypes-2.2.13-py2.7.egg/Products/ATContentTypes/skins/ATContentTypes/", line 10
return context.allowedCriteriaForField(index, display_list=True)
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.ATContentTypes-2.2.13-py2.7.egg/Products/ATContentTypes/skins/ATContentTypes/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.ATContentTypes-2.2.13-py2.7.egg/Products/ATContentTypes/skins/ATContentTypes/", line 15
return ''
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.ATContentTypes-2.2.13-py2.7.egg/Products/ATContentTypes/skins/ATContentTypes/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.ATContentTypes-2.2.13-py2.7.egg/Products/ATContentTypes/skins/ATContentTypes/", line 24
return printed
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.Archetypes-1.10.15-py2.7.egg/Products/Archetypes/skins/archetypes/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.Archetypes-1.10.15-py2.7.egg/Products/Archetypes/skins/archetypes/", line 9
return 'utf-8'
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.Archetypes-1.10.15-py2.7.egg/Products/Archetypes/skins/archetypes/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.Archetypes-1.10.15-py2.7.egg/Products/Archetypes/skins/archetypes/", line 11
return 0
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.Archetypes-1.10.15-py2.7.egg/Products/Archetypes/skins/archetypes/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.Archetypes-1.10.15-py2.7.egg/Products/Archetypes/skins/archetypes/", line 31
return result
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.Archetypes-1.10.15-py2.7.egg/Products/Archetypes/skins/archetypes/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.Archetypes-1.10.15-py2.7.egg/Products/Archetypes/skins/archetypes/", line 22
return order
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.Archetypes-1.10.15-py2.7.egg/Products/Archetypes/skins/archetypes/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.Archetypes-1.10.15-py2.7.egg/Products/Archetypes/skins/archetypes/", line 16
return encoded
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.Archetypes-1.10.15-py2.7.egg/Products/Archetypes/skins/archetypes/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.Archetypes-1.10.15-py2.7.egg/Products/Archetypes/skins/archetypes/", line 11
return t(vocab, value, widget)
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.Archetypes-1.10.15-py2.7.egg/Products/Archetypes/skins/archetypes/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.Archetypes-1.10.15-py2.7.egg/Products/Archetypes/skins/archetypes/", line 14
return context.getIcon()
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.Archetypes-1.10.15-py2.7.egg/Products/Archetypes/skins/archetypes/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.Archetypes-1.10.15-py2.7.egg/Products/Archetypes/skins/archetypes/", line 29
return 1
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.Archetypes-1.10.15-py2.7.egg/Products/Archetypes/skins/archetypes/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.Archetypes-1.10.15-py2.7.egg/Products/Archetypes/skins/archetypes/", line 10
return context.getWrappedField(fieldName).tag(context, scale)
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.Archetypes-1.10.15-py2.7.egg/Products/Archetypes/skins/archetypes/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.Archetypes-1.10.15-py2.7.egg/Products/Archetypes/skins/archetypes/", line 20
return RESPONSE.redirect(url)
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.Archetypes-1.10.15-py2.7.egg/Products/Archetypes/skins/archetypes/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.Archetypes-1.10.15-py2.7.egg/Products/Archetypes/skins/archetypes/", line 11
return default
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.Archetypes-1.10.15-py2.7.egg/Products/Archetypes/skins/archetypes/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.Archetypes-1.10.15-py2.7.egg/Products/Archetypes/skins/archetypes/", line 19
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.Archetypes-1.10.15-py2.7.egg/Products/Archetypes/skins/archetypes/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.Archetypes-1.10.15-py2.7.egg/Products/Archetypes/skins/archetypes/", line 53
return state.set(status='next_schemata',
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.Archetypes-1.10.15-py2.7.egg/Products/Archetypes/skins/archetypes/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.Archetypes-1.10.15-py2.7.egg/Products/Archetypes/skins/archetypes/", line 19
return mimetypes[0].name()
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFEditions-2.2.21-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFEditions/skins/CMFEditions/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFEditions-2.2.21-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFEditions/skins/CMFEditions/", line 33
return {
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFEditions-2.2.21-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFEditions/skins/CMFEditions/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFEditions-2.2.21-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFEditions/skins/CMFEditions/", line 30
return suite
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFEditions-2.2.21-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFEditions/skins/CMFEditions/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFEditions-2.2.21-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFEditions/skins/CMFEditions/", line 47
return RESPONSE.redirect(view_url)
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFEditions-2.2.21-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFEditions/skins/CMFEditions/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFEditions-2.2.21-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFEditions/skins/CMFEditions/", line 15
return "finished creating test hierarchy"
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFEditions-2.2.21-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFEditions/skins/CMFEditions/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFEditions-2.2.21-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFEditions/skins/CMFEditions/", line 14
return "no storage migration necessary: nothing done"
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFEditions-2.2.21-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFEditions/skins/cmfeditions_views/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFEditions-2.2.21-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFEditions/skins/cmfeditions_views/", line 19
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFEditions-2.2.21-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFEditions/skins/cmfeditions_views/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFEditions-2.2.21-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFEditions/skins/cmfeditions_views/", line 18
return tag
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFCore-2.2.10-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFCore/tests/fake_skins/fake_skin/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFCore-2.2.10-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFCore/tests/fake_skins/fake_skin/", line 2
return 'unix'
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFCore-2.2.10-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFCore/tests/fake_skins/fake_skin/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFCore-2.2.10-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFCore/tests/fake_skins/fake_skin/", line 1
return 'test1'
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFCore-2.2.10-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFCore/tests/fake_skins/fake_skin/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFCore-2.2.10-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFCore/tests/fake_skins/fake_skin/", line 1
return 'test1'
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFCore-2.2.10-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFCore/tests/fake_skins/fake_skin/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFCore-2.2.10-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFCore/tests/fake_skins/fake_skin/", line 2
return 'dos'
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFCore-2.2.10-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFCore/tests/fake_skins/fake_skin/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFCore-2.2.10-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFCore/tests/fake_skins/fake_skin/", line 1
return 'test1'
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFCore-2.2.10-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFCore/tests/fake_skins/fake_skin/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFCore-2.2.10-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFCore/tests/fake_skins/fake_skin/", line 2
return 'mac'
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFCore-2.2.10-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFCore/tests/fake_skins/fake_skin/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFCore-2.2.10-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFCore/tests/fake_skins/fake_skin/", line 1
return 'test1'
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.PasswordResetTool-2.2.3-py2.7.egg/Products/PasswordResetTool/skins/PasswordReset/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.PasswordResetTool-2.2.3-py2.7.egg/Products/PasswordResetTool/skins/PasswordReset/", line 14
return "%s/passwordreset/%s" % (host, randomstring)
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling locale files.
Compiling po-file: /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/python_gettext-3.0-py2.7.egg/pythongettext/tests/test5.po
Error while compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/python_gettext-3.0-py2.7.egg/pythongettext/tests/test5.po
Compiling po-file: /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/python_gettext-3.0-py2.7.egg/pythongettext/tests/test_escape.po
Error while compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/python_gettext-3.0-py2.7.egg/pythongettext/tests/test_escape.po
Updating setpermissions.
setpermissions: Running # Dummy references to force this to execute after referenced parts
echo /arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/var/backups yes > /dev/null
chmod 600 .installed.cfg
# Make sure anything we've created in var is r/w by our group
find /arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/var -type d -exec chmod 770 {} \; 2> /dev/null
find /arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/var -type f -exec chmod 660 {} \; 2> /dev/null
find /arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/var -type d -exec chmod 770 {} \; 2> /dev/null
find /arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/var -type f -exec chmod 660 {} \; 2> /dev/null
chmod 754 /arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/bin/*
chmod: changing permissions of ‘/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/bin/buildout’: Operation not permitted
Versions had to be automatically picked.
The following part definition lists the versions picked:
plone.recipe.command = 1.1
plone.recipe.precompiler = 0.6
d2d203:/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster # ./
zeoserver: .
daemon process started, pid=8615
client1: .
daemon process started, pid=8622
client2: .
daemon process started, pid=8631
d2d203:~ # cd /arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/
d2d203:/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster # ls
.installed.cfg base.cfg include lxml_static.cfg products zope-2-13-24-versions.cfg
README.html bin develop-eggs lib parts src var zopetoolkit-1-0-8-zopeapp-versions.cfg
adminPassword.txt buildout.cfg develop.cfg lib64 pip-selfcheck.json versions.cfg zopetoolkit-1-0-8-ztk-versions.cfg
d2d203:/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster # vi buildout.cfg
d2d203:/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster # ./
Installing 'buildout.sanitycheck'.
We have the distribution that satisfies 'buildout.sanitycheck==1.0.2'.
Installing 'plone.recipe.zeoserver'.
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.recipe.zeoserver==1.2.9'.
Getting required 'ZopeUndo==2.12.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'ZopeUndo==2.12.0'.
Getting required 'ZODB3==3.10.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'ZODB3==3.10.5'.
Getting required 'zope.mkzeoinstance==3.9.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.mkzeoinstance==3.9.5'.
Getting required 'zc.recipe.egg==2.0.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zc.recipe.egg==2.0.3'.
Getting required 'zope.interface==3.6.7'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.interface==3.6.7'.
Getting required 'zope.event==3.5.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.event==3.5.2'.
Getting required 'zdaemon==2.0.7'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zdaemon==2.0.7'.
Getting required 'ZConfig==2.9.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'ZConfig==2.9.3'.
Getting required 'zc.lockfile==1.0.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zc.lockfile==1.0.2'.
Getting required 'transaction==1.1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'transaction==1.1.1'.
Installing 'plone.recipe.zope2instance'.
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.recipe.zope2instance==4.2.21'.
Getting required 'Zope2==2.13.24'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Zope2==2.13.24'.
Getting required 'mailinglogger==3.8.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'mailinglogger==3.8.0'.
Getting required 'Products.StandardCacheManagers==2.13.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.StandardCacheManagers==2.13.1'.
Getting required 'Products.PythonScripts==2.13.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.PythonScripts==2.13.2'.
Getting required 'Products.MIMETools==2.13.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.MIMETools==2.13.0'.
Getting required 'Products.MailHost==2.13.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.MailHost==2.13.2'.
Getting required 'Products.ExternalMethod==2.13.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.ExternalMethod==2.13.1'.
Getting required 'Products.BTreeFolder2==2.14.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.BTreeFolder2==2.14.0'.
Getting required 'zope.viewlet==3.7.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.viewlet==3.7.2'.
Getting required 'zope.traversing==3.13.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.traversing==3.13.2'.
Getting required 'zope.testing==3.9.7'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.testing==3.9.7'.
Getting required 'zope.testbrowser==3.11.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.testbrowser==3.11.1'.
Getting required 'zope.tales==3.5.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.tales==3.5.3'.
Getting required 'zope.tal==3.5.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.tal==3.5.2'.
Getting required 'zope.structuredtext==3.5.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.structuredtext==3.5.1'.
Getting required 'zope.size==3.4.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.size==3.4.1'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'zope.sequencesort==3.4.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.sequencesort==3.4.0'.
Getting required 'zope.sendmail==3.7.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.sendmail==3.7.5'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'zope.schema==4.4.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.schema==4.4.2'.
Getting required 'zope.publisher==3.12.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.publisher==3.12.6'.
Getting required 'zope.ptresource==3.9.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.ptresource==3.9.0'.
Getting required 'zope.proxy==3.6.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.proxy==3.6.1'.
Getting required 'zope.processlifetime==1.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.processlifetime==1.0'.
Getting required 'zope.pagetemplate==3.6.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.pagetemplate==3.6.3'.
Getting required 'zope.location==3.9.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.location==3.9.1'.
Getting required 'zope.lifecycleevent==3.6.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.lifecycleevent==3.6.2'.
Getting required 'zope.i18nmessageid==3.5.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.i18nmessageid==3.5.3'.
Getting required 'zope.i18n[zcml]==3.7.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.i18n[zcml]==3.7.4'.
Getting required 'zope.exceptions==3.6.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.exceptions==3.6.2'.
Getting required 'zope.deferredimport==3.5.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.deferredimport==3.5.3'.
Getting required 'zope.contenttype==3.5.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.contenttype==3.5.5'.
Getting required 'zope.contentprovider==3.7.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.contentprovider==3.7.2'.
Getting required 'zope.container==3.11.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.container==3.11.2'.
Getting required 'zope.configuration==3.7.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.configuration==3.7.4'.
Getting required 'zope.component==3.9.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.component==3.9.5'.
Getting required 'zope.browserresource==3.10.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.browserresource==3.10.3'.
Getting required 'zope.browserpage==3.12.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.browserpage==3.12.2'.
Getting required 'zope.browsermenu==3.9.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.browsermenu==3.9.1'.
Getting required 'zope.browser==1.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.browser==1.3'.
Getting required 'zLOG==2.11.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zLOG==2.11.2'.
Getting required 'zExceptions==2.13.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zExceptions==2.13.0'.
Getting required 'tempstorage==2.12.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'tempstorage==2.12.2'.
Getting required 'pytz==2015.7'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'pytz==2015.7'.
Getting required 'initgroups==2.13.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'initgroups==2.13.0'.
Getting required 'docutils==0.12'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'docutils==0.12'.
Getting required 'RestrictedPython==3.6.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'RestrictedPython==3.6.0'.
Getting required 'Record==2.13.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Record==2.13.0'.
Getting required 'Products.ZCTextIndex==2.13.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.ZCTextIndex==2.13.5'.
Getting required 'Products.ZCatalog==3.0.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.ZCatalog==3.0.2'.
Getting required 'Products.OFSP==2.13.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.OFSP==2.13.2'.
Getting required 'Persistence==2.13.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Persistence==2.13.2'.
Getting required 'MultiMapping==2.13.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'MultiMapping==2.13.0'.
Getting required 'Missing==2.13.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Missing==2.13.1'.
Getting required 'ExtensionClass==4.1.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'ExtensionClass==4.1.2'.
Getting required 'DocumentTemplate==2.13.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'DocumentTemplate==2.13.2'.
Getting required 'DateTime==4.0.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'DateTime==4.0.1'.
Getting required 'Acquisition==4.2.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Acquisition==4.2.2'.
Getting required 'AccessControl==3.0.12'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'AccessControl==3.0.12'.
Getting required 'mechanize==0.2.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'mechanize==0.2.5'.
Getting required 'zope.annotation==3.5.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.annotation==3.5.0'.
Getting required 'zope.broken==3.6.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.broken==3.6.0'.
Getting required 'zope.filerepresentation==3.6.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.filerepresentation==3.6.1'.
Getting required 'zope.dottedname==3.4.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.dottedname==3.4.6'.
Installing 'collective.recipe.backup'.
We have the distribution that satisfies 'collective.recipe.backup==3.0.0'.
Installing 'plone.recipe.unifiedinstaller'.
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.recipe.unifiedinstaller==4.3.2'.
Adding find link '' from plone.recipe.unifiedinstaller 4.3.2
Installing 'plone.recipe.precompiler'.
Adding find link '' from plone.recipe.precompiler 0.6
Picked: plone.recipe.precompiler = 0.6
Getting required 'python-gettext==3.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'python-gettext==3.0'.
Installing 'plone.recipe.command'.
Picked: plone.recipe.command = 1.1
Uninstalling precompiler.
Uninstalling zopepy.
Uninstalling client2.
Uninstalling client1.
Updating zeoserver.
Installing 'plone.recipe.zeoserver'.
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.recipe.zeoserver==1.2.9'.
Getting required 'ZopeUndo==2.12.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'ZopeUndo==2.12.0'.
Getting required 'ZODB3==3.10.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'ZODB3==3.10.5'.
Getting required 'zope.mkzeoinstance==3.9.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.mkzeoinstance==3.9.5'.
Getting required 'zc.recipe.egg==2.0.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zc.recipe.egg==2.0.3'.
Getting required 'setuptools'
required by plone.recipe.zeoserver 1.2.9.
required by zc.recipe.egg 2.0.3.
required by zope.mkzeoinstance 3.9.5.
We have a develop egg: setuptools 28.8.0
Adding find link '' from setuptools 28.8.0
Adding find link '' from setuptools 28.8.0
Getting required 'zc.buildout'
required by plone.recipe.zeoserver 1.2.9.
We have a develop egg: zc.buildout 2.5.3
Getting required 'zope.interface==3.6.7'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.interface==3.6.7'.
Getting required 'zope.event==3.5.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.event==3.5.2'.
Getting required 'zdaemon==2.0.7'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zdaemon==2.0.7'.
Getting required 'ZConfig==2.9.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'ZConfig==2.9.3'.
Getting required 'zc.lockfile==1.0.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zc.lockfile==1.0.2'.
Getting required 'transaction==1.1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'transaction==1.1.1'.
Installing client1.
/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pkg_resources/ RuntimeWarning: You have iterated over the result of pkg_resources.parse_version. This is a legacy behavior which is inconsistent with the new version class introduced in setuptools 8.0. In most cases, conversion to a tuple is unnecessary. For comparison of versions, sort the Version instances directly. If you have another use case requiring the tuple, please file a bug with the setuptools project describing that need.
Installing 'Plone', 'Pillow', 'pas.plugins.ldap', 'plone.recipe.zope2instance'.
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Plone==5.0.6'.
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Pillow==3.3.1'.
We have no distributions for pas.plugins.ldap that satisfies 'pas.plugins.ldap'.
Getting distribution for 'pas.plugins.ldap'.
Running easy_install:
"/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/bin/python2.7" "-c" "import sys; sys.path[0:0] = ['/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/lib/python2.7/site-packages']; from setuptools.command.easy_install import main; main()" "-mZUNxd" "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/tmpk9w154" "-q" "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/downloads/dist/pas.plugins.ldap-1.5.1.tar.gz"
Got pas.plugins.ldap 1.5.1.
Picked: pas.plugins.ldap = 1.5.1
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.recipe.zope2instance==4.2.21'.
Getting required 'ZODB3==3.10.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'ZODB3==3.10.5'.
Getting required 'Zope2==2.13.24'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Zope2==2.13.24'.
Getting required 'zc.recipe.egg==2.0.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zc.recipe.egg==2.0.3'.
Getting required 'mailinglogger==3.8.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'mailinglogger==3.8.0'.
Getting required 'setuptools'
required by pas.plugins.ldap 1.5.1.
required by zc.recipe.egg 2.0.3.
required by Zope2 2.13.24.
required by plone.recipe.zope2instance 4.2.21.
required by Plone 5.0.6.
We have a develop egg: setuptools 28.8.0
Adding find link '' from setuptools 28.8.0
Adding find link '' from setuptools 28.8.0
Getting required 'zc.buildout'
required by plone.recipe.zope2instance 4.2.21.
We have a develop egg: zc.buildout 2.5.3
Getting required 'zope.traversing==3.13.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.traversing==3.13.2'.
Getting required 'zope.interface==3.6.7'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.interface==3.6.7'.
Getting required 'zope.i18nmessageid==3.5.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.i18nmessageid==3.5.3'.
Getting required 'zope.globalrequest==1.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.globalrequest==1.2'.
Getting required 'zope.component==3.9.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.component==3.9.5'.
Getting required 'yafowil.yaml'
required by pas.plugins.ldap 1.5.1.
We have no distributions for yafowil.yaml that satisfies 'yafowil.yaml'.
Getting distribution for 'yafowil.yaml'.
Running easy_install:
"/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/bin/python2.7" "-c" "import sys; sys.path[0:0] = ['/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/lib/python2.7/site-packages']; from setuptools.command.easy_install import main; main()" "-mZUNxd" "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/tmpX_xm4y" "-q" "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/downloads/dist/"
warning: no previously-included files matching '*.pyc' found under directory 'src'
warning: no previously-included files matching '*.pyo' found under directory 'src'
Got yafowil.yaml 1.2.
Picked: yafowil.yaml = 1.2
Getting required 'yafowil.widget.dict'
required by pas.plugins.ldap 1.5.1.
We have no distributions for yafowil.widget.dict that satisfies 'yafowil.widget.dict'.
Getting distribution for 'yafowil.widget.dict'.
Running easy_install:
"/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/bin/python2.7" "-c" "import sys; sys.path[0:0] = ['/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/lib/python2.7/site-packages']; from setuptools.command.easy_install import main; main()" "-mZUNxd" "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/tmpErVJPC" "-q" "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/downloads/dist/yafowil.widget.dict-1.6.tar.gz"
warning: no previously-included files matching '*.pyc' found under directory 'src'
warning: no previously-included files matching '*.pyo' found under directory 'src'
Got yafowil.widget.dict 1.6.
Picked: yafowil.widget.dict = 1.6
Getting required 'yafowil.widget.array'
required by pas.plugins.ldap 1.5.1.
We have no distributions for yafowil.widget.array that satisfies 'yafowil.widget.array'.
Getting distribution for 'yafowil.widget.array'.
Running easy_install:
"/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/bin/python2.7" "-c" "import sys; sys.path[0:0] = ['/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/lib/python2.7/site-packages']; from setuptools.command.easy_install import main; main()" "-mZUNxd" "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/tmpWcwN58" "-q" "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/downloads/dist/yafowil.widget.array-1.4.tar.gz"
warning: no previously-included files matching '*.pyc' found under directory 'src'
warning: no previously-included files matching '*.pyo' found under directory 'src'
Got yafowil.widget.array 1.4.
Picked: yafowil.widget.array = 1.4
Getting required 'yafowil.plone>=1.3'
required by pas.plugins.ldap 1.5.1.
We have no distributions for yafowil.plone that satisfies 'yafowil.plone>=1.3'.
Getting distribution for 'yafowil.plone>=1.3'.
Running easy_install:
"/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/bin/python2.7" "-c" "import sys; sys.path[0:0] = ['/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/lib/python2.7/site-packages']; from setuptools.command.easy_install import main; main()" "-mZUNxd" "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/tmphUDa8W" "-q" "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/downloads/dist/yafowil.plone-2.3.1.tar.gz"
warning: no previously-included files matching '*.pyc' found under directory 'src'
Got yafowil.plone 2.3.1.
Picked: yafowil.plone = 2.3.1
Getting required 'yafowil>=2.2b2'
required by pas.plugins.ldap 1.5.1.
We have no distributions for yafowil that satisfies 'yafowil>=2.2b2'.
Getting distribution for 'yafowil>=2.2b2'.
Running easy_install:
"/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/bin/python2.7" "-c" "import sys; sys.path[0:0] = ['/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/lib/python2.7/site-packages']; from setuptools.command.easy_install import main; main()" "-mZUNxd" "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/tmpbhgZKM" "-q" "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/downloads/dist/yafowil-2.2.tar.gz"
warning: no previously-included files matching '*.pyc' found under directory 'src'
warning: no previously-included files matching '*.pyo' found under directory 'src'
Got yafowil 2.2.
Picked: yafowil = 2.2
Getting required 'python-ldap'
required by pas.plugins.ldap 1.5.1.
We have no distributions for python-ldap that satisfies 'python-ldap'.
Getting distribution for 'python-ldap'.
Running easy_install:
"/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/bin/python2.7" "-c" "import sys; sys.path[0:0] = ['/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/lib/python2.7/site-packages']; from setuptools.command.easy_install import main; main()" "-mZUNxd" "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/tmpYLVACi" "-q" "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/downloads/dist/python-ldap-2.4.28.tar.gz"
include_dirs: /usr/include /usr/include/sasl /usr/local/include /usr/local/include/sasl
library_dirs: /usr/lib /usr/lib64 /usr/local/lib /usr/local/lib64
libs: ldap_r
file Lib/ (for module ldap) not found
file Lib/ldap/ (for module ldap.controls) not found
file Lib/ldap/ (for module ldap.extop) not found
file Lib/ldap/ (for module ldap.schema) not found
warning: no files found matching 'Makefile'
warning: no files found matching 'Modules/LICENSE'
file Lib/ (for module ldap) not found
file Lib/ldap/ (for module ldap.controls) not found
file Lib/ldap/ (for module ldap.extop) not found
file Lib/ldap/ (for module ldap.schema) not found
file Lib/ (for module ldap) not found
file Lib/ldap/ (for module ldap.controls) not found
file Lib/ldap/ (for module ldap.extop) not found
file Lib/ldap/ (for module ldap.schema) not found
/usr/lib64/gcc/x86_64-suse-linux/4.8/../../../../x86_64-suse-linux/bin/ld: skipping incompatible /usr/lib/ when searching for -lpthread
/usr/lib64/gcc/x86_64-suse-linux/4.8/../../../../x86_64-suse-linux/bin/ld: skipping incompatible /usr/lib/ when searching for -lc
Got python-ldap 2.4.28.
Picked: python-ldap = 2.4.28
Getting required 'Products.statusmessages==4.1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.statusmessages==4.1.1'.
Getting required 'Products.PluggableAuthService==1.11.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.PluggableAuthService==1.11.0'.
Getting required 'Products.PlonePAS==5.0.11'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.PlonePAS==5.0.11'.
Getting required 'Products.GenericSetup==1.8.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.GenericSetup==1.8.3'.
Getting required 'Products.CMFCore==2.2.10'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.CMFCore==2.2.10'.
Getting required 'plone.registry==1.0.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.registry==1.0.4'.
Getting required 'odict'
required by pas.plugins.ldap 1.5.1.
We have no distributions for odict that satisfies 'odict'.
Getting distribution for 'odict'.
Running easy_install:
"/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/bin/python2.7" "-c" "import sys; sys.path[0:0] = ['/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/lib/python2.7/site-packages']; from setuptools.command.easy_install import main; main()" "-mZUNxd" "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/tmpXjWXJF" "-q" "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/downloads/dist/odict-1.5.1.tar.gz"
Got odict 1.5.1.
Picked: odict = 1.5.1
Getting required 'node.ext.ldap>=1.0b2'
required by pas.plugins.ldap 1.5.1.
We have no distributions for node.ext.ldap that satisfies 'node.ext.ldap>=1.0b2'.
Getting distribution for 'node.ext.ldap>=1.0b2'.
Running easy_install:
"/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/bin/python2.7" "-c" "import sys; sys.path[0:0] = ['/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/lib/python2.7/site-packages']; from setuptools.command.easy_install import main; main()" "-mZUNxd" "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/tmpBZBoNO" "-q" "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/downloads/dist/node.ext.ldap-1.0b3.tar.gz"
warning: no previously-included files matching '*.pyc' found under directory 'src'
warning: no previously-included files matching '*.pyo' found under directory 'src'
Got node.ext.ldap 1.0b3.
