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Sirius XM Satellite
Just some quick thoughts, a basic review, about the experience with Sirius XM Satellite radio on the 2010 3G Prius...
P2 Error on LG Portable Air Conditioner
I had seen this error, but couldn't remember what it meant. It completely stops the A/C from running. Here is some quick information on it.
Samsung 60" 7000 series un60d7000 Tuning the broadcast antenna
The antenna tuning feature of this TV is not immediately found. Here is information on how to tune the signal for your antenna (or satellite) connection...
Install Preware on Palm Pre Smart Phone
This is archived from other sites in case they disappear. These are excellent step by step directions for getting Preware on a Palm Pre. Anyone who wants more than the basics should definitely add Preware for the full experience of what WebOS and Pre really has to offer.
The iPhone is defective by design.
"Our Advice about the iPhone is simple: it's defective by design. It deprives you of your freedom. Nobody should buy it. Nobody should write software for it." --FSF
Gentoo qmail-scanner perl suid
Recent major update of Gentoo broke my qmail-scanner install, here's the fix...
An Alternative to Plone?
Plone has been having a rash of severe, critical, security compromises to all versions the past seveal months, and even their hotfixes and newer releases have ended up regressing back into newer versions. The multiple exploits this year have been severe, and impacting all versions of Plone since at least 2.5.
The State of 4G in Spokane in 2011, T-mobile, Verizon, AT&T, Sprint
It looks unlikely that 4G will have much coverage in Spokane in 2011 for Verizon customers. T-mobile users have some spotty 4G coverage, that will hopefully improve.
Plone export, import, and bulk import of zexp files
The general consensus in trying to use zexp to export and import between different versions of Plone, is that "It's not just "not recommended" -- it doesn't work. Period." -SteveM #plone IRC. However, they are wrong, in very specific circumstances...
Making Ploneboard 2.2 run with Plone 4.1
Ploneboard 2.2 now installs on Plone 4.1 using buildout, but then the cluster won't start, causing plenty of disconnects/connects errors in client1, client2, and zeoserver log files. However, this simple hack to one line of the Ploneboard eggs code will get it working....