Transitioning to Odoo 13
So, at long last I think we have found a complete replacement for Plone. It breaks my heart that the Plone developer community has fallen apart so badly, but it has been too many years of pain since the Plone 5.x approach has continued down a path that is too far off track from previous versions and typical open source. We are migrating to Odoo 13 Community Edition.
Facerig Error on Startup: vcomp100.dll not found
Just freshly purchased and installed Facerig on Windows 10 computer, but can't start it up. Tried full reboots, uninstall, reboot, install fresh Facerig, still same error. here is the easy fix...

NWN Linux Dedicated Server Running Maintaining and Updating
Notes for running dedicated and persistent world Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition linux dedicated server.

Q4os Linux on Dell 2 in 1 XPS
Since Cent OS 7 was never able to fully support my hardware, and Cent OS 8 doesn't support any of the software I need (see the previous postings), I had to drop CentOS from laptop use. After some research I'm trying out Q4os to see if it can address both the hardware and software requirements. Here are notes on the process...

Cent OS 8 Linux on Dell XPS 2-in-1
Recently "upgraded" from Cent OS 7 on my Dell XPS 2 in 1 to Cent OS 8. This has a slew of challenges and differences from similar efforts with other distros. This page will be a capture of my notes.
Wordpress Versus Plone 5
You may have seen my various postings about the decline of Plone sine 5.x. A recent solicitation email prompted a revival of our disappointment and real issues and challenges we're dealing with as we try to find a platform to migrate to from Plone 5.x.
Django-cms on CentOS 7
Since we are trying to drop Plone and evaluate moving to Django we are evaluating various options. Centos needs extra steps to be able to install Django and Django-cms and to use it. here are some notes as guidance and reminder.
Neverwinter Nights and Cent OS 7 64 bit
Neverwinter Nights Diamond, and more recently Enhanced Edition have been compatible with Linux since 2002. However Cent OS has some issues trying to install and run. This page lists some of the issues.
centos decrypt luks "feature only available with HAL" trinity
Trouble decrypting LUKS encrypted device in Cent OS 7 using Trinity Desktop Environment (TDE). Quick notes to address.
Heartbroken about what Plone has become :-(
I have been involved with tech since the late 1970s when I first started programming. Fast-forward to the web, and content management systems and web applications, platforms, products, frameworks, etc. Plone has been a stellar solution up until the version 5.x line, and since then something seems to be going more and more "wrong" with the development and community, which breaks my heart...

Major Google Outage June 2nd 2019
Google is experiencing hours-long outages across multiple core services including Cloud Networking, Google Computer Engine, and others affecting Gmail, and other websites dependent on Google.

Linux and TDE on Dell XPS 9575 15 inch 2-in-1
Here is information on the challenges of trying to get Linux (and BSD) to run on a Dell 2-in-1 15 in. 9575 XPS laptop / tablet.
Plone 5 Cookie Session Timeout
Quick note reminder on how to set the session duration from the very short default of only around 20 minutes, to something more useful...
Postfix virtual domains and users on CentOS with mariadb Godaddy VPS Letsencrypt ssl plone 5 apache
Some notes

RPG Research, RPG Therapy, & RPG Therapeutics sites completely removed from Google Search results (Suppressed)!
I have been running my small one-person operation since the 1990s, serving about 30 or so small communities, personal projects, and several small businesses of mine (mostly non-profits). The sites generally are #1 in all search engines for their relevant keywords over the years, no SEO trickier, just honest content. All of a sudden, all of my business listings with Google have disappeared. But much worse yet, all keyword results that used to point to my 30+ various different websites have also all been completely hidden away ( "suppressed"?) from any search results by Google (while still being #1 on all the other search engines). These were a generally number one results for years, and still are on all of the other web search engines (yahoo, bing, duckduckgo, etc.), but have now zero results to all of my busiest community and business sites! And yet results to old outdated servers are all that I can get to come up in Google results now.
Open Source, like Plone, becoming too mercenary?
It seems in recent years a number of the "open source" communities have become exponentially mercenary, scaling down the core of products to try to force paid development or add ons. Plone is just one of many examples of this unfortunate trend in the open source community (which I have been a part of since the 1980s)...
Plone 5, Apache, and SSL with Lets Encrypt
Walkthrough setting up SSL using Let's Encrypt by EFF, for a setup using Apache web server front end relaying to Plone 5.
AMD GPU wx7100 Radeon on Ubuntu with Open Broadcaster Server OBS
Information on getting OBS working on Ubuntu with AMD Dell wx7100 hardware encryption acceleration.
Debian Stretch 9.5 and Trinity Desktop Environment TDE
I am sick and tired of KDE4 & KDE5 being so awful. I can't stand the totally unproductive interfaces of Gnome. I find the minimalist Desktops pitiful. By far the most productive Desktop Environment was KDE 3.5. But long dead right? Thank goodness, no, there is TDE aka Trinity to save the day! I hope. Here I will log my experiences with Trinity Desktop Environment from the beginning, and progression.
Washington State Worst Web Form Coding Ever!
I have been involved with technology since the 1970s. I just experienced the worst web form coding for a "working" online form, ever! This was at the Washington State Office of the Secretary of State, Corporations & Charities Division
Virtual Reality (VR), Role-Playing Games (RPG), Linux, Research
Research updates on using VR in 2018 for RPGs, and any options for Linux use...

Can't start Libreoffice in Parrot OS after updates
Notes on how to fix java and Libreoffice in Parrot OS if start having trouble after updates...
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