Picked: node.ext.ldap = 1.0b3
Getting required 'node'
required by pas.plugins.ldap 1.5.1.
We have no distributions for node that satisfies 'node'.
Getting distribution for 'node'.
Running easy_install:
"/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/bin/python2.7" "-c" "import sys; sys.path[0:0] = ['/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/lib/python2.7/site-packages']; from setuptools.command.easy_install import main; main()" "-mZUNxd" "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/tmpTxFSZV" "-q" "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/downloads/dist/node-0.9.16.tar.gz"
warning: no previously-included files matching '*.pyc' found under directory 'src'
warning: no previously-included files matching '*.pyo' found under directory 'src'
Got node 0.9.16.
Picked: node = 0.9.16
Getting required 'five.globalrequest==1.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'five.globalrequest==1.0'.
Getting required 'bda.cache'
required by node.ext.ldap 1.0b3.
required by pas.plugins.ldap 1.5.1.
We have no distributions for bda.cache that satisfies 'bda.cache'.
Getting distribution for 'bda.cache'.
Running easy_install:
"/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/bin/python2.7" "-c" "import sys; sys.path[0:0] = ['/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/lib/python2.7/site-packages']; from setuptools.command.easy_install import main; main()" "-mZUNxd" "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/tmpq9wAh3" "-q" "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/downloads/dist/bda.cache-1.1.3.tar.gz"
Got bda.cache 1.1.3.
Picked: bda.cache = 1.1.3
Getting required 'Acquisition==4.2.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Acquisition==4.2.2'.
Getting required 'AccessControl==3.0.12'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'AccessControl==3.0.12'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'Products.CMFPlone==5.0.6rc1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.CMFPlone==5.0.6rc1'.
Getting required 'Products.CMFPlacefulWorkflow==1.6.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.CMFPlacefulWorkflow==1.6.5'.
Getting required 'Products.ATContentTypes==2.2.13'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.ATContentTypes==2.2.13'.
Getting required 'Products.Archetypes==1.10.15'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.Archetypes==1.10.15'.
Getting required 'zope.event==3.5.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.event==3.5.2'.
Getting required 'zdaemon==2.0.7'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zdaemon==2.0.7'.
Getting required 'ZConfig==2.9.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'ZConfig==2.9.3'.
Getting required 'zc.lockfile==1.0.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zc.lockfile==1.0.2'.
Getting required 'transaction==1.1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'transaction==1.1.1'.
Getting required 'Products.StandardCacheManagers==2.13.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.StandardCacheManagers==2.13.1'.
Getting required 'Products.PythonScripts==2.13.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.PythonScripts==2.13.2'.
Getting required 'Products.MIMETools==2.13.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.MIMETools==2.13.0'.
Getting required 'Products.MailHost==2.13.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.MailHost==2.13.2'.
Getting required 'Products.ExternalMethod==2.13.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.ExternalMethod==2.13.1'.
Getting required 'Products.BTreeFolder2==2.14.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.BTreeFolder2==2.14.0'.
Getting required 'zope.viewlet==3.7.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.viewlet==3.7.2'.
Getting required 'zope.testing==3.9.7'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.testing==3.9.7'.
Getting required 'zope.testbrowser==3.11.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.testbrowser==3.11.1'.
Getting required 'zope.tales==3.5.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.tales==3.5.3'.
Getting required 'zope.tal==3.5.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.tal==3.5.2'.
Getting required 'zope.structuredtext==3.5.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.structuredtext==3.5.1'.
Getting required 'zope.size==3.4.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.size==3.4.1'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'zope.sequencesort==3.4.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.sequencesort==3.4.0'.
Getting required 'zope.sendmail==3.7.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.sendmail==3.7.5'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'zope.schema==4.4.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.schema==4.4.2'.
Getting required 'zope.publisher==3.12.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.publisher==3.12.6'.
Getting required 'zope.ptresource==3.9.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.ptresource==3.9.0'.
Getting required 'zope.proxy==3.6.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.proxy==3.6.1'.
Getting required 'zope.processlifetime==1.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.processlifetime==1.0'.
Getting required 'zope.pagetemplate==3.6.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.pagetemplate==3.6.3'.
Getting required 'zope.location==3.9.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.location==3.9.1'.
Getting required 'zope.lifecycleevent==3.6.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.lifecycleevent==3.6.2'.
Getting required 'zope.i18n[zcml]==3.7.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.i18n[zcml]==3.7.4'.
Getting required 'zope.exceptions==3.6.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.exceptions==3.6.2'.
Getting required 'zope.deferredimport==3.5.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.deferredimport==3.5.3'.
Getting required 'zope.contenttype==3.5.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.contenttype==3.5.5'.
Getting required 'zope.contentprovider==3.7.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.contentprovider==3.7.2'.
Getting required 'zope.container==3.11.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.container==3.11.2'.
Getting required 'zope.configuration==3.7.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.configuration==3.7.4'.
Getting required 'zope.browserresource==3.10.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.browserresource==3.10.3'.
Getting required 'zope.browserpage==3.12.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.browserpage==3.12.2'.
Getting required 'zope.browsermenu==3.9.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.browsermenu==3.9.1'.
Getting required 'zope.browser==1.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.browser==1.3'.
Getting required 'zLOG==2.11.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zLOG==2.11.2'.
Getting required 'zExceptions==2.13.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zExceptions==2.13.0'.
Getting required 'tempstorage==2.12.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'tempstorage==2.12.2'.
Getting required 'pytz==2015.7'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'pytz==2015.7'.
Getting required 'initgroups==2.13.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'initgroups==2.13.0'.
Getting required 'docutils==0.12'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'docutils==0.12'.
Getting required 'ZopeUndo==2.12.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'ZopeUndo==2.12.0'.
Getting required 'RestrictedPython==3.6.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'RestrictedPython==3.6.0'.
Getting required 'Record==2.13.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Record==2.13.0'.
Getting required 'Products.ZCTextIndex==2.13.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.ZCTextIndex==2.13.5'.
Getting required 'Products.ZCatalog==3.0.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.ZCatalog==3.0.2'.
Getting required 'Products.OFSP==2.13.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.OFSP==2.13.2'.
Getting required 'Persistence==2.13.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Persistence==2.13.2'.
Getting required 'MultiMapping==2.13.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'MultiMapping==2.13.0'.
Getting required 'Missing==2.13.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Missing==2.13.1'.
Getting required 'ExtensionClass==4.1.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'ExtensionClass==4.1.2'.
Getting required 'DocumentTemplate==2.13.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'DocumentTemplate==2.13.2'.
Getting required 'DateTime==4.0.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'DateTime==4.0.1'.
Getting required 'PyYAML'
required by yafowil.yaml 1.2.
We have no distributions for PyYAML that satisfies 'PyYAML'.
Getting distribution for 'PyYAML'.
Running easy_install:
"/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/bin/python2.7" "-c" "import sys; sys.path[0:0] = ['/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/lib/python2.7/site-packages']; from setuptools.command.easy_install import main; main()" "-mZUNxd" "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/tmpARAAMf" "-q" "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/downloads/dist/"
In file included from ext/_yaml.c:271:0:
ext/_yaml.h:6:0: warning: "PyUnicode_FromString" redefined [enabled by default]
#define PyUnicode_FromString(s) PyUnicode_DecodeUTF8((s), strlen(s), "strict")
In file included from /usr/include/python2.7/Python.h:85:0,
from ext/_yaml.c:4:
/usr/include/python2.7/unicodeobject.h:281:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition
# define PyUnicode_FromString PyUnicodeUCS4_FromString
ext/_yaml.c: In function ‘__pyx_pf_5_yaml_get_version_string’:
ext/_yaml.c:1410:17: warning: assignment discards ‘const’ qualifier from pointer target type [enabled by default]
__pyx_v_value = yaml_get_version_string();
ext/_yaml.c: In function ‘__pyx_pf_5_yaml_7CParser___init__’:
ext/_yaml.c:2577:5: warning: passing argument 2 of ‘yaml_parser_set_input’ from incompatible pointer type [enabled by default]
yaml_parser_set_input((&__pyx_v_self->parser), __pyx_f_5_yaml_input_handler, ((void *)__pyx_v_self));
In file included from ext/_yaml.h:2:0,
from ext/_yaml.c:271:
/usr/include/yaml.h:1367:1: note: expected ‘int (*)(void *, unsigned char *, size_t, size_t *)’ but argument is of type ‘int (*)(void *, char *, size_t, size_t *)’
yaml_parser_set_input(yaml_parser_t *parser,
ext/_yaml.c:2818:5: warning: pointer targets in passing argument 2 of ‘yaml_parser_set_input_string’ differ in signedness [-Wpointer-sign]
yaml_parser_set_input_string((&__pyx_v_self->parser), PyString_AS_STRING(__pyx_v_stream), PyString_GET_SIZE(__pyx_v_stream));
In file included from ext/_yaml.h:2:0,
from ext/_yaml.c:271:
/usr/include/yaml.h:1341:1: note: expected ‘const unsigned char *’ but argument is of type ‘char *’
yaml_parser_set_input_string(yaml_parser_t *parser,
ext/_yaml.c: In function ‘__pyx_f_5_yaml_7CParser__token_to_object’:
ext/_yaml.c:4572:5: warning: pointer targets in passing argument 1 of ‘strlen’ differ in signedness [-Wpointer-sign]
__pyx_t_2 = PyUnicode_FromString(__pyx_v_token->data.tag_directive.handle); if (unlikely(!__pyx_t_2)) __PYX_ERR(0, 417, __pyx_L1_error)
In file included from /usr/include/python2.7/Python.h:38:0,
from ext/_yaml.c:4:
/usr/include/string.h:399:15: note: expected ‘const char *’ but argument is of type ‘yaml_char_t *’
extern size_t strlen (const char *__s)
ext/_yaml.c:4572:5: warning: pointer targets in passing argument 1 of ‘PyUnicodeUCS4_DecodeUTF8’ differ in signedness [-Wpointer-sign]
__pyx_t_2 = PyUnicode_FromString(__pyx_v_token->data.tag_directive.handle); if (unlikely(!__pyx_t_2)) __PYX_ERR(0, 417, __pyx_L1_error)
In file included from /usr/include/python2.7/Python.h:85:0,
from ext/_yaml.c:4:
/usr/include/python2.7/unicodeobject.h:261:31: note: expected ‘const char *’ but argument is of type ‘yaml_char_t *’
# define PyUnicode_DecodeUTF8 PyUnicodeUCS4_DecodeUTF8
/usr/include/python2.7/unicodeobject.h:750:23: note: in expansion of macro ‘PyUnicode_DecodeUTF8’
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject*) PyUnicode_DecodeUTF8(
ext/_yaml.c:4584:5: warning: pointer targets in passing argument 1 of ‘strlen’ differ in signedness [-Wpointer-sign]
__pyx_t_2 = PyUnicode_FromString(__pyx_v_token->data.tag_directive.prefix); if (unlikely(!__pyx_t_2)) __PYX_ERR(0, 418, __pyx_L1_error)
In file included from /usr/include/python2.7/Python.h:38:0,
from ext/_yaml.c:4:
/usr/include/string.h:399:15: note: expected ‘const char *’ but argument is of type ‘yaml_char_t *’
extern size_t strlen (const char *__s)
ext/_yaml.c:4584:5: warning: pointer targets in passing argument 1 of ‘PyUnicodeUCS4_DecodeUTF8’ differ in signedness [-Wpointer-sign]
__pyx_t_2 = PyUnicode_FromString(__pyx_v_token->data.tag_directive.prefix); if (unlikely(!__pyx_t_2)) __PYX_ERR(0, 418, __pyx_L1_error)
In file included from /usr/include/python2.7/Python.h:85:0,
from ext/_yaml.c:4:
/usr/include/python2.7/unicodeobject.h:261:31: note: expected ‘const char *’ but argument is of type ‘yaml_char_t *’
# define PyUnicode_DecodeUTF8 PyUnicodeUCS4_DecodeUTF8
/usr/include/python2.7/unicodeobject.h:750:23: note: in expansion of macro ‘PyUnicode_DecodeUTF8’
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject*) PyUnicode_DecodeUTF8(
ext/_yaml.c:5444:5: warning: pointer targets in passing argument 1 of ‘strlen’ differ in signedness [-Wpointer-sign]
__pyx_t_2 = PyUnicode_FromString(__pyx_v_token->data.alias.value); if (unlikely(!__pyx_t_2)) __PYX_ERR(0, 448, __pyx_L1_error)
In file included from /usr/include/python2.7/Python.h:38:0,
from ext/_yaml.c:4:
/usr/include/string.h:399:15: note: expected ‘const char *’ but argument is of type ‘yaml_char_t *’
extern size_t strlen (const char *__s)
ext/_yaml.c:5444:5: warning: pointer targets in passing argument 1 of ‘PyUnicodeUCS4_DecodeUTF8’ differ in signedness [-Wpointer-sign]
__pyx_t_2 = PyUnicode_FromString(__pyx_v_token->data.alias.value); if (unlikely(!__pyx_t_2)) __PYX_ERR(0, 448, __pyx_L1_error)
In file included from /usr/include/python2.7/Python.h:85:0,
from ext/_yaml.c:4:
/usr/include/python2.7/unicodeobject.h:261:31: note: expected ‘const char *’ but argument is of type ‘yaml_char_t *’
# define PyUnicode_DecodeUTF8 PyUnicodeUCS4_DecodeUTF8
/usr/include/python2.7/unicodeobject.h:750:23: note: in expansion of macro ‘PyUnicode_DecodeUTF8’
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject*) PyUnicode_DecodeUTF8(
ext/_yaml.c:5518:5: warning: pointer targets in passing argument 1 of ‘strlen’ differ in signedness [-Wpointer-sign]
__pyx_t_2 = PyUnicode_FromString(__pyx_v_token->data.anchor.value); if (unlikely(!__pyx_t_2)) __PYX_ERR(0, 451, __pyx_L1_error)
In file included from /usr/include/python2.7/Python.h:38:0,
from ext/_yaml.c:4:
/usr/include/string.h:399:15: note: expected ‘const char *’ but argument is of type ‘yaml_char_t *’
extern size_t strlen (const char *__s)
ext/_yaml.c:5518:5: warning: pointer targets in passing argument 1 of ‘PyUnicodeUCS4_DecodeUTF8’ differ in signedness [-Wpointer-sign]
__pyx_t_2 = PyUnicode_FromString(__pyx_v_token->data.anchor.value); if (unlikely(!__pyx_t_2)) __PYX_ERR(0, 451, __pyx_L1_error)
In file included from /usr/include/python2.7/Python.h:85:0,
from ext/_yaml.c:4:
/usr/include/python2.7/unicodeobject.h:261:31: note: expected ‘const char *’ but argument is of type ‘yaml_char_t *’
# define PyUnicode_DecodeUTF8 PyUnicodeUCS4_DecodeUTF8
/usr/include/python2.7/unicodeobject.h:750:23: note: in expansion of macro ‘PyUnicode_DecodeUTF8’
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject*) PyUnicode_DecodeUTF8(
ext/_yaml.c:5592:5: warning: pointer targets in passing argument 1 of ‘strlen’ differ in signedness [-Wpointer-sign]
__pyx_t_2 = PyUnicode_FromString(__pyx_v_token->data.tag.handle); if (unlikely(!__pyx_t_2)) __PYX_ERR(0, 454, __pyx_L1_error)
In file included from /usr/include/python2.7/Python.h:38:0,
from ext/_yaml.c:4:
/usr/include/string.h:399:15: note: expected ‘const char *’ but argument is of type ‘yaml_char_t *’
extern size_t strlen (const char *__s)
ext/_yaml.c:5592:5: warning: pointer targets in passing argument 1 of ‘PyUnicodeUCS4_DecodeUTF8’ differ in signedness [-Wpointer-sign]
__pyx_t_2 = PyUnicode_FromString(__pyx_v_token->data.tag.handle); if (unlikely(!__pyx_t_2)) __PYX_ERR(0, 454, __pyx_L1_error)
In file included from /usr/include/python2.7/Python.h:85:0,
from ext/_yaml.c:4:
/usr/include/python2.7/unicodeobject.h:261:31: note: expected ‘const char *’ but argument is of type ‘yaml_char_t *’
# define PyUnicode_DecodeUTF8 PyUnicodeUCS4_DecodeUTF8
/usr/include/python2.7/unicodeobject.h:750:23: note: in expansion of macro ‘PyUnicode_DecodeUTF8’
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject*) PyUnicode_DecodeUTF8(
ext/_yaml.c:5604:5: warning: pointer targets in passing argument 1 of ‘strlen’ differ in signedness [-Wpointer-sign]
__pyx_t_2 = PyUnicode_FromString(__pyx_v_token->data.tag.suffix); if (unlikely(!__pyx_t_2)) __PYX_ERR(0, 455, __pyx_L1_error)
In file included from /usr/include/python2.7/Python.h:38:0,
from ext/_yaml.c:4:
/usr/include/string.h:399:15: note: expected ‘const char *’ but argument is of type ‘yaml_char_t *’
extern size_t strlen (const char *__s)
ext/_yaml.c:5604:5: warning: pointer targets in passing argument 1 of ‘PyUnicodeUCS4_DecodeUTF8’ differ in signedness [-Wpointer-sign]
__pyx_t_2 = PyUnicode_FromString(__pyx_v_token->data.tag.suffix); if (unlikely(!__pyx_t_2)) __PYX_ERR(0, 455, __pyx_L1_error)
In file included from /usr/include/python2.7/Python.h:85:0,
from ext/_yaml.c:4:
/usr/include/python2.7/unicodeobject.h:261:31: note: expected ‘const char *’ but argument is of type ‘yaml_char_t *’
# define PyUnicode_DecodeUTF8 PyUnicodeUCS4_DecodeUTF8
/usr/include/python2.7/unicodeobject.h:750:23: note: in expansion of macro ‘PyUnicode_DecodeUTF8’
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject*) PyUnicode_DecodeUTF8(
ext/_yaml.c:5716:5: warning: pointer targets in passing argument 1 of ‘PyUnicodeUCS4_DecodeUTF8’ differ in signedness [-Wpointer-sign]
__pyx_t_2 = PyUnicode_DecodeUTF8(__pyx_v_token->data.scalar.value, __pyx_v_token->data.scalar.length, ((char *)"strict")); if (unlikely(!__pyx_t_2)) __PYX_ERR(0, 460, __pyx_L1_error)
In file included from /usr/include/python2.7/Python.h:85:0,
from ext/_yaml.c:4:
/usr/include/python2.7/unicodeobject.h:261:31: note: expected ‘const char *’ but argument is of type ‘yaml_char_t *’
# define PyUnicode_DecodeUTF8 PyUnicodeUCS4_DecodeUTF8
/usr/include/python2.7/unicodeobject.h:750:23: note: in expansion of macro ‘PyUnicode_DecodeUTF8’
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject*) PyUnicode_DecodeUTF8(
ext/_yaml.c: In function ‘__pyx_f_5_yaml_7CParser__event_to_object’:
ext/_yaml.c:7424:9: warning: pointer targets in passing argument 1 of ‘strlen’ differ in signedness [-Wpointer-sign]
__pyx_t_4 = PyUnicode_FromString(__pyx_v_tag_directive->handle); if (unlikely(!__pyx_t_4)) __PYX_ERR(0, 574, __pyx_L1_error)
In file included from /usr/include/python2.7/Python.h:38:0,
from ext/_yaml.c:4:
/usr/include/string.h:399:15: note: expected ‘const char *’ but argument is of type ‘yaml_char_t *’
extern size_t strlen (const char *__s)
ext/_yaml.c:7424:9: warning: pointer targets in passing argument 1 of ‘PyUnicodeUCS4_DecodeUTF8’ differ in signedness [-Wpointer-sign]
__pyx_t_4 = PyUnicode_FromString(__pyx_v_tag_directive->handle); if (unlikely(!__pyx_t_4)) __PYX_ERR(0, 574, __pyx_L1_error)
In file included from /usr/include/python2.7/Python.h:85:0,
from ext/_yaml.c:4:
/usr/include/python2.7/unicodeobject.h:261:31: note: expected ‘const char *’ but argument is of type ‘yaml_char_t *’
# define PyUnicode_DecodeUTF8 PyUnicodeUCS4_DecodeUTF8
/usr/include/python2.7/unicodeobject.h:750:23: note: in expansion of macro ‘PyUnicode_DecodeUTF8’
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject*) PyUnicode_DecodeUTF8(
ext/_yaml.c:7436:9: warning: pointer targets in passing argument 1 of ‘strlen’ differ in signedness [-Wpointer-sign]
__pyx_t_4 = PyUnicode_FromString(__pyx_v_tag_directive->prefix); if (unlikely(!__pyx_t_4)) __PYX_ERR(0, 575, __pyx_L1_error)
In file included from /usr/include/python2.7/Python.h:38:0,
from ext/_yaml.c:4:
/usr/include/string.h:399:15: note: expected ‘const char *’ but argument is of type ‘yaml_char_t *’
extern size_t strlen (const char *__s)
ext/_yaml.c:7436:9: warning: pointer targets in passing argument 1 of ‘PyUnicodeUCS4_DecodeUTF8’ differ in signedness [-Wpointer-sign]
__pyx_t_4 = PyUnicode_FromString(__pyx_v_tag_directive->prefix); if (unlikely(!__pyx_t_4)) __PYX_ERR(0, 575, __pyx_L1_error)
In file included from /usr/include/python2.7/Python.h:85:0,
from ext/_yaml.c:4:
/usr/include/python2.7/unicodeobject.h:261:31: note: expected ‘const char *’ but argument is of type ‘yaml_char_t *’
# define PyUnicode_DecodeUTF8 PyUnicodeUCS4_DecodeUTF8
/usr/include/python2.7/unicodeobject.h:750:23: note: in expansion of macro ‘PyUnicode_DecodeUTF8’
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject*) PyUnicode_DecodeUTF8(
ext/_yaml.c:7655:5: warning: pointer targets in passing argument 1 of ‘strlen’ differ in signedness [-Wpointer-sign]
__pyx_t_4 = PyUnicode_FromString(__pyx_v_event->data.alias.anchor); if (unlikely(!__pyx_t_4)) __PYX_ERR(0, 586, __pyx_L1_error)
In file included from /usr/include/python2.7/Python.h:38:0,
from ext/_yaml.c:4:
/usr/include/string.h:399:15: note: expected ‘const char *’ but argument is of type ‘yaml_char_t *’
extern size_t strlen (const char *__s)
ext/_yaml.c:7655:5: warning: pointer targets in passing argument 1 of ‘PyUnicodeUCS4_DecodeUTF8’ differ in signedness [-Wpointer-sign]
__pyx_t_4 = PyUnicode_FromString(__pyx_v_event->data.alias.anchor); if (unlikely(!__pyx_t_4)) __PYX_ERR(0, 586, __pyx_L1_error)
In file included from /usr/include/python2.7/Python.h:85:0,
from ext/_yaml.c:4:
/usr/include/python2.7/unicodeobject.h:261:31: note: expected ‘const char *’ but argument is of type ‘yaml_char_t *’
# define PyUnicode_DecodeUTF8 PyUnicodeUCS4_DecodeUTF8
/usr/include/python2.7/unicodeobject.h:750:23: note: in expansion of macro ‘PyUnicode_DecodeUTF8’
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject*) PyUnicode_DecodeUTF8(
ext/_yaml.c:7749:7: warning: pointer targets in passing argument 1 of ‘strlen’ differ in signedness [-Wpointer-sign]
__pyx_t_4 = PyUnicode_FromString(__pyx_v_event->data.scalar.anchor); if (unlikely(!__pyx_t_4)) __PYX_ERR(0, 591, __pyx_L1_error)
In file included from /usr/include/python2.7/Python.h:38:0,
from ext/_yaml.c:4:
/usr/include/string.h:399:15: note: expected ‘const char *’ but argument is of type ‘yaml_char_t *’
extern size_t strlen (const char *__s)
ext/_yaml.c:7749:7: warning: pointer targets in passing argument 1 of ‘PyUnicodeUCS4_DecodeUTF8’ differ in signedness [-Wpointer-sign]
__pyx_t_4 = PyUnicode_FromString(__pyx_v_event->data.scalar.anchor); if (unlikely(!__pyx_t_4)) __PYX_ERR(0, 591, __pyx_L1_error)
In file included from /usr/include/python2.7/Python.h:85:0,
from ext/_yaml.c:4:
/usr/include/python2.7/unicodeobject.h:261:31: note: expected ‘const char *’ but argument is of type ‘yaml_char_t *’
# define PyUnicode_DecodeUTF8 PyUnicodeUCS4_DecodeUTF8
/usr/include/python2.7/unicodeobject.h:750:23: note: in expansion of macro ‘PyUnicode_DecodeUTF8’
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject*) PyUnicode_DecodeUTF8(
ext/_yaml.c:7790:7: warning: pointer targets in passing argument 1 of ‘strlen’ differ in signedness [-Wpointer-sign]
__pyx_t_4 = PyUnicode_FromString(__pyx_v_event->data.scalar.tag); if (unlikely(!__pyx_t_4)) __PYX_ERR(0, 594, __pyx_L1_error)
In file included from /usr/include/python2.7/Python.h:38:0,
from ext/_yaml.c:4:
/usr/include/string.h:399:15: note: expected ‘const char *’ but argument is of type ‘yaml_char_t *’
extern size_t strlen (const char *__s)
ext/_yaml.c:7790:7: warning: pointer targets in passing argument 1 of ‘PyUnicodeUCS4_DecodeUTF8’ differ in signedness [-Wpointer-sign]
__pyx_t_4 = PyUnicode_FromString(__pyx_v_event->data.scalar.tag); if (unlikely(!__pyx_t_4)) __PYX_ERR(0, 594, __pyx_L1_error)
In file included from /usr/include/python2.7/Python.h:85:0,
