Root ing Motorola Droid Bioinic Smartphone
This was done using Opensuse 11.4 64 bit.
1. Download and Fully Unzip 'Droid3_Easy_Root_v7d' - LINK Droid3_Easy_Root_v7d
2. On your phone: Settings > Applications > Development > USB debugging(check box)
3. Plug phone into computer and select "Charge Only" mode
4. Navigate to wherever you extracted it and run the file ''
Will require a number of reboots. Did NOT have to run as root on the laptop/desktop when rooting the phone. Required several reboots, but if you pay attention to the scripts prompts, it works easily. Now can clear out much of the adware, and other bloat, and add apps to block many other ads embedded in many Android apps.
References: (Droid Easy Root version 7d .zip)