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Verbalizing Coding Parlance

A lot of symbols used in software developing coding languages have some inconsistencies in how they are described. This page shows my standardization on the terminology to reduce confusion when speaking aloud about code.


Most of the correspondence between software developers and coders takes place these days online, with a lot of copy/paste and/or screenshare/shots. This often means the developer does not need to verbalize many of the symbols in their code.

Over time, as an increasing number of coders have become less and less literate in coding, and indeed speaking, I have seen an increasing problem with inconsistencies of standards in communication, which are increasingly causing more bugs in projects.

This page is a quick cheat sheet for the terminology I use. I know some of my terms are now "archaic" to the inexperienced developers (aka "coders") out there, but they reduce confusion, and are the standards I expect my staff and employees to follow. These standards, once followed, have been proven to reduce confusion and errors.

 This is a useful resource:





Symbol Preferred Term Okay but Less preferred



( ) Parentheses
( Opening Parenthesis
) Closing Parenthesis
{ } Braces Curlicue, Curly Brace Brackets, Curly Brackets
{ Opening Brace
} Closing Brace
[  ] Brackets Array, Square Brackets Bracket, Brace, Square Brace
[ Opening Bracket
] Closing Bracket
< Less-than Opening angle bracket Bracket
> Greater-than Closing angle bracket Bracket
| Pipe
|| OR Logical OR, Boolean OR Double Pipe
& Ampersand And
&& AND Logical AND, Boolean AND Double And
^ Caret





Braces (preferred) aka Curlicues, Curlicue Braces , or Curly Braces: { }      (others also call them brackets or curly brackets, please don't )

Opening Brace: {

Closing Brace: }