from ext/_yaml.c:4:
/usr/include/python2.7/unicodeobject.h:261:31: note: expected ‘const char *’ but argument is of type ‘yaml_char_t *’
# define PyUnicode_DecodeUTF8 PyUnicodeUCS4_DecodeUTF8
/usr/include/python2.7/unicodeobject.h:750:23: note: in expansion of macro ‘PyUnicode_DecodeUTF8’
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject*) PyUnicode_DecodeUTF8(
ext/_yaml.c:7811:5: warning: pointer targets in passing argument 1 of ‘PyUnicodeUCS4_DecodeUTF8’ differ in signedness [-Wpointer-sign]
__pyx_t_4 = PyUnicode_DecodeUTF8(__pyx_v_event->data.scalar.value, __pyx_v_event->data.scalar.length, ((char *)"strict")); if (unlikely(!__pyx_t_4)) __PYX_ERR(0, 595, __pyx_L1_error)
In file included from /usr/include/python2.7/Python.h:85:0,
from ext/_yaml.c:4:
/usr/include/python2.7/unicodeobject.h:261:31: note: expected ‘const char *’ but argument is of type ‘yaml_char_t *’
# define PyUnicode_DecodeUTF8 PyUnicodeUCS4_DecodeUTF8
/usr/include/python2.7/unicodeobject.h:750:23: note: in expansion of macro ‘PyUnicode_DecodeUTF8’
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject*) PyUnicode_DecodeUTF8(
ext/_yaml.c:8179:7: warning: pointer targets in passing argument 1 of ‘strlen’ differ in signedness [-Wpointer-sign]
__pyx_t_4 = PyUnicode_FromString(__pyx_v_event->data.sequence_start.anchor); if (unlikely(!__pyx_t_4)) __PYX_ERR(0, 620, __pyx_L1_error)
In file included from /usr/include/python2.7/Python.h:38:0,
from ext/_yaml.c:4:
/usr/include/string.h:399:15: note: expected ‘const char *’ but argument is of type ‘yaml_char_t *’
extern size_t strlen (const char *__s)
ext/_yaml.c:8179:7: warning: pointer targets in passing argument 1 of ‘PyUnicodeUCS4_DecodeUTF8’ differ in signedness [-Wpointer-sign]
__pyx_t_4 = PyUnicode_FromString(__pyx_v_event->data.sequence_start.anchor); if (unlikely(!__pyx_t_4)) __PYX_ERR(0, 620, __pyx_L1_error)
In file included from /usr/include/python2.7/Python.h:85:0,
from ext/_yaml.c:4:
/usr/include/python2.7/unicodeobject.h:261:31: note: expected ‘const char *’ but argument is of type ‘yaml_char_t *’
# define PyUnicode_DecodeUTF8 PyUnicodeUCS4_DecodeUTF8
/usr/include/python2.7/unicodeobject.h:750:23: note: in expansion of macro ‘PyUnicode_DecodeUTF8’
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject*) PyUnicode_DecodeUTF8(
ext/_yaml.c:8220:7: warning: pointer targets in passing argument 1 of ‘strlen’ differ in signedness [-Wpointer-sign]
__pyx_t_4 = PyUnicode_FromString(__pyx_v_event->data.sequence_start.tag); if (unlikely(!__pyx_t_4)) __PYX_ERR(0, 623, __pyx_L1_error)
In file included from /usr/include/python2.7/Python.h:38:0,
from ext/_yaml.c:4:
/usr/include/string.h:399:15: note: expected ‘const char *’ but argument is of type ‘yaml_char_t *’
extern size_t strlen (const char *__s)
ext/_yaml.c:8220:7: warning: pointer targets in passing argument 1 of ‘PyUnicodeUCS4_DecodeUTF8’ differ in signedness [-Wpointer-sign]
__pyx_t_4 = PyUnicode_FromString(__pyx_v_event->data.sequence_start.tag); if (unlikely(!__pyx_t_4)) __PYX_ERR(0, 623, __pyx_L1_error)
In file included from /usr/include/python2.7/Python.h:85:0,
from ext/_yaml.c:4:
/usr/include/python2.7/unicodeobject.h:261:31: note: expected ‘const char *’ but argument is of type ‘yaml_char_t *’
# define PyUnicode_DecodeUTF8 PyUnicodeUCS4_DecodeUTF8
/usr/include/python2.7/unicodeobject.h:750:23: note: in expansion of macro ‘PyUnicode_DecodeUTF8’
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject*) PyUnicode_DecodeUTF8(
ext/_yaml.c:8449:7: warning: pointer targets in passing argument 1 of ‘strlen’ differ in signedness [-Wpointer-sign]
__pyx_t_4 = PyUnicode_FromString(__pyx_v_event->data.mapping_start.anchor); if (unlikely(!__pyx_t_4)) __PYX_ERR(0, 637, __pyx_L1_error)
In file included from /usr/include/python2.7/Python.h:38:0,
from ext/_yaml.c:4:
/usr/include/string.h:399:15: note: expected ‘const char *’ but argument is of type ‘yaml_char_t *’
extern size_t strlen (const char *__s)
ext/_yaml.c:8449:7: warning: pointer targets in passing argument 1 of ‘PyUnicodeUCS4_DecodeUTF8’ differ in signedness [-Wpointer-sign]
__pyx_t_4 = PyUnicode_FromString(__pyx_v_event->data.mapping_start.anchor); if (unlikely(!__pyx_t_4)) __PYX_ERR(0, 637, __pyx_L1_error)
In file included from /usr/include/python2.7/Python.h:85:0,
from ext/_yaml.c:4:
/usr/include/python2.7/unicodeobject.h:261:31: note: expected ‘const char *’ but argument is of type ‘yaml_char_t *’
# define PyUnicode_DecodeUTF8 PyUnicodeUCS4_DecodeUTF8
/usr/include/python2.7/unicodeobject.h:750:23: note: in expansion of macro ‘PyUnicode_DecodeUTF8’
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject*) PyUnicode_DecodeUTF8(
ext/_yaml.c:8490:7: warning: pointer targets in passing argument 1 of ‘strlen’ differ in signedness [-Wpointer-sign]
__pyx_t_4 = PyUnicode_FromString(__pyx_v_event->data.mapping_start.tag); if (unlikely(!__pyx_t_4)) __PYX_ERR(0, 640, __pyx_L1_error)
In file included from /usr/include/python2.7/Python.h:38:0,
from ext/_yaml.c:4:
/usr/include/string.h:399:15: note: expected ‘const char *’ but argument is of type ‘yaml_char_t *’
extern size_t strlen (const char *__s)
ext/_yaml.c:8490:7: warning: pointer targets in passing argument 1 of ‘PyUnicodeUCS4_DecodeUTF8’ differ in signedness [-Wpointer-sign]
__pyx_t_4 = PyUnicode_FromString(__pyx_v_event->data.mapping_start.tag); if (unlikely(!__pyx_t_4)) __PYX_ERR(0, 640, __pyx_L1_error)
In file included from /usr/include/python2.7/Python.h:85:0,
from ext/_yaml.c:4:
/usr/include/python2.7/unicodeobject.h:261:31: note: expected ‘const char *’ but argument is of type ‘yaml_char_t *’
# define PyUnicode_DecodeUTF8 PyUnicodeUCS4_DecodeUTF8
/usr/include/python2.7/unicodeobject.h:750:23: note: in expansion of macro ‘PyUnicode_DecodeUTF8’
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject*) PyUnicode_DecodeUTF8(
ext/_yaml.c: In function ‘__pyx_f_5_yaml_7CParser__compose_node’:
ext/_yaml.c:10094:5: warning: pointer targets in passing argument 1 of ‘strlen’ differ in signedness [-Wpointer-sign]
__pyx_t_3 = PyUnicode_FromString(__pyx_v_self->; if (unlikely(!__pyx_t_3)) __PYX_ERR(0, 734, __pyx_L1_error)
In file included from /usr/include/python2.7/Python.h:38:0,
from ext/_yaml.c:4:
/usr/include/string.h:399:15: note: expected ‘const char *’ but argument is of type ‘yaml_char_t *’
extern size_t strlen (const char *__s)
ext/_yaml.c:10094:5: warning: pointer targets in passing argument 1 of ‘PyUnicodeUCS4_DecodeUTF8’ differ in signedness [-Wpointer-sign]
__pyx_t_3 = PyUnicode_FromString(__pyx_v_self->; if (unlikely(!__pyx_t_3)) __PYX_ERR(0, 734, __pyx_L1_error)
In file included from /usr/include/python2.7/Python.h:85:0,
from ext/_yaml.c:4:
/usr/include/python2.7/unicodeobject.h:261:31: note: expected ‘const char *’ but argument is of type ‘yaml_char_t *’
# define PyUnicode_DecodeUTF8 PyUnicodeUCS4_DecodeUTF8
/usr/include/python2.7/unicodeobject.h:750:23: note: in expansion of macro ‘PyUnicode_DecodeUTF8’
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject*) PyUnicode_DecodeUTF8(
ext/_yaml.c:10378:5: warning: pointer targets in passing argument 1 of ‘strlen’ differ in signedness [-Wpointer-sign]
__pyx_t_6 = PyUnicode_FromString(__pyx_v_self->; if (unlikely(!__pyx_t_6)) __PYX_ERR(0, 750, __pyx_L1_error)
In file included from /usr/include/python2.7/Python.h:38:0,
from ext/_yaml.c:4:
/usr/include/string.h:399:15: note: expected ‘const char *’ but argument is of type ‘yaml_char_t *’
extern size_t strlen (const char *__s)
ext/_yaml.c:10378:5: warning: pointer targets in passing argument 1 of ‘PyUnicodeUCS4_DecodeUTF8’ differ in signedness [-Wpointer-sign]
__pyx_t_6 = PyUnicode_FromString(__pyx_v_self->; if (unlikely(!__pyx_t_6)) __PYX_ERR(0, 750, __pyx_L1_error)
In file included from /usr/include/python2.7/Python.h:85:0,
from ext/_yaml.c:4:
/usr/include/python2.7/unicodeobject.h:261:31: note: expected ‘const char *’ but argument is of type ‘yaml_char_t *’
# define PyUnicode_DecodeUTF8 PyUnicodeUCS4_DecodeUTF8
/usr/include/python2.7/unicodeobject.h:750:23: note: in expansion of macro ‘PyUnicode_DecodeUTF8’
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject*) PyUnicode_DecodeUTF8(
ext/_yaml.c:10434:5: warning: pointer targets in passing argument 1 of ‘strlen’ differ in signedness [-Wpointer-sign]
__pyx_t_6 = PyUnicode_FromString(__pyx_v_self->; if (unlikely(!__pyx_t_6)) __PYX_ERR(0, 753, __pyx_L1_error)
In file included from /usr/include/python2.7/Python.h:38:0,
from ext/_yaml.c:4:
/usr/include/string.h:399:15: note: expected ‘const char *’ but argument is of type ‘yaml_char_t *’
extern size_t strlen (const char *__s)
ext/_yaml.c:10434:5: warning: pointer targets in passing argument 1 of ‘PyUnicodeUCS4_DecodeUTF8’ differ in signedness [-Wpointer-sign]
__pyx_t_6 = PyUnicode_FromString(__pyx_v_self->; if (unlikely(!__pyx_t_6)) __PYX_ERR(0, 753, __pyx_L1_error)
In file included from /usr/include/python2.7/Python.h:85:0,
from ext/_yaml.c:4:
/usr/include/python2.7/unicodeobject.h:261:31: note: expected ‘const char *’ but argument is of type ‘yaml_char_t *’
# define PyUnicode_DecodeUTF8 PyUnicodeUCS4_DecodeUTF8
/usr/include/python2.7/unicodeobject.h:750:23: note: in expansion of macro ‘PyUnicode_DecodeUTF8’
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject*) PyUnicode_DecodeUTF8(
ext/_yaml.c:10490:5: warning: pointer targets in passing argument 1 of ‘strlen’ differ in signedness [-Wpointer-sign]
__pyx_t_6 = PyUnicode_FromString(__pyx_v_self->; if (unlikely(!__pyx_t_6)) __PYX_ERR(0, 756, __pyx_L1_error)
In file included from /usr/include/python2.7/Python.h:38:0,
from ext/_yaml.c:4:
/usr/include/string.h:399:15: note: expected ‘const char *’ but argument is of type ‘yaml_char_t *’
extern size_t strlen (const char *__s)
ext/_yaml.c:10490:5: warning: pointer targets in passing argument 1 of ‘PyUnicodeUCS4_DecodeUTF8’ differ in signedness [-Wpointer-sign]
__pyx_t_6 = PyUnicode_FromString(__pyx_v_self->; if (unlikely(!__pyx_t_6)) __PYX_ERR(0, 756, __pyx_L1_error)
In file included from /usr/include/python2.7/Python.h:85:0,
from ext/_yaml.c:4:
/usr/include/python2.7/unicodeobject.h:261:31: note: expected ‘const char *’ but argument is of type ‘yaml_char_t *’
# define PyUnicode_DecodeUTF8 PyUnicodeUCS4_DecodeUTF8
/usr/include/python2.7/unicodeobject.h:750:23: note: in expansion of macro ‘PyUnicode_DecodeUTF8’
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject*) PyUnicode_DecodeUTF8(
ext/_yaml.c: In function ‘__pyx_f_5_yaml_7CParser__compose_scalar_node’:
ext/_yaml.c:11109:3: warning: pointer targets in passing argument 1 of ‘PyUnicodeUCS4_DecodeUTF8’ differ in signedness [-Wpointer-sign]
__pyx_t_2 = PyUnicode_DecodeUTF8(__pyx_v_self->, __pyx_v_self->, ((char *)"strict")); if (unlikely(!__pyx_t_2)) __PYX_ERR(0, 791, __pyx_L1_error)
In file included from /usr/include/python2.7/Python.h:85:0,
from ext/_yaml.c:4:
/usr/include/python2.7/unicodeobject.h:261:31: note: expected ‘const char *’ but argument is of type ‘yaml_char_t *’
# define PyUnicode_DecodeUTF8 PyUnicodeUCS4_DecodeUTF8
/usr/include/python2.7/unicodeobject.h:750:23: note: in expansion of macro ‘PyUnicode_DecodeUTF8’
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject*) PyUnicode_DecodeUTF8(
ext/_yaml.c:11310:5: warning: pointer targets in passing argument 1 of ‘strlen’ differ in signedness [-Wpointer-sign]
__pyx_t_2 = PyUnicode_FromString(__pyx_v_self->; if (unlikely(!__pyx_t_2)) __PYX_ERR(0, 804, __pyx_L1_error)
In file included from /usr/include/python2.7/Python.h:38:0,
from ext/_yaml.c:4:
/usr/include/string.h:399:15: note: expected ‘const char *’ but argument is of type ‘yaml_char_t *’
extern size_t strlen (const char *__s)
ext/_yaml.c:11310:5: warning: pointer targets in passing argument 1 of ‘PyUnicodeUCS4_DecodeUTF8’ differ in signedness [-Wpointer-sign]
__pyx_t_2 = PyUnicode_FromString(__pyx_v_self->; if (unlikely(!__pyx_t_2)) __PYX_ERR(0, 804, __pyx_L1_error)
In file included from /usr/include/python2.7/Python.h:85:0,
from ext/_yaml.c:4:
/usr/include/python2.7/unicodeobject.h:261:31: note: expected ‘const char *’ but argument is of type ‘yaml_char_t *’
# define PyUnicode_DecodeUTF8 PyUnicodeUCS4_DecodeUTF8
/usr/include/python2.7/unicodeobject.h:750:23: note: in expansion of macro ‘PyUnicode_DecodeUTF8’
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject*) PyUnicode_DecodeUTF8(
ext/_yaml.c: In function ‘__pyx_f_5_yaml_7CParser__compose_sequence_node’:
ext/_yaml.c:11841:5: warning: pointer targets in passing argument 1 of ‘strlen’ differ in signedness [-Wpointer-sign]
__pyx_t_3 = PyUnicode_FromString(__pyx_v_self->; if (unlikely(!__pyx_t_3)) __PYX_ERR(0, 837, __pyx_L1_error)
In file included from /usr/include/python2.7/Python.h:38:0,
from ext/_yaml.c:4:
/usr/include/string.h:399:15: note: expected ‘const char *’ but argument is of type ‘yaml_char_t *’
extern size_t strlen (const char *__s)
ext/_yaml.c:11841:5: warning: pointer targets in passing argument 1 of ‘PyUnicodeUCS4_DecodeUTF8’ differ in signedness [-Wpointer-sign]
__pyx_t_3 = PyUnicode_FromString(__pyx_v_self->; if (unlikely(!__pyx_t_3)) __PYX_ERR(0, 837, __pyx_L1_error)
In file included from /usr/include/python2.7/Python.h:85:0,
from ext/_yaml.c:4:
/usr/include/python2.7/unicodeobject.h:261:31: note: expected ‘const char *’ but argument is of type ‘yaml_char_t *’
# define PyUnicode_DecodeUTF8 PyUnicodeUCS4_DecodeUTF8
/usr/include/python2.7/unicodeobject.h:750:23: note: in expansion of macro ‘PyUnicode_DecodeUTF8’
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject*) PyUnicode_DecodeUTF8(
ext/_yaml.c: In function ‘__pyx_f_5_yaml_7CParser__compose_mapping_node’:
ext/_yaml.c:12435:5: warning: pointer targets in passing argument 1 of ‘strlen’ differ in signedness [-Wpointer-sign]
__pyx_t_3 = PyUnicode_FromString(__pyx_v_self->; if (unlikely(!__pyx_t_3)) __PYX_ERR(0, 876, __pyx_L1_error)
In file included from /usr/include/python2.7/Python.h:38:0,
from ext/_yaml.c:4:
/usr/include/string.h:399:15: note: expected ‘const char *’ but argument is of type ‘yaml_char_t *’
extern size_t strlen (const char *__s)
ext/_yaml.c:12435:5: warning: pointer targets in passing argument 1 of ‘PyUnicodeUCS4_DecodeUTF8’ differ in signedness [-Wpointer-sign]
__pyx_t_3 = PyUnicode_FromString(__pyx_v_self->; if (unlikely(!__pyx_t_3)) __PYX_ERR(0, 876, __pyx_L1_error)
In file included from /usr/include/python2.7/Python.h:85:0,
from ext/_yaml.c:4:
/usr/include/python2.7/unicodeobject.h:261:31: note: expected ‘const char *’ but argument is of type ‘yaml_char_t *’
# define PyUnicode_DecodeUTF8 PyUnicodeUCS4_DecodeUTF8
/usr/include/python2.7/unicodeobject.h:750:23: note: in expansion of macro ‘PyUnicode_DecodeUTF8’
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject*) PyUnicode_DecodeUTF8(
ext/_yaml.c: In function ‘__pyx_pf_5_yaml_8CEmitter___init__’:
ext/_yaml.c:13630:3: warning: passing argument 2 of ‘yaml_emitter_set_output’ from incompatible pointer type [enabled by default]
yaml_emitter_set_output((&__pyx_v_self->emitter), __pyx_f_5_yaml_output_handler, ((void *)__pyx_v_self));
In file included from ext/_yaml.h:2:0,
from ext/_yaml.c:271:
/usr/include/yaml.h:1829:1: note: expected ‘int (*)(void *, unsigned char *, size_t)’ but argument is of type ‘int (*)(void *, char *, size_t)’
yaml_emitter_set_output(yaml_emitter_t *emitter,
ext/_yaml.c: In function ‘__pyx_f_5_yaml_8CEmitter__object_to_event’:
ext/_yaml.c:15002:44: warning: pointer targets in assignment differ in signedness [-Wpointer-sign]
__pyx_v_tag_directives_end->handle = PyString_AS_STRING(__pyx_v_handle);
ext/_yaml.c:15117:44: warning: pointer targets in assignment differ in signedness [-Wpointer-sign]
__pyx_v_tag_directives_end->prefix = PyString_AS_STRING(__pyx_v_prefix);
ext/_yaml.c:15454:5: warning: pointer targets in passing argument 2 of ‘yaml_alias_event_initialize’ differ in signedness [-Wpointer-sign]
__pyx_t_2 = ((yaml_alias_event_initialize(__pyx_v_event, __pyx_v_anchor) == 0) != 0);
In file included from ext/_yaml.h:2:0,
from ext/_yaml.c:271:
/usr/include/yaml.h:553:1: note: expected ‘yaml_char_t *’ but argument is of type ‘char *’
yaml_alias_event_initialize(yaml_event_t *event, yaml_char_t *anchor);
ext/_yaml.c:16169:5: warning: pointer targets in passing argument 2 of ‘yaml_scalar_event_initialize’ differ in signedness [-Wpointer-sign]
__pyx_t_2 = ((yaml_scalar_event_initialize(__pyx_v_event, __pyx_v_anchor, __pyx_v_tag, __pyx_v_value, __pyx_v_length, __pyx_v_plain_implicit, __pyx_v_quoted_implicit, __pyx_v_scalar_style) == 0) != 0);
In file included from ext/_yaml.h:2:0,
from ext/_yaml.c:271:
/usr/include/yaml.h:578:1: note: expected ‘yaml_char_t *’ but argument is of type ‘char *’
yaml_scalar_event_initialize(yaml_event_t *event,
ext/_yaml.c:16169:5: warning: pointer targets in passing argument 3 of ‘yaml_scalar_event_initialize’ differ in signedness [-Wpointer-sign]
__pyx_t_2 = ((yaml_scalar_event_initialize(__pyx_v_event, __pyx_v_anchor, __pyx_v_tag, __pyx_v_value, __pyx_v_length, __pyx_v_plain_implicit, __pyx_v_quoted_implicit, __pyx_v_scalar_style) == 0) != 0);
In file included from ext/_yaml.h:2:0,
from ext/_yaml.c:271:
/usr/include/yaml.h:578:1: note: expected ‘yaml_char_t *’ but argument is of type ‘char *’
yaml_scalar_event_initialize(yaml_event_t *event,
ext/_yaml.c:16169:5: warning: pointer targets in passing argument 4 of ‘yaml_scalar_event_initialize’ differ in signedness [-Wpointer-sign]
__pyx_t_2 = ((yaml_scalar_event_initialize(__pyx_v_event, __pyx_v_anchor, __pyx_v_tag, __pyx_v_value, __pyx_v_length, __pyx_v_plain_implicit, __pyx_v_quoted_implicit, __pyx_v_scalar_style) == 0) != 0);
In file included from ext/_yaml.h:2:0,
from ext/_yaml.c:271:
/usr/include/yaml.h:578:1: note: expected ‘yaml_char_t *’ but argument is of type ‘char *’
yaml_scalar_event_initialize(yaml_event_t *event,
ext/_yaml.c:16603:5: warning: pointer targets in passing argument 2 of ‘yaml_sequence_start_event_initialize’ differ in signedness [-Wpointer-sign]
__pyx_t_3 = ((yaml_sequence_start_event_initialize(__pyx_v_event, __pyx_v_anchor, __pyx_v_tag, __pyx_v_implicit, __pyx_v_sequence_style) == 0) != 0);
In file included from ext/_yaml.h:2:0,
from ext/_yaml.c:271:
/usr/include/yaml.h:601:1: note: expected ‘yaml_char_t *’ but argument is of type ‘char *’
yaml_sequence_start_event_initialize(yaml_event_t *event,
ext/_yaml.c:16603:5: warning: pointer targets in passing argument 3 of ‘yaml_sequence_start_event_initialize’ differ in signedness [-Wpointer-sign]
__pyx_t_3 = ((yaml_sequence_start_event_initialize(__pyx_v_event, __pyx_v_anchor, __pyx_v_tag, __pyx_v_implicit, __pyx_v_sequence_style) == 0) != 0);
In file included from ext/_yaml.h:2:0,
from ext/_yaml.c:271:
/usr/include/yaml.h:601:1: note: expected ‘yaml_char_t *’ but argument is of type ‘char *’
yaml_sequence_start_event_initialize(yaml_event_t *event,
ext/_yaml.c:17037:5: warning: pointer targets in passing argument 2 of ‘yaml_mapping_start_event_initialize’ differ in signedness [-Wpointer-sign]
__pyx_t_2 = ((yaml_mapping_start_event_initialize(__pyx_v_event, __pyx_v_anchor, __pyx_v_tag, __pyx_v_implicit, __pyx_v_mapping_style) == 0) != 0);
In file included from ext/_yaml.h:2:0,
from ext/_yaml.c:271:
/usr/include/yaml.h:633:1: note: expected ‘yaml_char_t *’ but argument is of type ‘char *’
yaml_mapping_start_event_initialize(yaml_event_t *event,
ext/_yaml.c:17037:5: warning: pointer targets in passing argument 3 of ‘yaml_mapping_start_event_initialize’ differ in signedness [-Wpointer-sign]
__pyx_t_2 = ((yaml_mapping_start_event_initialize(__pyx_v_event, __pyx_v_anchor, __pyx_v_tag, __pyx_v_implicit, __pyx_v_mapping_style) == 0) != 0);
In file included from ext/_yaml.h:2:0,
from ext/_yaml.c:271:
/usr/include/yaml.h:633:1: note: expected ‘yaml_char_t *’ but argument is of type ‘char *’
yaml_mapping_start_event_initialize(yaml_event_t *event,
ext/_yaml.c: In function ‘__pyx_pf_5_yaml_8CEmitter_12serialize’:
ext/_yaml.c:18516:42: warning: pointer targets in assignment differ in signedness [-Wpointer-sign]
__pyx_v_tag_directives_end->handle = PyString_AS_STRING(__pyx_v_handle);
ext/_yaml.c:18631:42: warning: pointer targets in assignment differ in signedness [-Wpointer-sign]
__pyx_v_tag_directives_end->prefix = PyString_AS_STRING(__pyx_v_prefix);
ext/_yaml.c: In function ‘__pyx_f_5_yaml_8CEmitter__serialize_node’:
ext/_yaml.c:19491:5: warning: pointer targets in passing argument 2 of ‘yaml_alias_event_initialize’ differ in signedness [-Wpointer-sign]
__pyx_t_2 = ((yaml_alias_event_initialize((&__pyx_v_event), __pyx_v_anchor) == 0) != 0);
In file included from ext/_yaml.h:2:0,
from ext/_yaml.c:271:
/usr/include/yaml.h:553:1: note: expected ‘yaml_char_t *’ but argument is of type ‘char *’
yaml_alias_event_initialize(yaml_event_t *event, yaml_char_t *anchor);
ext/_yaml.c:20240:7: warning: pointer targets in passing argument 2 of ‘yaml_scalar_event_initialize’ differ in signedness [-Wpointer-sign]
__pyx_t_2 = ((yaml_scalar_event_initialize((&__pyx_v_event), __pyx_v_anchor, __pyx_v_tag, __pyx_v_value, __pyx_v_length, __pyx_v_plain_implicit, __pyx_v_quoted_implicit, __pyx_v_scalar_style) == 0) != 0);
In file included from ext/_yaml.h:2:0,
from ext/_yaml.c:271:
/usr/include/yaml.h:578:1: note: expected ‘yaml_char_t *’ but argument is of type ‘char *’
yaml_scalar_event_initialize(yaml_event_t *event,
ext/_yaml.c:20240:7: warning: pointer targets in passing argument 3 of ‘yaml_scalar_event_initialize’ differ in signedness [-Wpointer-sign]
__pyx_t_2 = ((yaml_scalar_event_initialize((&__pyx_v_event), __pyx_v_anchor, __pyx_v_tag, __pyx_v_value, __pyx_v_length, __pyx_v_plain_implicit, __pyx_v_quoted_implicit, __pyx_v_scalar_style) == 0) != 0);
In file included from ext/_yaml.h:2:0,
from ext/_yaml.c:271:
/usr/include/yaml.h:578:1: note: expected ‘yaml_char_t *’ but argument is of type ‘char *’
yaml_scalar_event_initialize(yaml_event_t *event,
ext/_yaml.c:20240:7: warning: pointer targets in passing argument 4 of ‘yaml_scalar_event_initialize’ differ in signedness [-Wpointer-sign]
__pyx_t_2 = ((yaml_scalar_event_initialize((&__pyx_v_event), __pyx_v_anchor, __pyx_v_tag, __pyx_v_value, __pyx_v_length, __pyx_v_plain_implicit, __pyx_v_quoted_implicit, __pyx_v_scalar_style) == 0) != 0);
In file included from ext/_yaml.h:2:0,
from ext/_yaml.c:271:
/usr/include/yaml.h:578:1: note: expected ‘yaml_char_t *’ but argument is of type ‘char *’
yaml_scalar_event_initialize(yaml_event_t *event,
ext/_yaml.c:20605:7: warning: pointer targets in passing argument 2 of ‘yaml_sequence_start_event_initialize’ differ in signedness [-Wpointer-sign]
__pyx_t_2 = ((yaml_sequence_start_event_initialize((&__pyx_v_event), __pyx_v_anchor, __pyx_v_tag, __pyx_v_implicit, __pyx_v_sequence_style) == 0) != 0);
In file included from ext/_yaml.h:2:0,
from ext/_yaml.c:271:
/usr/include/yaml.h:601:1: note: expected ‘yaml_char_t *’ but argument is of type ‘char *’
yaml_sequence_start_event_initialize(yaml_event_t *event,
ext/_yaml.c:20605:7: warning: pointer targets in passing argument 3 of ‘yaml_sequence_start_event_initialize’ differ in signedness [-Wpointer-sign]
__pyx_t_2 = ((yaml_sequence_start_event_initialize((&__pyx_v_event), __pyx_v_anchor, __pyx_v_tag, __pyx_v_implicit, __pyx_v_sequence_style) == 0) != 0);
In file included from ext/_yaml.h:2:0,
from ext/_yaml.c:271:
/usr/include/yaml.h:601:1: note: expected ‘yaml_char_t *’ but argument is of type ‘char *’
yaml_sequence_start_event_initialize(yaml_event_t *event,
ext/_yaml.c:21113:7: warning: pointer targets in passing argument 2 of ‘yaml_mapping_start_event_initialize’ differ in signedness [-Wpointer-sign]
__pyx_t_2 = ((yaml_mapping_start_event_initialize((&__pyx_v_event), __pyx_v_anchor, __pyx_v_tag, __pyx_v_implicit, __pyx_v_mapping_style) == 0) != 0);
In file included from ext/_yaml.h:2:0,
from ext/_yaml.c:271:
/usr/include/yaml.h:633:1: note: expected ‘yaml_char_t *’ but argument is of type ‘char *’
yaml_mapping_start_event_initialize(yaml_event_t *event,
ext/_yaml.c:21113:7: warning: pointer targets in passing argument 3 of ‘yaml_mapping_start_event_initialize’ differ in signedness [-Wpointer-sign]
__pyx_t_2 = ((yaml_mapping_start_event_initialize((&__pyx_v_event), __pyx_v_anchor, __pyx_v_tag, __pyx_v_implicit, __pyx_v_mapping_style) == 0) != 0);
In file included from ext/_yaml.h:2:0,
from ext/_yaml.c:271:
/usr/include/yaml.h:633:1: note: expected ‘yaml_char_t *’ but argument is of type ‘char *’
yaml_mapping_start_event_initialize(yaml_event_t *event,
zip_safe flag not set; analyzing archive contents...
