You are here: Home / Install, Setup, and Configure Ampache on OpenSuse 11.4

Install, Setup, and Configure Ampache on OpenSuse 11.4

Since the few sites I could find for setting up Ampache on Suse 11 did not exactly fit setup on 11.4, I am posting some of the differences here, to help others.

Instead of /var/www/htdocs, under 11.4 it is actuall  /srv/www/htdocs for the web root.

Ampache (when installed via Yast) will actually be found in


After have LAMP working, php portion verified working with info.php, and MySQL mod working (also verified by info.php. And installing Ampache rpm

Begin configuring Ampache by pointing your web browser to


Create directory:


Copy /usr/share/doc/packages/ampache/ampache.sql to /srv/www/ampache

Copy /usr/share/doc/packages/ampache/config/apache.cfg.php to /srv/www/ampache/config/ampache.cfg.php  (note the rename)

Copy /usr/share/doc/packages/ampache/config/.htaccess to the same ./config directory.

Optionally copy the motd.php.dit and registration_agreement.php.dist files as well.

 Chown the ampache.cfg.php to be owned by wwwrun (Apache runs as). Other versions/distros it was nobody, apache, ot hrrpd, etc.

During the MySQL manual step:

 mysql -p
mysql> CREATE DATABASE ampache;
mysql> GRANT ALL ON ampache.* TO ampache@"%" IDENTIFIED BY 'password';
mysql> \q

Note that initial password is just password.

I had trouble with the ampache.cfg.php file when I tried changing it, it looks like some of the several scripts during setup expect it to be user: ampache, and password: password. This will be changed in the next steps...

Modify ampache.cfg.php by

Change databased_username from wwwrun to ampache (doesn't work as wwwrun)

Make sure database_password = password   it is the default in the .dist example file.

Save the changes.

Now you can hit the http://<yourserverip>/ampache/install.php

Page and configure the settings to something more secure and reasonable....

Verify that all the prerequisites check out (green OK):



This Page handles the installation of the Ampache database and the creation of the ampache.cfg.php file. Before you continue please make sure that you have the following pre-requisites

  • A MySQL Server with a username and password that can create/modify databases
  • Your webserver has read access to the /sql/ampache.sql file and the /config/ampache.cfg.php.dist file

Once you have ensured that you have the above requirements please fill out the information below. You will only be asked for the required config values. If you would like to make changes to your ampache install at a later date simply edit /config/ampache.cfg.php


PHP Version: OK 5.3.5
Mysql for PHP: OK mysqlnd 5.0.7-dev - 091210 - $Revision: 304625 $
PHP Session Support: OK
PHP PCRE Support: OK
PHP PutENV Support: OK


Gettext Support: OK
Mbstring Support: OK


At the bottom of the page is a button to "Start Configuration", go ahead and do so now.

First user listed after the root mysql user is an "admin" user for the ampache db.

I changed it the username from ampache to ampacheadmin and set a new password.

I also checked "create new database" and "overwrite existing". Then clicked next.

On the next page is recommended to use a different user.

I set this user as ampacheuser with a different password.

 Then clicked "write config"

Note that the ampache.sql file was located:

/usr/share/doc/packages/ampache/  directory

As is the config directory.


NOTE: I kept having problems with the automated install.php approach.

So I simply did the manual empty db create.

Then from phpmyadmin (or command line) imported the ampache.sql script to create everything.

Then from the install.php only selected "use existing database" rather than create new.

But then the last step, that was supposed to redirect to login.php instead prompted to download the login.php page. This indicates that php isn't fully working properly for this setup...

Looks like will need to add many of the other php modules recommended from the reference pages. I was trying to keep it a minimal php install, but obviously too may dependencies...


It took a little more fiddling, but that was the key with the php.

Meanwhile, getting it to actually stream is still a little quirky. And getting it working with icecast/shoutcast, using MPD is a little involved. But the key elements are:

Get MPD working, configured to connect to the icecast server. Use curl as input, and no other inputs. Use the section titles "shoutcast" in the /etc/mpd.conf file for the connection, and rem out the alsa and other output sections (for shoutcast/icecast only streaming).

Then in Ampache's "localplay" set it up to talk to MPD.

Then populate the localplay playlist from the temp playlist, then click the "Play" icon (not the arrow button, but the orange play icon on the right hand rail where your temporary playlist queues up.

Every now and then it just stops streaming. Mpd shows an error that lost socket connection to the icecast/shoutcast server.

I then need to click the administration icon, and click "clear currently playing".

Then repopulate the playlist. then click the play. If that fails to work, then I have to stop and start MPD, then do those steps again.

Still not as stable as I would like, but far better than IDJC, and it lets me restart it remotely with ANY web browser, including my Palm Pre cell phone, so that at least is something. N

Obiviously not usable for live shows, but can be using a front end app like IDJC in theory to talk to MPD or or take over icecast stream as needed. but decent-ish for automated radio show streaming. Still not as slick as SAM though, so I maybe should continue my work on my Java application meant to replicate all the features i desire....


References (Suse 11.4):

Setup LAMP:

Setup Ampache (Suse 11):