Got PyYAML 3.12.
Picked: PyYAML = 3.12
Getting required 'plumber>=1.3'
required by node 0.9.16.
required by yafowil 2.2.
We have no distributions for plumber that satisfies 'plumber>=1.3'.
Getting distribution for 'plumber>=1.3'.
Running easy_install:
"/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/bin/python2.7" "-c" "import sys; sys.path[0:0] = ['/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/lib/python2.7/site-packages']; from setuptools.command.easy_install import main; main()" "-mZUNxd" "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/tmpf67HpP" "-q" "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/downloads/dist/plumber-1.3.1.tar.gz"
warning: no previously-included files matching '*.pyc' found under directory 'src'
warning: no previously-included files matching '*.pyo' found under directory 'src'
Got plumber 1.3.1.
Picked: plumber = 1.3.1
Getting required 'zope.annotation==3.5.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.annotation==3.5.0'.
Getting required 'Products.PluginRegistry==1.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.PluginRegistry==1.4'.
Getting required 'zope.deprecation==3.4.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.deprecation==3.4.1'.
Getting required 'plone.session==3.6.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.session==3.6.0'.
Getting required 'plone.protect==3.0.19'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.protect==3.0.19'.
Getting required 'plone.memoize==1.2.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.memoize==1.2.0'.
Getting required 'plone.i18n==3.0.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.i18n==3.0.5'.
Getting required 'zope.formlib==4.0.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.formlib==4.0.6'.
Getting required 'five.localsitemanager==2.0.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'five.localsitemanager==2.0.5'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'Products.ZSQLMethods==2.13.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.ZSQLMethods==2.13.4'.
Getting required 'zope.dottedname==3.4.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.dottedname==3.4.6'.
Getting required 'node.ext.ugm'
required by node.ext.ldap 1.0b3.
We have no distributions for node.ext.ugm that satisfies 'node.ext.ugm'.
Getting distribution for 'node.ext.ugm'.
Running easy_install:
"/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/bin/python2.7" "-c" "import sys; sys.path[0:0] = ['/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/lib/python2.7/site-packages']; from setuptools.command.easy_install import main; main()" "-mZUNxd" "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/tmpptjyv_" "-q" "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/downloads/dist/node.ext.ugm-0.9.8.tar.gz"
warning: no previously-included files matching '*.pyc' found under directory 'src'
warning: no previously-included files matching '*.pyo' found under directory 'src'
Got node.ext.ugm 0.9.8.
Picked: node.ext.ugm = 0.9.8
Getting required 'argparse==1.4.0'
We have no distributions for argparse that satisfies 'argparse==1.4.0'.
Getting distribution for 'argparse==1.4.0'.
Running easy_install:
"/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/bin/python2.7" "-c" "import sys; sys.path[0:0] = ['/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/lib/python2.7/site-packages']; from setuptools.command.easy_install import main; main()" "-mZUNxd" "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/tmpNAysW3" "-q" "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/downloads/dist/argparse-1.4.0.tar.gz"
warning: no previously-included files matching '*.pyc' found anywhere in distribution
warning: no previously-included files matching '*.pyo' found anywhere in distribution
warning: no previously-included files matching '*.orig' found anywhere in distribution
warning: no previously-included files matching '*.rej' found anywhere in distribution
no previously-included directories found matching 'doc/_build'
no previously-included directories found matching 'env24'
no previously-included directories found matching 'env25'
no previously-included directories found matching 'env26'
no previously-included directories found matching 'env27'
zip_safe flag not set; analyzing archive contents...
Got argparse 1.4.0.
Getting required 'smbpasswd'
required by node.ext.ldap 1.0b3.
We have no distributions for smbpasswd that satisfies 'smbpasswd'.
Getting distribution for 'smbpasswd'.
Running easy_install:
"/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/bin/python2.7" "-c" "import sys; sys.path[0:0] = ['/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/lib/python2.7/site-packages']; from setuptools.command.easy_install import main; main()" "-mZUNxd" "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/tmpovNTfO" "-q" "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/downloads/dist/smbpasswd-1.0.2.tgz"
smbpasswd.c: In function ‘lmhash’:
smbpasswd.c:100:5: warning: pointer targets in passing argument 2 of ‘E_P16’ differ in signedness [-Wpointer-sign]
E_P16(lmpwd, hashout);
smbpasswd.c:35:6: note: expected ‘unsigned char *’ but argument is of type ‘char *’
void E_P16(unsigned char *p14,unsigned char *p16);
smbpasswd.c: In function ‘nthash’:
smbpasswd.c:125:5: warning: pointer targets in passing argument 1 of ‘mdfour’ differ in signedness [-Wpointer-sign]
mdfour(hashout, pwd, pwd_len);
smbpasswd.c:34:6: note: expected ‘unsigned char *’ but argument is of type ‘char *’
void mdfour(unsigned char *out, unsigned char *in, int n);
smbpasswd.c:125:5: warning: pointer targets in passing argument 2 of ‘mdfour’ differ in signedness [-Wpointer-sign]
mdfour(hashout, pwd, pwd_len);
smbpasswd.c:34:6: note: expected ‘unsigned char *’ but argument is of type ‘char *’
void mdfour(unsigned char *out, unsigned char *in, int n);
zip_safe flag not set; analyzing archive contents...
Got smbpasswd 1.0.2.
Picked: smbpasswd = 1.0.2
Getting required 'python-memcached'
required by bda.cache 1.1.3.
We have no distributions for python-memcached that satisfies 'python-memcached'.
Getting distribution for 'python-memcached'.
Running easy_install:
"/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/bin/python2.7" "-c" "import sys; sys.path[0:0] = ['/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/lib/python2.7/site-packages']; from setuptools.command.easy_install import main; main()" "-mZUNxd" "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/tmpmYq_6J" "-q" "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/downloads/dist/python-memcached-1.58.tar.gz"
warning: no files found matching '*.rst'
warning: no files found matching 'MakeFile'
warning: no previously-included files matching '*.pyc' found anywhere in distribution
warning: no previously-included files matching '.gitignore' found anywhere in distribution
warning: no previously-included files matching '.DS_Store' found anywhere in distribution
zip_safe flag not set; analyzing archive contents...
Got python-memcached 1.58.
Picked: python-memcached = 1.58
Getting required 'Products.SecureMailHost==1.1.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.SecureMailHost==1.1.2'.
Getting required 'Products.ResourceRegistries==3.0.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.ResourceRegistries==3.0.4'.
Getting required 'Products.PortalTransforms==2.2.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.PortalTransforms==2.2.1'.
Getting required 'Products.MimetypesRegistry==2.0.10'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.MimetypesRegistry==2.0.10'.
Getting required 'Products.DCWorkflow==2.2.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.DCWorkflow==2.2.5'.
Getting required 'Products.CMFUid==2.2.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.CMFUid==2.2.1'.
Getting required 'Products.CMFQuickInstallerTool==3.0.13'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.CMFQuickInstallerTool==3.0.13'.
Getting required 'Products.CMFFormController==3.0.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.CMFFormController==3.0.6'.
Getting required 'Products.CMFEditions==2.2.21'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.CMFEditions==2.2.21'.
Getting required 'Products.CMFDiffTool==3.1.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.CMFDiffTool==3.1.2'.
Getting required 'Products.contentmigration==2.1.13'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.contentmigration==2.1.13'.
Getting required 'zope.ramcache==1.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.ramcache==1.0'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'plone.portlets==2.2.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.portlets==2.2.3'.
Getting required 'borg.localrole==3.1.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'borg.localrole==3.1.2'.
Getting required 'plone.openid==2.0.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.openid==2.0.4'.
Getting required 'plone.locking==2.1.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.locking==2.1.2'.
Getting required 'z3c.form==3.2.9'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'z3c.form==3.2.9'.
Getting required 'plone.z3cform==0.8.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.z3cform==0.8.1'.
Getting required 'plone.supermodel==1.3.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.supermodel==1.3.0'.
Getting required 'plone.contentrules==2.0.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.contentrules==2.0.6'.
Getting required 'plone.autoform==1.6.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.autoform==1.6.2'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'lxml==3.5.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'lxml==3.5.0'.
Getting required 'plone.schemaeditor==2.0.11'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.schemaeditor==2.0.11'.
Getting required 'plone.rfc822==1.1.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.rfc822==1.1.3'.
Getting required 'plone.namedfile[scales]==3.0.9'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.namedfile[scales]==3.0.9'.
Getting required 'plone.formwidget.namedfile==1.0.15'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.formwidget.namedfile==1.0.15'.
Getting required 'plone.dexterity==2.4.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.dexterity==2.4.3'.
Getting required 'plone.behavior==1.1.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.behavior==1.1.2'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'z3c.zcmlhook==1.0b1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'z3c.zcmlhook==1.0b1'.
Getting required 'Products.CMFDynamicViewFTI==4.1.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.CMFDynamicViewFTI==4.1.4'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'plone.cachepurging==1.0.12'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.cachepurging==1.0.12'.
Getting required 'plone.caching==1.1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.caching==1.1.1'.
Getting required 'python-dateutil==2.4.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'python-dateutil==2.4.2'.
Getting required 'zope.cachedescriptors==3.5.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.cachedescriptors==3.5.1'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'z3c.autoinclude==0.3.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'z3c.autoinclude==0.3.6'.
Getting required 'slimit==0.8.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'slimit==0.8.1'.
Getting required 'plonetheme.barceloneta==1.6.21'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plonetheme.barceloneta==1.6.21'.
Getting required 'plone.theme==3.0.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.theme==3.0.0'.
Getting required 'plone.schema==1.0.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.schema==1.0.0'.
Getting required 'plone.portlet.static==3.0.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.portlet.static==3.0.2'.
Getting required 'plone.portlet.collection==3.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.portlet.collection==3.1'.
Getting required 'plone.outputfilters==2.1.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.outputfilters==2.1.5'.
Getting required 'plone.intelligenttext==2.1.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.intelligenttext==2.1.0'.
Getting required 'plone.indexer==1.0.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.indexer==1.0.4'.
Getting required 'plone.browserlayer==2.1.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.browserlayer==2.1.6'.
Getting required 'plone.batching==1.1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.batching==1.1.1'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'plone.api==1.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.api==1.5'.
Getting required 'mockup==2.1.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'mockup==2.1.5'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'five.customerize==1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'five.customerize==1.1'.
Getting required 'cssmin==0.2.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'cssmin==0.2.0'.
Getting required 'Products.PlacelessTranslationService==2.0.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.PlacelessTranslationService==2.0.6'.
Getting required 'Products.PasswordResetTool==2.2.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.PasswordResetTool==2.2.3'.
Getting required 'Products.ExternalEditor==1.1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.ExternalEditor==1.1.1'.
Getting required 'Products.ExtendedPathIndex==3.1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.ExtendedPathIndex==3.1.1'.
Getting required 'Products.validation==2.0.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.validation==2.0.2'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'plone.uuid==1.0.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.uuid==1.0.4'.
Getting required 'plone.folder==1.0.9'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.folder==1.0.9'.
Getting required 'zope.datetime==3.4.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.datetime==3.4.1'.
Getting required 'mechanize==0.2.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'mechanize==0.2.5'.
Getting required 'zope.broken==3.6.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.broken==3.6.0'.
Getting required 'zope.filerepresentation==3.6.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.filerepresentation==3.6.1'.
Getting required 'plone.keyring==3.0.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.keyring==3.0.1'.
Getting required 'collective.monkeypatcher==1.1.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'collective.monkeypatcher==1.1.2'.
Getting required 'repoze.xmliter==0.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'repoze.xmliter==0.6'.
Getting required 'plone.transformchain==1.2.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.transformchain==1.2.0'.
Getting required 'six==1.10.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'six==1.10.0'.
Getting required 'Unidecode==0.04.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Unidecode==0.04.1'.
Getting required 'zope.error==3.7.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.error==3.7.4'.
Getting required 'zope.authentication==3.7.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.authentication==3.7.1'.
Getting required 'Markdown==2.6.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Markdown==2.6.6'.
Getting required 'Products.ZopeVersionControl==1.1.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.ZopeVersionControl==1.1.3'.
Getting required 'zope.copy==3.5.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.copy==3.5.0'.
Getting required 'feedparser==5.2.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'feedparser==5.2.1'.
Getting required 'python-openid==2.2.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'python-openid==2.2.5'.
Getting required 'zope.componentvocabulary==1.0.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.componentvocabulary==1.0.1'.
Getting required 'z3c.formwidget.query==0.12'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'z3c.formwidget.query==0.12'.
Getting required 'plone.scale[storage]==1.4.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.scale[storage]==1.4.1'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'plone.synchronize==1.0.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.synchronize==1.0.1'.
Getting required 'plone.alterego==1.0.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.alterego==1.0.1'.
Getting required 'z3c.caching==2.0a1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'z3c.caching==2.0a1'.
Getting required 'ply==3.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'ply==3.4'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'roman==1.4.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'roman==1.4.0'.
Getting required 'plone.subrequest==1.7.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.subrequest==1.7.0'.
Getting required 'plone.resourceeditor==2.0.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.resourceeditor==2.0.5'.
Getting required 'plone.resource==1.0.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.resource==1.0.6'.
Getting required 'diazo==1.2.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'diazo==1.2.3'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'z3c.relationfield==0.7'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'z3c.relationfield==0.7'.
Getting required 'archetypes.multilingual==3.0.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'archetypes.multilingual==3.0.3'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'plone.stringinterp==1.1.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.stringinterp==1.1.4'.
Getting required 'decorator==4.0.10'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'decorator==4.0.10'.
Getting required 'Chameleon==2.24'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Chameleon==2.24'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'sourcecodegen==0.6.14'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'sourcecodegen==0.6.14'.
Getting required 'python-gettext==3.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'python-gettext==3.0'.
Getting required 'archetypes.schemaextender==2.1.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'archetypes.schemaextender==2.1.6'.
Getting required 'future==0.15.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'future==0.15.2'.
Getting required 'zope.dublincore==3.7.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.dublincore==3.7.0'.
Getting required 'cssselect==0.9.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'cssselect==0.9.2'.
Getting required 'five.intid==1.1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'five.intid==1.1.1'.
Getting required 'zope.intid==3.7.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.intid==3.7.2'.
Getting required 'zc.relation==1.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zc.relation==1.0'.
Getting required 'z3c.objpath==1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'z3c.objpath==1.1'.
Getting required 'plone.formwidget.recurrence[z3cform]==2.1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.formwidget.recurrence[z3cform]==2.1.1'.
Getting required 'plone.event==1.3.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.event==1.3.1'.
Getting required 'icalendar==3.10'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'icalendar==3.10'.
Getting required 'collective.elephantvocabulary==0.2.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'collective.elephantvocabulary==0.2.5'.
Getting required 'Products.DateRecurringIndex==2.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.DateRecurringIndex==2.1'.
Getting required 'zope.keyreference==3.6.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.keyreference==3.6.4'.
Generated script '/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/bin/client1'.
Generated interpreter '/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/parts/client1/bin/interpreter'.
Installing 'Plone', 'Pillow', 'pas.plugins.ldap'.
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Plone==5.0.6'.
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Pillow==3.3.1'.
Picked: pas.plugins.ldap = 1.5.1
Getting required 'Zope2==2.13.24'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Zope2==2.13.24'.
Getting required 'zope.traversing==3.13.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.traversing==3.13.2'.
Getting required 'zope.interface==3.6.7'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.interface==3.6.7'.
Getting required 'zope.i18nmessageid==3.5.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.i18nmessageid==3.5.3'.
Getting required 'zope.globalrequest==1.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.globalrequest==1.2'.
Getting required 'zope.component==3.9.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.component==3.9.5'.
Getting required 'yafowil.yaml'
required by pas.plugins.ldap 1.5.1.
Picked: yafowil.yaml = 1.2
Getting required 'yafowil.widget.dict'
required by pas.plugins.ldap 1.5.1.
Picked: yafowil.widget.dict = 1.6
Getting required 'yafowil.widget.array'
required by pas.plugins.ldap 1.5.1.
Picked: yafowil.widget.array = 1.4
Getting required 'yafowil.plone>=1.3'
required by pas.plugins.ldap 1.5.1.
Picked: yafowil.plone = 2.3.1
Getting required 'yafowil>=2.2b2'
required by pas.plugins.ldap 1.5.1.
Picked: yafowil = 2.2
Getting required 'setuptools'
required by yafowil.yaml 1.2.
required by zope.globalrequest 1.2.
required by yafowil.widget.array 1.4.
required by pas.plugins.ldap 1.5.1.
required by yafowil.widget.dict 1.6.
required by yafowil 2.2.
required by yafowil.plone 2.3.1.
required by Zope2 2.13.24.
required by zope.i18nmessageid 3.5.3.
required by zope.interface 3.6.7.
required by zope.component 3.9.5.
required by zope.traversing 3.13.2.
required by Plone 5.0.6.
We have a develop egg: setuptools 28.8.0
Adding find link '' from setuptools 28.8.0
Adding find link '' from setuptools 28.8.0
Getting required 'python-ldap'
required by pas.plugins.ldap 1.5.1.
Picked: python-ldap = 2.4.28
Getting required 'Products.statusmessages==4.1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.statusmessages==4.1.1'.
Getting required 'Products.PluggableAuthService==1.11.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.PluggableAuthService==1.11.0'.
Getting required 'Products.PlonePAS==5.0.11'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.PlonePAS==5.0.11'.
Getting required 'Products.GenericSetup==1.8.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.GenericSetup==1.8.3'.
Getting required 'Products.CMFCore==2.2.10'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.CMFCore==2.2.10'.
Getting required 'plone.registry==1.0.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.registry==1.0.4'.
Getting required 'odict'
required by pas.plugins.ldap 1.5.1.
Picked: odict = 1.5.1
Getting required 'node.ext.ldap>=1.0b2'
required by pas.plugins.ldap 1.5.1.
Picked: node.ext.ldap = 1.0b3
Getting required 'node'
required by pas.plugins.ldap 1.5.1.
Picked: node = 0.9.16
Getting required 'five.globalrequest==1.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'five.globalrequest==1.0'.
Getting required 'bda.cache'
required by node.ext.ldap 1.0b3.
required by pas.plugins.ldap 1.5.1.
Picked: bda.cache = 1.1.3
Getting required 'Acquisition==4.2.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Acquisition==4.2.2'.
Getting required 'AccessControl==3.0.12'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'AccessControl==3.0.12'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'Products.CMFPlone==5.0.6rc1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.CMFPlone==5.0.6rc1'.
Getting required 'Products.CMFPlacefulWorkflow==1.6.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.CMFPlacefulWorkflow==1.6.5'.
Getting required 'Products.ATContentTypes==2.2.13'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.ATContentTypes==2.2.13'.
Getting required 'Products.Archetypes==1.10.15'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.Archetypes==1.10.15'.
Getting required 'Products.StandardCacheManagers==2.13.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.StandardCacheManagers==2.13.1'.
Getting required 'Products.PythonScripts==2.13.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.PythonScripts==2.13.2'.
Getting required 'Products.MIMETools==2.13.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.MIMETools==2.13.0'.
Getting required 'Products.MailHost==2.13.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.MailHost==2.13.2'.
Getting required 'Products.ExternalMethod==2.13.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.ExternalMethod==2.13.1'.
Getting required 'Products.BTreeFolder2==2.14.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.BTreeFolder2==2.14.0'.
Getting required 'zope.viewlet==3.7.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.viewlet==3.7.2'.
Getting required 'zope.testing==3.9.7'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.testing==3.9.7'.
Getting required 'zope.testbrowser==3.11.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.testbrowser==3.11.1'.
Getting required 'zope.tales==3.5.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.tales==3.5.3'.
Getting required 'zope.tal==3.5.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.tal==3.5.2'.
Getting required 'zope.structuredtext==3.5.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.structuredtext==3.5.1'.
Getting required 'zope.size==3.4.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.size==3.4.1'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'zope.sequencesort==3.4.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.sequencesort==3.4.0'.
Getting required 'zope.sendmail==3.7.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.sendmail==3.7.5'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'zope.schema==4.4.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.schema==4.4.2'.
Getting required 'zope.publisher==3.12.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.publisher==3.12.6'.
Getting required 'zope.ptresource==3.9.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.ptresource==3.9.0'.
Getting required 'zope.proxy==3.6.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.proxy==3.6.1'.
Getting required 'zope.processlifetime==1.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.processlifetime==1.0'.
Getting required 'zope.pagetemplate==3.6.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.pagetemplate==3.6.3'.
Getting required 'zope.location==3.9.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.location==3.9.1'.
Getting required 'zope.lifecycleevent==3.6.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.lifecycleevent==3.6.2'.
Getting required 'zope.i18n[zcml]==3.7.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.i18n[zcml]==3.7.4'.
Getting required 'zope.exceptions==3.6.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.exceptions==3.6.2'.
Getting required 'zope.event==3.5.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.event==3.5.2'.
Getting required 'zope.deferredimport==3.5.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.deferredimport==3.5.3'.
Getting required 'zope.contenttype==3.5.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.contenttype==3.5.5'.
Getting required 'zope.contentprovider==3.7.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.contentprovider==3.7.2'.
Getting required 'zope.container==3.11.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.container==3.11.2'.
Getting required 'zope.configuration==3.7.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.configuration==3.7.4'.
Getting required 'zope.browserresource==3.10.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.browserresource==3.10.3'.
Getting required 'zope.browserpage==3.12.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.browserpage==3.12.2'.
Getting required 'zope.browsermenu==3.9.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.browsermenu==3.9.1'.
Getting required 'zope.browser==1.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.browser==1.3'.
Getting required 'zLOG==2.11.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zLOG==2.11.2'.
Getting required 'zExceptions==2.13.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zExceptions==2.13.0'.
Getting required 'zdaemon==2.0.7'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zdaemon==2.0.7'.
Getting required 'transaction==1.1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'transaction==1.1.1'.
Getting required 'tempstorage==2.12.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'tempstorage==2.12.2'.
Getting required 'pytz==2015.7'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'pytz==2015.7'.
Getting required 'initgroups==2.13.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'initgroups==2.13.0'.
Getting required 'docutils==0.12'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'docutils==0.12'.
Getting required 'ZopeUndo==2.12.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'ZopeUndo==2.12.0'.
Getting required 'ZODB3==3.10.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'ZODB3==3.10.5'.
Getting required 'ZConfig==2.9.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'ZConfig==2.9.3'.
Getting required 'RestrictedPython==3.6.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'RestrictedPython==3.6.0'.
Getting required 'Record==2.13.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Record==2.13.0'.
Getting required 'Products.ZCTextIndex==2.13.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.ZCTextIndex==2.13.5'.
Getting required 'Products.ZCatalog==3.0.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.ZCatalog==3.0.2'.
Getting required 'Products.OFSP==2.13.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.OFSP==2.13.2'.
Getting required 'Persistence==2.13.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Persistence==2.13.2'.
Getting required 'MultiMapping==2.13.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'MultiMapping==2.13.0'.
Getting required 'Missing==2.13.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Missing==2.13.1'.
Getting required 'ExtensionClass==4.1.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'ExtensionClass==4.1.2'.
Getting required 'DocumentTemplate==2.13.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'DocumentTemplate==2.13.2'.
Getting required 'DateTime==4.0.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'DateTime==4.0.1'.
Getting required 'PyYAML'
required by yafowil.yaml 1.2.
Picked: PyYAML = 3.12
Getting required 'plumber>=1.3'
required by node 0.9.16.
required by yafowil 2.2.
Picked: plumber = 1.3.1
Getting required 'zope.annotation==3.5.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.annotation==3.5.0'.
Getting required 'Products.PluginRegistry==1.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.PluginRegistry==1.4'.
Getting required 'zope.deprecation==3.4.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.deprecation==3.4.1'.
Getting required 'plone.session==3.6.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.session==3.6.0'.
Getting required 'plone.protect==3.0.19'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.protect==3.0.19'.
Getting required 'plone.memoize==1.2.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.memoize==1.2.0'.
Getting required 'plone.i18n==3.0.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.i18n==3.0.5'.
Getting required 'zope.formlib==4.0.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.formlib==4.0.6'.
Getting required 'five.localsitemanager==2.0.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'five.localsitemanager==2.0.5'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'Products.ZSQLMethods==2.13.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.ZSQLMethods==2.13.4'.
Getting required 'zope.dottedname==3.4.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.dottedname==3.4.6'.
Getting required 'node.ext.ugm'
required by node.ext.ldap 1.0b3.
Picked: node.ext.ugm = 0.9.8
Getting required 'argparse==1.4.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'argparse==1.4.0'.
Getting required 'smbpasswd'
required by node.ext.ldap 1.0b3.
Picked: smbpasswd = 1.0.2
Getting required 'python-memcached'
required by bda.cache 1.1.3.
Picked: python-memcached = 1.58
Getting required 'Products.SecureMailHost==1.1.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.SecureMailHost==1.1.2'.
Getting required 'Products.ResourceRegistries==3.0.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.ResourceRegistries==3.0.4'.
Getting required 'Products.PortalTransforms==2.2.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.PortalTransforms==2.2.1'.
Getting required 'Products.MimetypesRegistry==2.0.10'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.MimetypesRegistry==2.0.10'.
Getting required 'Products.DCWorkflow==2.2.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.DCWorkflow==2.2.5'.
Getting required 'Products.CMFUid==2.2.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.CMFUid==2.2.1'.
Getting required 'Products.CMFQuickInstallerTool==3.0.13'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.CMFQuickInstallerTool==3.0.13'.
Getting required 'Products.CMFFormController==3.0.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.CMFFormController==3.0.6'.
Getting required 'Products.CMFEditions==2.2.21'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.CMFEditions==2.2.21'.
Getting required 'Products.CMFDiffTool==3.1.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.CMFDiffTool==3.1.2'.
Getting required 'Products.contentmigration==2.1.13'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.contentmigration==2.1.13'.
Getting required 'zope.ramcache==1.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.ramcache==1.0'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'plone.portlets==2.2.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.portlets==2.2.3'.
Getting required 'borg.localrole==3.1.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'borg.localrole==3.1.2'.
Getting required 'plone.openid==2.0.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.openid==2.0.4'.
Getting required 'plone.locking==2.1.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.locking==2.1.2'.
Getting required 'z3c.form==3.2.9'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'z3c.form==3.2.9'.
Getting required 'plone.z3cform==0.8.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.z3cform==0.8.1'.
Getting required 'plone.supermodel==1.3.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.supermodel==1.3.0'.
Getting required 'plone.contentrules==2.0.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.contentrules==2.0.6'.
Getting required 'plone.autoform==1.6.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.autoform==1.6.2'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'lxml==3.5.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'lxml==3.5.0'.
Getting required 'plone.schemaeditor==2.0.11'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.schemaeditor==2.0.11'.
Getting required 'plone.rfc822==1.1.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.rfc822==1.1.3'.
Getting required 'plone.namedfile[scales]==3.0.9'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.namedfile[scales]==3.0.9'.
Getting required 'plone.formwidget.namedfile==1.0.15'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.formwidget.namedfile==1.0.15'.
Getting required 'plone.dexterity==2.4.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.dexterity==2.4.3'.
Getting required 'plone.behavior==1.1.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.behavior==1.1.2'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'z3c.zcmlhook==1.0b1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'z3c.zcmlhook==1.0b1'.
Getting required 'Products.CMFDynamicViewFTI==4.1.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.CMFDynamicViewFTI==4.1.4'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'plone.cachepurging==1.0.12'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.cachepurging==1.0.12'.
Getting required 'plone.caching==1.1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.caching==1.1.1'.
Getting required 'python-dateutil==2.4.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'python-dateutil==2.4.2'.
Getting required 'zope.cachedescriptors==3.5.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.cachedescriptors==3.5.1'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'z3c.autoinclude==0.3.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'z3c.autoinclude==0.3.6'.
Getting required 'slimit==0.8.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'slimit==0.8.1'.
Getting required 'plonetheme.barceloneta==1.6.21'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plonetheme.barceloneta==1.6.21'.
Getting required 'plone.theme==3.0.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.theme==3.0.0'.
Getting required 'plone.schema==1.0.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.schema==1.0.0'.
Getting required 'plone.portlet.static==3.0.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.portlet.static==3.0.2'.
Getting required 'plone.portlet.collection==3.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.portlet.collection==3.1'.
Getting required 'plone.outputfilters==2.1.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.outputfilters==2.1.5'.
Getting required 'plone.intelligenttext==2.1.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.intelligenttext==2.1.0'.
Getting required 'plone.indexer==1.0.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.indexer==1.0.4'.
Getting required 'plone.browserlayer==2.1.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.browserlayer==2.1.6'.
Getting required 'plone.batching==1.1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.batching==1.1.1'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'plone.api==1.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.api==1.5'.
Getting required 'mockup==2.1.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'mockup==2.1.5'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'five.customerize==1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'five.customerize==1.1'.
Getting required 'cssmin==0.2.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'cssmin==0.2.0'.
Getting required 'Products.PlacelessTranslationService==2.0.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.PlacelessTranslationService==2.0.6'.
Getting required 'Products.PasswordResetTool==2.2.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.PasswordResetTool==2.2.3'.
Getting required 'Products.ExternalEditor==1.1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.ExternalEditor==1.1.1'.
Getting required 'Products.ExtendedPathIndex==3.1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.ExtendedPathIndex==3.1.1'.
Getting required 'Products.validation==2.0.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.validation==2.0.2'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'plone.uuid==1.0.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.uuid==1.0.4'.
Getting required 'plone.folder==1.0.9'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.folder==1.0.9'.
Getting required 'zope.datetime==3.4.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.datetime==3.4.1'.
Getting required 'mechanize==0.2.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'mechanize==0.2.5'.
Getting required 'zope.broken==3.6.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.broken==3.6.0'.
Getting required 'zope.filerepresentation==3.6.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.filerepresentation==3.6.1'.
Getting required 'zc.lockfile==1.0.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zc.lockfile==1.0.2'.
Getting required 'plone.keyring==3.0.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.keyring==3.0.1'.
Getting required 'collective.monkeypatcher==1.1.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'collective.monkeypatcher==1.1.2'.
Getting required 'repoze.xmliter==0.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'repoze.xmliter==0.6'.
Getting required 'plone.transformchain==1.2.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.transformchain==1.2.0'.
Getting required 'six==1.10.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'six==1.10.0'.
Getting required 'Unidecode==0.04.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Unidecode==0.04.1'.
Getting required 'zope.error==3.7.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.error==3.7.4'.
Getting required 'zope.authentication==3.7.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.authentication==3.7.1'.
Getting required 'Markdown==2.6.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Markdown==2.6.6'.
Getting required 'Products.ZopeVersionControl==1.1.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.ZopeVersionControl==1.1.3'.
Getting required 'zope.copy==3.5.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.copy==3.5.0'.
Getting required 'feedparser==5.2.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'feedparser==5.2.1'.
Getting required 'python-openid==2.2.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'python-openid==2.2.5'.
Getting required 'zope.componentvocabulary==1.0.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.componentvocabulary==1.0.1'.
Getting required 'z3c.formwidget.query==0.12'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'z3c.formwidget.query==0.12'.
Getting required 'plone.scale[storage]==1.4.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.scale[storage]==1.4.1'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'plone.synchronize==1.0.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.synchronize==1.0.1'.
Getting required 'plone.alterego==1.0.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.alterego==1.0.1'.
Getting required 'z3c.caching==2.0a1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'z3c.caching==2.0a1'.
Getting required 'zc.buildout'
required by z3c.autoinclude 0.3.6.
We have a develop egg: zc.buildout 2.5.3
Getting required 'ply==3.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'ply==3.4'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'roman==1.4.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'roman==1.4.0'.
Getting required 'plone.subrequest==1.7.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.subrequest==1.7.0'.
Getting required 'plone.resourceeditor==2.0.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.resourceeditor==2.0.5'.
Getting required 'plone.resource==1.0.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.resource==1.0.6'.
Getting required 'diazo==1.2.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'diazo==1.2.3'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'z3c.relationfield==0.7'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'z3c.relationfield==0.7'.
Getting required 'archetypes.multilingual==3.0.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'archetypes.multilingual==3.0.3'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'plone.stringinterp==1.1.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.stringinterp==1.1.4'.
Getting required 'decorator==4.0.10'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'decorator==4.0.10'.
Getting required 'Chameleon==2.24'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Chameleon==2.24'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'sourcecodegen==0.6.14'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'sourcecodegen==0.6.14'.
Getting required 'python-gettext==3.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'python-gettext==3.0'.
Getting required 'archetypes.schemaextender==2.1.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'archetypes.schemaextender==2.1.6'.
Getting required 'future==0.15.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'future==0.15.2'.
Getting required 'zope.dublincore==3.7.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.dublincore==3.7.0'.
Getting required 'cssselect==0.9.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'cssselect==0.9.2'.
Getting required 'five.intid==1.1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'five.intid==1.1.1'.
Getting required 'zope.intid==3.7.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.intid==3.7.2'.
Getting required 'zc.relation==1.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zc.relation==1.0'.
Getting required 'z3c.objpath==1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'z3c.objpath==1.1'.
Getting required 'plone.formwidget.recurrence[z3cform]==2.1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.formwidget.recurrence[z3cform]==2.1.1'.
Getting required 'plone.event==1.3.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.event==1.3.1'.
Getting required 'icalendar==3.10'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'icalendar==3.10'.
Getting required 'collective.elephantvocabulary==0.2.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'collective.elephantvocabulary==0.2.5'.
Getting required 'Products.DateRecurringIndex==2.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.DateRecurringIndex==2.1'.
Getting required 'zope.keyreference==3.6.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.keyreference==3.6.4'.
Generated script '/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/bin/createfontdatachunk.pyc'.
Generated script '/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/bin/pilfile.pyc'.
Generated script '/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/bin/'.
Generated script '/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/bin/'.
Generated script '/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/bin/pilconvert.pyc'.
Generated script '/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/bin/'.
Generated script '/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/bin/'.
Generated script '/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/bin/gifmaker.pyc'.
Generated script '/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/bin/'.
Generated script '/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/bin/'.
Generated script '/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/bin/pildriver.pyc'.
Generated script '/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/bin/pilprint.pyc'.
Generated script '/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/bin/player.pyc'.
Generated script '/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/bin/'.
Generated script '/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/bin/'.
Generated script '/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/bin/explode.pyc'.
Generated script '/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/bin/viewer.pyc'.
Generated script '/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/bin/'.
Generated script '/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/bin/'.
Generated script '/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/bin/enhancer.pyc'.
Generated script '/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/bin/painter.pyc'.
Generated script '/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/bin/'.
Generated script '/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/bin/'.
Generated script '/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/bin/'.
Generated script '/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/bin/pilfont.pyc'.
Generated script '/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/bin/thresholder.pyc'.
Installing client2.
Installing 'Plone', 'Pillow', 'pas.plugins.ldap', 'plone.recipe.zope2instance'.
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Plone==5.0.6'.
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Pillow==3.3.1'.
Picked: pas.plugins.ldap = 1.5.1
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.recipe.zope2instance==4.2.21'.
Getting required 'ZODB3==3.10.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'ZODB3==3.10.5'.
Getting required 'Zope2==2.13.24'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Zope2==2.13.24'.
Getting required 'zc.recipe.egg==2.0.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zc.recipe.egg==2.0.3'.
Getting required 'mailinglogger==3.8.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'mailinglogger==3.8.0'.
Getting required 'setuptools'
required by pas.plugins.ldap 1.5.1.
required by zc.recipe.egg 2.0.3.
required by Zope2 2.13.24.
required by plone.recipe.zope2instance 4.2.21.
required by Plone 5.0.6.
We have a develop egg: setuptools 28.8.0
Adding find link '' from setuptools 28.8.0
Adding find link '' from setuptools 28.8.0
Getting required 'zc.buildout'
required by plone.recipe.zope2instance 4.2.21.
We have a develop egg: zc.buildout 2.5.3
Getting required 'zope.traversing==3.13.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.traversing==3.13.2'.
Getting required 'zope.interface==3.6.7'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.interface==3.6.7'.
Getting required 'zope.i18nmessageid==3.5.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.i18nmessageid==3.5.3'.
Getting required 'zope.globalrequest==1.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.globalrequest==1.2'.
Getting required 'zope.component==3.9.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.component==3.9.5'.
Getting required 'yafowil.yaml'
required by pas.plugins.ldap 1.5.1.
Picked: yafowil.yaml = 1.2
Getting required 'yafowil.widget.dict'
required by pas.plugins.ldap 1.5.1.
Picked: yafowil.widget.dict = 1.6
Getting required 'yafowil.widget.array'
required by pas.plugins.ldap 1.5.1.
Picked: yafowil.widget.array = 1.4
Getting required 'yafowil.plone>=1.3'
required by pas.plugins.ldap 1.5.1.
Picked: yafowil.plone = 2.3.1
Getting required 'yafowil>=2.2b2'
required by pas.plugins.ldap 1.5.1.
Picked: yafowil = 2.2
Getting required 'python-ldap'
required by pas.plugins.ldap 1.5.1.
Picked: python-ldap = 2.4.28
Getting required 'Products.statusmessages==4.1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.statusmessages==4.1.1'.
Getting required 'Products.PluggableAuthService==1.11.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.PluggableAuthService==1.11.0'.
Getting required 'Products.PlonePAS==5.0.11'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.PlonePAS==5.0.11'.
Getting required 'Products.GenericSetup==1.8.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.GenericSetup==1.8.3'.
Getting required 'Products.CMFCore==2.2.10'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.CMFCore==2.2.10'.
Getting required 'plone.registry==1.0.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.registry==1.0.4'.
Getting required 'odict'
required by pas.plugins.ldap 1.5.1.
Picked: odict = 1.5.1
Getting required 'node.ext.ldap>=1.0b2'
required by pas.plugins.ldap 1.5.1.
Picked: node.ext.ldap = 1.0b3
Getting required 'node'
required by pas.plugins.ldap 1.5.1.
Picked: node = 0.9.16
Getting required 'five.globalrequest==1.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'five.globalrequest==1.0'.
Getting required 'bda.cache'
required by node.ext.ldap 1.0b3.
required by pas.plugins.ldap 1.5.1.
Picked: bda.cache = 1.1.3
Getting required 'Acquisition==4.2.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Acquisition==4.2.2'.
Getting required 'AccessControl==3.0.12'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'AccessControl==3.0.12'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'Products.CMFPlone==5.0.6rc1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.CMFPlone==5.0.6rc1'.
Getting required 'Products.CMFPlacefulWorkflow==1.6.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.CMFPlacefulWorkflow==1.6.5'.
Getting required 'Products.ATContentTypes==2.2.13'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.ATContentTypes==2.2.13'.
Getting required 'Products.Archetypes==1.10.15'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.Archetypes==1.10.15'.
Getting required 'zope.event==3.5.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.event==3.5.2'.
Getting required 'zdaemon==2.0.7'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zdaemon==2.0.7'.
Getting required 'ZConfig==2.9.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'ZConfig==2.9.3'.
Getting required 'zc.lockfile==1.0.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zc.lockfile==1.0.2'.
Getting required 'transaction==1.1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'transaction==1.1.1'.
Getting required 'Products.StandardCacheManagers==2.13.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.StandardCacheManagers==2.13.1'.
Getting required 'Products.PythonScripts==2.13.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.PythonScripts==2.13.2'.
Getting required 'Products.MIMETools==2.13.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.MIMETools==2.13.0'.
Getting required 'Products.MailHost==2.13.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.MailHost==2.13.2'.
Getting required 'Products.ExternalMethod==2.13.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.ExternalMethod==2.13.1'.
Getting required 'Products.BTreeFolder2==2.14.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.BTreeFolder2==2.14.0'.
Getting required 'zope.viewlet==3.7.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.viewlet==3.7.2'.
Getting required 'zope.testing==3.9.7'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.testing==3.9.7'.
Getting required 'zope.testbrowser==3.11.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.testbrowser==3.11.1'.
Getting required 'zope.tales==3.5.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.tales==3.5.3'.
Getting required 'zope.tal==3.5.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.tal==3.5.2'.
Getting required 'zope.structuredtext==3.5.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.structuredtext==3.5.1'.
Getting required 'zope.size==3.4.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.size==3.4.1'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'zope.sequencesort==3.4.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.sequencesort==3.4.0'.
Getting required 'zope.sendmail==3.7.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.sendmail==3.7.5'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'zope.schema==4.4.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.schema==4.4.2'.
Getting required 'zope.publisher==3.12.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.publisher==3.12.6'.
Getting required 'zope.ptresource==3.9.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.ptresource==3.9.0'.
Getting required 'zope.proxy==3.6.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.proxy==3.6.1'.
Getting required 'zope.processlifetime==1.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.processlifetime==1.0'.
Getting required 'zope.pagetemplate==3.6.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.pagetemplate==3.6.3'.
Getting required 'zope.location==3.9.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.location==3.9.1'.
Getting required 'zope.lifecycleevent==3.6.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.lifecycleevent==3.6.2'.
Getting required 'zope.i18n[zcml]==3.7.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.i18n[zcml]==3.7.4'.
Getting required 'zope.exceptions==3.6.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.exceptions==3.6.2'.
Getting required 'zope.deferredimport==3.5.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.deferredimport==3.5.3'.
Getting required 'zope.contenttype==3.5.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.contenttype==3.5.5'.
Getting required 'zope.contentprovider==3.7.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.contentprovider==3.7.2'.
Getting required 'zope.container==3.11.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.container==3.11.2'.
Getting required 'zope.configuration==3.7.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.configuration==3.7.4'.
Getting required 'zope.browserresource==3.10.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.browserresource==3.10.3'.
Getting required 'zope.browserpage==3.12.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.browserpage==3.12.2'.
Getting required 'zope.browsermenu==3.9.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.browsermenu==3.9.1'.
Getting required 'zope.browser==1.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.browser==1.3'.
Getting required 'zLOG==2.11.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zLOG==2.11.2'.
Getting required 'zExceptions==2.13.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zExceptions==2.13.0'.
Getting required 'tempstorage==2.12.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'tempstorage==2.12.2'.
Getting required 'pytz==2015.7'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'pytz==2015.7'.
Getting required 'initgroups==2.13.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'initgroups==2.13.0'.
Getting required 'docutils==0.12'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'docutils==0.12'.
Getting required 'ZopeUndo==2.12.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'ZopeUndo==2.12.0'.
Getting required 'RestrictedPython==3.6.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'RestrictedPython==3.6.0'.
Getting required 'Record==2.13.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Record==2.13.0'.
Getting required 'Products.ZCTextIndex==2.13.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.ZCTextIndex==2.13.5'.
Getting required 'Products.ZCatalog==3.0.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.ZCatalog==3.0.2'.
Getting required 'Products.OFSP==2.13.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.OFSP==2.13.2'.
Getting required 'Persistence==2.13.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Persistence==2.13.2'.
Getting required 'MultiMapping==2.13.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'MultiMapping==2.13.0'.
Getting required 'Missing==2.13.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Missing==2.13.1'.
Getting required 'ExtensionClass==4.1.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'ExtensionClass==4.1.2'.
Getting required 'DocumentTemplate==2.13.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'DocumentTemplate==2.13.2'.
Getting required 'DateTime==4.0.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'DateTime==4.0.1'.
Getting required 'PyYAML'
required by yafowil.yaml 1.2.
Picked: PyYAML = 3.12
Getting required 'plumber>=1.3'
required by node 0.9.16.
required by yafowil 2.2.
Picked: plumber = 1.3.1
Getting required 'zope.annotation==3.5.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.annotation==3.5.0'.
Getting required 'Products.PluginRegistry==1.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.PluginRegistry==1.4'.
Getting required 'zope.deprecation==3.4.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.deprecation==3.4.1'.
Getting required 'plone.session==3.6.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.session==3.6.0'.
Getting required 'plone.protect==3.0.19'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.protect==3.0.19'.
Getting required 'plone.memoize==1.2.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.memoize==1.2.0'.
Getting required 'plone.i18n==3.0.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.i18n==3.0.5'.
Getting required 'zope.formlib==4.0.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.formlib==4.0.6'.
Getting required 'five.localsitemanager==2.0.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'five.localsitemanager==2.0.5'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'Products.ZSQLMethods==2.13.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.ZSQLMethods==2.13.4'.
Getting required 'zope.dottedname==3.4.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.dottedname==3.4.6'.
Getting required 'node.ext.ugm'
required by node.ext.ldap 1.0b3.
Picked: node.ext.ugm = 0.9.8
Getting required 'argparse==1.4.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'argparse==1.4.0'.
Getting required 'smbpasswd'
required by node.ext.ldap 1.0b3.
Picked: smbpasswd = 1.0.2
Getting required 'python-memcached'
required by bda.cache 1.1.3.
Picked: python-memcached = 1.58
Getting required 'Products.SecureMailHost==1.1.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.SecureMailHost==1.1.2'.
Getting required 'Products.ResourceRegistries==3.0.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.ResourceRegistries==3.0.4'.
Getting required 'Products.PortalTransforms==2.2.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.PortalTransforms==2.2.1'.
Getting required 'Products.MimetypesRegistry==2.0.10'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.MimetypesRegistry==2.0.10'.
Getting required 'Products.DCWorkflow==2.2.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.DCWorkflow==2.2.5'.
Getting required 'Products.CMFUid==2.2.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.CMFUid==2.2.1'.
Getting required 'Products.CMFQuickInstallerTool==3.0.13'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.CMFQuickInstallerTool==3.0.13'.
Getting required 'Products.CMFFormController==3.0.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.CMFFormController==3.0.6'.
Getting required 'Products.CMFEditions==2.2.21'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.CMFEditions==2.2.21'.
Getting required 'Products.CMFDiffTool==3.1.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.CMFDiffTool==3.1.2'.
Getting required 'Products.contentmigration==2.1.13'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.contentmigration==2.1.13'.
Getting required 'zope.ramcache==1.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.ramcache==1.0'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'plone.portlets==2.2.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.portlets==2.2.3'.
Getting required 'borg.localrole==3.1.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'borg.localrole==3.1.2'.
Getting required 'plone.openid==2.0.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.openid==2.0.4'.
Getting required 'plone.locking==2.1.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.locking==2.1.2'.
Getting required 'z3c.form==3.2.9'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'z3c.form==3.2.9'.
Getting required 'plone.z3cform==0.8.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.z3cform==0.8.1'.
Getting required 'plone.supermodel==1.3.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.supermodel==1.3.0'.
Getting required 'plone.contentrules==2.0.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.contentrules==2.0.6'.
Getting required 'plone.autoform==1.6.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.autoform==1.6.2'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'lxml==3.5.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'lxml==3.5.0'.
Getting required 'plone.schemaeditor==2.0.11'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.schemaeditor==2.0.11'.
Getting required 'plone.rfc822==1.1.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.rfc822==1.1.3'.
Getting required 'plone.namedfile[scales]==3.0.9'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.namedfile[scales]==3.0.9'.
Getting required 'plone.formwidget.namedfile==1.0.15'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.formwidget.namedfile==1.0.15'.
Getting required 'plone.dexterity==2.4.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.dexterity==2.4.3'.
Getting required 'plone.behavior==1.1.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.behavior==1.1.2'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'z3c.zcmlhook==1.0b1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'z3c.zcmlhook==1.0b1'.
Getting required 'Products.CMFDynamicViewFTI==4.1.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.CMFDynamicViewFTI==4.1.4'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'plone.cachepurging==1.0.12'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.cachepurging==1.0.12'.
Getting required 'plone.caching==1.1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.caching==1.1.1'.
Getting required 'python-dateutil==2.4.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'python-dateutil==2.4.2'.
Getting required 'zope.cachedescriptors==3.5.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.cachedescriptors==3.5.1'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'z3c.autoinclude==0.3.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'z3c.autoinclude==0.3.6'.
Getting required 'slimit==0.8.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'slimit==0.8.1'.
Getting required 'plonetheme.barceloneta==1.6.21'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plonetheme.barceloneta==1.6.21'.
Getting required 'plone.theme==3.0.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.theme==3.0.0'.
Getting required 'plone.schema==1.0.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.schema==1.0.0'.
Getting required 'plone.portlet.static==3.0.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.portlet.static==3.0.2'.
Getting required 'plone.portlet.collection==3.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.portlet.collection==3.1'.
Getting required 'plone.outputfilters==2.1.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.outputfilters==2.1.5'.
Getting required 'plone.intelligenttext==2.1.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.intelligenttext==2.1.0'.
Getting required 'plone.indexer==1.0.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.indexer==1.0.4'.
Getting required 'plone.browserlayer==2.1.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.browserlayer==2.1.6'.
Getting required 'plone.batching==1.1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.batching==1.1.1'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'plone.api==1.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.api==1.5'.
Getting required 'mockup==2.1.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'mockup==2.1.5'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'five.customerize==1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'five.customerize==1.1'.
Getting required 'cssmin==0.2.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'cssmin==0.2.0'.
Getting required 'Products.PlacelessTranslationService==2.0.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.PlacelessTranslationService==2.0.6'.
Getting required 'Products.PasswordResetTool==2.2.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.PasswordResetTool==2.2.3'.
Getting required 'Products.ExternalEditor==1.1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.ExternalEditor==1.1.1'.
Getting required 'Products.ExtendedPathIndex==3.1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.ExtendedPathIndex==3.1.1'.
Getting required 'Products.validation==2.0.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.validation==2.0.2'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'plone.uuid==1.0.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.uuid==1.0.4'.
Getting required 'plone.folder==1.0.9'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.folder==1.0.9'.
Getting required 'zope.datetime==3.4.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.datetime==3.4.1'.
Getting required 'mechanize==0.2.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'mechanize==0.2.5'.
Getting required 'zope.broken==3.6.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.broken==3.6.0'.
Getting required 'zope.filerepresentation==3.6.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.filerepresentation==3.6.1'.
Getting required 'plone.keyring==3.0.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.keyring==3.0.1'.
Getting required 'collective.monkeypatcher==1.1.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'collective.monkeypatcher==1.1.2'.
Getting required 'repoze.xmliter==0.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'repoze.xmliter==0.6'.
Getting required 'plone.transformchain==1.2.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.transformchain==1.2.0'.
Getting required 'six==1.10.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'six==1.10.0'.
Getting required 'Unidecode==0.04.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Unidecode==0.04.1'.
Getting required 'zope.error==3.7.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.error==3.7.4'.
Getting required 'zope.authentication==3.7.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.authentication==3.7.1'.
Getting required 'Markdown==2.6.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Markdown==2.6.6'.
Getting required 'Products.ZopeVersionControl==1.1.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.ZopeVersionControl==1.1.3'.
Getting required 'zope.copy==3.5.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.copy==3.5.0'.
Getting required 'feedparser==5.2.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'feedparser==5.2.1'.
Getting required 'python-openid==2.2.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'python-openid==2.2.5'.
Getting required 'zope.componentvocabulary==1.0.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.componentvocabulary==1.0.1'.
Getting required 'z3c.formwidget.query==0.12'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'z3c.formwidget.query==0.12'.
Getting required 'plone.scale[storage]==1.4.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.scale[storage]==1.4.1'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'plone.synchronize==1.0.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.synchronize==1.0.1'.
Getting required 'plone.alterego==1.0.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.alterego==1.0.1'.
Getting required 'z3c.caching==2.0a1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'z3c.caching==2.0a1'.
Getting required 'ply==3.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'ply==3.4'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'roman==1.4.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'roman==1.4.0'.
Getting required 'plone.subrequest==1.7.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.subrequest==1.7.0'.
Getting required 'plone.resourceeditor==2.0.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.resourceeditor==2.0.5'.
Getting required 'plone.resource==1.0.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.resource==1.0.6'.
Getting required 'diazo==1.2.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'diazo==1.2.3'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'z3c.relationfield==0.7'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'z3c.relationfield==0.7'.
Getting required 'archetypes.multilingual==3.0.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'archetypes.multilingual==3.0.3'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'plone.stringinterp==1.1.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.stringinterp==1.1.4'.
Getting required 'decorator==4.0.10'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'decorator==4.0.10'.
Getting required 'Chameleon==2.24'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Chameleon==2.24'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'sourcecodegen==0.6.14'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'sourcecodegen==0.6.14'.
Getting required 'python-gettext==3.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'python-gettext==3.0'.
Getting required 'archetypes.schemaextender==2.1.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'archetypes.schemaextender==2.1.6'.
Getting required 'future==0.15.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'future==0.15.2'.
Getting required 'zope.dublincore==3.7.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.dublincore==3.7.0'.
Getting required 'cssselect==0.9.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'cssselect==0.9.2'.
Getting required 'five.intid==1.1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'five.intid==1.1.1'.
Getting required 'zope.intid==3.7.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.intid==3.7.2'.
Getting required 'zc.relation==1.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zc.relation==1.0'.
Getting required 'z3c.objpath==1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'z3c.objpath==1.1'.
Getting required 'plone.formwidget.recurrence[z3cform]==2.1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.formwidget.recurrence[z3cform]==2.1.1'.
Getting required 'plone.event==1.3.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.event==1.3.1'.
Getting required 'icalendar==3.10'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'icalendar==3.10'.
Getting required 'collective.elephantvocabulary==0.2.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'collective.elephantvocabulary==0.2.5'.
Getting required 'Products.DateRecurringIndex==2.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.DateRecurringIndex==2.1'.
Getting required 'zope.keyreference==3.6.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.keyreference==3.6.4'.
Generated script '/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/bin/client2'.
Generated interpreter '/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/parts/client2/bin/interpreter'.
Installing 'Plone', 'Pillow', 'pas.plugins.ldap'.
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Plone==5.0.6'.
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Pillow==3.3.1'.
Picked: pas.plugins.ldap = 1.5.1
Getting required 'Zope2==2.13.24'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Zope2==2.13.24'.
Getting required 'zope.traversing==3.13.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.traversing==3.13.2'.
Getting required 'zope.interface==3.6.7'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.interface==3.6.7'.
Getting required 'zope.i18nmessageid==3.5.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.i18nmessageid==3.5.3'.
Getting required 'zope.globalrequest==1.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.globalrequest==1.2'.
Getting required 'zope.component==3.9.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.component==3.9.5'.
Getting required 'yafowil.yaml'
required by pas.plugins.ldap 1.5.1.
Picked: yafowil.yaml = 1.2
Getting required 'yafowil.widget.dict'
required by pas.plugins.ldap 1.5.1.
Picked: yafowil.widget.dict = 1.6
Getting required 'yafowil.widget.array'
required by pas.plugins.ldap 1.5.1.
Picked: yafowil.widget.array = 1.4
Getting required 'yafowil.plone>=1.3'
required by pas.plugins.ldap 1.5.1.
Picked: yafowil.plone = 2.3.1
Getting required 'yafowil>=2.2b2'
required by pas.plugins.ldap 1.5.1.
Picked: yafowil = 2.2
Getting required 'setuptools'
required by yafowil.yaml 1.2.
required by zope.globalrequest 1.2.
required by yafowil.widget.array 1.4.
required by pas.plugins.ldap 1.5.1.
required by yafowil.widget.dict 1.6.
required by yafowil 2.2.
required by yafowil.plone 2.3.1.
required by Zope2 2.13.24.
required by zope.i18nmessageid 3.5.3.
required by zope.interface 3.6.7.
required by zope.component 3.9.5.
required by zope.traversing 3.13.2.
required by Plone 5.0.6.
We have a develop egg: setuptools 28.8.0
Adding find link '' from setuptools 28.8.0
Adding find link '' from setuptools 28.8.0
Getting required 'python-ldap'
required by pas.plugins.ldap 1.5.1.
Picked: python-ldap = 2.4.28
Getting required 'Products.statusmessages==4.1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.statusmessages==4.1.1'.
Getting required 'Products.PluggableAuthService==1.11.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.PluggableAuthService==1.11.0'.
Getting required 'Products.PlonePAS==5.0.11'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.PlonePAS==5.0.11'.
Getting required 'Products.GenericSetup==1.8.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.GenericSetup==1.8.3'.
Getting required 'Products.CMFCore==2.2.10'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.CMFCore==2.2.10'.
Getting required 'plone.registry==1.0.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.registry==1.0.4'.
Getting required 'odict'
required by pas.plugins.ldap 1.5.1.
Picked: odict = 1.5.1
Getting required 'node.ext.ldap>=1.0b2'
required by pas.plugins.ldap 1.5.1.
Picked: node.ext.ldap = 1.0b3
Getting required 'node'
required by pas.plugins.ldap 1.5.1.
Picked: node = 0.9.16
Getting required 'five.globalrequest==1.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'five.globalrequest==1.0'.
Getting required 'bda.cache'
required by node.ext.ldap 1.0b3.
required by pas.plugins.ldap 1.5.1.
Picked: bda.cache = 1.1.3
Getting required 'Acquisition==4.2.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Acquisition==4.2.2'.
Getting required 'AccessControl==3.0.12'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'AccessControl==3.0.12'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'Products.CMFPlone==5.0.6rc1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.CMFPlone==5.0.6rc1'.
Getting required 'Products.CMFPlacefulWorkflow==1.6.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.CMFPlacefulWorkflow==1.6.5'.
Getting required 'Products.ATContentTypes==2.2.13'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.ATContentTypes==2.2.13'.
Getting required 'Products.Archetypes==1.10.15'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.Archetypes==1.10.15'.
Getting required 'Products.StandardCacheManagers==2.13.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.StandardCacheManagers==2.13.1'.
Getting required 'Products.PythonScripts==2.13.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.PythonScripts==2.13.2'.
Getting required 'Products.MIMETools==2.13.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.MIMETools==2.13.0'.
Getting required 'Products.MailHost==2.13.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.MailHost==2.13.2'.
Getting required 'Products.ExternalMethod==2.13.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.ExternalMethod==2.13.1'.
Getting required 'Products.BTreeFolder2==2.14.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.BTreeFolder2==2.14.0'.
Getting required 'zope.viewlet==3.7.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.viewlet==3.7.2'.
Getting required 'zope.testing==3.9.7'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.testing==3.9.7'.
Getting required 'zope.testbrowser==3.11.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.testbrowser==3.11.1'.
Getting required 'zope.tales==3.5.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.tales==3.5.3'.
Getting required 'zope.tal==3.5.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.tal==3.5.2'.
Getting required 'zope.structuredtext==3.5.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.structuredtext==3.5.1'.
Getting required 'zope.size==3.4.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.size==3.4.1'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'zope.sequencesort==3.4.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.sequencesort==3.4.0'.
Getting required 'zope.sendmail==3.7.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.sendmail==3.7.5'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'zope.schema==4.4.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.schema==4.4.2'.
Getting required 'zope.publisher==3.12.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.publisher==3.12.6'.
Getting required 'zope.ptresource==3.9.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.ptresource==3.9.0'.
Getting required 'zope.proxy==3.6.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.proxy==3.6.1'.
Getting required 'zope.processlifetime==1.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.processlifetime==1.0'.
Getting required 'zope.pagetemplate==3.6.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.pagetemplate==3.6.3'.
Getting required 'zope.location==3.9.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.location==3.9.1'.
Getting required 'zope.lifecycleevent==3.6.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.lifecycleevent==3.6.2'.
Getting required 'zope.i18n[zcml]==3.7.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.i18n[zcml]==3.7.4'.
Getting required 'zope.exceptions==3.6.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.exceptions==3.6.2'.
Getting required 'zope.event==3.5.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.event==3.5.2'.
Getting required 'zope.deferredimport==3.5.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.deferredimport==3.5.3'.
Getting required 'zope.contenttype==3.5.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.contenttype==3.5.5'.
Getting required 'zope.contentprovider==3.7.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.contentprovider==3.7.2'.
Getting required 'zope.container==3.11.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.container==3.11.2'.
Getting required 'zope.configuration==3.7.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.configuration==3.7.4'.
Getting required 'zope.browserresource==3.10.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.browserresource==3.10.3'.
Getting required 'zope.browserpage==3.12.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.browserpage==3.12.2'.
Getting required 'zope.browsermenu==3.9.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.browsermenu==3.9.1'.
Getting required 'zope.browser==1.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.browser==1.3'.
Getting required 'zLOG==2.11.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zLOG==2.11.2'.
Getting required 'zExceptions==2.13.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zExceptions==2.13.0'.
Getting required 'zdaemon==2.0.7'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zdaemon==2.0.7'.
Getting required 'transaction==1.1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'transaction==1.1.1'.
Getting required 'tempstorage==2.12.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'tempstorage==2.12.2'.
Getting required 'pytz==2015.7'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'pytz==2015.7'.
Getting required 'initgroups==2.13.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'initgroups==2.13.0'.
Getting required 'docutils==0.12'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'docutils==0.12'.
Getting required 'ZopeUndo==2.12.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'ZopeUndo==2.12.0'.
Getting required 'ZODB3==3.10.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'ZODB3==3.10.5'.
Getting required 'ZConfig==2.9.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'ZConfig==2.9.3'.
Getting required 'RestrictedPython==3.6.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'RestrictedPython==3.6.0'.
Getting required 'Record==2.13.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Record==2.13.0'.
Getting required 'Products.ZCTextIndex==2.13.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.ZCTextIndex==2.13.5'.
Getting required 'Products.ZCatalog==3.0.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.ZCatalog==3.0.2'.
Getting required 'Products.OFSP==2.13.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.OFSP==2.13.2'.
Getting required 'Persistence==2.13.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Persistence==2.13.2'.
Getting required 'MultiMapping==2.13.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'MultiMapping==2.13.0'.
Getting required 'Missing==2.13.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Missing==2.13.1'.
Getting required 'ExtensionClass==4.1.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'ExtensionClass==4.1.2'.
Getting required 'DocumentTemplate==2.13.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'DocumentTemplate==2.13.2'.
Getting required 'DateTime==4.0.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'DateTime==4.0.1'.
Getting required 'PyYAML'
required by yafowil.yaml 1.2.
Picked: PyYAML = 3.12
Getting required 'plumber>=1.3'
required by node 0.9.16.
required by yafowil 2.2.
Picked: plumber = 1.3.1
Getting required 'zope.annotation==3.5.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.annotation==3.5.0'.
Getting required 'Products.PluginRegistry==1.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.PluginRegistry==1.4'.
Getting required 'zope.deprecation==3.4.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.deprecation==3.4.1'.
Getting required 'plone.session==3.6.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.session==3.6.0'.
Getting required 'plone.protect==3.0.19'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.protect==3.0.19'.
Getting required 'plone.memoize==1.2.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.memoize==1.2.0'.
Getting required 'plone.i18n==3.0.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.i18n==3.0.5'.
Getting required 'zope.formlib==4.0.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.formlib==4.0.6'.
Getting required 'five.localsitemanager==2.0.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'five.localsitemanager==2.0.5'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'Products.ZSQLMethods==2.13.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.ZSQLMethods==2.13.4'.
Getting required 'zope.dottedname==3.4.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.dottedname==3.4.6'.
Getting required 'node.ext.ugm'
required by node.ext.ldap 1.0b3.
Picked: node.ext.ugm = 0.9.8
Getting required 'argparse==1.4.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'argparse==1.4.0'.
Getting required 'smbpasswd'
required by node.ext.ldap 1.0b3.
Picked: smbpasswd = 1.0.2
Getting required 'python-memcached'
required by bda.cache 1.1.3.
Picked: python-memcached = 1.58
Getting required 'Products.SecureMailHost==1.1.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.SecureMailHost==1.1.2'.
Getting required 'Products.ResourceRegistries==3.0.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.ResourceRegistries==3.0.4'.
Getting required 'Products.PortalTransforms==2.2.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.PortalTransforms==2.2.1'.
Getting required 'Products.MimetypesRegistry==2.0.10'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.MimetypesRegistry==2.0.10'.
Getting required 'Products.DCWorkflow==2.2.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.DCWorkflow==2.2.5'.
Getting required 'Products.CMFUid==2.2.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.CMFUid==2.2.1'.
Getting required 'Products.CMFQuickInstallerTool==3.0.13'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.CMFQuickInstallerTool==3.0.13'.
Getting required 'Products.CMFFormController==3.0.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.CMFFormController==3.0.6'.
Getting required 'Products.CMFEditions==2.2.21'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.CMFEditions==2.2.21'.
Getting required 'Products.CMFDiffTool==3.1.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.CMFDiffTool==3.1.2'.
Getting required 'Products.contentmigration==2.1.13'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.contentmigration==2.1.13'.
Getting required 'zope.ramcache==1.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.ramcache==1.0'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'plone.portlets==2.2.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.portlets==2.2.3'.
Getting required 'borg.localrole==3.1.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'borg.localrole==3.1.2'.
Getting required 'plone.openid==2.0.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.openid==2.0.4'.
Getting required 'plone.locking==2.1.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.locking==2.1.2'.
Getting required 'z3c.form==3.2.9'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'z3c.form==3.2.9'.
Getting required 'plone.z3cform==0.8.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.z3cform==0.8.1'.
Getting required 'plone.supermodel==1.3.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.supermodel==1.3.0'.
Getting required 'plone.contentrules==2.0.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.contentrules==2.0.6'.
Getting required 'plone.autoform==1.6.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.autoform==1.6.2'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'lxml==3.5.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'lxml==3.5.0'.
Getting required 'plone.schemaeditor==2.0.11'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.schemaeditor==2.0.11'.
Getting required 'plone.rfc822==1.1.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.rfc822==1.1.3'.
Getting required 'plone.namedfile[scales]==3.0.9'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.namedfile[scales]==3.0.9'.
Getting required 'plone.formwidget.namedfile==1.0.15'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.formwidget.namedfile==1.0.15'.
Getting required 'plone.dexterity==2.4.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.dexterity==2.4.3'.
Getting required 'plone.behavior==1.1.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.behavior==1.1.2'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'z3c.zcmlhook==1.0b1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'z3c.zcmlhook==1.0b1'.
Getting required 'Products.CMFDynamicViewFTI==4.1.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.CMFDynamicViewFTI==4.1.4'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'plone.cachepurging==1.0.12'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.cachepurging==1.0.12'.
Getting required 'plone.caching==1.1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.caching==1.1.1'.
Getting required 'python-dateutil==2.4.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'python-dateutil==2.4.2'.
Getting required 'zope.cachedescriptors==3.5.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.cachedescriptors==3.5.1'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'z3c.autoinclude==0.3.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'z3c.autoinclude==0.3.6'.
Getting required 'slimit==0.8.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'slimit==0.8.1'.
Getting required 'plonetheme.barceloneta==1.6.21'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plonetheme.barceloneta==1.6.21'.
Getting required 'plone.theme==3.0.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.theme==3.0.0'.
Getting required 'plone.schema==1.0.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.schema==1.0.0'.
Getting required 'plone.portlet.static==3.0.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.portlet.static==3.0.2'.
Getting required 'plone.portlet.collection==3.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.portlet.collection==3.1'.
Getting required 'plone.outputfilters==2.1.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.outputfilters==2.1.5'.
Getting required 'plone.intelligenttext==2.1.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.intelligenttext==2.1.0'.
Getting required 'plone.indexer==1.0.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.indexer==1.0.4'.
Getting required 'plone.browserlayer==2.1.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.browserlayer==2.1.6'.
Getting required 'plone.batching==1.1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.batching==1.1.1'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'plone.api==1.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.api==1.5'.
Getting required 'mockup==2.1.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'mockup==2.1.5'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'five.customerize==1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'five.customerize==1.1'.
Getting required 'cssmin==0.2.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'cssmin==0.2.0'.
Getting required 'Products.PlacelessTranslationService==2.0.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.PlacelessTranslationService==2.0.6'.
Getting required 'Products.PasswordResetTool==2.2.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.PasswordResetTool==2.2.3'.
Getting required 'Products.ExternalEditor==1.1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.ExternalEditor==1.1.1'.
Getting required 'Products.ExtendedPathIndex==3.1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.ExtendedPathIndex==3.1.1'.
Getting required 'Products.validation==2.0.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.validation==2.0.2'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'plone.uuid==1.0.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.uuid==1.0.4'.
Getting required 'plone.folder==1.0.9'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.folder==1.0.9'.
Getting required 'zope.datetime==3.4.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.datetime==3.4.1'.
Getting required 'mechanize==0.2.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'mechanize==0.2.5'.
Getting required 'zope.broken==3.6.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.broken==3.6.0'.
Getting required 'zope.filerepresentation==3.6.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.filerepresentation==3.6.1'.
Getting required 'zc.lockfile==1.0.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zc.lockfile==1.0.2'.
Getting required 'plone.keyring==3.0.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.keyring==3.0.1'.
Getting required 'collective.monkeypatcher==1.1.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'collective.monkeypatcher==1.1.2'.
Getting required 'repoze.xmliter==0.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'repoze.xmliter==0.6'.
Getting required 'plone.transformchain==1.2.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.transformchain==1.2.0'.
Getting required 'six==1.10.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'six==1.10.0'.
Getting required 'Unidecode==0.04.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Unidecode==0.04.1'.
Getting required 'zope.error==3.7.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.error==3.7.4'.
Getting required 'zope.authentication==3.7.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.authentication==3.7.1'.
Getting required 'Markdown==2.6.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Markdown==2.6.6'.
Getting required 'Products.ZopeVersionControl==1.1.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.ZopeVersionControl==1.1.3'.
Getting required 'zope.copy==3.5.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.copy==3.5.0'.
Getting required 'feedparser==5.2.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'feedparser==5.2.1'.
Getting required 'python-openid==2.2.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'python-openid==2.2.5'.
Getting required 'zope.componentvocabulary==1.0.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.componentvocabulary==1.0.1'.
Getting required 'z3c.formwidget.query==0.12'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'z3c.formwidget.query==0.12'.
Getting required 'plone.scale[storage]==1.4.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.scale[storage]==1.4.1'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'plone.synchronize==1.0.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.synchronize==1.0.1'.
Getting required 'plone.alterego==1.0.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.alterego==1.0.1'.
Getting required 'z3c.caching==2.0a1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'z3c.caching==2.0a1'.
Getting required 'zc.buildout'
required by z3c.autoinclude 0.3.6.
We have a develop egg: zc.buildout 2.5.3
Getting required 'ply==3.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'ply==3.4'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'roman==1.4.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'roman==1.4.0'.
Getting required 'plone.subrequest==1.7.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.subrequest==1.7.0'.
Getting required 'plone.resourceeditor==2.0.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.resourceeditor==2.0.5'.
Getting required 'plone.resource==1.0.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.resource==1.0.6'.
Getting required 'diazo==1.2.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'diazo==1.2.3'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'z3c.relationfield==0.7'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'z3c.relationfield==0.7'.
Getting required 'archetypes.multilingual==3.0.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'archetypes.multilingual==3.0.3'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'plone.stringinterp==1.1.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.stringinterp==1.1.4'.
Getting required 'decorator==4.0.10'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'decorator==4.0.10'.
Getting required 'Chameleon==2.24'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Chameleon==2.24'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'sourcecodegen==0.6.14'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'sourcecodegen==0.6.14'.
Getting required 'python-gettext==3.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'python-gettext==3.0'.
Getting required 'archetypes.schemaextender==2.1.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'archetypes.schemaextender==2.1.6'.
Getting required 'future==0.15.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'future==0.15.2'.
Getting required 'zope.dublincore==3.7.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.dublincore==3.7.0'.
Getting required 'cssselect==0.9.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'cssselect==0.9.2'.
Getting required 'five.intid==1.1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'five.intid==1.1.1'.
Getting required 'zope.intid==3.7.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.intid==3.7.2'.
Getting required 'zc.relation==1.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zc.relation==1.0'.
Getting required 'z3c.objpath==1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'z3c.objpath==1.1'.
Getting required 'plone.formwidget.recurrence[z3cform]==2.1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.formwidget.recurrence[z3cform]==2.1.1'.
Getting required 'plone.event==1.3.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.event==1.3.1'.
Getting required 'icalendar==3.10'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'icalendar==3.10'.
Getting required 'collective.elephantvocabulary==0.2.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'collective.elephantvocabulary==0.2.5'.
Getting required 'Products.DateRecurringIndex==2.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.DateRecurringIndex==2.1'.
Getting required 'zope.keyreference==3.6.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.keyreference==3.6.4'.
Updating backup.
Installing 'collective.recipe.backup', 'collective.recipe.backup', 'zc.buildout', 'zc.recipe.egg'.
We have the distribution that satisfies 'collective.recipe.backup==3.0.0'.
We have the distribution that satisfies 'collective.recipe.backup==3.0.0'.
We have a develop egg: zc.buildout 2.5.3
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zc.recipe.egg==2.0.3'.
Installing zopepy.
Installing 'Plone', 'Pillow', 'pas.plugins.ldap'.
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Plone==5.0.6'.
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Pillow==3.3.1'.
Picked: pas.plugins.ldap = 1.5.1
Getting required 'Zope2==2.13.24'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Zope2==2.13.24'.
Getting required 'zope.traversing==3.13.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.traversing==3.13.2'.
Getting required 'zope.interface==3.6.7'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.interface==3.6.7'.
Getting required 'zope.i18nmessageid==3.5.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.i18nmessageid==3.5.3'.
Getting required 'zope.globalrequest==1.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.globalrequest==1.2'.
Getting required 'zope.component==3.9.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.component==3.9.5'.
Getting required 'yafowil.yaml'
required by pas.plugins.ldap 1.5.1.
Picked: yafowil.yaml = 1.2
Getting required 'yafowil.widget.dict'
required by pas.plugins.ldap 1.5.1.
Picked: yafowil.widget.dict = 1.6
Getting required 'yafowil.widget.array'
required by pas.plugins.ldap 1.5.1.
Picked: yafowil.widget.array = 1.4
Getting required 'yafowil.plone>=1.3'
required by pas.plugins.ldap 1.5.1.
Picked: yafowil.plone = 2.3.1
Getting required 'yafowil>=2.2b2'
required by pas.plugins.ldap 1.5.1.
Picked: yafowil = 2.2
Getting required 'setuptools'
required by yafowil.yaml 1.2.
required by zope.globalrequest 1.2.
required by yafowil.widget.array 1.4.
required by pas.plugins.ldap 1.5.1.
required by yafowil.widget.dict 1.6.
required by yafowil 2.2.
required by yafowil.plone 2.3.1.
required by Zope2 2.13.24.
required by zope.i18nmessageid 3.5.3.
required by zope.interface 3.6.7.
required by zope.component 3.9.5.
required by zope.traversing 3.13.2.
required by Plone 5.0.6.
We have a develop egg: setuptools 28.8.0
Adding find link '' from setuptools 28.8.0
Adding find link '' from setuptools 28.8.0
Getting required 'python-ldap'
required by pas.plugins.ldap 1.5.1.
Picked: python-ldap = 2.4.28
Getting required 'Products.statusmessages==4.1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.statusmessages==4.1.1'.
Getting required 'Products.PluggableAuthService==1.11.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.PluggableAuthService==1.11.0'.
Getting required 'Products.PlonePAS==5.0.11'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.PlonePAS==5.0.11'.
Getting required 'Products.GenericSetup==1.8.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.GenericSetup==1.8.3'.
Getting required 'Products.CMFCore==2.2.10'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.CMFCore==2.2.10'.
Getting required 'plone.registry==1.0.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.registry==1.0.4'.
Getting required 'odict'
required by pas.plugins.ldap 1.5.1.
Picked: odict = 1.5.1
Getting required 'node.ext.ldap>=1.0b2'
required by pas.plugins.ldap 1.5.1.
Picked: node.ext.ldap = 1.0b3
Getting required 'node'
required by pas.plugins.ldap 1.5.1.
Picked: node = 0.9.16
Getting required 'five.globalrequest==1.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'five.globalrequest==1.0'.
Getting required 'bda.cache'
required by node.ext.ldap 1.0b3.
required by pas.plugins.ldap 1.5.1.
Picked: bda.cache = 1.1.3
Getting required 'Acquisition==4.2.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Acquisition==4.2.2'.
Getting required 'AccessControl==3.0.12'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'AccessControl==3.0.12'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'Products.CMFPlone==5.0.6rc1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.CMFPlone==5.0.6rc1'.
Getting required 'Products.CMFPlacefulWorkflow==1.6.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.CMFPlacefulWorkflow==1.6.5'.
Getting required 'Products.ATContentTypes==2.2.13'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.ATContentTypes==2.2.13'.
Getting required 'Products.Archetypes==1.10.15'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.Archetypes==1.10.15'.
Getting required 'Products.StandardCacheManagers==2.13.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.StandardCacheManagers==2.13.1'.
Getting required 'Products.PythonScripts==2.13.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.PythonScripts==2.13.2'.
Getting required 'Products.MIMETools==2.13.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.MIMETools==2.13.0'.
Getting required 'Products.MailHost==2.13.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.MailHost==2.13.2'.
Getting required 'Products.ExternalMethod==2.13.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.ExternalMethod==2.13.1'.
Getting required 'Products.BTreeFolder2==2.14.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.BTreeFolder2==2.14.0'.
Getting required 'zope.viewlet==3.7.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.viewlet==3.7.2'.
Getting required 'zope.testing==3.9.7'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.testing==3.9.7'.
Getting required 'zope.testbrowser==3.11.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.testbrowser==3.11.1'.
Getting required 'zope.tales==3.5.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.tales==3.5.3'.
Getting required 'zope.tal==3.5.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.tal==3.5.2'.
Getting required 'zope.structuredtext==3.5.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.structuredtext==3.5.1'.
Getting required 'zope.size==3.4.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.size==3.4.1'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'zope.sequencesort==3.4.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.sequencesort==3.4.0'.
Getting required 'zope.sendmail==3.7.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.sendmail==3.7.5'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'zope.schema==4.4.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.schema==4.4.2'.
Getting required 'zope.publisher==3.12.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.publisher==3.12.6'.
Getting required 'zope.ptresource==3.9.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.ptresource==3.9.0'.
Getting required 'zope.proxy==3.6.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.proxy==3.6.1'.
Getting required 'zope.processlifetime==1.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.processlifetime==1.0'.
Getting required 'zope.pagetemplate==3.6.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.pagetemplate==3.6.3'.
Getting required 'zope.location==3.9.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.location==3.9.1'.
Getting required 'zope.lifecycleevent==3.6.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.lifecycleevent==3.6.2'.
Getting required 'zope.i18n[zcml]==3.7.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.i18n[zcml]==3.7.4'.
Getting required 'zope.exceptions==3.6.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.exceptions==3.6.2'.
Getting required 'zope.event==3.5.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.event==3.5.2'.
Getting required 'zope.deferredimport==3.5.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.deferredimport==3.5.3'.
Getting required 'zope.contenttype==3.5.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.contenttype==3.5.5'.
Getting required 'zope.contentprovider==3.7.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.contentprovider==3.7.2'.
Getting required 'zope.container==3.11.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.container==3.11.2'.
Getting required 'zope.configuration==3.7.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.configuration==3.7.4'.
Getting required 'zope.browserresource==3.10.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.browserresource==3.10.3'.
Getting required 'zope.browserpage==3.12.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.browserpage==3.12.2'.
Getting required 'zope.browsermenu==3.9.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.browsermenu==3.9.1'.
Getting required 'zope.browser==1.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.browser==1.3'.
Getting required 'zLOG==2.11.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zLOG==2.11.2'.
Getting required 'zExceptions==2.13.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zExceptions==2.13.0'.
Getting required 'zdaemon==2.0.7'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zdaemon==2.0.7'.
Getting required 'transaction==1.1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'transaction==1.1.1'.
Getting required 'tempstorage==2.12.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'tempstorage==2.12.2'.
Getting required 'pytz==2015.7'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'pytz==2015.7'.
Getting required 'initgroups==2.13.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'initgroups==2.13.0'.
Getting required 'docutils==0.12'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'docutils==0.12'.
Getting required 'ZopeUndo==2.12.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'ZopeUndo==2.12.0'.
Getting required 'ZODB3==3.10.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'ZODB3==3.10.5'.
Getting required 'ZConfig==2.9.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'ZConfig==2.9.3'.
Getting required 'RestrictedPython==3.6.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'RestrictedPython==3.6.0'.
Getting required 'Record==2.13.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Record==2.13.0'.
Getting required 'Products.ZCTextIndex==2.13.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.ZCTextIndex==2.13.5'.
Getting required 'Products.ZCatalog==3.0.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.ZCatalog==3.0.2'.
Getting required 'Products.OFSP==2.13.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.OFSP==2.13.2'.
Getting required 'Persistence==2.13.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Persistence==2.13.2'.
Getting required 'MultiMapping==2.13.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'MultiMapping==2.13.0'.
Getting required 'Missing==2.13.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Missing==2.13.1'.
Getting required 'ExtensionClass==4.1.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'ExtensionClass==4.1.2'.
Getting required 'DocumentTemplate==2.13.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'DocumentTemplate==2.13.2'.
Getting required 'DateTime==4.0.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'DateTime==4.0.1'.
Getting required 'PyYAML'
required by yafowil.yaml 1.2.
Picked: PyYAML = 3.12
Getting required 'plumber>=1.3'
required by node 0.9.16.
required by yafowil 2.2.
Picked: plumber = 1.3.1
Getting required 'zope.annotation==3.5.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.annotation==3.5.0'.
Getting required 'Products.PluginRegistry==1.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.PluginRegistry==1.4'.
Getting required 'zope.deprecation==3.4.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.deprecation==3.4.1'.
Getting required 'plone.session==3.6.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.session==3.6.0'.
Getting required 'plone.protect==3.0.19'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.protect==3.0.19'.
Getting required 'plone.memoize==1.2.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.memoize==1.2.0'.
Getting required 'plone.i18n==3.0.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.i18n==3.0.5'.
Getting required 'zope.formlib==4.0.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.formlib==4.0.6'.
Getting required 'five.localsitemanager==2.0.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'five.localsitemanager==2.0.5'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'Products.ZSQLMethods==2.13.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.ZSQLMethods==2.13.4'.
Getting required 'zope.dottedname==3.4.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.dottedname==3.4.6'.
Getting required 'node.ext.ugm'
required by node.ext.ldap 1.0b3.
Picked: node.ext.ugm = 0.9.8
Getting required 'argparse==1.4.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'argparse==1.4.0'.
Getting required 'smbpasswd'
required by node.ext.ldap 1.0b3.
Picked: smbpasswd = 1.0.2
Getting required 'python-memcached'
required by bda.cache 1.1.3.
Picked: python-memcached = 1.58
Getting required 'Products.SecureMailHost==1.1.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.SecureMailHost==1.1.2'.
Getting required 'Products.ResourceRegistries==3.0.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.ResourceRegistries==3.0.4'.
Getting required 'Products.PortalTransforms==2.2.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.PortalTransforms==2.2.1'.
Getting required 'Products.MimetypesRegistry==2.0.10'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.MimetypesRegistry==2.0.10'.
Getting required 'Products.DCWorkflow==2.2.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.DCWorkflow==2.2.5'.
Getting required 'Products.CMFUid==2.2.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.CMFUid==2.2.1'.
Getting required 'Products.CMFQuickInstallerTool==3.0.13'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.CMFQuickInstallerTool==3.0.13'.
Getting required 'Products.CMFFormController==3.0.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.CMFFormController==3.0.6'.
Getting required 'Products.CMFEditions==2.2.21'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.CMFEditions==2.2.21'.
Getting required 'Products.CMFDiffTool==3.1.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.CMFDiffTool==3.1.2'.
Getting required 'Products.contentmigration==2.1.13'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.contentmigration==2.1.13'.
Getting required 'zope.ramcache==1.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.ramcache==1.0'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'plone.portlets==2.2.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.portlets==2.2.3'.
Getting required 'borg.localrole==3.1.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'borg.localrole==3.1.2'.
Getting required 'plone.openid==2.0.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.openid==2.0.4'.
Getting required 'plone.locking==2.1.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.locking==2.1.2'.
Getting required 'z3c.form==3.2.9'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'z3c.form==3.2.9'.
Getting required 'plone.z3cform==0.8.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.z3cform==0.8.1'.
Getting required 'plone.supermodel==1.3.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.supermodel==1.3.0'.
Getting required 'plone.contentrules==2.0.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.contentrules==2.0.6'.
Getting required 'plone.autoform==1.6.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.autoform==1.6.2'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'lxml==3.5.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'lxml==3.5.0'.
Getting required 'plone.schemaeditor==2.0.11'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.schemaeditor==2.0.11'.
Getting required 'plone.rfc822==1.1.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.rfc822==1.1.3'.
Getting required 'plone.namedfile[scales]==3.0.9'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.namedfile[scales]==3.0.9'.
Getting required 'plone.formwidget.namedfile==1.0.15'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.formwidget.namedfile==1.0.15'.
Getting required 'plone.dexterity==2.4.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.dexterity==2.4.3'.
Getting required 'plone.behavior==1.1.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.behavior==1.1.2'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'z3c.zcmlhook==1.0b1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'z3c.zcmlhook==1.0b1'.
Getting required 'Products.CMFDynamicViewFTI==4.1.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.CMFDynamicViewFTI==4.1.4'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'plone.cachepurging==1.0.12'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.cachepurging==1.0.12'.
Getting required 'plone.caching==1.1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.caching==1.1.1'.
Getting required 'python-dateutil==2.4.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'python-dateutil==2.4.2'.
Getting required 'zope.cachedescriptors==3.5.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.cachedescriptors==3.5.1'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'z3c.autoinclude==0.3.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'z3c.autoinclude==0.3.6'.
Getting required 'slimit==0.8.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'slimit==0.8.1'.
Getting required 'plonetheme.barceloneta==1.6.21'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plonetheme.barceloneta==1.6.21'.
Getting required 'plone.theme==3.0.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.theme==3.0.0'.
Getting required 'plone.schema==1.0.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.schema==1.0.0'.
Getting required 'plone.portlet.static==3.0.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.portlet.static==3.0.2'.
Getting required 'plone.portlet.collection==3.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.portlet.collection==3.1'.
Getting required 'plone.outputfilters==2.1.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.outputfilters==2.1.5'.
Getting required 'plone.intelligenttext==2.1.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.intelligenttext==2.1.0'.
Getting required 'plone.indexer==1.0.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.indexer==1.0.4'.
Getting required 'plone.browserlayer==2.1.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.browserlayer==2.1.6'.
Getting required 'plone.batching==1.1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.batching==1.1.1'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'plone.api==1.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.api==1.5'.
Getting required 'mockup==2.1.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'mockup==2.1.5'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'five.customerize==1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'five.customerize==1.1'.
Getting required 'cssmin==0.2.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'cssmin==0.2.0'.
Getting required 'Products.PlacelessTranslationService==2.0.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.PlacelessTranslationService==2.0.6'.
Getting required 'Products.PasswordResetTool==2.2.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.PasswordResetTool==2.2.3'.
Getting required 'Products.ExternalEditor==1.1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.ExternalEditor==1.1.1'.
Getting required 'Products.ExtendedPathIndex==3.1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.ExtendedPathIndex==3.1.1'.
Getting required 'Products.validation==2.0.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.validation==2.0.2'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'plone.uuid==1.0.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.uuid==1.0.4'.
Getting required 'plone.folder==1.0.9'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.folder==1.0.9'.
Getting required 'zope.datetime==3.4.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.datetime==3.4.1'.
Getting required 'mechanize==0.2.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'mechanize==0.2.5'.
Getting required 'zope.broken==3.6.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.broken==3.6.0'.
Getting required 'zope.filerepresentation==3.6.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.filerepresentation==3.6.1'.
Getting required 'zc.lockfile==1.0.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zc.lockfile==1.0.2'.
Getting required 'plone.keyring==3.0.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.keyring==3.0.1'.
Getting required 'collective.monkeypatcher==1.1.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'collective.monkeypatcher==1.1.2'.
Getting required 'repoze.xmliter==0.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'repoze.xmliter==0.6'.
Getting required 'plone.transformchain==1.2.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.transformchain==1.2.0'.
Getting required 'six==1.10.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'six==1.10.0'.
Getting required 'Unidecode==0.04.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Unidecode==0.04.1'.
Getting required 'zope.error==3.7.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.error==3.7.4'.
Getting required 'zope.authentication==3.7.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.authentication==3.7.1'.
Getting required 'Markdown==2.6.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Markdown==2.6.6'.
Getting required 'Products.ZopeVersionControl==1.1.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.ZopeVersionControl==1.1.3'.
Getting required 'zope.copy==3.5.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.copy==3.5.0'.
Getting required 'feedparser==5.2.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'feedparser==5.2.1'.
Getting required 'python-openid==2.2.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'python-openid==2.2.5'.
Getting required 'zope.componentvocabulary==1.0.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.componentvocabulary==1.0.1'.
Getting required 'z3c.formwidget.query==0.12'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'z3c.formwidget.query==0.12'.
Getting required 'plone.scale[storage]==1.4.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.scale[storage]==1.4.1'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'plone.synchronize==1.0.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.synchronize==1.0.1'.
Getting required 'plone.alterego==1.0.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.alterego==1.0.1'.
Getting required 'z3c.caching==2.0a1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'z3c.caching==2.0a1'.
Getting required 'zc.buildout'
required by z3c.autoinclude 0.3.6.
We have a develop egg: zc.buildout 2.5.3
Getting required 'ply==3.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'ply==3.4'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'roman==1.4.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'roman==1.4.0'.
Getting required 'plone.subrequest==1.7.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.subrequest==1.7.0'.
Getting required 'plone.resourceeditor==2.0.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.resourceeditor==2.0.5'.
Getting required 'plone.resource==1.0.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.resource==1.0.6'.
Getting required 'diazo==1.2.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'diazo==1.2.3'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'z3c.relationfield==0.7'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'z3c.relationfield==0.7'.
Getting required 'archetypes.multilingual==3.0.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'archetypes.multilingual==3.0.3'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'plone.stringinterp==1.1.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.stringinterp==1.1.4'.
Getting required 'decorator==4.0.10'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'decorator==4.0.10'.
Getting required 'Chameleon==2.24'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Chameleon==2.24'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'sourcecodegen==0.6.14'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'sourcecodegen==0.6.14'.
Getting required 'python-gettext==3.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'python-gettext==3.0'.
Getting required 'archetypes.schemaextender==2.1.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'archetypes.schemaextender==2.1.6'.
Getting required 'future==0.15.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'future==0.15.2'.
Getting required 'zope.dublincore==3.7.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.dublincore==3.7.0'.
Getting required 'cssselect==0.9.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'cssselect==0.9.2'.
Getting required 'five.intid==1.1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'five.intid==1.1.1'.
Getting required 'zope.intid==3.7.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.intid==3.7.2'.
Getting required 'zc.relation==1.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zc.relation==1.0'.
Getting required 'z3c.objpath==1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'z3c.objpath==1.1'.
Getting required 'plone.formwidget.recurrence[z3cform]==2.1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.formwidget.recurrence[z3cform]==2.1.1'.
Getting required 'plone.event==1.3.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.event==1.3.1'.
Getting required 'icalendar==3.10'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'icalendar==3.10'.
Getting required 'collective.elephantvocabulary==0.2.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'collective.elephantvocabulary==0.2.5'.
Getting required 'Products.DateRecurringIndex==2.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.DateRecurringIndex==2.1'.
Getting required 'zope.keyreference==3.6.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.keyreference==3.6.4'.
Generated interpreter '/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/bin/zopepy'.
Updating unifiedinstaller.
Installing 'plone.recipe.unifiedinstaller', 'plone.recipe.unifiedinstaller'.
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.recipe.unifiedinstaller==4.3.2'.
Adding find link '' from plone.recipe.unifiedinstaller 4.3.2
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.recipe.unifiedinstaller==4.3.2'.
Getting required 'zc.recipe.egg==2.0.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zc.recipe.egg==2.0.3'.
Getting required 'zc.buildout'
required by plone.recipe.unifiedinstaller 4.3.2.
We have a develop egg: zc.buildout 2.5.3
Getting required 'setuptools'
required by zc.recipe.egg 2.0.3.
required by plone.recipe.unifiedinstaller 4.3.2.
We have a develop egg: setuptools 28.8.0
Adding find link '' from setuptools 28.8.0
Adding find link '' from setuptools 28.8.0
Installing precompiler.
Compiling Python files.
Installing 'Plone', 'Pillow', 'pas.plugins.ldap'.
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Plone==5.0.6'.
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Pillow==3.3.1'.
Picked: pas.plugins.ldap = 1.5.1
Getting required 'Zope2==2.13.24'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Zope2==2.13.24'.
Getting required 'zope.traversing==3.13.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.traversing==3.13.2'.
Getting required 'zope.interface==3.6.7'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.interface==3.6.7'.
Getting required 'zope.i18nmessageid==3.5.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.i18nmessageid==3.5.3'.
Getting required 'zope.globalrequest==1.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.globalrequest==1.2'.
Getting required 'zope.component==3.9.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.component==3.9.5'.
Getting required 'yafowil.yaml'
required by pas.plugins.ldap 1.5.1.
Picked: yafowil.yaml = 1.2
Getting required 'yafowil.widget.dict'
required by pas.plugins.ldap 1.5.1.
Picked: yafowil.widget.dict = 1.6
Getting required 'yafowil.widget.array'
required by pas.plugins.ldap 1.5.1.
Picked: yafowil.widget.array = 1.4
Getting required 'yafowil.plone>=1.3'
required by pas.plugins.ldap 1.5.1.
Picked: yafowil.plone = 2.3.1
Getting required 'yafowil>=2.2b2'
required by pas.plugins.ldap 1.5.1.
Picked: yafowil = 2.2
Getting required 'setuptools'
required by yafowil.yaml 1.2.
required by zope.globalrequest 1.2.
required by yafowil.widget.array 1.4.
required by pas.plugins.ldap 1.5.1.
required by yafowil.widget.dict 1.6.
required by yafowil 2.2.
required by yafowil.plone 2.3.1.
required by Zope2 2.13.24.
required by zope.i18nmessageid 3.5.3.
required by zope.interface 3.6.7.
required by zope.component 3.9.5.
required by zope.traversing 3.13.2.
required by Plone 5.0.6.
We have a develop egg: setuptools 28.8.0
Adding find link '' from setuptools 28.8.0
Adding find link '' from setuptools 28.8.0
Getting required 'python-ldap'
required by pas.plugins.ldap 1.5.1.
Picked: python-ldap = 2.4.28
Getting required 'Products.statusmessages==4.1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.statusmessages==4.1.1'.
Getting required 'Products.PluggableAuthService==1.11.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.PluggableAuthService==1.11.0'.
Getting required 'Products.PlonePAS==5.0.11'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.PlonePAS==5.0.11'.
Getting required 'Products.GenericSetup==1.8.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.GenericSetup==1.8.3'.
Getting required 'Products.CMFCore==2.2.10'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.CMFCore==2.2.10'.
Getting required 'plone.registry==1.0.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.registry==1.0.4'.
Getting required 'odict'
required by pas.plugins.ldap 1.5.1.
Picked: odict = 1.5.1
Getting required 'node.ext.ldap>=1.0b2'
required by pas.plugins.ldap 1.5.1.
Picked: node.ext.ldap = 1.0b3
Getting required 'node'
required by pas.plugins.ldap 1.5.1.
Picked: node = 0.9.16
Getting required 'five.globalrequest==1.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'five.globalrequest==1.0'.
Getting required 'bda.cache'
required by node.ext.ldap 1.0b3.
required by pas.plugins.ldap 1.5.1.
Picked: bda.cache = 1.1.3
Getting required 'Acquisition==4.2.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Acquisition==4.2.2'.
Getting required 'AccessControl==3.0.12'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'AccessControl==3.0.12'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'Products.CMFPlone==5.0.6rc1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.CMFPlone==5.0.6rc1'.
Getting required 'Products.CMFPlacefulWorkflow==1.6.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.CMFPlacefulWorkflow==1.6.5'.
Getting required 'Products.ATContentTypes==2.2.13'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.ATContentTypes==2.2.13'.
Getting required 'Products.Archetypes==1.10.15'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.Archetypes==1.10.15'.
Getting required 'Products.StandardCacheManagers==2.13.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.StandardCacheManagers==2.13.1'.
Getting required 'Products.PythonScripts==2.13.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.PythonScripts==2.13.2'.
Getting required 'Products.MIMETools==2.13.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.MIMETools==2.13.0'.
Getting required 'Products.MailHost==2.13.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.MailHost==2.13.2'.
Getting required 'Products.ExternalMethod==2.13.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.ExternalMethod==2.13.1'.
Getting required 'Products.BTreeFolder2==2.14.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.BTreeFolder2==2.14.0'.
Getting required 'zope.viewlet==3.7.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.viewlet==3.7.2'.
Getting required 'zope.testing==3.9.7'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.testing==3.9.7'.
Getting required 'zope.testbrowser==3.11.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.testbrowser==3.11.1'.
Getting required 'zope.tales==3.5.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.tales==3.5.3'.
Getting required 'zope.tal==3.5.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.tal==3.5.2'.
Getting required 'zope.structuredtext==3.5.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.structuredtext==3.5.1'.
Getting required 'zope.size==3.4.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.size==3.4.1'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'zope.sequencesort==3.4.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.sequencesort==3.4.0'.
Getting required 'zope.sendmail==3.7.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.sendmail==3.7.5'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'zope.schema==4.4.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.schema==4.4.2'.
Getting required 'zope.publisher==3.12.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.publisher==3.12.6'.
Getting required 'zope.ptresource==3.9.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.ptresource==3.9.0'.
Getting required 'zope.proxy==3.6.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.proxy==3.6.1'.
Getting required 'zope.processlifetime==1.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.processlifetime==1.0'.
Getting required 'zope.pagetemplate==3.6.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.pagetemplate==3.6.3'.
Getting required 'zope.location==3.9.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.location==3.9.1'.
Getting required 'zope.lifecycleevent==3.6.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.lifecycleevent==3.6.2'.
Getting required 'zope.i18n[zcml]==3.7.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.i18n[zcml]==3.7.4'.
Getting required 'zope.exceptions==3.6.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.exceptions==3.6.2'.
Getting required 'zope.event==3.5.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.event==3.5.2'.
Getting required 'zope.deferredimport==3.5.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.deferredimport==3.5.3'.
Getting required 'zope.contenttype==3.5.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.contenttype==3.5.5'.
Getting required 'zope.contentprovider==3.7.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.contentprovider==3.7.2'.
Getting required 'zope.container==3.11.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.container==3.11.2'.
Getting required 'zope.configuration==3.7.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.configuration==3.7.4'.
Getting required 'zope.browserresource==3.10.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.browserresource==3.10.3'.
Getting required 'zope.browserpage==3.12.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.browserpage==3.12.2'.
Getting required 'zope.browsermenu==3.9.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.browsermenu==3.9.1'.
Getting required 'zope.browser==1.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.browser==1.3'.
Getting required 'zLOG==2.11.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zLOG==2.11.2'.
Getting required 'zExceptions==2.13.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zExceptions==2.13.0'.
Getting required 'zdaemon==2.0.7'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zdaemon==2.0.7'.
Getting required 'transaction==1.1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'transaction==1.1.1'.
Getting required 'tempstorage==2.12.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'tempstorage==2.12.2'.
Getting required 'pytz==2015.7'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'pytz==2015.7'.
Getting required 'initgroups==2.13.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'initgroups==2.13.0'.
Getting required 'docutils==0.12'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'docutils==0.12'.
Getting required 'ZopeUndo==2.12.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'ZopeUndo==2.12.0'.
Getting required 'ZODB3==3.10.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'ZODB3==3.10.5'.
Getting required 'ZConfig==2.9.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'ZConfig==2.9.3'.
Getting required 'RestrictedPython==3.6.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'RestrictedPython==3.6.0'.
Getting required 'Record==2.13.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Record==2.13.0'.
Getting required 'Products.ZCTextIndex==2.13.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.ZCTextIndex==2.13.5'.
Getting required 'Products.ZCatalog==3.0.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.ZCatalog==3.0.2'.
Getting required 'Products.OFSP==2.13.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.OFSP==2.13.2'.
Getting required 'Persistence==2.13.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Persistence==2.13.2'.
Getting required 'MultiMapping==2.13.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'MultiMapping==2.13.0'.
Getting required 'Missing==2.13.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Missing==2.13.1'.
Getting required 'ExtensionClass==4.1.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'ExtensionClass==4.1.2'.
Getting required 'DocumentTemplate==2.13.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'DocumentTemplate==2.13.2'.
Getting required 'DateTime==4.0.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'DateTime==4.0.1'.
Getting required 'PyYAML'
required by yafowil.yaml 1.2.
Picked: PyYAML = 3.12
Getting required 'plumber>=1.3'
required by node 0.9.16.
required by yafowil 2.2.
Picked: plumber = 1.3.1
Getting required 'zope.annotation==3.5.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.annotation==3.5.0'.
Getting required 'Products.PluginRegistry==1.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.PluginRegistry==1.4'.
Getting required 'zope.deprecation==3.4.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.deprecation==3.4.1'.
Getting required 'plone.session==3.6.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.session==3.6.0'.
Getting required 'plone.protect==3.0.19'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.protect==3.0.19'.
Getting required 'plone.memoize==1.2.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.memoize==1.2.0'.
Getting required 'plone.i18n==3.0.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.i18n==3.0.5'.
Getting required 'zope.formlib==4.0.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.formlib==4.0.6'.
Getting required 'five.localsitemanager==2.0.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'five.localsitemanager==2.0.5'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'Products.ZSQLMethods==2.13.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.ZSQLMethods==2.13.4'.
Getting required 'zope.dottedname==3.4.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.dottedname==3.4.6'.
Getting required 'node.ext.ugm'
required by node.ext.ldap 1.0b3.
Picked: node.ext.ugm = 0.9.8
Getting required 'argparse==1.4.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'argparse==1.4.0'.
Getting required 'smbpasswd'
required by node.ext.ldap 1.0b3.
Picked: smbpasswd = 1.0.2
Getting required 'python-memcached'
required by bda.cache 1.1.3.
Picked: python-memcached = 1.58
Getting required 'Products.SecureMailHost==1.1.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.SecureMailHost==1.1.2'.
Getting required 'Products.ResourceRegistries==3.0.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.ResourceRegistries==3.0.4'.
Getting required 'Products.PortalTransforms==2.2.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.PortalTransforms==2.2.1'.
Getting required 'Products.MimetypesRegistry==2.0.10'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.MimetypesRegistry==2.0.10'.
Getting required 'Products.DCWorkflow==2.2.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.DCWorkflow==2.2.5'.
Getting required 'Products.CMFUid==2.2.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.CMFUid==2.2.1'.
Getting required 'Products.CMFQuickInstallerTool==3.0.13'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.CMFQuickInstallerTool==3.0.13'.
Getting required 'Products.CMFFormController==3.0.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.CMFFormController==3.0.6'.
Getting required 'Products.CMFEditions==2.2.21'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.CMFEditions==2.2.21'.
Getting required 'Products.CMFDiffTool==3.1.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.CMFDiffTool==3.1.2'.
Getting required 'Products.contentmigration==2.1.13'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.contentmigration==2.1.13'.
Getting required 'zope.ramcache==1.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.ramcache==1.0'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'plone.portlets==2.2.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.portlets==2.2.3'.
Getting required 'borg.localrole==3.1.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'borg.localrole==3.1.2'.
Getting required 'plone.openid==2.0.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.openid==2.0.4'.
Getting required 'plone.locking==2.1.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.locking==2.1.2'.
Getting required 'z3c.form==3.2.9'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'z3c.form==3.2.9'.
Getting required 'plone.z3cform==0.8.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.z3cform==0.8.1'.
Getting required 'plone.supermodel==1.3.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.supermodel==1.3.0'.
Getting required 'plone.contentrules==2.0.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.contentrules==2.0.6'.
Getting required 'plone.autoform==1.6.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.autoform==1.6.2'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'lxml==3.5.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'lxml==3.5.0'.
Getting required 'plone.schemaeditor==2.0.11'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.schemaeditor==2.0.11'.
Getting required 'plone.rfc822==1.1.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.rfc822==1.1.3'.
Getting required 'plone.namedfile[scales]==3.0.9'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.namedfile[scales]==3.0.9'.
Getting required 'plone.formwidget.namedfile==1.0.15'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.formwidget.namedfile==1.0.15'.
Getting required 'plone.dexterity==2.4.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.dexterity==2.4.3'.
Getting required 'plone.behavior==1.1.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.behavior==1.1.2'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'z3c.zcmlhook==1.0b1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'z3c.zcmlhook==1.0b1'.
Getting required 'Products.CMFDynamicViewFTI==4.1.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.CMFDynamicViewFTI==4.1.4'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'plone.cachepurging==1.0.12'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.cachepurging==1.0.12'.
Getting required 'plone.caching==1.1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.caching==1.1.1'.
Getting required 'python-dateutil==2.4.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'python-dateutil==2.4.2'.
Getting required 'zope.cachedescriptors==3.5.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.cachedescriptors==3.5.1'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'z3c.autoinclude==0.3.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'z3c.autoinclude==0.3.6'.
Getting required 'slimit==0.8.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'slimit==0.8.1'.
Getting required 'plonetheme.barceloneta==1.6.21'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plonetheme.barceloneta==1.6.21'.
Getting required 'plone.theme==3.0.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.theme==3.0.0'.
Getting required 'plone.schema==1.0.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.schema==1.0.0'.
Getting required 'plone.portlet.static==3.0.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.portlet.static==3.0.2'.
Getting required 'plone.portlet.collection==3.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.portlet.collection==3.1'.
Getting required 'plone.outputfilters==2.1.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.outputfilters==2.1.5'.
Getting required 'plone.intelligenttext==2.1.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.intelligenttext==2.1.0'.
Getting required 'plone.indexer==1.0.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.indexer==1.0.4'.
Getting required 'plone.browserlayer==2.1.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.browserlayer==2.1.6'.
Getting required 'plone.batching==1.1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.batching==1.1.1'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'plone.api==1.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.api==1.5'.
Getting required 'mockup==2.1.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'mockup==2.1.5'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'five.customerize==1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'five.customerize==1.1'.
Getting required 'cssmin==0.2.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'cssmin==0.2.0'.
Getting required 'Products.PlacelessTranslationService==2.0.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.PlacelessTranslationService==2.0.6'.
Getting required 'Products.PasswordResetTool==2.2.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.PasswordResetTool==2.2.3'.
Getting required 'Products.ExternalEditor==1.1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.ExternalEditor==1.1.1'.
Getting required 'Products.ExtendedPathIndex==3.1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.ExtendedPathIndex==3.1.1'.
Getting required 'Products.validation==2.0.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.validation==2.0.2'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'plone.uuid==1.0.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.uuid==1.0.4'.
Getting required 'plone.folder==1.0.9'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.folder==1.0.9'.
Getting required 'zope.datetime==3.4.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.datetime==3.4.1'.
Getting required 'mechanize==0.2.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'mechanize==0.2.5'.
Getting required 'zope.broken==3.6.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.broken==3.6.0'.
Getting required 'zope.filerepresentation==3.6.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.filerepresentation==3.6.1'.
Getting required 'zc.lockfile==1.0.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zc.lockfile==1.0.2'.
Getting required 'plone.keyring==3.0.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.keyring==3.0.1'.
Getting required 'collective.monkeypatcher==1.1.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'collective.monkeypatcher==1.1.2'.
Getting required 'repoze.xmliter==0.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'repoze.xmliter==0.6'.
Getting required 'plone.transformchain==1.2.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.transformchain==1.2.0'.
Getting required 'six==1.10.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'six==1.10.0'.
Getting required 'Unidecode==0.04.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Unidecode==0.04.1'.
Getting required 'zope.error==3.7.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.error==3.7.4'.
Getting required 'zope.authentication==3.7.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.authentication==3.7.1'.
Getting required 'Markdown==2.6.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Markdown==2.6.6'.
Getting required 'Products.ZopeVersionControl==1.1.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.ZopeVersionControl==1.1.3'.
Getting required 'zope.copy==3.5.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.copy==3.5.0'.
Getting required 'feedparser==5.2.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'feedparser==5.2.1'.
Getting required 'python-openid==2.2.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'python-openid==2.2.5'.
Getting required 'zope.componentvocabulary==1.0.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.componentvocabulary==1.0.1'.
Getting required 'z3c.formwidget.query==0.12'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'z3c.formwidget.query==0.12'.
Getting required 'plone.scale[storage]==1.4.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.scale[storage]==1.4.1'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'plone.synchronize==1.0.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.synchronize==1.0.1'.
Getting required 'plone.alterego==1.0.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.alterego==1.0.1'.
Getting required 'z3c.caching==2.0a1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'z3c.caching==2.0a1'.
Getting required 'zc.buildout'
required by z3c.autoinclude 0.3.6.
We have a develop egg: zc.buildout 2.5.3
Getting required 'ply==3.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'ply==3.4'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'roman==1.4.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'roman==1.4.0'.
Getting required 'plone.subrequest==1.7.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.subrequest==1.7.0'.
Getting required 'plone.resourceeditor==2.0.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.resourceeditor==2.0.5'.
Getting required 'plone.resource==1.0.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.resource==1.0.6'.
Getting required 'diazo==1.2.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'diazo==1.2.3'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'z3c.relationfield==0.7'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'z3c.relationfield==0.7'.
Getting required 'archetypes.multilingual==3.0.3'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'archetypes.multilingual==3.0.3'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'plone.stringinterp==1.1.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.stringinterp==1.1.4'.
Getting required 'decorator==4.0.10'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'decorator==4.0.10'.
Getting required 'Chameleon==2.24'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Chameleon==2.24'.
Getting required ''
We have the distribution that satisfies ''.
Getting required 'sourcecodegen==0.6.14'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'sourcecodegen==0.6.14'.
Getting required 'python-gettext==3.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'python-gettext==3.0'.
Getting required 'archetypes.schemaextender==2.1.6'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'archetypes.schemaextender==2.1.6'.
Getting required 'future==0.15.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'future==0.15.2'.
Getting required 'zope.dublincore==3.7.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.dublincore==3.7.0'.
Getting required 'cssselect==0.9.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'cssselect==0.9.2'.
Getting required 'five.intid==1.1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'five.intid==1.1.1'.
Getting required 'zope.intid==3.7.2'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.intid==3.7.2'.
Getting required 'zc.relation==1.0'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zc.relation==1.0'.
Getting required 'z3c.objpath==1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'z3c.objpath==1.1'.
Getting required 'plone.formwidget.recurrence[z3cform]==2.1.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.formwidget.recurrence[z3cform]==2.1.1'.
Getting required 'plone.event==1.3.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'plone.event==1.3.1'.
Getting required 'icalendar==3.10'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'icalendar==3.10'.
Getting required 'collective.elephantvocabulary==0.2.5'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'collective.elephantvocabulary==0.2.5'.
Getting required 'Products.DateRecurringIndex==2.1'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'Products.DateRecurringIndex==2.1'.
Getting required 'zope.keyreference==3.6.4'
We have the distribution that satisfies 'zope.keyreference==3.6.4'.
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFCore-2.2.10-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFCore/tests/fake_skins/fake_skin/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFCore-2.2.10-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFCore/tests/fake_skins/fake_skin/", line 2
return 'unix'
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFCore-2.2.10-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFCore/tests/fake_skins/fake_skin/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFCore-2.2.10-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFCore/tests/fake_skins/fake_skin/", line 1
return 'test1'
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFCore-2.2.10-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFCore/tests/fake_skins/fake_skin/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFCore-2.2.10-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFCore/tests/fake_skins/fake_skin/", line 1
return 'test1'
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFCore-2.2.10-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFCore/tests/fake_skins/fake_skin/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFCore-2.2.10-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFCore/tests/fake_skins/fake_skin/", line 2
return 'dos'
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFCore-2.2.10-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFCore/tests/fake_skins/fake_skin/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFCore-2.2.10-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFCore/tests/fake_skins/fake_skin/", line 1
return 'test1'
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFCore-2.2.10-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFCore/tests/fake_skins/fake_skin/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFCore-2.2.10-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFCore/tests/fake_skins/fake_skin/", line 2
return 'mac'
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFCore-2.2.10-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFCore/tests/fake_skins/fake_skin/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFCore-2.2.10-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFCore/tests/fake_skins/fake_skin/", line 1
return 'test1'
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_prefs/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_prefs/", line 15
return request.RESPONSE.redirect(context.absolute_url() + '/prefs_error_log_form')
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_prefs/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_prefs/", line 17
return request.RESPONSE.redirect(
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_login/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_login/", line 17
return context.restrictedTraverse('external_login_return')()
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_login/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_login/", line 19
return portal.restrictedTraverse(login)()
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_form_scripts/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_form_scripts/", line 16
return context.REQUEST.RESPONSE.redirect(
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_templates/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_templates/", line 32
return '{{"error_type": "{0:s}"}}'.format(error_type)
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/", line 27
return 'Successfully configured system to use External Editor.'
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/", line 10
return [r for r in context.portal_membership.getPortalRoles() if r != 'Owner']
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/", line 18
return myList
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/", line 12
return None
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/", line 11
return context.plone_utils.browserDefault(context)
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/", line 4
return []
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/", line 57
return result
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/", line 21
return [x[1] for x in aux]
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/", line 15
return context.REQUEST['RESPONSE'].redirect(
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/", line 12
return sorted
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/", line 11
return None
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/", line 51
return None
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/", line 34
return []
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/", line 14
return putils.pretty_title_or_id(context, default)
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/", line 36
return new
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/", line 52
return _(u'Please enter a name.')
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/", line 128
return results
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/", line 163
return {'years': years, 'months': months, 'days': days,
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/", line 25
return batch
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/", line 15
return '<!-- compression status: disabled -->'
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/", line 13
return [ctype for ctype in types if ctype.getId() not in filterOut]
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/", line 36
return '0 %s' % smaller
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/", line 52
return final_lists
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/", line 16
return None
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/", line 17
return request.RESPONSE.redirect(target_url)
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/", line 27
return rows
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/", line 13
return context.restrictedTraverse('@@plone').toLocalizedTime(
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/", line 26
return response
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/", line 16
return False
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/", line 23
return prefix + time + rand + suffix
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/", line 12
return not (context.portal_factory.isTemporary(context)
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/", line 16
return None
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/", line 54
return batch
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/", line 48
return results
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/", line 15
return isExpired(content)
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/", line 12
return ()
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/", line 9
return r"""
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/", line 24
return printed
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/", line 15
return installed_types
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/", line 17
return False
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/", line 17
return False
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.0.6rc1-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/", line 13
return True
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlacefulWorkflow-1.6.5-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlacefulWorkflow/skins/CMFPlacefulWorkflow/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFPlacefulWorkflow-1.6.5-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFPlacefulWorkflow/skins/CMFPlacefulWorkflow/", line 20
return request
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.ATContentTypes-2.2.13-py2.7.egg/Products/ATContentTypes/skins/ATContentTypes/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.ATContentTypes-2.2.13-py2.7.egg/Products/ATContentTypes/skins/ATContentTypes/", line 10
return "%s,%s,%s,%s" % (context.title_or_id(), context.aq_parent.title_or_id(),\
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.ATContentTypes-2.2.13-py2.7.egg/Products/ATContentTypes/skins/ATContentTypes/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.ATContentTypes-2.2.13-py2.7.egg/Products/ATContentTypes/skins/ATContentTypes/", line 55
return result
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.ATContentTypes-2.2.13-py2.7.egg/Products/ATContentTypes/skins/ATContentTypes/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.ATContentTypes-2.2.13-py2.7.egg/Products/ATContentTypes/skins/ATContentTypes/", line 26
return "<div>%s</div>" % result_string.encode('utf-8')
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.ATContentTypes-2.2.13-py2.7.egg/Products/ATContentTypes/skins/ATContentTypes/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.ATContentTypes-2.2.13-py2.7.egg/Products/ATContentTypes/skins/ATContentTypes/", line 28
return context.REQUEST.RESPONSE.redirect(
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.ATContentTypes-2.2.13-py2.7.egg/Products/ATContentTypes/skins/ATContentTypes/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.ATContentTypes-2.2.13-py2.7.egg/Products/ATContentTypes/skins/ATContentTypes/", line 10
return context.allowedCriteriaForField(index, display_list=True)
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.ATContentTypes-2.2.13-py2.7.egg/Products/ATContentTypes/skins/ATContentTypes/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.ATContentTypes-2.2.13-py2.7.egg/Products/ATContentTypes/skins/ATContentTypes/", line 15
return ''
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.ATContentTypes-2.2.13-py2.7.egg/Products/ATContentTypes/skins/ATContentTypes/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.ATContentTypes-2.2.13-py2.7.egg/Products/ATContentTypes/skins/ATContentTypes/", line 24
return printed
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.Archetypes-1.10.15-py2.7.egg/Products/Archetypes/skins/archetypes/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.Archetypes-1.10.15-py2.7.egg/Products/Archetypes/skins/archetypes/", line 9
return 'utf-8'
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.Archetypes-1.10.15-py2.7.egg/Products/Archetypes/skins/archetypes/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.Archetypes-1.10.15-py2.7.egg/Products/Archetypes/skins/archetypes/", line 11
return 0
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.Archetypes-1.10.15-py2.7.egg/Products/Archetypes/skins/archetypes/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.Archetypes-1.10.15-py2.7.egg/Products/Archetypes/skins/archetypes/", line 31
return result
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.Archetypes-1.10.15-py2.7.egg/Products/Archetypes/skins/archetypes/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.Archetypes-1.10.15-py2.7.egg/Products/Archetypes/skins/archetypes/", line 22
return order
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.Archetypes-1.10.15-py2.7.egg/Products/Archetypes/skins/archetypes/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.Archetypes-1.10.15-py2.7.egg/Products/Archetypes/skins/archetypes/", line 16
return encoded
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.Archetypes-1.10.15-py2.7.egg/Products/Archetypes/skins/archetypes/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.Archetypes-1.10.15-py2.7.egg/Products/Archetypes/skins/archetypes/", line 11
return t(vocab, value, widget)
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.Archetypes-1.10.15-py2.7.egg/Products/Archetypes/skins/archetypes/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.Archetypes-1.10.15-py2.7.egg/Products/Archetypes/skins/archetypes/", line 14
return context.getIcon()
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.Archetypes-1.10.15-py2.7.egg/Products/Archetypes/skins/archetypes/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.Archetypes-1.10.15-py2.7.egg/Products/Archetypes/skins/archetypes/", line 29
return 1
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.Archetypes-1.10.15-py2.7.egg/Products/Archetypes/skins/archetypes/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.Archetypes-1.10.15-py2.7.egg/Products/Archetypes/skins/archetypes/", line 10
return context.getWrappedField(fieldName).tag(context, scale)
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.Archetypes-1.10.15-py2.7.egg/Products/Archetypes/skins/archetypes/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.Archetypes-1.10.15-py2.7.egg/Products/Archetypes/skins/archetypes/", line 20
return RESPONSE.redirect(url)
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.Archetypes-1.10.15-py2.7.egg/Products/Archetypes/skins/archetypes/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.Archetypes-1.10.15-py2.7.egg/Products/Archetypes/skins/archetypes/", line 11
return default
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.Archetypes-1.10.15-py2.7.egg/Products/Archetypes/skins/archetypes/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.Archetypes-1.10.15-py2.7.egg/Products/Archetypes/skins/archetypes/", line 19
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.Archetypes-1.10.15-py2.7.egg/Products/Archetypes/skins/archetypes/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.Archetypes-1.10.15-py2.7.egg/Products/Archetypes/skins/archetypes/", line 53
return state.set(status='next_schemata',
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.Archetypes-1.10.15-py2.7.egg/Products/Archetypes/skins/archetypes/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.Archetypes-1.10.15-py2.7.egg/Products/Archetypes/skins/archetypes/", line 19
return mimetypes[0].name()
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFEditions-2.2.21-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFEditions/skins/CMFEditions/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFEditions-2.2.21-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFEditions/skins/CMFEditions/", line 33
return {
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFEditions-2.2.21-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFEditions/skins/CMFEditions/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFEditions-2.2.21-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFEditions/skins/CMFEditions/", line 30
return suite
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFEditions-2.2.21-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFEditions/skins/CMFEditions/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFEditions-2.2.21-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFEditions/skins/CMFEditions/", line 47
return RESPONSE.redirect(view_url)
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFEditions-2.2.21-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFEditions/skins/CMFEditions/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFEditions-2.2.21-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFEditions/skins/CMFEditions/", line 15
return "finished creating test hierarchy"
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFEditions-2.2.21-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFEditions/skins/CMFEditions/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFEditions-2.2.21-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFEditions/skins/CMFEditions/", line 14
return "no storage migration necessary: nothing done"
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFEditions-2.2.21-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFEditions/skins/cmfeditions_views/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFEditions-2.2.21-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFEditions/skins/cmfeditions_views/", line 19
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFEditions-2.2.21-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFEditions/skins/cmfeditions_views/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.CMFEditions-2.2.21-py2.7.egg/Products/CMFEditions/skins/cmfeditions_views/", line 18
return tag
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.PasswordResetTool-2.2.3-py2.7.egg/Products/PasswordResetTool/skins/PasswordReset/
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.PasswordResetTool-2.2.3-py2.7.egg/Products/PasswordResetTool/skins/PasswordReset/", line 14
return "%s/passwordreset/%s" % (host, randomstring)
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Compiling locale files.
Compiling po-file: /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/yafowil.widget.dict-1.6-py2.7.egg/yafowil/widget/dict/locales/en/LC_MESSAGES/yafowil.widget.dict.po
Compiling po-file: /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/yafowil.widget.dict-1.6-py2.7.egg/yafowil/widget/dict/locales/de/LC_MESSAGES/yafowil.widget.dict.po
Compiling po-file: /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/python_gettext-3.0-py2.7.egg/pythongettext/tests/test5.po
Error while compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/python_gettext-3.0-py2.7.egg/pythongettext/tests/test5.po
Compiling po-file: /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/python_gettext-3.0-py2.7.egg/pythongettext/tests/test_escape.po
Error while compiling /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/python_gettext-3.0-py2.7.egg/pythongettext/tests/test_escape.po
Updating setpermissions.
setpermissions: Running # Dummy references to force this to execute after referenced parts
echo /arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/var/backups yes > /dev/null
chmod 600 .installed.cfg
# Make sure anything we've created in var is r/w by our group
find /arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/var -type d -exec chmod 770 {} \; 2> /dev/null
find /arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/var -type f -exec chmod 660 {} \; 2> /dev/null
find /arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/var -type d -exec chmod 770 {} \; 2> /dev/null
find /arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/var -type f -exec chmod 660 {} \; 2> /dev/null
chmod 754 /arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/bin/*
chmod: changing permissions of ‘/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/bin/buildout’: Operation not permitted
Versions had to be automatically picked.
The following part definition lists the versions picked:
node.ext.ldap = 1.0b3
pas.plugins.ldap = 1.5.1
plone.recipe.command = 1.1
plone.recipe.precompiler = 0.6
plumber = 1.3.1
yafowil = 2.2
yafowil.plone = 2.3.1
# Required by:
# yafowil.yaml==1.2
PyYAML = 3.12
# Required by:
# node.ext.ldap==1.0b3
# pas.plugins.ldap==1.5.1
bda.cache = 1.1.3
# Required by:
# pas.plugins.ldap==1.5.1
node = 0.9.16
# Required by:
# node.ext.ldap==1.0b3
node.ext.ugm = 0.9.8
# Required by:
# pas.plugins.ldap==1.5.1
odict = 1.5.1
# Required by:
# pas.plugins.ldap==1.5.1
python-ldap = 2.4.28
# Required by:
# bda.cache==1.1.3
python-memcached = 1.58
# Required by:
# node.ext.ldap==1.0b3
smbpasswd = 1.0.2
# Required by:
# pas.plugins.ldap==1.5.1
yafowil.widget.array = 1.4
# Required by:
# pas.plugins.ldap==1.5.1
yafowil.widget.dict = 1.6
# Required by:
# pas.plugins.ldap==1.5.1
yafowil.yaml = 1.2
d2d203:/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster #
client1: Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/bin/client1", line 272, in <module>
import plone.recipe.zope2instance.ctl
File "/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/plone.recipe.zope2instance-4.2.21-py2.7.egg/plone/", line 1, in <module>
File "/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pkg_resources/", line 3017, in <module>
File "/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pkg_resources/", line 3003, in _call_aside
f(*args, **kwargs)
File "/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pkg_resources/", line 3045, in _initialize_master_working_set
File "/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pkg_resources/", line 2575, in activate
for pkg in self._get_metadata('namespace_packages.txt'):
File "/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pkg_resources/", line 2565, in _get_metadata
for line in self.get_metadata_lines(name):
File "/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pkg_resources/", line 1471, in get_metadata_lines
return yield_lines(self.get_metadata(name))
File "/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pkg_resources/", line 1467, in get_metadata
value = self._get(self._fn(self.egg_info, name))
File "/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pkg_resources/", line 1576, in _get
with open(path, 'rb') as stream:
IOError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/odict-1.5.1-py2.7.egg/EGG-INFO/namespace_packages.txt'
d2d203:/arc/Plone/5/zeocluster # cat
sudo -u plone_daemon /arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/bin/plonectl stop
plone_d+ 8613 1 0 Nov23 ? 00:00:00 /arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/bin/python2.7 /arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/bin/zeoserver -S /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/ZODB3-3.10.5-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/ZEO/zeoctl.xml -C /arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/parts/zeoserver/etc/zeo.conf /arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/parts/zeoserver/bin/runzeo
plone_d+ 8615 8613 0 Nov23 ? 00:00:01 /arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/bin/python2.7 /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/ZODB3-3.10.5-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/ZEO/ -C /arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/parts/zeoserver/etc/zeo.conf
plone_d+ 8620 1 0 Nov23 ? 00:00:00 /arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/bin/python2.7 /arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/parts/client1/bin/interpreter /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/zdaemon-2.0.7-py2.7.egg/zdaemon/ -S /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Zope2-2.13.24-py2.7.egg/Zope2/Startup/zopeschema.xml -b 10 -d -s /arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/var/client1/zopectlsock -x 0,2 -z /arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/parts/client1 /arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/bin/python2.7 /arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/parts/client1/bin/interpreter /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Zope2-2.13.24-py2.7.egg/Zope2/Startup/ -C /arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/parts/client1/etc/zope.conf
plone_d+ 8622 8620 0 Nov23 ? 00:00:30 /arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/bin/python2.7 /arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/parts/client1/bin/interpreter /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Zope2-2.13.24-py2.7.egg/Zope2/Startup/ -C /arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/parts/client1/etc/zope.conf
plone_d+ 8629 1 0 Nov23 ? 00:00:00 /arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/bin/python2.7 /arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/parts/client2/bin/interpreter /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/zdaemon-2.0.7-py2.7.egg/zdaemon/ -S /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Zope2-2.13.24-py2.7.egg/Zope2/Startup/zopeschema.xml -b 10 -d -s /arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/var/client2/zopectlsock -x 0,2 -z /arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/parts/client2 /arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/bin/python2.7 /arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/parts/client2/bin/interpreter /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Zope2-2.13.24-py2.7.egg/Zope2/Startup/ -C /arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/parts/client2/etc/zope.conf
plone_d+ 8631 8629 0 Nov23 ? 00:00:11 /arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/bin/python2.7 /arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/parts/client2/bin/interpreter /arc/Plone/5/buildout-cache/eggs/Zope2-2.13.24-py2.7.egg/Zope2/Startup/ -C /arc/Plone/5/zeocluster/parts/client2/etc/zope.conf